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Appendix G Legal Information
AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries User’s Guide
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Viewing Certifications
Go to www.zyxel.com to view the product’s documents and certifications.
ZyXEL Limited Warranty
ZyXEL warrants to the original end user (purchaser) that this product is free from any defects in materials or workmanship for a period of
up to two years from the date of purchase. During the warranty period, and upon proof of purchase, should the product have indications
of failure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, ZyXEL will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective products or components
without charge for either parts or labor, and to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to restore the product or components to proper
operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a new or re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal or higher value,
and will be solely at the discretion of ZyXEL. This warranty shall not apply if the product has been modified, misused, tampered with,
damaged by an act of God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions.
Repair or replacement, as provided under this warranty, is the exclusive remedy of the purchaser. This warranty is in lieu of all other
warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. ZyXEL shall in
no event be held liable for indirect or consequential damages of any kind to the purchaser.
To obtain the services of this warranty, contact ZyXEL's Service Center for your Return Material Authorization number (RMA). Products
must be returned Postage Prepaid. It is recommended that the unit be insured when shipped. Any returned products without proof of
purchase or those with an out-dated warranty will be repaired or replaced (at the discretion of ZyXEL) and the customer will be billed for
parts and labor. All repaired or replaced products will be shipped by ZyXEL to the corresponding return address, Postage Paid. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from country to country.
Register your product online to receive e-mail notices of firmware upgrades and information at www.zyxel.com for global products, or at
www.us.zyxel.com for North American products.
Regulatory Information
European Union
The following information applies if you use the product within the European Union.
Declaration of Conformity with Regard to EU Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive)
Compliance Information for 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wireless Products Relevant to the EU and Other Countries Following the EU Directive 1999/5/EC
(R&TTE Directive)
[Czech] ZyXEL tímto prohlašuje, že tento zařízení je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými
ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/EC.
[Danish] Undertegnede ZyXEL erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr udstyr overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige
relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
[German] Hiermit erklärt ZyXEL, dass sich das Gerät Ausstattung in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden
Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EU befindet.
[Estonian] Käesolevaga kinnitab ZyXEL seadme seadmed vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud
direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
English Hereby, ZyXEL declares that this equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
[Spanish] Por medio de la presente ZyXEL declara que el equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera
otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
[French] Par la présente ZyXEL déclare que l'appareil équipements est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux
autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/EC.
[Italian] Con la presente ZyXEL dichiara che questo attrezzatura è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre
disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
[Latvian] Ar šo ZyXEL deklarē, ka iekārtas atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem
[Lithuanian] Šiuo ZyXEL deklaruoja, kad šis įranga atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
[Dutch] Hierbij verklaart ZyXEL dat het toestel uitrusting in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere
relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
[Maltese] Hawnhekk, ZyXEL, jiddikjara li dan tagħmir jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn
relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.

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