13.3. Security settings
Security settings can be changed in this menu, so the
appropriate settings, the device or the SIM card can not be used.
SIM Security
To change the SIM card and phone security settings, in the menu
mode, go to Settings > Security Settings. To set the codes for the
SIM card, select PIN, then press Select (Left soft key). Within the
menu item you can choose from the following options:
To switch the PIN code on / off: Press OK or Left softkey (On / Off)
to activate or deactivate. Enter the PIN code to activate the SIM
PIN. If the PIN request is activated, every time you turn on the
PIN, you must enter the PIN code. For more information, contact
your service provider. Note: If you enter a PIN incorrectly three
times, the SIM card will be locked, which can be solved by
entering the PUK code. PUK code prevents PIN blocking. The PIN
and PUK codes are contained in a SIM card package; otherwise
contact your service provider.
To change the PIN code: This menu item allows you to change the
PIN code and enter the new code twice; after you enter the old
code that displays the message on the display. The code must
consist of 4 to 8 digits. PIN code request can only be changed if
PIN code request is active.
Phone security
Press OK to lock Phone Lock on or off, the current status is
displayed at the end of the line.
To activate the phone lock, you must enter the phone password.
If this feature is active, the phone password must be entered
every time you turn it on.
Note: The default phone password is "1234". Please change this
to a unique code as soon as possible. The specified code may
consist of 4 to 8 digits.