14 15X3 2 C OMP ACT DIG IT AL MIXER Quick Start G uide
X3 2 C OMP A C T DIGI T A L MIXER Getting S tar ted
(E N) Get ting Star ted ( ES ) Puesta en m archa
Star tup a nd Shutd own, and Up date:
We recommend sw itching the X 32 C OMP ACT mixer
on rs t, andshut tin g it o last w hen any sound
sys tem is connec ted. T his will prevent th e possibili ty
of any unex pec ted nois es being tr ansmit ted dur ing
the st ar tup/shutdown proce ss.
The Set up scre en’ s general p refere nce page conta ins
a Safe Mai n Levels func tion. W hen ac tivated,
theconso le automatic ally mutes the m ain LRC
levels when bo oting the cons ole. It also prevent s
any scene loadin g from a ec ting (i.e. turning up)
Synchroniz ation and S ample Rate se tt ings for t he
console c an be adjus ted on the S etup/Cong page,
but pleas e note that sam ple rate change s will
requir e a reboot of t he console. When you s ee a red
square indi cation at t he top sec tio n of the main
display , please ver if y if the s ynch ronizat ion set ting s
on Set up/C ong make sens e (see sec tio n 3 ).
If the cons ole has been u sed by some one else,
andyou fee l unsure abou t its sp ecic r outing s tatus,
you can re set the X 32 C OMP ACT to def ault set ti ngs in
t wo convenient ways:
• While the cons ole is boot ing and the “ X32”
logoapp ears on th e scre en, press and ho ld
the Scene s/Undo bu tton u ntil the cons ole
is fully o peratio nal and the Home s creen is
displayed. Thecons ole will now be in t he same
sta te as it was when shi pped f rom the f ac tor y .
However , youc an immed iately rever t to the
sta tus the cons ole was in when b eing swi tched o
the last t ime by pressi ng the Scene s/Undo but ton
• Y o u can also re set the co nsole any time af te r
booti ng by pressing S etup/Cong, then Init ialize
NOTE: Initializin g the consol e does not
automatic ally erase t he cur rent show data or
any store d scenes. Ifyou w ish to clear all scene s,
please us e the ‘Init ialize All Show Data’ option o n
Setup/C ongpage.
In order to pr event any error s by losing power
during a s tore ope ration, we recomm end
using the “S afeShutdow n” func tion f rom t he
Setup/ Globalpage .
NOTE: The X 3 2 COMP AC T can be loc ked against
unintended u se by ac tivatin g ‘Lock Conso le’ fro m
the Se tup/Global page. In this s tate the UI wi ll not
allow any changes to be ma de and the display shows
“X” . Keep H OME depress ed for ab out 5s to unlock t he
X32 again.
The X32 rmware c an easily be u pdated by
per forming the following steps:
• Downloa d the new conso le rmware f rom the
X32 COMP ACTpr oduc t page on to the root level of
a USB thumb drive
• Plug the USB thumb dri ve into the top panel USB
connec tor whi le the console i s turne d o
• Hold the USB View bu tto n depress ed while
swi tching the cons ole on. While bo oting,
theX 3 2 COMP AC T willrun a f ully automatic
rmware up date, whichwill take 2- 3 minutes
longer than the regular boot sequence
When no upda te le is available on the USB drive,
orwhen it i s corrup ted, the update mo de will remain
ac tive, preventing th e X32 from b ooting re gularly.
Switch the cons ole o and bac k on witho ut holding
the USB View but ton to bo ot the conso le with the
exis ting rmware.
CAUTION: Please do not b lock the f an openin g on the
bot tom of the X 32 C OMP ACT cabi net! The large slow-
turnin g fan is bar ely audible, but i t is still wor king.
Speci cally wh en mounting t he X32 COMP ACT in
a road c ase, please ens ure there is su cient spa ce
undern eath to allow for so me air ow .
A 48K
Resum en oper ativo de l a mesa d e mezcl as
¡Bienvenido al Manual de pue sta en ma rcha
de la mes a de mezclas dig ital X 32 C OMP AC T!
En este do cumento le of recem os un resum en
de las oper aciones b ásicas de e sta m esa de
mezclas p ara que pue da poner se en marcha
con ella rápidame nte. Mientras va leyend o este
documento, l e recomendamos que experimente
con las dist intas pa ntallas y contr oles de la conso la.
El inter face de u suario de es ta conso la ha sido
diseñado p ara ser e xt remadamente f ácil en cuanto
a navegación y apr endizaje. Además de e ste
manual de pues ta en marc ha, dispone tam bién de
un manual de ins trucci ones en inglé s disponible
como che ro PDF desc argable a tr avés de nuest ra
página web be hringer.com.
Funcionami ento general del interface
El inter face de u suario del X 32 C OMP ACT est á
dividido en cinco secciones princip ales:
(1) Banda de c anal y monitor izac ión
( 2 ) Canales d e entrada
( 3 ) Pantalla
( 4 ) Canales pr incipales/grupo/bus
( 5 ) Grupos de anulación/ escenas/asignación
Funcio namie nto de los b otones V iew
En disti ntos puntos de l panel supe rior de la cons ola
encontrará unos pequeños botones marcados
como View. Pulse estos b otones par a hacer que la
gran pant alla a color de la cons ola ( conocida co mo
Pantalla princip al) pase a mos trarle inf ormación
relaciona da con la secció n cuyo botón Vi ew acabe
de pulsar.
Por ejemplo, si est á realizand o una edició n del
ecualiz ador y le inter esa tener una i magen mayor
de la cur va de re spues ta de f recu encia del EQ
o del valor de l paráme tro EQ corr espondi ente,
simplemente pu lse el botón Vi ew adyacente a la
secci ón EQ. Sinecesita ver icar d ónde es tá siendo
rut ada la señal de moni toriz ación, simplemente
pulse el b otón View que es tá cerc a del mando
Phones Level y lo s detalles d el ruteo ap arecerán e n la
pantalla princ ipal.
Con las opci ones que le of rece e ste botón
View, práctic amente se e limina la necesidad
de ir pas ando por di stint as páginas de m enú,
dadoque los b otones View si empre le llevarán a
la pantallane cesar ia.
Consejo: La pe staña S etup/Global de la p antalla
princ ipal le per mite ajust ar las pref erencias de
compor t amiento de los boto nes View y Se lec t.
iPad App f or X32 COMP ACT
Many func tio ns of the X 3 2 COMP AC T console c an
be remotel y controlle d by a dedicate d iPad app.
Detai ls about the ap p’ s download, se tup and
operat ion are includ ed in a sep arate user manual
available for dow nload f rom the X 32 C OMP AC T
produc t page.
The app’s User Interf ace is optimi zed for the
touchsc reen nat ure of the iPad dev ice and provide s
many usef ul remote feat ures of t he console.
Using the app, you can pe r form f unc tions suc h
as adjus ting monito r mixes fr om the st age while
interac ting with musicians, or adjustin g the front-of-
house mi x from t he audience, while hear ing the mix
exac tly a s the audience do es.
Windows-based application and Linux /
OS X appl icat ion fo r X32 COMP AC T
Also oer ed is a sepa rate remote edi tor running
onhost com puter s that will allow for com plete edi ting
control o f the X32 COMP ACT v ia Etherne t. Detai ls of
the remote e ditor ’ s downloa d, setup and o peration
are include d in a separate user manual available fo r
download f rom th e X32 COMP ACT pro duc t page.
Check o ut behri nger .com for mor e inform ation.
Tip: The X 3 2 COMP AC T remote communic ation is
OSC -b ased (open sound cont rol) and we will share
the proto col on our websi te, allowing developer s
to design th eir own contro l sof t ware. Stay tuned to
behrin ger .com for det ails on the OSC pr otocol.
X- USB c a r d
The X-USB card allows tr ansmission of up to
32channels to and fro m a connec ted comp uter .
Pleasedown load the X-USB driver s and
Quick Star t Gui de fro m behringe r .com before
connec ting t he mixer to your compu ter .
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