EN - Instruction on mounting and use
Closely follow the inst ructions set out in this manual. All responsibility,
for any e ventual inc onvenien ces, damages or fires c aused by no t complying
with the instruct ions in this man ual, is decline d. The extract or hood has bee n
designed excl usively for domesti c use.
WARNING! Do not connect the appliance to the mains until the in stallation is
fully complete .
Before any cleanin g or maintenance ope ration, disconn ect hood from the
mains by removin g the plug or disc onnecting the mains el ectrical sup ply.
Always wear work glov es for all instal lation and maintena nce operations.
The appliance is n ot intended for u se by children or p ersons with im paired
physical, se nsorial or men tal faculties , or if lacking in ex perience or
knowledge, u nless they are under supe rvision or ha ve been trai ned in the
use of the applian ce by a person re sponsible f or their safety.
This applianc e is design ed to be ope rated by adul ts, children should be
monitored to ensu re that they do not pla y with the applian ce.
This applianc e is design ed to be ope rated by adul ts. Chil dren should not be
allowed to tampe r with the con trols or play with the applianc e.
Never use the hood wit hout effectivel y mounted grati ng!
The hood must NEVER be used as a suppo rt surface unless specifically
The premises w here the applian ce is instal led must be suf ficiently ve ntilated,
when the kitch en hood is used together with other gas combustion devices
or other fuels.
The ducting syst em for this appl iance must not be connected t o any existi ng
ventilation sy stem which is being us ed for any other pu rpose such as
discharging exh aust fumes from appli ances burning gas o r other fuels.
The flaming of foods b eneath the hood it self is severel y prohibited.
The use of expose d flames is detriment al to the filters a nd may cause a fire
risk, and must the refore be avoided in al l circumstances.
Any fryin g must be do ne with care in order to make sure that the oil do es not
overheat and igni te.
Accessible part s of the hoo d may became h ot when used wit h cooking
With regards to the t echnical and saf ety measures to be ado pted for fume
discharging it is important t o closely follow the re gulations provide d by the
authorised auth orities.
The hood must be reg ularly cle aned on both the i nside and outside (AT
This must be compl eted in accordance with the maintenanc e instructio ns
provided in th is manual). Failur e to follow the instructions p rovided in this
user guide regardin g the cleaning of the h ood and filters will lead to the risk
of fires.
Do not use or leav e the hood with out the lamp cor rectly mounted du e to the
possible risk of electric shock s.
We will not accep t any respons ibility for any fau lts, damage or fires caused
to the applianc e as a result of the non-obse rvance of the inst ructions
included in this man ual.
This applia nce is marked according to the European directive 2002/96/EC on
Waste Electrical and Electronic E quipment (WE EE). By ensuri ng this produ ct
is disposed of c orrectly, you will he lp prevent potential n egative
consequences f or the en vironment a nd human heal th, which c ould otherwis e
be caused by inap propriate waste h andling of this p roduct.
The symbol
on the produc t, or on the do cument s accompa nying the
product, indi cates that this applia nce may not be treated as household
waste. Instead i t should be taken to t he appropriate col lection point f or the
recycling of electrical and electroni c equipment . Disposal m ust be carri ed out
in accordanc e with local env ironmental reg ulations for was te disposal.
The hood is design ed to be used either for ex hausting
or filter ve rsion
The minimum distan ce between th e supporting surface for t he cooking
equipment on the hob a nd the lowest part of t he range hoo d must be not
less than 5 0cm from elec tric cookers and 65cm from g as or mixe d cookers.
If the instru ctions for inst allation for th e gas hob s pecify a greate r distance,
this must be ad hered to.
The mains power suppl y must corresp ond to the rating i ndicated on the plate
situated insid e the hood. If provided wi th a plug c onnect the hood to a sock et
in compliance with cu rrent regulatio ns and position ed in an accessibl e area,
after installa tion. If it not fitted with a plug (direc t mains connection) or if the
plug is not lo cated in an acc essible are a, after inst allation, appl y a double
pole switch in accord ance with standar ds which assur es the complete
disconnection of the mains unde r conditions rel ating to over -current categ ory
III, in accor dance with insta llation instr uctions.
Warning! Before re-connecting th e hood circuit to t he mains supply and
checking the eff icient function, always check that the mains cable i s correctly
The hood is fit ted with a control pan el with aspiratio n speed select ion control
and a ligh t switch to co ntrol cooking area lights.
Use the high sucti on speed in cases of concentrated ki tchen vapours. It is
recommended th at the cooker hood suction is switched on for 5 minutes
prior to cookin g and to leave in o peration duri ng cooking an d for another 1 5
minutes approxim ately after termin ating cooking.
ATTENTION! Before performing any maintenanc e operatio n, isolate the
hood from the elect rical supply by switchi ng off at t he connector and
removing the conne ctor fuse.
Or if the appl iance has been connected t hrough a plug and socket, then the
plug must be remov ed from the socket.
The cooker hood should be cleane d regularly ( at least with the same
frequency with which you carr y out mainten ance of the fat filte rs) intern ally
and externally. Cl ean using the cloth dam pened with neut ral liquid
detergent. Do not use abrasive pro ducts. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL!
WARNING: Failu re to carry out the b asic cleaning recommendations of the
cooker hood and r eplacement of t he filters may ca use fire risks.
Therefor e, we recomme nd oservi ng these ins tructions.
The manufactur er declines a ll responsibility for any dama ge to the moto r or
any fire damage l inked to inap propriate m aintenance or f ailure to ob serve
the above safety recommen dations.
Grease filter - Fig. 11
The grease filter must be cleaned once a month using non ag gressive
detergents, ei ther by han d or in the di shwasher, w hich must be set to a low
temperature and a short cycle. W hen washed i n a dishwashe r, the grease
filter may disc olour slightly, b ut this does no t affect its filter ing capacity.
Charcoal filter (f ilter version only) - Fig. 1 0
Type 20 LONG LIFE - Washable activate d charcoal filter
The charcoal fi lter can be washed onc e every two months u sing hot water
and a suitable det ergent, or in a dis hwasher at 65° C (if the dishwashe r is
used, select the f ull cycle functi on and leave dishe s out).
Eliminate excess wat er without damagi ng the filt er, then remove the
mattress locate d inside the plast ic frame and put it in the oven for 10 mi nutes
at 100° C to dry complet ely. Replace the mattr ess every 3 years and wh en
the cloth is damage d.
Type 15 - NON-washabl e activated cha rcoal filter
The saturation of the activated cha rcoal occurs after more or less p rolonged
use, dependi ng on the type of cooking and t he regulari ty of cleaning of the
grease fil ter. In any case i t is necessary to replace the ca rtridge at lea st
every four mounths. T he carbon fil ter may NOT be washed or rege nerated.
Replacing lamps
Disconnect the ho od from the electrici ty.
Warning! Pr ior to touchi ng the light b ulbs ensure they are c ooled down.
Changed the damage d bulb using ex clusively 40W max (E1 4) olive bulbs.