Providing the Personal Shopper Information
2 Providing the Personal Shopper Information
For the first step the Merchant has to submit additional data to the Hosted Payment Pages (HPPs) along with
the normal payment setup. If the optional additional data is not submitted the shopper can enter this on the
HPPs. If it is submitted it will pre-populated.
Address Data
Supplying the billing address is described in the “Billing Address Pre-Population and AVS” section of the
Adyen Merchant Integration Manual. Set the billingAddressType to 2. This makes sure the shopper will not
alter the information communicated between the merchant and Adyen.
Besides the billing address, the delivery address is also a mandatory field for the open invoice payment
method. The delivery address is populated in a similar fashion - substitute deliveryAddress for billingAddress
for each of the fields described in Adyen Merchant Integration Manual. The deliveryAddressType is appended
to the merchant signature just after the billingAddressType.
Additional Required Fields
For open invoice the following previously optional fields are required:
● shopperReference
An ID that uniquely refers to the shopper (e.g. a customer ID in a shopping cart system).
● shopperEmail
The email address of the shopper.
For validation and fraud management reasons the shopper has to enter the following fields when paying with
open invoice on the hosted payment pages:
name, gender, date of birth, bank account number and mobile/cell phone number
Figure 1: Screenshot of the OpenInvoice Input Fields
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