•The pot stand is removed by lifting it from the stove top and can be washed in a detergent solution.
•To clean the stove body, simply wipe with a damp cloth using a little detergent, if necessary.
•DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER as this will allow water to get into the mixing tube causing the appliance to malfunction.
•Do not use abrasive cleaners or scourers as this will cause permanent damage to the painted surface.
•To avoid ignition failure, keep the burners clean.
•The non-stickgrill plate is coated with a tough durable non-stick coating that has been used with great success on some of the best cookware in the
world. Nevertheless, taking care of it can help you to enjoy extra years of healthy, easy, non-stick cooking.
•Use only low or medium heat settings to help retain the valuable nutrients in the food and maintain the non-stick surface.
•Whilst the non-stick coating is very durable, it can easily be damaged by the use of metal cooking utensils. It is therefore recommended that only
plastic or wooden utensils be used when cooking.
•Do not overheat the non-stickgrill plate and always add a little cooking oil to the surface before use.
•Always allow the non-stick reversible grill plate to cool before immersing in water.
•The non-stick coating is perfectly safe in the dishwasher, but the non-stick surface is so easy to clean that a quick hand-wash does the trick. The useof
abrasive detergents is not recommended, as this will permanently damage the non-stick surface.
•After cleaning recondition the surface with a light wipe of oil.
Handle the appliance withcare. Do not dropit.
After use, wait untiltheappliance has cooled down,disconnect it from thegas cylinder and storein a cool dryplace in the carrybag provided.
Store your cylinder ina well ventilated area.
Should the appliance operateabnormally after storage andall steps where followedinSection 3 to 7above and you havenot isolated anyproblem, the
venturi may be blocked. Ablocked venturi would be indicated by a weakeryellowish flame or noflame at all inextreme cases. Under thesecircumstances
it will be necessaryto remove the burnerasdescribed under Section 6- General Maintenance, andto check and thoroughlyclean out any foreignmatter
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