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Elektrische aansluiting
Overtuig u ervan dat de netspanning en de
netfrequentie, die op het typeplaatje in de kast staan
aangegeven, overeenkomen met de netspan-ning
en de netfrequentie in uw woning. Een afwijking op
de netspanning tot plus of minus 6% is toegestaan.
Bij aansluiting op een andere spanning dient u een
geschikte transformator te gebruiken. De stekker
mag alleen geplaatst worden in een geaard
De kast is daarom voorzien van een speciaal drie-
aderig snoer, geschikt voor een geaard stopcontact.
Mocht het stopcontact in uw woning niet geaard zijn,
dan dient een erkend installateur het apparaat
volgens de geldende normen te aarden.
Wij wijzen u er op dat schade of letsel,
veroorzaakt door het niet voldoen aan dit
veiligheidsvoorschrift, niet onder de
verantwoordelijkheid van de fabrikant valt.
Dit apparaat voldoet aan de volgende EU-
- 87/308 EG-richtlijn van 2.6.87 met betrekking tot
de radio-ontstoring;
- 73/23 EG-richtlijn van 19/02/73 (Laagspanning)
en opeenvolgende wijzingen;
- 89/336 EG-richtlijn van 03/05/89 (Elektromagne-
tische compatibiliteit) en opeenvolgende
In het documentenzakje bevinden zich twee
afstandhouders die in de bovenste hoeken aan de
achterzijde geplaatst dienen te worden.
Steek de afstandhouders in de gaten en let erop dat
de pijl (A) staat zoals in de figuur; draai de
afstandhouders dan 45° (pijl staat verticaal) zodat ze
vast komen te zitten in Fig..
Cleaning the interior
Before using the appliance for the first time, wash
the interior and all internal accessories with luke-
warm water and some neutral soap so as to remove
the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry
Do not use detergents or abrasive
powders, as these will damage the finish.
Insert the plug into the wall socket.
Turn the thermostat knob ,clockwise, beyond the O
(STOP) position.
To stop operation, simply turn the thermostat knob to
position O.
Temperature regulation
The temperature is automatically regulated and can
be increased to achieve a higher temperature
(warmer) by rotating the thermostat knob toward
lower settings or reduced (colder) rotating the knob
towards higher settings.
However, the exact setting should be chosen
keeping in mind that the temperature inside the
refrigerator depends on:
room temperature;
how often the door is opened;
the quantity of food stored;
location of appliance.
A medium setting is generally the most suitable.
If the ambient temperature is high or the
appliance is fully loaded, and the appliance is
set to the lowest temperatures, it may run
continuously causing frost to form on the rear
wall. In this case the dial must be set to a higher
temperature to allow automatic defrosting and
therefore reduced energy consumption.
Freezing fresh food
The 4-star compartment is suitable for
long term storage of commercially frozen food, and
for freezing fresh food. Do not exceed the storage
times shown by the manufacturer on the
commercially frozen food packets.
To freeze fresh foods depress the ambient switch at
least 12 hours before introducing the food into the
freezer in order to ensure better freezing results.
Place the food to be frozen on the upper
Do not put carbonated liquids (fizzy drinks, etc.) in
the freezing compartment as they may burst.
Water ices, if consumed immediately after removal
from the freezing compartment, can possibly cause
the skin to be freeze burnt.
Remember that, once thawed, frozen food deterio-
rates rapidly.
Storage of frozen food
When first starting-up or after a period out of use,
before putting the products in the compartment
depress the ambient switch at least 12 hours before.
To obtain the best performance from this appliance,
you should:
if large quantities of food are to be stored, remove all
drawers and baskets from appliance and place food
on cooling shelves.
Pay careful attention not to exceed load limit stated
on the side of the upper section (where applicable).
If there is a power failure when food is in the
freezer, do not open the door of the freezer
compartment. The frozen food will not be
affected if the power cut is of short duration (up
to 6-8 hours) and the freezer compartment is full,
otherwise, it is recommended that the food
should be used within a short time (a
temperature increase of the frozen food shortens
its safe storage period).

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