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Exclusions de la garantie
8 LÕexŽcution gratuite des travaux de rŽparation et/ou de remplacement dŽfinis aux points y relatifs qui
prŽc•dent ne sÕapplique pas si:
- aucune facture dÕachat ou quittance sur laquelle appara”t au moins la date dÕachat et lÕidentification
de lÕappareil ne peut •tre prŽsentŽe ou nÕa ŽtŽ envoyŽe avec lÕappareil ˆ rŽparer;
- IÕappareil est utilisŽ pour dÕautres buts que des buts mŽnagers pour lesquels lÕappareil a ŽtŽ con•u;
- IÕappareil nÕa pas ŽtŽ installŽ, manipulŽ, ou utilisŽ conformŽment aux indications figurant dans les
prescriptions diinstallation ou la notice dÕutilisation;
- IÕappareil a ŽtŽ rŽparŽ ou modifiŽ de fa•on inappropriŽe par des personnes non qualifiŽes.
8a Si lÕappareil a ŽtŽ encastrŽ, sous-encastrŽ, suspendu ou placŽ de mani•re telle que le temps
nŽcessaire pour son enl•vement et son encastrement prend au total plus de trente minutes, les frais
supplŽmentaires occasionnŽs seront facturŽs ˆ son propriŽtaire.
8b Les dŽtŽriorations dues ˆ un encastrement anormal rŽalisŽ avec le consentement du propriŽtaire
dÕun appareil ne peuvent pas •tre rŽclamŽes au fabricant, ni ˆ son service apr•s-vente.
8c Les dŽtŽriorations, telles que rayures, chocs ou rupture dÕŽlŽments amovibles ou dŽmontables, qui
nÕont pas ŽtŽ rapportŽes au fabricant au moment de la livraison, ne rentrent pas dans la garantie.
Avis important
Cet appareil a ŽtŽ con•u de mani•re selle que la sŽcuritŽ en soit garantie. Des rŽparations
inappropriŽes peuvent toutefois mettre ceste sŽcuritŽ en danger. Pour obtenir ceste sŽcuritŽ et pour
prŽvenir Žgalement tous dommages Žventuels, il est conseillŽ de faire exŽcuter les rŽparations
exclusivement par des personnes qui poss•dent les qualifications professionnelles requises. Nous vous
conseillons de faire exŽcuter vos reparations et/ou vos vŽrifications par votre vendeur ou par le
SERVICE ELGROEP et de nÕexiger que des pi•ces DISTRIPARTS dÕorigine.
Bergensesteenweg 719
1520 Halle (Lembeek)
DŽpannages ˆ domicile:
Tel.: 02-3630444
Fax: 02-3630400
Pi•ces detachŽes:
Tel.: 02-3630555
Fax: 02-3630500
Telex: 22915 eluxbe
7, Rue de Bitbourg
L-1273 Luxembourg-Hamm
Service apr•s vente:
Tel.: 42 43 11
Fax: 42 43 14 60
Deep-frozen or frozen food, prior to being used, can
be thawed in the refrigerator compartment or at
room temperature, depending on the time available
for this operation.
Small pieces may even be cooked still frozen,
directly from the freezer: in this case, cooking will
take longer.
Cleaning the interior
Before using the appliance for the first time, wash
the interior and all internal accessories with luke-
warm water and some neutral soap so as to remove
the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry
Do not use detergents or abrasive
powders, as these will damage the finish.
Insert the plug into the wall socket.
Open the refrigerator door and turn the thermostat
knob, clockwise, beyond the ÇOÈ (STOP) position.
The appliance will start to operate.
Temperature regulation
The temperature is automatically regulated and can
be increased to achieve a higher temperature
(warmer) by rotating the thermostat knob toward
lower settings or reduced (colder) rotating the knob
towards higher settings.
However, the exact setting should be chosen
keeping in mind that the temperature inside the
refrigerator depends on:
¥ room temperature;
¥ how often the door is opened;
¥ the quantity of food stored;
¥ location of appliance.
A medium setting is generally the most suitable.
If the ambient temperature is high or the
appliance is fully loaded, and the appliance is
set to the lowest temperatures, it may run
continuously causing frost to form on the rear
wall. In this case the dial must be set to a higher
temperature to allow automatic defrosting and
therefore reduced energy consumption.
Freezing fresh food
The 4-star compartment is suitable for
long term storage of commercially frozen food, and
for freezing fresh food. Do not exceed the storage
times shown by the manufacturer on the
commercially frozen food packets.
If the freezer has already been working for some
time, press the ambient switch at least 12 hours
before introducing the food into the freezer in order
to ensure better freezing results.
Place the food to be frozen on the upper
Do not put carbonated liquids (fizzy drinks, etc.) in
the freezing compartment as they may burst.
Water ices, if consumed immediately after removal
from the freezing compartment, can possibly cause
the skin to be freeze burnt.
Remember that, once thawed, frozen food deterio-
rates rapidly.
Storage of frozen food
When first starting-up or after a period out of use,
before putting the products in the compartment
press the ambient switch at least 12 hours before.
To obtain the best performance from this appliance,
you should:
if large quantities of food are to be stored, remove
all drawers and baskets from appliance and place
food on cooling shelves.
Pay careful attention not to exceed load limit stated
on the side of the upper section (where applicable).
If there is a power failure when food is in the
freezer, do not open the door of the freezer
compartment. The frozen food will not be
affected if the power cut is of short duration (up
to 6-8 hours) and the freezer compartment is full,
otherwise, it is recommended that the food
should be used within a short time (a
temperature increase of the frozen food
shortens its safe storage period).

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