•Always ensure that the coupling head is properly connected to the towing vehiclis towball every time you couple up. If not coupled up correctly the
trailer may become detachted from the towing vehicle and cause an accident!
•Maximum possible articulation of the coupling head must not exceed +/- 25° vertically and +/- 20° horizontally. If exceeded, components will be
overloaded and the operation of the assembly adversely affected.
Maintain articulation angle at +/- 25° (vertically Fig. 1) Maintain articulation angle at +/-20° horizontally (Fig. 1) Caution: If the articulation angle is
exceed, components will be overloaded. The function is no longer ensured!
•Coupling Up:
Open coupling head. To do this pull the coupling handle up (Fig. 2/1) in the direction of the arrow. The coupling mechanism had fixed open position, i.e.
as long ad the coupling head is not placed on the ball the coupling handle will remain open.
Put the open coupling on the ball of the towing vehicle. The nose load on the coupling head automatically and audibly clics into position. In the interests
of safety press the handle down by hand as well (Fig. 2/1). Locking and securing takes place automatically.
The coupling ball is correctly connected when the green cylinder of the safety indicator is visible when the trailer coupling is viewed from the side (Fig.
2/2). The coupling mechanism is correctly engaged when the coupling handle can no longer be pressed down by hand.
Caution: When the coupling head is not correctly hitched onto the towball then the trailer can become disconnected from the towing vehicle.
Lift coupling handle fully and remove the coupling head from the towball of the towing vehicle. Where there are higher nose loads, coupling and
uncoupling can be made easier bu use of the jockey wheel.
•Wear indicator:
A wear indicator on the coupling head (Fig. 3) shows whether the wear limit of the towing vehicle’s towball or the trailing coupling has been reached or
not. For this purpose hitch up the trailer to the towing vehicle (see Coupling Up) and drive the car and trailer approx. 500m. This will set the coupling
head adjustment. Following this check wear as follows: If the green indicator is visible on the coupling head with the coupling engaged (see Fig. 3/2)
the coupling head is in a new condition or the wear on the towball is within permissible limits.
When the green indicator on the coupling handle is completely covered over and only the red indicator visible (Fig. 3/1) this could be caused by the
•The towball has reached the lowest wear limit of dia. 49
•Both coupling head and the towball are showing sings of wear
•Towball is in a new condition with dia. 50 but the coupling head is showing an excessive level of wear
Caution: Under these cicumstances the coupling head can become detached from the coupling ball and the trailer break away from the
towing vehicle! The coupling head and towball must therefore be checked immediately befor future use! Any fauly parts must be changed
immediately!All maintenace word must be carried out by specialist workshops.
Servicing and Cleaning:
Clean towball coupling. Lightly grease, or oil ball socket, jonts and bearing points as appropriate.
Hallo, welche Höhe sollte der Kugelkopf idealerweise beim AMT 2500 340x180x18 haben? Gibt es die Möglichkeit einen Mover bei dem Model anzubauen, wenn möglich welches Modell würde sich dazu eignen? Vielen Dank im Voraus Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gregor Riegel
Eingereicht am 11-1-202314:34
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