The robot can return to the charging station in two different ways based on
what is set in the user menu under the fi eld “Back to recharge.”
“Follow wire”. In this option, the robot follows the perimeter wire,
positioning the wheels on either side of the wire.
“Bounce on wire”. This option requires the perimeter wire to be installed
in a special way (“Recall on the wire”) in the section before the charging
station, as shown in the fi gure. The robot will run along the perimeter wire
touching it every now and again in a rebound movement until it recognises
the “Recall” to the charging station. The robot will follow the perimeter wire
in a precise way for around 10 meters (33 feet) until it encounters the
charging station.
lower 2 mt.
4-10 mt.
4-10 mt.
4-10 mt.
2 mt.
5 cm.
2 mt.
“Recall bounce on wire” not only indicates to the robot that it is near the charging station, but also of a narrow passage or of an arrow for quick re-
entry to the charging station. As soon as a “Recall” is recognised, the robot will follow the perimeter wire at a slow speed and with more precision
for around 10 meters (33 '). It will then return to the “Bounce on wire” mode if it does not encounter the charging station or the quick re-entry.
Follow these instructions for installing the “Recall.”
The “Recall” is a piece of wire that extends for 2 meters (6.6 ') in the garden, with a distance of 5 cm (1.96 ") between each wire.
The “Recall” must be positioned at least 4 to 10 meters (13.2 – 33 ') before the charging station.
The “Recall” must be positioned in the section before any narrow passages that are less than 2 meters (6.6 ') long.
The “Recall” must be positioned in the section before the “Quick Re-entry.”
NB: If the robot does not fi nd the charging station within a certain amount of time, it will follow the perimeter wire in “Follow wire”
1. Identify the installation area of the charging station and power supply-
transmitter unit.
Warning - Caution
Before carrying out any operations, disconnect the robot
from the mains power.
Position the power supply-transmitter unit in an area that
cannot be reached by children. For example, at a height
above 160 cm. (63.00 ").
current power supply unit(A)
H. min. 160 cm
(63.00 ")
2. Install the power supply-transmitter unit (A-B).
3. Remove the protection (L).
4. Position the base in the predefi ned area.
5. Insert the perimeter wire (M) under the base.
6. Connect the two ends of the wire to the terminals of the station.
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