Bef ore switch ing your Be efEater ou tdo or display fridge on
for the firs t time, read the information in this use r manu al
ca r efu ll y . This man ual c ontai n s im port ant i nform ation
r elatin g to the assembl y, o p eratio n and main t ena nce of the
app lian ce .
Please keep this bo oklet in a safe place f or fut ur e r efer enc e.
If y ou e ver s ell your Bee fEa ter outdoor disp lay fridge, hand
this user manual to the new owner .
The ma nufacture doe s no t accept r esponsi bility f or an y
damage s t h at may arise d ue to non-observ atio n of these
instru ction s. The u s er is liabl e f or a ny ma t erial da mag e
or b odily inju ry (pr oduct lia b ility) c ause by u sin g the
r efri gera tor car el es sly or faili ng to follow ins tructions .
• Do no t use damaged appliance . If you are in any doubt,
consul t a suit ably qualifie d te chnician.
• Connect ion and installat ion of your Bee fEate r outdoor
dis play f ridg e ar e to b e carried out i n s trict complian c e
with th e ins tructions i n this manual.
• For safety , t he applian ce mus t be properly ear thed in
acc or dan c e w ith sp ecific ations
• Do not damage any par ts of t he app liance which c arry
r efrig erant by pier cing , p erf orating, crushing , t wis ting o r
scra pin g. If the refrigerant c omes into c ontact with the
eyes, i t may cause seri ous e ye inju ry .
• Always reme mber t o un plug t he ap pliance bef or e
cl ean ing. Never un plug your ap plian ce by pulli ng on the
pow er cab le. Al way s grip plug firm ly and p ull s traigh t
out from t he sock et. A lway s c heck that t he plug and
cab le are und amaged .
• All r epa irs mus t be carri ed out by a q uali fied technic ian .
Inadequat e r epai rs may be dang erous. Nev e r try to
r epair th e ou tdoor dis play fridge you rself .
• Should the c over of the in terior light or fan fall off or
break , sw itch the outd oor display fridg e off immed iat el y
and r epla ce the co ver .
• Ensure y our chosen l ocation has a fla t and stabl e
surf ace. The unit may be level ed by turning e ith er o r
both of the ad ju sta ble feet in t he front c orners. Check
the unit is level us ing a spi rit level.
• Do no t obstruct or cover the vent ilat ion ap e rtur e.
• Ma ke su re t her e is a sui tab le pow er Outl et (240 volts ,
10 amp s outl et) wit h pr oper g rounding to pow er the
r efrig erat or .
Dis posal of Ol d Ap p lian c es
Be sur e to make any locks u nusable, r emo ve any doo r(s) and
dis c ar d sepa rat ely .
Chemi cal hazar d: do n ot a l low childr en to play with the
old a pplian c e.
Cont act your lo cal authority for disposal p r ocedur es.
Do not positi on this appli ance wi th i ts r ear panel dir ectl y
against a wall. For goo d circulat io n and op erati ng eff icien cy,
the vent ilat ion gri lle s must never be blocked.
Remove all pac kag ing and place the BeefEate r outd oor
display fridge on a st able, secure fla t surface. Po siti on the
BeefEa ter outdo or displ ay fri dge away f rom heat sou rces,
where the unit is wel l-ven til ated and prote cted from
moist ure , or extremes of heat or co ld. The outd oor display
fridg e may not function properly if th e ambi en t temp eratu re
rises above 40° for prolo nged periods of time .
When installed in a Be ef Eater Outd oor Kitchen, ensure the
vents b ehin d the ou tdoo r dis pla y fridge are clear, c le an and
not obstructed fro m the oth er side , su ch th at air circ ulation
is ena bled.
Do not use an extension le ad. If the main s cable will not
reach the nearest socket, ei ther re arrange yo ur installati on
layo ut or ask a qualifie d electricia n to fit a new socket.
If pow er is cut off, wait for at least 5 min s before plugging
the uni t in again to avoid da maging the comp ressor .
Do not place co mbustible, ex plo si ve or vo lati le art icles,
corrosi ve acid or alka li, or liquid in gla ss co ntainers into the
BeefEa ter outdo or displ ay fri dge. A lwa ys ex ercise caution if
adju stin g the te mperature.
All ow th e outdo or d isplay fridge t o stand s till an d uprigh t fo r
8 h o urs be f or e pluggi n g it in t o th e pow e r .
Pr eparat i on
Pos ition t he Shelf-Suppor ts insid e the r acks on the s id es as
illu s trat ed be l ow, at you r r equired l evel, and t hen place the
shel ves fi rml y on the su pports.
The max i mum load f or a sh elf is 40k g.
NOTE: check that th e r efrig era tor is fun ction ing co rrectly
bef or e inst allin g sh el ves an d f illing it .
Cl eaning
1. Unplug your Bee fEater outd oor di splay fridge fr om
pow er sou r ce and remove any it ems from i nside. It is
best t o pla ce t hese temporar il y in anoth er r efr ige rat or .
2. Wash the inner compartme nt with war m water and
neut ral mild det er gent. DO NOT all ow th e control panel,
ca bles or plug to get we t.
Bef or e d isposing of an ol d app lianc e, make sure i t i s
swit ched off and saf e. Unplug the ap plianc e and break any
l ocks in o r der to av oid becoming tr app ed.
NOTE: r efr ige ration system contains g as and refr igerants
which r equi re sp eci alise d waste disposal. Some vulner abl e
materials i n a r efr ige ra tor can be re cyc led .Contact y our
l ocal waste disposal depot for proper disp osal of an old
applianc e and cont act your l ocal au thor ity or d ea ler i f y ou
have any questi ons.
Please ensu re t he cooli ng syst ems an d tub e s of y our
refrigerator are not d amaged pri or to di sposal.
You c an con tribute to environment al awa renes s by ins is tin g
on an appropriat e non - pollut ing method of disposal.
Dispo sal of P ackag in g
Do not a llow childr en to play wit h the packag ing , and
disp ose of p las tic bags safe l y .
The c ar dboa rd may be br oken or cut in to small er piec es
and recycled. Any wr apping c over i s made of pol yethylene.
The po ly ethy lene pad s and pa ddin g cont ain no fluor ochl oric
hydr ocar bons, an d as such are most suit able fo r ad equa t e
recy cling.
R600a refriger ant w a rnin g
This app lianc e cont ains flammab le R600a refrige rant. A vo id
saf ety ha zards b y ca refully installing , handling , se r vici ng and
dis posin g of t his appli anc e.
• Ensure that the tubing of the r efrig eran t circuit is not
damag ed during t ranspor tation and in s tallation .
• Leaking refrigerant may c ause eye inju r ies o r ign i te.
• The room for inst alling applianc e mu st be at l east 1m3
per 8g of refr iger ant . Th e amount of refri gerant in the
applianc e can be found on the r ating plat e insi de the
appliance .
• If you are unsure of the refr iger ant check the rati n g
pla te inside the refrigerat or comp artment .
• It is a hazardous fo r ever yone othe r than an Authorise d
Servic e Person t o service this applianc e. In
• Keep ventilation ope nings in the a pplianc e en closure or
in the built- in structu r e, clear of obstr uction.
• Do not use mechan ical dev ices or o t her means t o
acc el erat e the d ef r osting pr oc es s, o t her than thos e
r ecommen de d by the manu facture r .
NEVER u se c orrosive det erg ents, wir e bla s ters, or abrasive
sc our ers to c lean your BeefEate r outdo or display fridge.
NEVER u se me tal or s harp impl eme nts to sc ra pe any part of
the fridge.
3. Dry all surfa ce tho roughly .
4. To e nsur e t rouble-free oper ation the cond ense r should
be cleane d ev ery thr ee months whe re appr opriate using
a vacuum hose . The c ondenser i s lo cat ed behind lower
grill of the cab inet. In ex ceptionally dus ty
It is r ecommende d tha t a reas around the condense r ar e
cleaned mo r e of ten .
5. Use mild soapy wat er to cl ean th e gas ket and seals
around the d oo r .
6. The external surfaces of the fridg e can b e cleaned wi th
war m wa t er and m ild d e ter gent , or w ith a suitab le
Stainle ss -St eel c l eaning ma terial.