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Itis recommend that yourun a washcycle with the
dish washer empty an d the n remov e th e plu gfrom the
socket, turn o ff t he wa ter supp ly and l eave the door of
t he appl ia n c e sl i ghtly open. T h is wil l help t he door
seals to last longer andprevent odours fromforming
within the appliance.
If th e app lian ce m ust be move d, t ry to keep it in the
vertical position. If absolutely necessary, it can be
positi oned on its back.
dishwasher is f ood th at re mains tr app ed in the seals .
Periodic clea ning with a damp sponge will p reve nt t his
f r o m occurr ing.
Aft er ever y wash, turn off the w ater sup ply t o th e
applia nce and leave the do or s li ght ly op en so th at
m oisture a nd odou rs a re no t tra ppe d in side.
Befo re cleaning or performi ng mainten ance, always
remove the p lug from t he socket.
Toclean theexterior andrubber parts of thedishwasher,
do not use solventsor abrasive cleaning products.
O nly u se a clo th w ith warm so apy wat e r.
To rem ov e sp ots o r st ains f rom the sur face of t he
interior, use a cloth da mp ened withwater ana little
v inega r, o r a c lean ing pro duct mad e sp eci fical ly for
After Every Wash
Remove the Plug
No Sol vent s or Ab rasive C leani ng
Mov ing the Ap plia nce
When not in Use for a LongTime
Ensu re the voltage and fr equency o f the p ower be ing cor respond s to
t hose on the ratin g plate. On ly in sert the plug i nto an elec trica l so cke t which is ea rthed
pr op erly. I f the electri cal socket t o wh ich the a ppl ianc e must be c onne cte d is not
appropriate fortheplug, replace the socket, ratherthan using a adaptors or the like as
they could cause overheating andburns.
Plea se look at th e ra ting lab el to know the rat ing v oltage and con nect t he dishwash er to the app ropr iate pow er suppl y.
Use the required fuse 1 0 amp , tim e de lay fuse or c ircui t bre ake r rec ommend ed and prov ide sepa rate circ uit s ervi ng
only this appl ianc e.
This appliance must be earthed. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, earthing will reduce the risk of
electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for the electric current. This appliance is equipped with a
cord having an equipment-earthing conductor and an earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into an
appropriate outlet that is insta lled and earthed in accordance with all local standards and requirements.
Posi tion the appli anc e in the desired location. T he back sho uld r est ag ainst the w all behin d i t, and the side s,
along the adj acent cabinets or wal ls. T he dis hwasher i s equippe d with water supply and drain hos es th at can
be positio ned ei th er to the right or the left sides to facil it ate p ro per instal lation.
O nce th e appl ian ce is positione d for levell in g, the height of the dishwashe r
m ay be altered via ad justment o f the scre wing leve l o f the fee t. In any cas e,
th e applia nce should not be incl ined more than 2 .
For personal safety:

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Bomann GSP 875 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 24 seiten

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