Operation Guide 3134 3205
This watch uses a pressure sensor to measure air pressure (barometric
pressure) and a temperature sensor to measure temperature.
•Y ou can calibrate the pressure sensor and the temperature sensor if you
suspect that readings are incorrect.
To take barometric pressure and temperature readings
Pressing B in the Timekeeping Mode or in any
of other sensor modes enters the Barometer/
Thermometer Mode and star ts barometr ic
pressure and temperature measurements
automatically .
•It can take up to f our or five seconds f or the
barometric pressure reading to appear after
you enter the Barometer/Thermometer Mode.
•Barometric pressure is displayed in units of
1hP a (or 0.05 inHg).
T emperature Barometric
pressure graph
•The display ed barometric pressure value changes to xxxx hP a (or inHg) if
a measured barometric pressure falls outside the range of 260 hP a to
1100 hPa (7.65 inHg to 32.45 inHg). The barometr ic pressure value will
reappear as soon as the measured barometric pressure is within the
allowab le range.
•T emperature is displayed in units of 0.1° C (or 0.2° F).
•The display ed temperature value changes to xxx .x ° C (or ° F) if a
measured temperature f alls outside the range of – 10.0° C to 60.0° C (14.0° F
to 140.0° F). The temperature v alue will reappear as soon as the measured
temperature is within the allowab le range.
•In some areas, barometric pressure is expressed in millibars (mb) instead
of hectopascals (hP a). It really makes no difference , because 1hPa = 1mb .
•Y ou can select either hectopascals (hPa) or inchesHg (inHg) as the displa y
unit for the measured barometric pressure, and Celsius (° C) or F ahrenheit
(° F) as the displa y unit for the measured temperature value . See “ T o select
the temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude units” .
•See “Barometer and Thermometer Precautions ” for important precautions.
Barometric Pressure Graph
Barometric pressure indicates changes in the atmosphere. By monitoring
these changes you can predict the weather with reasonab le accuracy .
This watch takes barometric pressure measurements automatically e very two
hours (at the top of each ev en-numbered hour), regardless of its current
mode. Measurement results are used to produce barometr ic pressure graph
and barometric pressure differential pointer readings.
The barometric pressure graph shows readings of pre vious measurements for
up to 20 hours. The horizontal axis of the gr aph represents time, with each dot
standing for two hours . The r ightmost dot represents the most recent reading.
The vertical axis of the graph represents barometric pressure, with each dot
standing for the relativ e difference between its reading and that of the dots
next to it. Each dot represents 1hPa.
The following sho ws how to interpret the data that appears on the barometric
pressure graph.
Barometric Pressure Differential P ointer
This pointer indicates the relative diff erence between the most recent
barometric pressure reading indicated on the barometric pressure graph and
the current barometric pressure value displa yed in the Barometer/
Thermometer Mode.
•Pressure differential is indicated in the r ange of ±5 hP a, in 1-hPa units .
•The barometric pressure differential pointer is not displa yed when the
display ed current barometric value is outside of the allowab le measurement
range (260 to 1,100 hP a).
•Barometric pressure is calculated and displayed using hP a as the standard.
The barometric pressure differential also can be read in inHg units as
shown in the illustration.
Pressure differential
examples in the
illustration are indicated
in 3 hPa/0.1 inHg steps .
Current pressure less
than most recent
measured pressure
Current pressure greater
than most recent
measured pressure
Barometric pressure
inHg values
hPa v alues
About Barometric and T emperature Measurements
•Barometric pressure and temperature measurement operations are
performed as soon as you enter the Barometer/Thermometer Mode. After
that, barometric pressure and temperature measurements are taken e very
five seconds.
•Y ou also can perform a barometric pressure and temperature measurement
at any time by pressing B in the Barometer/Ther mometer Mode.
The watch’s altimeter uses a pressure sensor to detect current air pressure,
which is then used to estimate the current altitude based on ISA (International
Standard Atmosphere) preset values . Y ou also can specify a reference
altitude, which the watch will use to calculate y our current altitude based on
the value y ou specify . Altimeter functions also include storage of
measurement data in memory .
•This watch estimates altitude based on air pressure. This means that
altitude readings for the same location ma y vary if air pressure changes.
•The semiconductor pressure sensor used by the watch f or altitude
measurements also is affected b y temperature. When taking altitude
measurements, make sure the watch is not subjected to temper ature
•T o avoid the eff ect of sudden temperature changes during measurement,
keep the watch on y our wrist in direct contact with your skin.
•Do not rely upon this watch f or altitude measurements or perform button
operations while sky diving, hang gliding, or paragliding, while riding a
gyrocopter , glider , or any other aircraft, or while engaging in any other
activity where there is the chance of sudden altitude changes.
•Do not use this watch f or measuring altitude in applications that demand
professional or industrial le vel precision.
•Remember that the air inside of a commercial aircraft is pressurized.
Because of this, the readings produced b y this watch will not match the
altitude readings announced or indicated the flight crew .
How the Altimeter Measures Altitude
The altimeter can measure altitude based on its own preset v alues, or a
reference altitude specified b y you.
When you measure altitude based on preset v alues
Data produced by the w atch’ s barometric pressure sensor is con verted to
approximate altitude based on ISA (International Standard Atmosphere)
conv ersion values stored in watch memory .
4. Rotate the bezel so the “N ” (North) indicator on the bezel is aligned with
the nor th indicator produced by the reading in step 3.
5 . T o advance to your objectiv e proceed in the direction that 12 o’ clock is
•When mountain climbing or hiking, conditions or geographic contours ma y
make it impossib le for y ou to advance in a straight line . If this happens,
return to step 1 and save a new direction to the objectiv e.
•If you find it difficult to perf orm the above step while keeping e verything
aligned, first move into the correct position (12 o’ cloc k position of the
watch pointed at the objective) without w orrying about the or ientation of
the map. Next, perf or m step 1 again to set the map.
3. In the Timekeeping, Digital Compass,
Barometer/Thermometer , or Altimeter Mode,
press C to take a compass reading.
•The compass reading information (angle
value , direction indicator , and four pointers
based on the 12 o’ clock position of the
watch) will appear on the displa y after about
two seconds.
•The compass reading information will
remain on the display f or only about 20
seconds after you press C . After that it will
disappear . If you want to re-displa y the
compass reading information, press C
again to take another reading.
12 o’ clock
Direction angle of
current reading
Nor th
A rising graph generally means impro ving weather .
A f alling graph generally means deteriorating weather .
Note that if there are sudden changes in barometric
pressure or temperature, the g raph line of past
measurements may run off the top or bottom of the displa y .
The entire graph will become visib le once barometric
conditions stabilize.
The follo wing conditions cause the barometric pressure
measurement to be skipped, with the corresponding point on
the barometric pressure graph being left blank.
•Barometric reading that is out of range (260 hPa/mb to 1,100 hP a/mb or
7.65 inHg to 32.45 inHg)
•Sensor malfunction
Not visible on
the display .