Keeping metadata private ...........................608
Synonyms: The hidden keywords .....................609
Applying and managing existing keywords .............610
Auto-complete options ..............................610
Removing keywords ................................612
Keyword hierarchy .................................612
Keyword filtering ...................................613
Importing and exporting keyword hierarchies ..........613
Implied keywords ...................................614
Keyword suggestions ...............................615
Keyword sets ......................................616
Creating your own custom keyword sets ...............617
The Painter tool
............................................... 618
Photo filtering and searches
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
Filtering photos in the catalog
................................. 621
Three ways you can filter the catalog ..................622
Filtering photos via the Filmstrip ......................623
Adding folders as favorites ...........................624
Filtering flagged photos .............................624
Filtering options ....................................624
Creating refined color label selections via the Filmstrip ...624
Color label filtering .................................625
Virtual copy and master copy filtering .................627
Subfolder filtering
............................................ 628
Making filtered image selections
.............................. 629
Filter bar
...................................................... 630
The Filter bar layout ................................631
Text filter searches
............................................ 631
Search rules ........................................632
Combined search rules ..............................633
Fine-tuned text searches .............................633
Attribute filter searches
....................................... 634
Metadata filter searches
....................................... 634
Metadata filter options .............................635
Metadata filter categories ...........................636
Locating missing photos
....................................... 637
Custom filter settings
.......................................... 638
Empty field searches ................................638
No content searches ................................639
Advanced searches .................................641
Publishing photos via Lightroom
.............................. 643
Saving and reading metadata
................................. 647