Parameter 1 COMP 0 to 3
Parameter 2 EDGE 0, 1
Parameter 3 GAIN 1 to 8
Parameter 4 ZNR 0 to 15
Distortion with a thick, full-bodied character that is ideal for
the heavy metal genre.
Parameter 1 COMP 0 to 3
Parameter 2 EDGE 0, 1
Parameter 3 GAIN 1 to 8
Parameter 4 ZNR 0 to 15
■ Effect Module 2: Equalizer (EQ)
This effect module comprises two effect types to control the
tonal character of the sound.
This is an equalizer with independent boost/cut for the high,
medium, and low frequency range. The mid-range control is
a parametric type allowing the user to freely select the
center frequency.
Parameter 1 HI -7 to +7
Parameter 2 MID -7 to +7
Parameter 3 MID f 0 to 16
Parameter 4 LOW -7 to +7
Parameter 5 LEVEL 1 to 8
(1)HI (high range): Adjusts the high frequency range. A
value of 0 (zero) signifies flat response. The higher the
value, the stronger is the high frequency boost.
(2)MID (midrange): Adjusts the medium frequency range.
A value of 0 (zero) signifies flat response. The higher the
value, the stronger is the medium frequency boost.
(3)MID f (midrange frequency): Determines the center
frequency for cut/boost. The higher the value, the higher
is the center frequency.
(4)LOW (low range): Adjusts the low frequency range. A
value of 0 (zero) signifies flat response. The higher the
value, the stronger is the low frequency boost.
(5)LEVEL: Determines the EQ module output level.
The LEVEL parameter allows compensation for the
change in output level due to a tone boost or cut.
When HIGH, MID, and LOW are all at the flat
setting, the LEVEL setting "5" produces the same
volume as EQ OFF.
This is an auto wah effect where the emphasized frequency
range changes according to the dynamics of the input signal.
If the optional foot pedal FP01 is used, manual pedal wah is
also possible.
Parameter 1 SENS 0 to 10
Parameter 2 FREQ 1 to 64
Parameter 5 LEVEL 1 to 8
(1)SENS (sensitivity): Determines the sensitivity of the
auto wah effect. The bigger the value, the bigger the
frequency change even at low volume levels. At a setting
of 0 (zero), the frequency range emphasis acts as a fixed
bandpass filter.
(2)FREQ (frequency): Determines the reference
At a SENS setting of 0 (zero), the foot pedal FP01
acts as a pedal wah, and at other settings as a
controller which changes the auto wah sensitivity. For
details, please refer to page 19.