You can immediately make phone calls once an analogue telephone has been connected to the XSBoxR4v and the PIN
has been entered. This section describes the use of telephone functions.
Note: XSBoxR4v does not support fax machines
1. Pick up the telephone receiver.
The device checks the GSM signal strength. The signal strength is shown by the bar indicator on the
XSBoxR4v's display. You will here a dial tone if the signal is good.
2. Enter the desired telephone number in the usual way.
Note: The telephone connected to XSBoxR4v must support dual tone multi frequency (DTMF).
Activate SIM card
1. Pick up the telephone receiver.
2. Please enter PIN appears on the display and you can hear an broken dial tone.
3. Press the
#-key, enter your PIN, and confirm with the #-key.
4. Should the PIN entered be correct, you will hear a confirmation tone and the time, date and network
signal strength bars will appear on the display.
5. Should the PIN entered be incorrect, you will hear a warning tone and the following hint will appear on the
wrong PIN. X attempts left
6. Ring off.
Note: Should the SIM card PIN be entered wrongly three times, then the SIM card will be blocked for your security. The SIM card can
be unblocked by entering the PUK (Personal Unblocking Key). You will have received both the PIN and the PUK with your mo-
bile contract.
Unblocking SIM card
1. Pick up telephone receiver.
2. Please enter PUK appears on the display and you will hear a broken dial tone.
3. Press
#, your PUK, *, your new PIN, #.