Viewing Altitude Records
You can use the Data Recall Mode to view manually saved record data, auto save values, and trek log
To view altitude records
1. Use
to select the Data Recall Mode (
) as shown on page E-24.
• Abo ut o ne se co nd af te r REC appear s on t he dis play, the dis play
will c han ge to sh ow th e fi rst re co rd of th e me mo ry a rea yo u were
view ing w he n you la st exi ted th e Dat a Re cal l Mo de.
2. Use
to select the memory area you want.
REC -01-
(Manually Saved
Record Area)
(Auto Save
Value Area)
(Trek Log
Value Area)
• Af ter yo u sel ect t he Trek Log Valu e Are a scre en, u se th e
but to n to sel ect th e tre k who se val ues yo u wan t to view. Treks are
numbered from 1 (Mt. 1) through 14 (Mt.1 4).
• Af ter yo u sel ect t he M anu ally S aved R ec ord A rea sc reen , the d ate
(mont h and d ay) and ti me of t he rec ord w ill al tern ate on t he di splay
in th e lowe r disp lay at o ne - sec ond i nter va ls.
Reading time
(Hour : minute)
Reading date
(month, day)
1 second
Manually Saved
Record Area Screen
Reading time
(Hour : minute)
Reading date
(month, day)
1 second
Manually Saved
Record Area Screen
3. Use
to scroll through the screens for an area and display the one you want.
Manually saved records
Auto saved values
Altitude Altitude
Altitude Altitude
Trek Log Values (Mt.1 to Mt.14)
• Man ual ly save d rec ords (REC01 to RE C30), auto s ave MAX and MIN values, and trek log values
all in clud e the d ate (mon th an d day) and ti me (h our a nd mi nute) tha t the d ata was re co rded .
• Rec ord s of th e ASC and DSC include altitude v alues along with the date ( month, day ) and y ear
that t he dat a was re cord ed.
• For d eta ils a bou t aut o save val ues , see “Auto S ave Value s” (pag e E- 6 5). F or de tai ls ab ou t trek l og
value s, s ee “ Trek Log Value s” (pag e E- 6 6).
• ---- wil l be dis played if MAX / MIN data has b een deleted or if there is no correspondi ng MAX /MIN
data due to error, etc. In such cases, total ascent (ASC) and tot al descent (DSC ) val ues will show zero .
• Wh en th e tota l asc ent (AS C ) or tota l des cen t (DSC ) exceed s
99 ,9 9 9 me ters (or 3 27 ,9 97 fee t), the ap plic abl e valu e will re sta r t
fro m zero. N ote tha t the watc h can d ispl ay up to fi ve dig its o nly.
Whe n us ing fe et as th e alt itu de dis play u nits , alt itu de valu es a re
disp layed o nly up to t he rig htm os t fi ve digi ts.
• Wh en th e tota l asc ent (AS C ) or tota l des cen t (DSC ) value
bec om es fi ve dig its l on g, the r ight mo st (one s) digit is s how n in th e
lowe r righ t of th e disp lay. The ne arby i llus trati on s how s the d ispl ay
whe n the va lue o f ASC is 9 9 99 5 m eter s.
Altitude Altitude
10,000s digit
1s digit
10,000s digit
1s digit
Trek Log Values (Mt.1 to Mt.14)
High Altitude Value Low Altitude Value
Cumulative Ascent
Cumulative Descent
*1 *2
*1: Month and day the displayed value was recorded.
*2: Month and day cumulation started.
• Holding down
scrolls at high speed.
• On the high altitude value (
) and low altitude value (
) screens, the lower display area alternates
between the date (month and day) and time at one-second intervals.
• On the cumulative ascent and cumulative descent screens, the lower display area alternates between
the month and day, and the year at one-second intervals.
To delete all manually saved data
Memory contents cannot be deleted while trek log values are being recorded.
1. Use
to enter the Data Recall Mode.
2. Use
to display the Manually Saved Record Area (page E-72).
3. Hold down
for at least three seconds. First,
Clear Hold ALL
will fl ash in the display. After that,
will disappear. Release
• This will cause - - - - to appea r in t he lo wer di splay.
• Thi s indi cate s that a ll ma nua lly s aved dat a is cl eare d.
To delete data in a specifi c memory area
Memory contents cannot be deleted while trek log values are being recorded.
1. Use
to enter the Data Recall Mode.
2. Use
to display the memory area (Manually Saved Record Area, Auto Save Value Area, or Trek Log
Value Area) that contains the data you want to delete.
3. What you should do next depends on which memory area you displayed in step 2, above.
• If you d ispl ayed th e Ma nua lly S aved Re co rd Are a, u se
to disp lay th e num ber o f the
reco rd (REC- 01- throug h REC-30 - ) you want to d elete.
• If you d ispl ayed th e Auto S ave Value A rea , all of i ts val ues w ill be d ele ted, so y ou do n ot ne ed to
select anything.
• If you d ispl ayed th e Trek Log Value A rea , use
to disp lay th e trek (mo unt ain) nu mbe r of th e
reco rd (Mt.1 through Mt. 1 4) you want to de lete.
• A dele te ope rati on c ann ot be u ndo ne! M ake s ure you d o no t nee d dat a befo re you d ele te it.
4. Hold down
for at least two seconds. First,
Clear Hold
will fl ash in the display. After that,
disappear. Release
• If you a re del eti ng a Ma nu ally S aved R ec ord A rea rec ord , hol ding d ow n
too l ong (af ter Hold
disa ppe ars) will c aus e all m anu ally s aved rec ord s to be de leted .
• Deleting a r ecord in either the Manually Sav ed Record Area or T rek Log V alue Area wi ll cause al l
reco rds fo llo win g it to be s hif te d upward s and re num be red acc ord ingl y. If the rec ord yo u del ete
is the l ast o ne cu rren tly in t he m em or y are a whe re you d ele ted it , - - - - will b e disp layed in t he
disp lay in pl ace of t he re co rd num ber.
• Af ter yo u del ete Auto S ave Valu es, t he MA X (high alt itu de) and MIN (low altitude ) v alues will show
- - - -, wh ile th e ASC (cumul ative a sce nt) an d DSC ( cumu lati ve des cen t) value s wil l sho w zero.
Looking up Sunrise and Sunset Times
You can use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode to look up the sunrise and sunset times for a particular date (year,
month, day) and location.
To enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode
While in the Timekeeping Mode, press
to enter the Sunrise/Sunset
• This will display the sunrise and sunset times for the current date
based the currently specifi ed city code, latitude, and longitude.
• Sunrise/sunset times will not be displayed when battery power is low.
• Before trying to use the Sunrise/Sunset Mode, you need to confi gure
settings for the city code, longitude, and latitude for the location whose
sunrise and sunset times you want to view.
• The factory default confi guration of the location is: City Code:
(Tokyo); Latitude: North 35.7 degrees; Longitude: East 139.7 degrees.
Current date
Sunrise time
Sunset time
Current date
Sunrise time
Sunset time
To view the sunrise/sunset time for a particular date
1. Enter the Sunrise/Sunset Mode.
• This w ill dis play t he su nris e an d suns et ti me s for t he cur rent
da te at th e lo cati on s pec ifi ed by t he ci t y cod e, lat itud e, an d
2. While the sunrise/sunset time are on the display, use
(+) and
to scroll through the dates.
• Pres sin g one o f the a bove b ut ton s cau ses t he m ont h and d ay to
appe ar in t he up per d ispl ay area , and t he ye ar to app ear i n the
lowe r disp lay are a.
• Wh en yo u rele ase t he bu tt on, t he su nri se ti me of t he se lec ted day
will b e sho wn in t he mi ddle d isp lay, while th e sun set t ime w ill b e
sho wn in t he lo wer di splay.
• Y ou ca n sel ect a ny date b et wee n Jan uar y 1, 2 0 0 0 and D ec em ber
31, 20 9 9.
If you t hin k tha t the s unr ise a nd/ or su nse t tim es are n ot co rre ct fo r
som e rea son , che ck th e watch’s cit y co de, l ong itu de and l atit ude
• The s unr ise a nd su nset t ime s dis played by t his watc h are ti mes a t
sea l evel. S unr ise a nd su nset t ime s are di f feren t at alt itu des o the r
tha n sea l evel.
Sunrise time
Sunset time
Sunrise time
Sunset time
Operation Guide 3444