Activate JavaScript in your browser
Internet Explorer >> Tools >> Internet options >> Security
1. Highlight the symbol Internet and click on the button Custom level.
2. Activate the option field Activate under active Scripting and click on the button OK.
3. Close the dialogue Internet options by clicking on the button OK.
Configure your computer to fetch dynamic IP addresses.
START >> Control panel >> Network connections
1. Click with the right-hand mouse button on LAN connection and select the entry properties from the context
2. Ensure that the control box Internet protocol (TCP/IP) is activated on the register general.
3. Highlight Internet protocol (TCP/IP) and click on the button Properties.
4. Activate the following option field on the register General:
■ Obtain IP address automatically
■ Obtain DNS Server address automatically
5. Click on the button OK to store the configuration. You could possibly be requested to reboot your computer.
Identifying your computer's IP address.
START >> Programs >> accessories >> command prompt
1. Enter ipconfig in the window and confirm your entry with ENTER. The IP address issued must be between and or in the IP address range set by you
(see also "Configure DHCP Server" on page 38).
2. Reboot your computer and the XSBOxR4v if this isn't the case.