also go to Options > Insert symbol to select the symbol. In Smart
ABC/Smart abc/Smart Abc/Smart ES/Smart es/Smart Es/Smart
FR/Smart fr/Smart Fr mode, touch the 1 button, and select the required
symbol (common symbols). In ABC/abc/Abc/FR/fr/Fr/ES/es/Es mode,
constantly touch the 1 button till the symbol you want appears.
• Input space: Touch the space button to input a space. It does not work
in Numeric mode.
• Delete character: Touch the back button to clear a character.
• Move cursor: Among the text, touch in the position you want to move.
Note: In Messaging > Write message > Options > Input method options
> Advanced settings, you can select Auto capitalization to turn on or off the
Smart Abc/Smart Es/Smart Fr/Abc/Es/Fr mode.
Adjusting the volume
When you’re in call, listening to the song, watching movie or play
other media. You can press the Volume keys on the left side of your
phone to adjust the volume. The Volume keys can also control the