2. Safety Precautions, Operation, Servecing and Cleaning (general) 2
2.1 Trailer (generel) 2
2.2 Coupling Head 3
2.3 Overrun Assembly 4
2.4 Axles 6
2.5 Electrical connection of the lighting system 7
2.6 Wheel and tyre 8
2.7 Jockey Wheel 8
2.7.1 Jockey Wheel 8
2.7.2 Tipping the jockey wheel 9
2.8 Winch 10
2.9 Wheel wedge 11
2.10 Ramps (i.c.m. supports) 11
2.11 Charging the trailer 14
3. Mounting the mudgards 14
4. Mounting the Wheel and Tyre (option) 15
5. Mounting the shock absorber (option) 17
6. Using accessoiries (option): 18
6.1 Front and Tailgate (option) 18
6.2 Wheel stop (option) 19
7. Spare parts 19
1 Introduction
Dear customer,
We congratulate you on purchasing a trailer with the brand Anssems. However, in the interests of safety, before using your trailer it is most important
that you familairize yourself with the operation of the trailer.
If there are any questions about the operation instructions please contact your dealer. Also for servecing and selling from accessories please contact
your dealer. For more information you can fill in the informationformulaire at our website. www.anssems.eu
Please note
It is possible that the pictures in this operation instructions are not the same than the delivered trailer
When we are talking about left, right, for and behind, we mean that you are standing behind the trailer.
2 Safety Precautions, Operation, Servicing and Cleaning (general)
2.1 Trailer (general)
•No welding is permitted on the hot galvalised parts.
Other materials (like aluminium and cables) could be infuence, hereby there is a change on lasting damaging or remodelling.
•There is a permit allowing the trailer to be used on roads in your country. This means that the vehicle has been formally offered to the inspection
authority in your country for approval when your trailer was manufactured in our factory. No modifications of any kind (for example different
lighting, wheel rims/tyres or coupling or the addition of an accessory not provided when the vehicle leaves our factory, and due to which the mass
and dimensions may change), may be made.
•Maintenance and cleaning of hot-dip galvanised parts of the vehicle:
The formation of white rust is only a cosmetic fault. The following measures may be taken to avoid this to the extent possible:
•Ensure that there is sufficient air circulation when parking and in connection with the storage of hot-dip galvanised components.
•After driving in winter, the hot-dip galvanised surfaces may be cleaned with clean water in connection with salt/brine (for example using
steam jets).
•For the safety instructions, operation, maintenance and cleaning of trailer component, please refer to items further discussed below, which apply
to your trailer.
•Check whether driving with the trailer is officially allowed. Can the towing vehicle drive with the trailer, and does your driving licence permit you to
drive the combination?
•Ensure conformity with the applicable laws relating to what the load may or may not consist of (such as hazardous substances and passengers).
Hallo, welche Höhe sollte der Kugelkopf idealerweise beim AMT 2500 340x180x18 haben? Gibt es die Möglichkeit einen Mover bei dem Model anzubauen, wenn möglich welches Modell würde sich dazu eignen? Vielen Dank im Voraus Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gregor Riegel
Eingereicht am 11-1-202314:34
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