• When you go from the Timekeeping Mode to the sensor modes, the sensor mode that you last used
before returning to the Timekeeping Mode will be entered fi rst.
• Whenever you enter a sensor mode, the watch will beep the number of times indicated by the numbers
in the fi gure above. This will let you know what sensor mode you are entering.
• To enter a sensor mode from the Tide/Moon Data, Stopwatch, Countdown Timer, Alarm, World Time, or
Receive Mode, fi rst enter the Timekeeping Mode and then press the applicable button.
General Functions (All Modes)
The functions and operations described in this section can be used in all of the modes.
Auto Return Features
• The watch automatically returns to the Timekeeping Mode from other modes if the crown is not pulled
out and if no button operation is performed for a preset amount of time.
Mode Name Approximate Elapsed Time
Tide/Moon Data, Alarm, Receive 3 minutes
Barometer, Thermometer 1 hour
Digital Compass 1 minute
Altimeter 1 hour minimum
12 hours maximum
Initial Screens
When you enter the Alarm or World Time Mode, the data you were viewing when you last exited the mode
appears fi rst.
Use the Timekeeping Mode (
) to set and view the current time and date.
• Each press of
in the Timekeeping Mode will change screen contents as shown below.
Day of the week,
month/day screen
Barometric pressure graph,
date (month/day) screen
Time (hour, minute,
second) screen
World Time screen Moon age screen
pressure graph
Day of week
Hour : Minutes Moon age
Month Day
Hour : Minutes Second
Month Day
• Holding down
for at least two seconds while any screen is displayed will toggle the barometric
pressure change indicator between ON and OFF.
When ON, the barometric pressure graph is displayed along with the
• For information about how to check for signifi cant barometric pressure changes, refer to “Barometric
Pressure Change Indications” (page E-49).
Confi guring Home City Settings
There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting either standard time or
daylight saving time (DST).
To confi gure Home City and summer time settings
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, pull out the crown.
• CITY will fl ash on the di gital display indicating that the Home City
set ting c an be c hang ed.
2. Rotate the crown to move the second hand to the city code of the city
you want you use as your Home City.
• For d etai ls abo ut cit y co des , see th e “Ci ty C ode Table” at t he back
of this manual.
3. Press
to display the DST setting screen.
4. Rotate the crown away from you to cycle through the DST settings as
shown below.
Auto DST (AUTO ) DST off ( OFF )
DST on (
• The d isplaye d DS T set ting w ill not c hang e if you rot ate the c rown
towards you.
• Af ter you c hang e the H om e Cit y and /or D ST set tin g, the h our
and mi nute ha nds wi ll auto matic ally m ove to the a pprop riate ti me
set ting . The t ime sh own o n the di gita l displ ay will al so cha nge
accordingly .
City code
Second Hand
City code
Second Hand
• The A uto DS T (AUT O ) set ting w ill be avai lable o nly w hen a ci ty c ode th at supp or ts ti me cal ibrati on
sign al rece ptio n (page E- 20) is s ele cted as t he Ho me Ci ty. Whil e Auto D ST is s elec ted the D ST
setting will be changed automatically in accordance with time calibration si gnal data.
• Note t hat yo u cann ot swi tch bet we en sta ndard t ime a nd dayli ght sav ing tim e (DS T ) while U TC is
selected as y our Home City.
5. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown back in.
• Dayli ght Sav ing T ime is t urn ed on w hen th e DST indicato r is on t he dis play.
• Af ter you s peci fy a c ity c ode, t he watch w ill use U TC* o ff sets in t he Wor ld Tim e Mo de to cal culate
the cu rrent t ime fo r oth er tim e zone s based o n the c urren t time i n your H om e Cit y.
* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide scientifi c standard of timekeeping.
The reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.
• Sel ecti ng so me cit y co des au tomat ical ly make s it po ssibl e for th e watch to rec eive th e tim e
cali brati on sig nal for t he co rres pond ing are a. Se e page E -20 f or det ails .
Confi guring Current Time and Date Settings Manually
You can confi gure current time and date settings manually when the watch is unable to receive a time
calibration signal.
To change the current time and date settings manually
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, pull out the crown. This will cause
fl ash on the digital display.
2. Press
• This will cause HOUR-MIN to fl ash o n the di gita l displ ay .
• The s eco nd ha nd will p oint to e ithe r A (a.m.) or P (p.m.)
• Thi s is the t ime se tti ng mo de.
• In th e follo wing s teps, e ach pre ss of
cycle s bet ween s et tings
as shown below .
Home City/DST
Hour, minute
Month, day
City code City code
3. Rotate the crown to change the minute setting.
• Y ou c an als o use H S1 and H S2 hig h- spe ed move ment ( page E- 6) to m ove the h ands fo r ward or
back at h igh sp eed.
• The h our h and wi ll move in a cco rdanc e with m inute h and m oveme nt.
To set the hour hand separately, go to step 4 of this procedure.
4. Press
• This will cause HOUR to fl ash o n the d igita l disp lay.
5. Rotate the crown to change the hour setting.
• Y ou c an als o use H S1 and H S2 hig h- spe ed move ment ( page E- 6) to m ove the h ands fo r ward or
back at h igh sp eed.
6. Press
• Thi s caus es the c urren tly set ye ar, month , and day to a ppea r on
the di gita l displ ay , wit h the yea r set ting fl ashin g.
7. Rotate the crown to adjust the year setting.
• Y ou ca n als o use H S1 high -sp eed m oveme nt (pag e E- 6) to cha nge
this setting.
8. Press
• Thi s caus es the c urren tly set d ate (mont h, day) set ting to fl ash on
the display .
9. Rotate the crown to adjust the month and day setting.
• Y ou c an als o use H S1 high -s peed m ovem ent (pag e E- 6) to cha nge th is set tin g.
• Pressing
will re turn to t he ho ur and m inute s et ting sc reen.
10. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown back in.
• This will cause timekeeping t o start from 0 seconds.
• For i nfor mati on ab out s elec ting a H ome C it y and co nfi gu ring th e DS T set ting , see “ Con fi guri ng
Ho me Cit y S ett ings” ( page E- 3 4).
• Whil e 12-h our ti meke epin g is in us e, P (p.m.) is displaye d from n oo n to midni ght (1 1 :59 p.m . ) A (a .m .)
is dis played fro m midn ight to no on (1 1 :59 a .m.) The se indi cator s are not d isplaye d whil e 24- ho ur
tim ekee ping (displ ays tim es fro m 0 0:0 0 to 2 3:5 9) is bei ng use d.
• The wa tch’s built- in f ull auto mati c cale ndar m akes al lowan ces fo r dif ferent m ont h leng ths an d leap
year s. On ce you se t the da te, there s hou ld be no re aso n to chang e it except a fte r you have t he
watch’s rech argea ble bat ter y repl aced o r afte r powe r drops to L evel 5 (page E - 15).
• The d ay of the w eek ch ange s auto mati call y when t he date c hang es.
• Refe r to the pag es sh own be low fo r more i nfor mati on on T ime keep ing M ode se tti ngs.
- Button operation tone on/off: “To turn the button operation tone on or off” (page E-99)
- Illumination duration setting: “To change the illumination duration” (page E-96)
- Enabling and disabling power saving: “To turn Power Saving on or off” (page E-99)
To switch between 12-hour and 24-hour timekeeping
1. Pull out the crown.
2. Press
fi ve times.
• This causes the current timek eeping setting (12 H or 24H) to fl as h
on the digital display .
3. Rotate the crown to select either 12-hour (
) or 24-hour (
4. After the setting is the way you want, push the crown back in.
Hand Home Position Adjustment
If the watch is exposed to strong magnetism or impact, its hands can go out of alignment with the time on
the digital display. This can result in incorrect time indication even though a time calibration signal is being
received. Your watch has an auto hand position correction feature that normally adjusts the hands. Should
you notice that the hand positions are not correct, perform the operation below to correct them manually.
To adjust home positions
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, pull out the crown.
2. Hold down
for at least fi ve seconds until
fl ashes and
appears on the digital display.
• Thi s will st ar t hom e pos itio n adju stme nt, w hich c ause s all of th e
watch ha nds to move to 12 o’cloc k.
• Af ter th e hand s stop m oving, will a ppea r on th e digit al
display .
• Befo re per fo rmin g step 3, b elow, ma ke sure t hat all h ands h ave
retur ned to th e 12 o’clock po siti on. P ushin g the cr own bac k in
whil e any ha nd is no t at the 12 o’cloc k posi tio n will no t per for m
home position adjustment.
3. Push the crown back in.
• Thi s will ca use al l of the h ands (sm all han d, hou r hand , minu te
hand , sec ond ha nd) to retu rn to th eir no rma l posi tio ns.
After performing home position adjustment, enter the Timekeeping Mode and check to make sure that the
analog hands and the display indicate the same time. If they do not, perform home position adjustment
Wait until all of the hands
move to 12 o'clock.
Wait until all of the hands
move to 12 o'clock.
Operation Guide 5371