en Tested for you in our cooking studio
Test dishes
These tables have been produced for test institutes to
facilitate appliance testing.
As per EN 60350-1.
Baked items that are placed into the oven on trays or in
baking tins/dishes at the same time will not necessarily
be ready at the same time.
Shelf positions for baking on two levels:
■Universal pan: Level 3
Baking tray: Level 1
■Baking tins/dishes on the wire rack
First wire rack: Level 3
Second wire rack: Level 1
Shelf positions for baking on three levels:
■Baking tray: Level 5
■Universal pan: Level 3
■Baking tray: Level 1
Apple pie
Apple pie on one level: place dark-coloured springform
cake tins diagonally next to each other.
Apple pie on two levels: position dark-coloured
springform cake tins above each other so that they are
Cakes in tinplate springform cake tins: bake on one
level with top/bottom heating. Place the springform
cake tin onto the universal pan instead of onto the wire
Fatless sponge cake
Fatless sponge cake on two levels: vertically stack
springform cake tins in an offset manner on the wire
■The setting values apply to dishes placed into a cold
cooking compartment.
■Please note the information in the tables about
preheating. The setting values are valid without rapid
■For baking, use the lower of the indicated
temperatures first.
Types of heating used:
■< 4D hot air
■% Top/bottom heating
■& Intensive heat
The levels of steam intensity are indicated as numbers
in the table:
■1 = Low
■2 = Medium
■3 = High
Dish Accessory Shelf posi-
Type of
ture in °C
Steam in-
time in
Shortbread Baking tray 3 %140-150* - 25-40
Shortbread Baking tray 3 <140-150* - 25-40
Shortbread, 2 levels Universal pan + baking tray 3+1 <140-150* - 30-40
Shortbread, 3 levels Baking trays + universal pan 4+3+1 <130-140* - 35-55
Small cakes Baking tray 3 %160* - 20-30
Small cakes Baking tray 3 <150* - 25-35
Small cakes, 2 levels Universal pan + baking tray 3+1 <150* - 25-35
Small cakes, 3 levels Baking trays + universal pan 5+3+1 <140* - 35-45
Fatless sponge cake Springform cake tin, diameter 26 cm 2 %160-170** - 25-35
Fatless sponge cake Springform cake tin, diameter 26 cm 2 <160-170** - 30-40
Fatless sponge cake Springform cake tin, diameter 26 cm 2 <150-160 1 10
- 20-25
Fatless sponge cake, 2 levels Springform cake tin, diameter 26 cm 3+1 <150-170** - 30-50
Apple pie 2 x black plate tins, diameter 20 cm 2 $170-180 - 60-80
Apple pie 2 x black plate tins, diameter 20 cm 2 &170-180 - 75-95
Apple pie, 2 levels 2 x black plate tins, diameter 20 cm 3+1 <170-190 - 70-90
* Preheat for 5 mins, do not use quick heat function
** Preheat, do not use quick heat function
Also slide in the universal pan. The liquid will be caught
and the cooking compartment stays cleaner.