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Fill the container with coffee beans
Fig. 7.7 Pour about 200 g of coee beans in the coee
Fig. 7.8 Push the machine back into the compartment
until you hear a “CLICK!”, which means it’s locked into
ATTENTION: before pouring beans into the
grinder, make sure that there are no foreign
bodies in the coee.
Turning on the machine in standby mode
Fig. 7.9 Pull out the machine.
Turn the main switch, located on the back of the
machine, to position “1”.
After you push the machine back into the furniture, it is
ready to use.
Fig. 7.10
To exit standby mode, you must press the on/o button,
as shown in Fig. 8.10. The LED will begin to ash until
the machine is “ready”. At this point, all the LEDs for the
various services will be lit.
NOTE: If the machine is not used for 45 minutes, it
returns to standby mode.
ATTENTION: The neness of the coee grind is
calibrated at the factory.
This neness has a strong inuence on producing good
coee. Too coarse” a grind produces coee that ows
quickly without creaminess and body. On the other hand,
too ne a grind produces coee that drips” with a very
intense taste and a “burned” smell. Keep in mind that
producing a cup of espresso coee takes from 20 to 30
To regulate the grind, you must pull out the machine as
shown in gures 8.1 to 8.3. Turn the regulation knob on
the right side, as shown in Fig. 8.11.
Turning the knob clockwise produces a ner grind and
stronger coee. Turning the knob counter-clockwise
produces a coarser grind and lighter coee. The grinding
neness can be read on the cover of the container.
Wash function
The wash function is enabled after the machine is
powered on, or comes out of standby mode, and
warms up. The wash button lights. When you press the
WASH button and then the START button, the machine
performs a wash cycle.
If a beverage dispensing button is pressed, the wash
LED turns o.
Place a cup under the dispenser, adjust the height of
the dispenser nozzle with the handle: turning it raises or
lowers the nozzles, as shown in Fig. 9.1.
When you want a double coee, you can place two cups
under the dispenser at the same time.
The rest of the paragraph explains how to dispense
one coee. The procedure is similar for double coee,
stretched coee and two stretched coees.
Press the button for the selection you want (in Fig. 7.1 it
is espresso coee).
Press the START/STOP button within 10 seconds of
your selection and wait for the coee to be dispensed.
Dispensing ends automatically when the quantity of
coee for the selection has been reached. This quantity
is preset in the machine but can be changed, see
paragraph 13.
You can stop dispensing at any time by pressing the
START/STOP button.
ATTENTION: if the START button is not pressed
within 10 seconds, the function is disabled. If
you wish to dispense a beverage, you will have
to repeat the procedure.
The dispensing time for an excellent espresso is
about 15-25 seconds. The factors that inuence the
dispensing time are the neness of the grind and the
quantity of ground coee. If necessary, the neness of
the grind and dose of ground coee can be changed.
(See chapter 8, First use).
Coee is a hygroscopic substance, which means that
its characteristics are closely linked to the climate
(humidity). So, remember to grind the coee coarser
when the air is very humid and ner when the air is

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