Over view of pr ogram mes a refer to the table of consumption values on page 8 and notes on page 6.
Programm es °C max.
T y pe of laund ry
Additional func tions; information
resistentes/algo d.
frio ( cold),
40, 60, 90 ° C
7 kg
Hard-wea ring fabrics, hea t-resistant fab rics made of co t-
ton or linen
]cen trif., f lot (no spin)
resistentes/algo d. e xtra
(cottons extra)
60 °C
resistentes/algo d. + prelav .
(cottons + prewash)
sintéticos ( easy-care )
frio ( cold),
40, 60 °C
3 kg
Easy-c are fabrics made of cotton, linen, synthetic fibres
or blend ed fabrics
]cen trif., f lot (no spin)
delicado ( delicates) frio ( cold)
2 kg
For delicate, wa shable fabri cs, e.g. made o f silk , satin,
synthet ic f ibres or blended fabrics (e.g. curtains)
]cen trif., f lot (no spin);
No spin betw een rinse cycle s
ÿ l ana/lã (wool) frio ( cold), 30 °C
Handä or machine-wash able fabrics made of wool or con-
taining wo ol
Particularly g entle wash progr amme to prevent
shrinkage o f la undry. Longer pro gramme breaks ( f ab-
rics rest in the detergent so lution)
Additional progra mmes 5 plus (rin se), (spin), 4 plus (empty)
P rogr ammes without prew ash - add deter gent to comp a rtment II , programmes wit h prewash - di stribute the detergent between comp artments I and II
depend ing on mode l).
0311 / 90 00658854
3TS70121 A ...
Balay Electro g eräte Gm bH
Carlä Wery Str. 3 4
81739 Munich / Alemani a
Sa fety ins truc tions
– Read the i nstruction m anual a nd installation instructions and a ll o ther information enclosed
with the washing ma chine and a ct according ly.
– Retain the docume nts for subseque nt use.
Risk of el ectric sh ock – Never pull the cable to disconne ct the mains p lug.
– Never insert/disconn ect the ma ins plug with d amp hands.
Danger to life For worn -out applianc es:
– Discon nect the m ains plug.
– Sev er the mains c able and dis card along with the plug.
– Des troy the lo ck on the washing machin e door. This will pre vent
ch ildren from locki ng themselve s in and riskin g their lives.
Danger o f suffoca tion – Keep packagin g, film and packaging pa rts out of the reac h of
child ren.
Risk of po isoning – Keep d etergents a nd care pro ducts out of the reach of c hildren.
Risk of ex plosion – Items of laundry p retreated with cle aning agents containing
solve nts, e.g. stain re mover/clean ing solvent ma y cause an
explo sion after bein g loaded into the washin g machine.
Rinse items of laundr y thoroughly by hand bef orehand.
Risk of in jury – Th e washing m achine doo r can become v ery hot.
– Be carefu l when draini ng hot deterge nt solution .
– Do no t climb onto the washing ma chine.
– Do no t lean on the ope n washing mac hine doo r.
– Do not reach into the drum if i t is st ill rotating.
– Be care ful wh en o penin g th e de tergent drawer while th e machine
is in operation.
Co nsu mpt ion valu es depend ing on m odel
Programm e Load Electricity* ** Water***
durat ion
resisten tes/algod. (cotton s) 40 °C* 7 kg 0,8 5 kWh 65 l 02:25 h
resisten tes/algod . (cottons) 60 °C* 7 kg 1,40 kWh 65 l 02 : 40 h
resisten tes/algod . (cottons) 90 °C 7 kg 2,10 kWh 70 l 02 : 40 h
sintéti cos (easy-car e) 40 °C* 3 kg 0,5 5 kWh 48 l 01:15 h
delica do (delicates ) frío (cold) 2 kg 0,28 kWh 48 l 00:44 h
ÿ lana /lã (wool) 30 °C 2 kg 0,2 0 kWh 32 l 00 : 53 h
* Pro g ramme s etting for testing in accordance with valid standa rd EN60456.
Note on com parative tests: Fo r testing the test pro grammes, wash the specified lo a d u sing the maximum spin speed
depe nding on mod el) .
Programm e Load
Annual en er g y
Annual wate r
resisten tes/algod. (cotton s) 40 °C** /
resisten tes/algod. extra (cottons extra ) 60 °C**
7/3kg 219 kWh 10900 l
** Programme s etting for testing and energy labelling i n accordan ce with EU directive 20 10/30/EU with co ld water (15 ºC).
*** Th e values deviate from the ind icated values depending on wat er pressure, hard ness, and inlet tem perature, amb ient tem-
perature, typ e, amount and soili ng of the laun dry, detergent used, f luctu ations in the power supply and selected additi onal
functions .
Car e
Befor e w ash ing fo r the fir st time
Do not load any l aundry into the m achine. Tu rn on the tap. A dd the foll owing to
com partment II :
– ap prox. 1 litre wa ter
– de tergent (do sage according to the m anufacturer's in structions for ligh t soiling and the
appropria te degree of wa ter hardnes s)
Set the programme selector to sintét icos (e asy-care) 60 °C and select inicio (start ). At
the e nd of the prog ramme, turn th e programm e selector to stop (off) .
Ma chin e hou sing, con trol pan el
– W ipe with a soft, d amp cloth.
– Do n ot use any abrasive clot hs, scourers or c leaning agen ts (stainless stee l cleane rs).
– Re move detergen t and cle aning agent re sidue immedia tely.
– Do not clean with a jet of water.
Clean ing t he dete rgen t d rawe r . ..
...if it contains d etergent or fabr ic softener residues .
1. Pull o ut, press in sert down, remov e draw co mpletely.
2. To remove the inse rt: press the inse rt upward s from below with your
finger .
3. Cle an the detergent dispenser tray an d inser t with water and a b rush and
dr y it.
4. Attac h the insert and engage (c onnect the c ylinder to the guide pin).
5. Push in the de tergent draw er.
Leave th e detergen t drawer op en so tha t any residual wat er can
evap orate.
Dru m
Leave th e washin g machine doo r open so t ha t the d rum can dry ou t.
Rust stains - use c hlorine-free c leaning agen t, not steel woo l.
De scal ing Ensure th ere is no laundr y in the mach ine
Des cale t he applianc e a ccording to the d escal er m anufacturer 's i nstruction s. Th is s hould not
be nec essary if the correct dosag e of detergen t is used.
Infor mat ion to ind icato r ligh ts
Indicato r lights for st atus displays an d/or button s flash:
Indicato r lights
c(rins e) a nd
þü(wa sh) f lash
Close th e washing m achine door properly; laund ry may be ca ught.
Indicato r lights
c(spin ) a nd
þü(wa sh) fl ash
Open th e tap comple tely, supp ly hose kink ed or trapped;
Clea n the filter a p age 10, Water pr essure too lo w.
Indicato r lights
c(spin ) a nd
c(rins e) f lash
Deter gent solution pump blocke d; Clean the d etergent solu tion pump
a pag e 10.
Drainage h ose/waste p ipe blocke d; Clean t he drainage hose at the
sipho n a page 10.
Indicato r light
c(rins e) f lashes
Motor f aul t. Call the afte r-sales servic e.
All indi cator lights flash Turn off the ta p and call th e after-sale s service.
– R isk of e lectric shock . Disconne ct the mains plug .
– R isk of e xplosion. No solven ts.
1 0
Mai ntena nce
D eterg ent soluti on p ump
Tur n the programm e selector to stop (off) and disconn e ct th e mains plug .
1. Ope n and remove the serv ice flap.
2. For model s wi th a drainage hose : Remove the d rainag e hose from the retainer and pull it
from t he housing. Rem ove the contain er.
Remove t he sealing ca p, allow the deter gent solution to flow out.
Rep lace the sealing c ap and place th e drainage hos e i n the re tainer.
2* For models without a drainage hose: Ca refully unscrew the pump cov er until the
deterg ent s oluti on begins to flow out. When the service flap is half full, close the pump cover
and empty the service fla p. Repeat the abo ve steps until all the detergent solu tion has
complet ely drained out.
3. Carefully unscrew t he pump cover (resid ual water).
4. Cle a n the interior, pump c over thread a nd pump housing (t he impeller in the detergent
solutio n pump must ro tate).
5. Rep lace the pump co v er an d screw it in pl a ce tightly.
6. Plac e the service flap back o n and close.
To pr event unused det ergent from flowing s traight into the drain during th e next wash: Pou r 1 litre of water in to
comp artment II and start the 4 pl us (empty) pr ogramme.
D rainag e hose at the sipho n
Tur n the programm e selector to stop (off) and disconn e ct th e mains plug .
1. Loo sen the hose c la m p, carefully remove th e drainage hose (r esidual water).
2. Cle a n the drainage hose and siphon co nnecting piece.
3. Rea ttach the drainag e hose and secu re the connec tion with the hose cla mp.
Filte r in the wat er su pp ly
Red uce the water pres sure in the supp ly hose:
1. Turn o ff the tap.
2. Select an y programme ( except for (spin), 4 plus (empt y)).
3. Select ini cio ( start ). Let the pro g ramme run for appro ximately 40 second s.
4. Turn th e programm e selector to stop (off) . Disconn ect the mains plug.
Cle a n th e filter:
1. Depend ing on model:
Dis connect the hose from the tap.
Cle a n the filter using a sma ll brush.
and/ or for Standar d a nd Aqua-Secur e models:
Remove t he hose on the rear of the ap p lianc e,
Remo ve the filter with pliers and clean .
2. Con nect the hose an d check for leaks.
– R isk of scalding.
Allow th e detergent solutio n to cool do wn.
– T urn off the tap.
1 1
Wh at to do if...
Wa ter is lea king out. – Att ach/replace the draina ge hos e correctl y.
– Tighte n the sc rew conne ction of the supp ly hose.
No water su pply.
Dete rgent n ot dispense d.
– ini cio (start) not sel ected?
– Tap not turned on?
– Filter b locked? Cl ean th e filter a page 10.
– Supply hose ki nked or tra pped?
Wa shing machi ne door cannot
be opened.
– Safety fu nction active. Wa it appro x. 2 minu tes.
– flot (no spin) (without final spin ) selec ted? a page 3, 4.
Pro gramm e does not start. – ini cio (start) selected?
– Washin g machi ne door closed?
Dete rgent sol ution is n ot
drai ned.
– flot (no spin) (without final spin ) selec ted? a page 3, 4.
– Clean the dete rgent sol ution pump a page 10.
– Clean the was te pipe an d/or drain age hose .
Wa ter not v isibl e in the drum. – No t a fault - w ater be low the vi s ib le area.
Uns atisfa c to ry spin re sult.
La undry wet/t oo dam p.
– Not a fault - the unba lanced-loa d detection system has c anc elled the spin cycle
becau se of unev en distribut ion of the laun dry.
Distribu te smal l and larg e items o f laundry evenly ins ide the d rum.
– Too low a speed selected? a page 5 .
Sp in cycle p erformed several
tim es.
– Not a f ault - unb alanced load dete ction sy stem adjust s the imb alance.
R esidual wa ter in the
com partme nt for care
pro ducts.
– Not a f ault - the ac tion o f the care product is not affe cted.
– Clean t he insert if neces sary a page 9.
Odo ur forma tion in the washing
ma chine.
– Run p rogramme resistentes/ algod . (cottons ) 90 °C w ithout la undry. Use
stand ard deterge nt.
Foam escap ing from th e
det ergent dra wer.
– Too mu ch deterge nt used?
If foam is escap ing from t h e detergent drawer:
Mix 1 ta blespoo n of fabr ic softener with ½ litr e of wate r and pou r into
compart ment I
I (no t with outdoo r or dow n fabric s).
– Reduce the dete rgent do sage for the next wa sh cycle.
Inte nse noi s e formation,
vibrat ions a n d “wa lking” during
the s pin cyc le.
– Are the a pplianc e feet fixed ?
Secure the appl iance feet a I n stallation instruc tions.
– Transpo rtation safety dev ices remo ved?
Remov e the trans portation safety devices a Ins tallation instructions .
Nois es during spin an d drain
cy cles.
– Clean d etergent-so lution pump a page 10
The indicato r lights do not
func tion duri ng operat ion.
– Power c ut?
– Fuse s trip ped? Re set/change the fus e.
– If the f ault occur s repeatedl y, call the after-s ales servi ce.
Pro gramm e sequence longer
than usua l.
– Not a fault - unbalance d load detec tion syst em adjusts imbalance by re p eatedly
distrib uting the laundry.
– Not a f ault - foam detection system active - adds an addit ional rin se cycle.
Dete rgent res idues on the
lau ndry.
– Occas ionally, pho sphate -free deterge nts cont ain water- insolub le resid ues.
– Select 5 plu s (rinse) or brush out the laundry after washing .
If y ou cannot correct a fault y ourself (sw itching on/off) or a repair is require d:
– Turn th e progra mme sele ctor to stop (off) and remove the main s plug from the soc ket.
– Turn off the wat er supply and cal l the after-sa les service a Ins tallation in struction s.
Instruc tion manua l
Wash ing
ma chine
Observe t he safety ins t ruc tions on page 8!
Read these instructions and the s eparate
installation in structions be fore operating
the washi ng machine.