The Adyen Mobile Payment Pages
1 The Adyen Mobile Payment Pages
The Adyen Mobile Payment Pages (MPP) provide a flexible, secure and easy way to allow customers to pay for
goods or services on the Mobile device. Exactly as the Adyen Hosted Payment Pages offer for eCommerce
sites. When a shopper needs to pay to complete an order they will be transferred from your mobile application
to the Adyen MPP where the customer will perform the payment. The customer is then directed back to your
mobile application along with the result of the payment.
The Adyen Mobile Payment Pages use a redirect (web-based) model, because implementing an international
mobile payment screen requires a lot of implementation work for each individual merchant, there are various
security aspects that need to be covered and specific implementations often limit the flexibility.An example of
limited flexibility is for instance when adding new payment methods. This can be done via a press of a button
in the Adyen platform, while it would require significant implementation in a native application.
Because the Mobile world is an incredible fast pacing industry, Adyen has implemented the payment screen
and is maintaining this for all it's merchants. This is done in close cooperation with the payment method
providers and various mobile companies. Adyen merchants can benefit via one easy implementation of the
most feature rich mobile payment solution in the market.
In order to integrate seamlessly into your application the MPP is fully customisable in look and feel. We refer
to a set of look-and-feel customisations as a “Skin”, and each one consists of a set of custom HTML/JavaScript
fragments, images and CSS style sheets. Next to some specifics guidelines for using Skins in the Adyen MPP
environment in this manual, creation and management of skins is covered in the Skin Creation Manual.
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