Our General Conditions
In accordance with the Belgian legal provisions, we must pr ovide you with our General Conditions of Sale
and Use. We have tried to make a simple and comprehensible version of these conditions. However, if you
encounter any difculties with these conditions, do not hesitate to contact our customer service :
Service clients Carrefour Mobile,
POSTBOX 10011, 1170 Brussels
email : info@carref ourmobile-contact.be / tel. : 0486 19 19 89
1. General - Denitions
The following meanings apply in these General Conditions:
• Gener al Conditions: these General Conditions, the wording of which is attached to the user manual
supplied when the starter kit was purchased and can also be consulted on the following website:
• CARREFOUR: société anonyme CARREFOUR BELGIUM, which has its registered ofce at 1140 Evere,
avenu e de s Oly mpiad es 2 0, RP M n°0 448. 826.9 18, w hich mark ets the Carr ef our M obil e Net work Serv ices ;
• SIM card: the card which has to be inserted into a mobile telephone in order to enable it to access the
Carrefour Mobile Network Services. The car d enables the Client to be identied on the Carrefour Mobile
• Client: the individual who uses the Carrefour Mobile Network Services;
• Contract: the contractual r elationship between the Client and CARREFOUR relating to the use of the
Carrefour Mobile Network Services. The contr act consists of the General Conditions and the tariffs
available on www.carrefour.eu/mobile ; the contr act commences upon payment of the activation
charges; the contract may only be enter ed into with a private individual and not with business users of
any kind;
• P repaid call credit: the unused part of the prepaid P ay-as-you-go car d or T op-up;
• P repaid P ay-as-you-go card: the prepaid amount which gives the Client the same amount of access to
the Carrefour Mobile Network Services via his SIM Car d, without being invoiced;
• T op-up: renewal of the prepaid Pay-as-you-go cr edit in the form of a hidden top-up code (“scratch
card”) or in any other form intr oduced by Carrefour;
• Carref our Mobile Network: the mobile telephony network marketed by CARREFOUR;
• C ar r e f ou r M ob i le Ne t wo r k Se r v ic es : t h e m ob i le p h on e s e rv i ce an d a dd i ti o na l s e rv i ce s p r ov i de d b y C AR R EF O UR
vi a i ts mo b il e t e le ph o ny ne t wo r k. T h es e s e rv i ce s m a y in c lu d e b ot h s ou n d a nd da t a tr a n sm i ss i on ;
• SMS: ref ers to the technical capability to send and receive brief written messages of no more than 160
characters via a GSM.
2. Connection and activation procedures
2.1. The Client can access the Carrefour Mobile Network Services by buying a starter kit consisting of a SIM
card and a pre-paid pay-as-you-go car d.
2.2. Prepaid pay-as-you-go card
2.2.1. The prepaid pay-as-you-go card gives the Client dir ect access to the Carrefour Mobile Network
Services up to the prepaid amount. More detailed inf ormation on this subject can be obtained on the
website www.carrefour.eu/mobile.
2.2.2. The Client can make calls thanks to the mobile telephony number (GSM or MSDSIN number) given
to him until the prepaid pay-as-you-go card has been completely used up or the GSM number has been
permanently lost as a result of the application of article 3.2. of these Generals Conditions. The Client can
receive calls as long as CARREFOUR has not withdrawn the Client’s GSM number in accor dance with article
3.2. of these General Conditions.
2.2.3. The call credit is valid for six months fr om the date of making the rst call or text message.
Any call credit not used during this six month period will be forf eited. The Client is not entitled to any
reimbursement of call credit, even in the event of application of article 3.2. of these Gener al Conditions.
2.2.4. The Client accepts that his identity is not known to CARREFOUR therefor e CARREFOUR will not
be obliged to send the Client inf
ormation of any kind based on these General Conditions. The Client may
request the General Conditions fr ee of charge at any time by letter to POSTBOX 100 011,1170 Brussels or by
email to info@carref ourmobile-contact.be or by consulting the site www.carrefour.eu/mobile.
2.3. Activation
The Client activates the SIM card provided by CARREFOUR by f ollowing the instructions
contained in the user manual provided with the SIM card and also available on the website
3. Services, obligations and liability of CARREFOUR
3.1. Roaming and international calls CARREFOUR offers the Client the possibility of making or receiving
calls from certain countries other than Belgium (“roaming”) or of making calls fr om Belgium to certain
foreign networks (international calls). The list of these countries and the prices charged f or these roaming
services and international calls is available from CARREFOUR or on the website www.carr efour.eu/mobile
and is regularly updated based on agreements enter ed into by CARREFOUR with other operators for this
3.2. Call number
3.2.1 A mobile telephone number (GSM number) shall be allocated to the Client. The Client does not have
the right to demand or retain a specic number unless the Client transf ers his number from another mobile
telephony operator to the Carref our Mobile Network, in which case he may retain the number allocated to
him originally by the said other operator.
3.2.2 The Client is not entitled to subsequently amend the GSM number allocated to him.
3.2.3 The Client accepts that the GSM number and/or prepaid credit shall be permanently lost if the Client
fails to comply with the conditions specically set out by CARREFOUR and made known to the Client via the
website www.carrefour.eu/mobile , text or other communication techniques. In particular, CARREFOUR
reserves the right to terminate the contr act in the event of non-use of the GSM number for a period of
6 months after making/sending the last chargeable call or text message (use meaning to make a call or
send a text message). The Client is deemed to have accepted these specic conditions by virtue of having
purchased a starter kit or T op-up.
3.2.4 In the event of the contract being terminated pursuant to article 3.2.3 above, the Client shall be
informed by two text messages (the rst one month prior to the end of the contract and the second one
week prior to the end of the contract) of the possibility of retaining his GSM number as part of mobile
number portability (MNP), by taking the necessary steps within the deadline. If he fails to do this,
the Client shall lose his number permanently.
3.3. CARREFOUR’s obligations
3.3.1. CARREFOUR will do all it can to ensure the security and reliability of the Carr efour Mobile Network
and the proper operation of the Carr efour Mobile Network Services. The Client acknowledges that the
perfect operation of the Carr efour Mobile Network Services cannot be guar anteed because (I) the Carrefour
Mobile Network does not cover the whole of the territory and population of Belgium and (II) radio signals
can be obstructed by external factors such as buildings, vegetation or topogr aphy or by the type of mobile
phone used.
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