Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings
You can use the procedure below to adjust the Timekeeping Mode time and date settings if they are off.
To change the current time and date settings
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds.
SET Hold
will fl ash on the display, and
will be displayed in
the upper display. After that, the currently selected city code and city
name will scroll across the upper display. Keep
depressed until the
scrolling starts.
City code
Hour :
City code
Hour :
2. Press
to move the fl ashing in the sequence shown below to select the other settings.
City Code DST
Altitude display unit
Button Operation
Day Month
Seconds Hour Minutes Year
• Th e foll owin g step s expla in how t o con fi gure t ime keep ing se tt ings o nly.
3. When the timekeeping setting you want to change is fl ashing, use
to change it as
described below.
Screen To do this: Do this:
Change the city code Use
(East) and
Toggle between Daylight Saving Time (
) and
Standard Time (
Toggle between 12-hour (
) and 24-hour (
Reset the seconds to
(If the current seconds count is between 30 and 59,
one is added to the minute count).
Change the hour or minutes
(+) and
Change the year, month, or day
4. After all of the settings are the way you want, press
twice to exit the setting screen.
• For i nfor mat ion a bou t sel ecti ng a Ho me C it y and c onfi gurin g the D ST s ett ing, s ee “C on fi gur ing
Ho me Ci ty S et tin gs” (pag e E-1 4).
• Whi le th e 12-h our fo rma t is sel ecte d for ti me keepi ng, a P (P M) ind icato r will ap pea r for ti mes f rom
no on to 11 :59 p.m . No in dica tor ap pea rs for t ime s fro m midn ight to 11 :59 a .m. W ith 24 - ho ur fo rma t,
tim e is disp layed fro m 0: 0 0 to 23: 59, w ith out a ny P (PM) indicator.
• The wa tch’s built -in f ull au toma tic ca lend ar ma kes all owan ces fo r dif fere nt mo nth le ngt hs and l eap
year s. On ce you s et th e date, th ere sh ould b e no rea son to c hang e it exce pt afte r you h ave the
watch’s bat ter y repla ced.
• The d ay of th e week c han ges au tom atic ally a s the da te and /or yea r cha nge s. Ma ke sure t hat you r
date and year settings ar e correct.
• Refe r to the p ages s how n bel ow for m ore in form ati on on T im ekee ping M od e set tin gs.
- Button operation tone on/off: “To turn the button operation tone on and off” (page E-82)
- Illumination duration setting: “To change the illumination duration” (page E-78)
- Changing the temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude display units (for a city code other
): “To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude display units” (page E-29)
Taking Direction Readings
You can use the Digital Compass Mode to determine the direction of north, and to check your bearing to a
• For information about what you can do to improve digital compass reading accuracy, see “Calibrating
the Bearing Sensor” (page E-22) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-27).
To take a direction reading
1. Make sure the watch is in the Timekeeping Mode or any one of the sensor modes.
• The s ens or mo des a re: Digi tal C omp ass M ode , Baro mete r/ The rm ome ter Mo de, an d Alt ime ter
Mode .
2. Place the watch on a fl at surface. If you are wearing the watch, make sure that your wrist is horizontal
(in relation to the horizon).
3. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the direction whose reading you want to take.
4. Press
to start.
• COMP will app ear in t he up per di splay to in dica te that a d igit al co mpas s ope rati on is in p rogre ss.
• Abo ut o ne se con d af ter you p ress
, poi nters (th ree gra phic s egm ents f or no rt h, on e grap hic
seg ment e ach fo r so uth, e ast , and we st) will a ppea r on th e disp lay to ind icate n or th, s ou th, ea st,
and we st. D irect ion w ill al so be in dicate d by lite ral dire ctio n indi cator s and by a di recti on a ngle.
Objective Bearing Indication
N: North
E: East
W: West
S: South
Bearing to objective:
Bearing angle
to objective
• If th e four p ointe rs (nor th , sou th, e ast, we st) and t he di recti on in dica ting l ette rs do n ot ap pear
on th e disp lay wh en you p ress
, it co uld me an th at the wa tch is dis playi ng bea ring m em or y
info rmat ion . If thi s hap pens , pres s
to dele te the cu rren t bear ing m emo r y cont ents . For m ore
info rma tio n, see “ Us ing B ear ing M emo r y” (pa ge E- 25).
• T o retu rn to th e Tim eke epin g Mo de, pre ss
will re turn t o the T ime keep ing M ode eve n is a read ing op erat ion i s in prog ress .
• If the digital display contents start to fl ash after you perform a reading operation, it means that abnormal
magnetism has been detected. Move away from any potential source of strong magnetism and try
taking a reading again. If the problem occurs when you try again, continue to keep away from the
source of strong magnetism, perform bidirectional calibration, and then try taking a reading again. For
more information, refer to “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-23) and “Location” (page E-27).
Digital Compass Readings
• When you press
to start digital compass reading operation,
will initially appear on the
display to indicate that a digital compass operation is in progress.
• After the fi rst reading is obtained, the watch will continue to take digital compass readings automatically
each second for up to 60 seconds. After that, the reading operation will stop automatically.
• The direction indicator and angle value will show
- - -
to indicate that digital compass readings are
• The auto light switch is disabled during the 60 seconds that digital compass readings are being taken.
• The margin of error for the angle value and the direction indicator is ±11 degrees while the watch is
horizontal (in relation to the horizon). If the indicated direction is northwest (
) and 315 degrees, for
example, the actual direction can be anywhere from 304 to 326 degrees.
• Note that taking a direction reading while the watch is not horizontal (in relation to the horizon) can
result in large direction reading error.
You can calibrate the bearing sensor if you suspect the direction reading is incorrect.
• Any ongoing direction reading operation is paused temporarily while the watch is performing an alert
operation (daily alarm, Hourly Time Signal, countdown timer alarm) or while illumination is turned on (by
). The direction reading operation resumes for its remaining duration after the operation
that caused it to pause is fi nished.
• See “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-27) for important information about taking direction readings.
Calibrating the Bearing Sensor
You should calibrate the bearing sensor whenever you feel that the direction readings being produced by
the watch are off. You can use any one of two different bearing sensor calibration methods: bidirectional
calibration or magnetic declination correction.
Bidirectional Calibration
Bidirectional calibration calibrates the bearing sensor in relation to magnetic north. Use bidirectional
calibration when you want to take readings within an area exposed to magnetic force. This type of
calibration should be used if the watch becomes magnetized for any reason.
• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional calibration before
using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform bidirectional
Magnetic Declination Correction
With magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between
magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this
procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that you can
input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the value specifi ed
on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input 7°. In the case of 7.6°
input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.
Precautions about bidirectional calibration
• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must, however, make sure
that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the procedure
incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.
• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.
• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as that where you plan
to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld, for example,
calibrate in an open fi eld.
To perform bidirectional calibration
1. In the Digital Compass Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds.
SET Hold
will fl ash on the display. After that,
scroll across the upper display. Keep
depressed until
starts scrolling.
• At thi s tim e, the n or th po inte r fl ashe s at the 12 o’clo ck po siti on
and t he dis play wil l sho w -1- to i ndic ate that t he watch i s ready to
calibrate the fi rst direction.
2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want, and
to calibrate the fi rst direction.
• - - - is sh own o n the di splay w hile c alib ratio n is be ing pe r form ed.
Wh en cal ibrat ion i s succ ess ful, Tu r n 18 0 ° wil l appe ar on t he
disp lay and t hree g raphi c seg men ts (
) will fl ash at 6 o’clo ck.
Af ter ab out o ne se co nd, CAL IBR ATIO N -2- wil l scrol l acros s the
uppe r disp lay.
• If ERR- 1 appear s on th e disp lay, press
agai n to rest ar t the
direc tio n readi ng ope rati on.
3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.
4. Press
again to calibrate the second direction.
• - - - is sh own o n the di splay w hile c alib ratio n is be ing pe r form ed.
Wh en cal ibrat ion i s succ ess ful, t he dis play wi ll sh ow OK and th en
cha nge to th e Dig ita l Co mpas s Mo de scre en.
Operation Guide 3439