Displays and edits the user's favourite POIs.
Pop-up category
Pop-up - in this category, groups of frequently used POIs can be created for easy access.
Last used
Last used - this category contains the most recently used POIs.
Notebook category
This special POI "Notebook" category, coupled with the "(BP) Add to POI" function in the MENU | Settings|
Buttons, enables the user to save a new POI with a single tap of a hardware button or a screen button.
In this option, you can manage the POIs you have defined or
added to the system.
The POI are displayed in the form of a list, composed of a
category icon, as well as the name and description of the POI. A
map square to the left means that the POI will be displayed on
the map. POI can be filtered by name (by entering part of that
name or description in the "Name" field) or by category (by
selecting one category of POI after tapping the option "Any").
After selecting a category, you can easily delete selected POIs,
as the category icon disappears, only to be replaced with a
recycle bin. After clicking the icon, you can select any point to
be deleted. After selecting POIs for deleting, click the Delete
button and Delete selected. (You can also select all points in
the chosen category, by selecting Delete, then Select All.)
Management, part 2
Use the File button to make the basic operations on the file containing POI (or actually on a set of files with extensions
.amp, .ampdata and .ampdesc).
Menu header contains information on the currently loaded file.
Load default file loads the default file (i.e. default.amp, default.ampdesc and default.ampdata files from the "Data Files"
folder of the profile currently in use).
New – creates a new empty POI file by providing its name and localization. Note! For devices running Windows CE,
we suggest creating files on the memory card.
Open – loads a different existing POI file.
Save As– makes a copy of the currently loaded file and saves it under a new name and/or in a new file folder.
Add From – loads POI from a selected file to the currently loaded one, simultaneously turning on the map display of POI
contained in the file.
Import – loads POI from files in formats supported by older AutoMapa versions (version 3 - .uam, version 4 -.poi,
.poipts) or from a text file (.csv format). During the POI import, the system will ask the user whether it should create a
separate file for imported POI. Selecting "No" causes the points to be added to the currently loaded POI file, while
selecting "Yes" results in the creation of a new POI file in the same folder as the imported file.
Tapping any point on the lists opens the pop-up menu which apart from the commands detailed above, also contains an
"Edit..." option. By editing a point, you can change its category, name and description.
The user can edit and delete POI or import them as files obtained from other AutoMapa users or websites (such as
The screen is used for selecting POI categories that are interesting to the user and for selecting the nature of "warning" of
such a POI. For details about this option, refer to section POI Warnings.
Option available only in "Expert" mode. Access to this menu requires registration in the Miplo.pl service. MiploSync
allows for additional updating of a POI file that is independent of the synchronization cycle specified during the
configuration of the MiploSync application.