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Appendix D Legal Information
NBG6617 User’s Guide
This device is restricted to indoor use only when operating in the 5150 to 5350 MHz frequency range.
National Restrictions
This product may be used in all EU countries (and other countries following the EU Directive 1999/5/EC) without any limitation except for
the countries mentioned below:
Ce produit peut être utilisé dans tous les pays de l’UE (et dans tous les pays ayant transposés la directive 1999/5/CE) sans aucune
limitation, excepté pour les pays mentionnés ci-dessous:
Questo prodotto è utilizzabile in tutte i paesi EU (ed in tutti gli altri paesi che seguono le direttiva 1999/5/EC) senza nessuna limitazione,
eccetto per i paesii menzionati di seguito:
Das Produkt kann in allen EU Staaten ohne Einschränkungen eingesetzt werden (sowie in anderen Staaten die der Richtlinie 1999/5/CE
folgen) mit Außnahme der folgenden aufgeführten Staaten:
In the majority of the EU and other European countries, the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands have been made available for the use of wireless
local area networks (LANs). Later in this document you will find an overview of countries in which additional restrictions or requirements
or both are applicable.
The requirements for any country may evolve. ZyXEL recommends that you check with the local authorities for the latest status of their
national regulations for both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless LANs.
The following countries have restrictions and/or requirements in addition to those given in the table labeled “Overview of Regulatory
Requirements for Wireless LANs”:.
The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) must be notified of any outdoor wireless link having a range
exceeding 300 meters. Please check http://www.bipt.be for more details.
Draadloze verbindingen voor buitengebruik en met een reikwijdte van meer dan 300 meter dienen aangemeld te worden bij het Belgisch
Instituut voor postdiensten en telecommunicatie (BIPT). Zie http://www.bipt.be voor meer gegevens.
Les liaisons sans fil pour une utilisation en extérieur d’une distance supérieure à 300 mètres doivent être notifiées à l’Institut Belge des
services Postaux et des Télécommunications (IBPT). Visitez http://www.ibpt.be pour de plus amples détails.
In Denmark, the band 5150 - 5350 MHz is also allowed for outdoor usage.
I Danmark må frekvensbåndet 5150 - 5350 også anvendes udendørs.
This product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation Table for Italy. Unless
this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner's property, its use requires a “general authorization.” Please
check http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ for more details.
Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano Nazionale di ripartizione delle frequenze in
Italia. Se non viene installato all 'interno del proprio fondo, l'utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LAN richiede una “Autorizzazione Generale”.
Consultare http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/ per maggiori dettagli.
The outdoor usage of the 2.4 GHz band requires an authorization from the Electronic Communications Office. Please check http://
www.esd.lv for more details.
2.4 GHz frekvenèu joslas izmantoðanai ârpus telpâm nepiecieðama atïauja no Elektronisko sakaru direkcijas. Vairâk informâcijas: http://
1. Although Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not EU member states, the EU Directive 1999/5/EC has also been implemented in
those countries.
2. The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in EIRP. The EIRP level (in dBm) of a device can be calculated by adding
the gain of the antenna used(specified in dBi) to the output power available at the connector (specified in dBm).
ZyXEL týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenia spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/EC.
ZyXEL izjavlja, da je ta oprema v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/EC.
ZyXEL vakuuttaa täten että laitteet tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien
direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Härmed intygar ZyXEL att denna utrustning står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga
relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Erklærer herved ZyXEL at dette utstyret er I samsvar med de grunnleggende kravene og andre relevante
bestemmelser I direktiv 1999/5/EF.

Brauchen Sie Hilfe? Stellen Sie Ihre Frage.


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