Classified as Internal
Do you want to install the cabinet in Side By Side
Mode in a Niche?
You need at least 10 mm space between
the two appliances (i.e. the niche width
must be at least 1205 mm)
Joining Kit suggested:
902980250 for Stainless steel
902980249 for White
902980251 for Black
(the niche width at
least 1200 mm)
10 mm
(the niche width
at least 1205 mm)
Which handle has your cabinets?
(Quick Door
You need at least 5 mm space between the two
appliances (the niche width at least 1200 mm)
How much space you have?
Joining Kit 5mm strongly required
Electrolux accessory to be selected
among codes:
902980247 for Stainless steel
902980246 for White
902980248 for Black
Joining Kit 10mm suggested
Electrolux accessory to be selected
among codes:
902980250 for Stainless steel
902980249 for White
902980251 for Black
How much space you have for Free
Standing Side by Side installation ?
Do you want to install the cabinets in Side By
Side Mode?
No special kit needed
At least
1205 mm
Joining Kit 10mm suggested
Electrolux accessory to be selected
among codes:
902980250 for Stainless steel
902980249 for White
902980251 for Black
Less than
1205 mm