Auto Tone preset adjustments ........................349
The art of creating Develop presets ...................349
Creating a new Develop preset .......................350
Understanding how presets work .....................351
Preventing preset contamination .....................352
Resetting the develop preset settings ..................355
Creating default camera develop settings
...................... 356
5 The art of black and white ......................359
Black-and-white conversions ......................................... 360
Black-and-white Develop controls
............................. 360
Black-and-white conversion options
........................... 362
How not to convert .................................362
Temperature slider conversions
................................ 364
Manual black-and-white adjustments
.......................... 366
Black-and-white infrared effect
................................ 369
Fine-tuning black-and-white images
.................................. 372
Split Toning panel
............................................. 372
Split-toning a color image ...........................374
HSL panel: Desaturated color adjustments
..................... 376
The HSL black-and-white method .....................377
Camera Calibration adjustments ......................377
6 Sharpening and noise reduction ...........381
Capture sharpen for a sharp start .................................... 382
Improved Lightroom raw image processing
.................... 383
Output sharpening
............................................ 385
Default Detail panel settings .........................385
Sharpen preset settings
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Sharpen – Faces ....................................386
Sharpen – Scenic ...................................387
Sample sharpening image
..................................... 388
Evaluate at a 1:1 view
......................................... 389
Luminance targeted sharpening
............................... 389
The sharpening effect sliders
.................................. 389
Amount slider ......................................390
Radius slider .......................................392
The modifying controls
........................................ 394