12 13X E N Y X QX12 02U S B / QX10 02 US B Quick Star t Guide
X E N Y X Q X 1 2 02US B/Q X 1 0 02U S B Co n t r o l s
(E N) Step 2: C ontrols
This chapter d escrib es the vari ous control el ements
of your mix ing console. All contro ls, switche s and
connec tor s will be discu ssed in det ail.
(1) MIC – Each m ono input channe l oers a
balanced mic rophone inp ut via the XLR
connec tor and also f eatures s witchable
+4 8V phantom power suppl y for condense r
microphones. The XENY X preamps provide
undis torte d and noisef ree gain as is t ypic ally
known onl y from cos tly outb oard preamp s.
( 2 ) LINE IN – Each mon o input also feat ures
a balanced line in put on a ¼ " co nnec tor .
Unbalanced dev ices ( mono jac ks) can also be
connec ted to the se input s. Please rememb er
that you can o nly use eithe r the microph one
or the line inp ut of a channel at any one t ime.
Y o u can never use b oth simultane ously!
( 3 ) GAIN – Use the GAIN cont rol to adjus t the
input gain. Th is control shoul d always be
turned f ully counter clock wise whenever you
connec t or disco nnec t a signal source to one
of the inpu ts.
( 4 ) EQ – All mono input chann els include a
3-band e qualizer . All bands prov ide boos t
or cut of u p to 1 5 dB. In th e central posit ion,
theequali zer is inact ive.
( 5 ) LOW CUT – In addi tion, the mono chann els
are equip ped wit h a steep LOW CUT
lter desig ned to eliminate unwanted
low-fre quenc y signalcomponent s.
( 6 ) FX – FX sends enable you to f eed signals via
a variable co ntrol f rom one or more c hannels
and sum the se signals to a bus. Thebu s
appear s at the console ’ s F X send out put
and can b e fed fr om there to an ex ternal
ee ct s device. The retu rn fro m the eec t s
unit is then b rought bac k into the console
on the s tereo channels. E ach FX s end is
mono and fea tures up to + 1 5 dB gain. In the
QX1 0 02 USB/QX 1 202 USB , the F X send is route d
direc tly to the built -in eec ts process or .
T omake sure that the e ec ts pro cessor
receives an i nput signal, youshouldn’t tur n
this contr ol all the way to the lef t (-∞ ).
( 7 ) PAN – The P AN control d etermines t he
posit ion of the channel si gnal within
the ster eo image. This contr ol feature s a
const ant-power charac teristi c, whichmeans
the signal is alw ays maintained at a
const ant level, irrespe ct ive of position i n the
stere opanorama.
( 8 ) LEVEL – T he LEVEL contro l determine s the
level of the cha nnel signal in the main mi x.
( 9 ) CLIP – The CLIP LED’s of the mono channels
illuminate when th e input signal is dri ven
too high, whic h could cause di stor tion. Ifthis
happens, us e the GAIN control to r educe
the preamp le vel until the LED doe s not
lightanymor e.
( 10 ) LINE IN – Eac h stereo c hannel has t wo
balanced line le vel inputs on ¼" jacks fo r lef t
and right c hannels. If only the j ack marked “L ”
(lef t) is used, the c hannel operate s in mono.
The ster eo channels are de signed to handle
t ypical line level si gnals. Both inpu ts will also
accept unbalanced jack s.
( 11 ) FX – The F X sends of th e stereo cha nnels
func tion si milar to those of the m ono
channels. However, since the FX send b uses
are both mo no, a mono sum is rs t taken from
the ster eo input be fore it is s ent to the FX bus .
( 12 ) BAL – The BAL(ANCE) control de termines th e
levels of lef t and r ight input signals re lative
to each other b efore b oth signals are then
routed to t he main stere o mix bus. If a channe l
is operate d in mono via the le f t line input,
this contr ol has the sam e func tion as the PAN
control u sed in the mo no channels.
( 13 ) + 4 / -10 – The ste reo input s of the XENY X
QX1 0 02 USB and QX1 202US B have an
input sen sitivity switch which select s
bet ween +4dBu an d - 1 0dBV . At - 10 dBV
(home -recordi ng level) , the input is m ore
sensiti ve ( r equires le ss level to drive it) than at
+4 dBu (stu dio level) .
(14) F X TO MAIN – The FX TO MAIN contro l feeds
the e ect s signal into the mai n mix. If the
control i s turned all t he way counterclock wise,
no ee ct s signal is pres ent in the sum signal of
the mixi ng console.
(15) F X SEND – The FX SEND connec tor out puts
the signal you pic ked up fro m the individual
channels using t he FX contr ols. Y o u can
connec t this to the in put of an ex ternal
ee ct s device in orde r to process the F X bus’
master sig nal. Once an eec t s mix is created,
thepro cessed signal c an then be ro uted
fro m the eec t s device outp uts bac k into a
stere oinput.
(16) PHONES/CONT ROL ROOM – The ster eo
PHONES jac k ( at t he top of the conne ctor
panel) is where you connect headphones.
Theunbalance d CTRL RO OM OUT jacks
car ry th e summed ee ct s and main mix
signals, aswell as so loed channel sig nals.
ThePHONES/CONTROL ROOM cont rol adjus ts
the level of bo th headphone s and main
monitor outputs.
( 17 ) MAIN MI X – The MAIN OUT conne ctor s are
unbalanced m ono jack s. The main mix signal
appear s here at a level of 0 dBu. Th e MAIN MIX
fader a djust s the volume of thes eoutput s.
( 18 ) CD/ T APE IN PUT – The CD/T APE INPUT s
are use d to bring an ex ternal sig nal source
( e.g.CD player , tape d eck, etc . ) i nto the
console. Theyc an also be use d as a standa rd
stere o line input, so t he output of a s econd
can be co nnec ted.
( 19 ) CD/ T APE OUTPUT – The se connec tors ar e
wired i n parallel wit h the MAIN OUT and car ry
the main mix sig nal ( un balanced). C onnec tthe
CD/T APE OUTPUT to the input s of your
record ing device. The out put level is adjus ted
via the high -prec ision MAIN MIX fader.
but ton route s US B/2- Track playback to
( 21 ) USB/2- TR TO MAIN MIX but ton routes
USB/2 - T r ack playback to M AIN MIX and mutes
the 2- TR O UT /USB reco rding signal.
( 22 ) FX TO CTRL ROOM – If you wa nt to monitor
only the F X send signal in your h eadphones
or monito r speaker(s ), press the F X TO CTRL
swi tch. This mutes the mai n mix signal while
routi ng the FX SEND out put to the monito r(s ).
( 23 ) +48 V – T he +48 V LED ligh ts up when
phantom power is on. T he PHANTOM switch
ac tivates the p hantom power supply on t he
XLR connec tor s of all mono channels .
( 24 ) POWER – The POWER LED indic ates that the
console is p owered on.
( 25 ) LEVEL INDICATOR – The high-pr ecision
4-s egment display accu rately displays the
relevant sig nal level.
( 26 ) SIGNAL and CLIP LED – The SIGNAL LED on
the e ect s module show s the presen ce of a
signal whos e level is high enough. T his LED
should always b e on. However , make sure
that the CLIP LED light s up only spor adically.
If it is lit cons tantly, you are overdrivi ng the
ee ct s process or , w hich leads to unpleas ant
distor tio n. If this occur s, turn the F X controls
down somewhat.
( 27 ) PROGR AM – Th e PROGRAM cont rol has t wo
func tion s: by turning the PROGR AM contro l,
you dial the numb er of an eec t. The nu mber
of the pre set you jus t dialed up blink s in the
display . T o conrm your s elec tion, press t he
PROGRA M control; the blink ing stops.
( 28 ) COMP – This kno b adjust s the amount of
compres sion eec t on th e channel.
( 29 ) PHANTOM – Press this b utton to s end +4 8V
of phantom power to t he XLR input s for use
with condenser microphones.
(30) USB CONNEC TOR C onnec t your mixer to a
computer usi ng a standar d US B cable.
( 31 ) AC POWER IN – Connec t the includ ed power
cable here.
The mixer c annot be bus-p owered via USB.
Alwaysuse t he included p ower adapter to supply
power to the mixer.