Managing Users of the Company
T o add a user to the company, log into the Dashboar d
and click on the user management icon in the left
menu, and then click on the “Add a User ” bar a t
the top of the page. Enter the user’s name, email
address, and select whether they will have manager or
employee privileges and click on the green check er
to the right. (Managers can add and r emove users and
monitors whereas employees ar e restricted fr om these
operations.) The user will r eceive an invitation link at
the email address enter ed. T he user must click on this
invitation link and will be taken to a webpage to cr eate
their account. T o modify or delete a user click on the
“ ... ” menu to the right of their name and select “ edit” or
“ delete” . In the edit page, the user’ s name and phone
number can be modied. Additionally , professional
certications/licenses can be added or modied her e.
Managing Report T emplates
F or your convenience, we have included ready-to-use
report templa tes which can be used as is, duplicated,
or customized to suit your needs!
T o manage your templates, log into the Dashboard
and click on the report templa tes icon in the left
menu. T o add a new template, click on the “ Add a
New T emplate” bar a t the top of the page. Name the
template and add a description and then click on
the green checkmark. In the menus on the right are
information blocks which you can add to the template.
These blocks can be added multiple times, and in any
order you choose. T o see what your template will look
like, click on the “P r eview” button at the top of the
page. Changes ar e saved as you make them. Once all
changes are complete, and the template is r eady for
use, click on “P ublish” . Y ou may also use the ‘’duplicate’’
featur e to create additional templa tes.
Generating a R eport in the Dashboar d
Once a radon test dataset has been uploaded to
the Dashboard it can be accessed by clicking on the
datasets icon in the left menu. A list of all datasets in
the Dashboard is pr esented, and a specic da taset
can be located using the sear ch eld. T o generate a
report, click on the da taset name and then click on
the “Generate R eport” button at the top of the screen.
F ollow the prompts to set various options for the nal
radon repor t. T hese options will vary based on the
information blocks that ar e included in the selected
report templa te. T hese options can include information
about motion events that occurred during the
measurement, selecting a dynamic paragr aph option
(dynamic paragraphs ar e typically used to inform the
client of the recommended actions regarding the
overall radon aver age), and signing the r eport.
The mobile app is used for initiating and concluding
radon tests, and can also be used to view dataset
information, and generate r adon reports in the eld.
Downloading the App
• iPhone and iP ad: Go to the Apple App S tore and
search for C orentium P ro.
• Android phones and tablets: Go to Google Play and
search for C orentium P ro.
Logging into the Mobile App
The rst time the mobile app is opened a login scr een
is presented. Enter the same login credentials that you
crea ted to access the P ro Dashboard.
Connecting to Cor entium Pr o
T o connect to a radon monitor , fr om the home screen of
the app, simply tap on the monitor you wish to connect
to. Monitors will be listed in one of four sections:
1. P ending Monitors
2. Monitors in R ange
3. Monitors Out of Range
4. Ne arby Monitors Not Registered to This Company
Monitors under section 1 are ones which have been
added through the Dashboar d and are awaiting
conrmation to be added to the company . Simply tap
on the monitors in this section to conrm adding them
to the company . Monitors under section 2 ar e those
which have been added to the company and are in
Bluetooth range and can be connected to. Monitors
under section 3 are those which ar e register ed to the
company and have datasets cached on the mobile
device, but ar e not nearby. These cached da tasets can
still be accessed to generate a r eport even when the
monitor is not in range. Please note that this is cached
data only and does not allow for live, remote access to
the monitor . Monitors under section 4 ar e nearby and
are not accessible, either because they have not been
added to the company yet through the Dashboar d, or
because they are r egistered to another company .
The pr oper monitor can be identied by the serial
number on the monitor , which is also listed in the
app. Additionally, the monitor can be identied by a
custom nickname assigned to the monitor through
the Dashboard. The monitor will beep once, and the
blue light will ash once to conrm the connection and
help you identify that you are connecting to the corr ect
monitor . The app will begin transferring the da taset
information from the monitor to the mobile device.
Recent datasets ar e stored locally on the mobile device.
Corentium P ro, like all radon testing devices, must be
placed and used in accordance with all radon testing
protocols r equired by the jurisdiction wher e the radon
test is taking place.
Note: This information is not e xhaustive, and does not
contain any protocol or requir ements for placement of
the monitor . Ple ase become familiar with, and comply
with all regulations and r equirements of your jurisdiction.
Scheduling a Radon T est
T o start a radon test, connect to a monitor as described
in the Connecting to Cor entium Pr o section. If the
monitor is available to use for a radon test, a green
button that says “Star t T est ” will be seen at the bottom
of the screen, tap on this but ton to begin the scheduling
process. Y ou will be prompted to enter some mandatory
information while the rest ar e optional.
Airthings recommends a minimum 48-hour
measurement dur ation and 4 hours delay for all short-
term radon tests. Radon tests should terminate in
24-hour increments to better account for day-to-night
uctuations of indoor radon concentrations.
Once all information about the proper ty has been
entered in the various elds spr ead across sever al
pages, as indica ted at the top of the screen, tap the
“Start ” button a t the bottom of the last scheduling
page. The monitor will beep, and the lights will ash for
approxima tely 45 seconds as the monitor reboots and
performs self-tests. The monitor will beep again, and if
a delay was used, the gr een light will ash rapidly, once
per second, to indica te that the radon test has been
successfully scheduled. If no delay was scheduled the
green light will ash once every 5 seconds to indicate
that the monitor is currently r ecording information.
Finalizing a Da taset
Once a radon test is complete, connect to the monitor.
After the datasets have loaded, locate the proper
dataset and tap on “Finalize Da taset” , her e you can
add any photos to the dataset, such as a building
footprint diagram, or a photo showing that the
monitor was indeed placed at the proper ty. Y ou can
also add comments about deviations from pr otocol,
such as the monitor being moved, or if it could not be
placed according to pr otocol, and the r eason for this
placement. Additionally, you can add comments about
temporary conditions, such as extreme weather which
may have affected the measur ement, or temporary
radon reduction me asures in place.
Once the photos and comments are added, or if you