• The barometric pressure graph is not displayed while the barometric pressure change indicator is
• While the watch is in the Barometer Mode, the watch will update the display barometric pressure value
at regular intervals (every fi ve seconds for the fi rst three minutes and then every two minutes for the
remainder of the hour). Since the barometric pressure graph show automatic readings taken every two
hours, the graph is updated only at two-hour intervals.
• Large changes in barometric pressure may cause past readings to run off the
top or bottom of the graph display area.
• The following conditions cause the barometric pressure reading to be
skipped, with the corresponding point on the barometric pressure graph
being left blank.
– Barometric reading that is out of range (260 hPa to 1,100 hPa or 7.65 inHg to 32.45 inHg)
– Sensor malfunction
Not visible on
the display.
Not visible on
the display.
Barometric Pressure Change Indications
Whenever your watch detects a signifi cant change in air pressure readings (due to sudden ascent or
descent, or to the passage of a low pressure or high pressure area), it beeps to let you know. Also, an
arrow fl ashes on the digital display and the small hand points to the arrow mark. All of this is intended to
let you know what a signifi cant pressure change has occurred so you can take any action that might be
The barometric pressure change indicator is displayed in the Barometer Mode and while the barometric
pressure graph is displayed in the Timekeeping Mode (page E-33).
• For example, you could enable the barometric pressure change indicator after arriving at a lodge or
campsite. Then, before setting out the following day, you could check for changes in barometric
pressure, which will give you some idea of upcoming weather conditions.
Reading the Barometric Pressure Change Indicator
Small Hand and Digital Display Meaning
Sudden fall in pressure.
Sudden rise in pressure.
Sustained rise in pressure, changing to a fall.
Sustained fall in pressure, changing to a rise.
• The barometric pressure change indicator is not displayed if there has been no noteworthy change in
barometric pressure. In such a case, the small hand is at 6 o’clock.
• To ensure proper results, take barometric readings under conditions where the altitude remains
• A change in altitude causes a change in barometric pressure. This means that correct barometric
pressure readings are not possible while you are changing altitudes. To avoid possible confusion, it is
probably best to disable the barometric pressure change indicator while you are on the move during
your climb.
To enable or disable the barometric pressure change indicator
In the Barometer Mode or the Timekeeping Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds until
appears on the digital display, and the current indicator setting toggles between
(enabled) and
• The s mal l hand ac ts as a ba romet ric pre ssure c hang e indic ator w hile O N, an d a Tide G raph w hile
• BARO is s hown o n the d igita l disp lay whil e the in dicat or is en able d.
• Note t hat ba romet ric pre ssure c hang e indic ator dis play wil l turn o ff au tomat ical ly 24 hou rs af ter
you tu rn it o n or bat ter y pow er go es low.
• Enab ling o r disa bling t he Baro met ric Pre ssure C hang e Indic ator in t he Ba rome ter Mo de will a lso
toggl e the se con d hand f unct ion be twe en Ba rome tric P ressu re Dif fere ntial P ointe r (Baro met ric
Pres sure Ch ange I ndic ator O N) and c urren t seco nd co unt in dicat ion ( Baro metr ic Pres sure
Cha nge Ind icato r OF F) (p age E- 4 5). Af ter se lecti ng the B arom etri c Press ure Cha nge In dicato r
set ting yo u want , use
to sele ct th e seco nd ha nd fun ctio n set ting yo u want .
• Note t hat ti me cal ibrati on sig nal rec eptio n and p ower s aving (p age E-19) are disabl ed wh ile
baro metr ic pres sure cha nge in dicato r displ ay is ena bled.
• Note t hat ba romet ric pre ssure c hang e indic ator dis play ca nnot b e enab led wh ile the wa tch’s
bat ter y is low.
Pressure Sensor Calibration
The pressure sensor built into the watch are calibrated at the factory and normally require no further
adjustment. If you notice serious errors in the pressure readings produced by the watch, you can calibrate
the sensor to correct the errors.
• Incorrectly calibrating the barometric pressure sensor can result in incorrect readings. Before
performing the calibration procedure, compare the readings produced by the watch with those of
another reliable and accurate barometer.
To calibrate the pressure sensor
1. Take a reading with another measurement device to determine the
exact current barometric pressure.
2. Use
to enter the Barometer Mode (
), as shown on page
3. Pull out the crown. This will cause the current barometric pressure
reading value to fl ash on the digital display.
• The t ime keepi ng (ho ur, minute, se con d) hand s will m ove to 2
o’clock .
4. Rotate the crown to adjust the barometric pressure value.
• Y ou ca n als o use H S1 high -sp eed m oveme nt (pag e E- 6) to cha nge
this setting.
• The c alib ratio n unit i s 1 hPa (0 .0 5 inH g).
• To return the setting to
(uncalibrated), press
at the
same time.
5. After you complete calibration, push the crown back in.
Barometer Precautions
• The pressure sensor built into this watch measures changes in air pressure, which you can then apply
to your own weather predictions. It is not intended for use as a precision instrument in offi cial weather
prediction or reporting applications.
• Extreme temperature changes can affect pressure sensor readings. Because of this, there may be
some error in the readings produced by the watch.
Taking Direction Readings
You can use the Digital Compass Mode to determine the direction of north, and to check your bearing to a
• For information about what you can do to improve digital compass reading accuracy, see “Calibrating
the Bearing Sensor” (page E-56) and “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-60).
To take a direction reading
1. Place the watch on a fl at surface. If you are wearing the watch, make sure that your wrist is horizontal
(in relation to the horizon).
2. Point the 12 o’clock position of the watch in the direction whose reading you want to take.
3. In the Timekeeping Mode or any sensor mode, press
a number of times until
Compass Mode) appears on the digital display.
• In a no n- sen sor m ode, h old do wn
for ab out t wo s eco nds to en ter the T im ekeep ing M ode. N ext ,
perform the above step.
• Af ter you e nter th e Digi tal C omp ass M ode (COMP ), the watch w ill sta rt t akin g bear ing rea dings .
• St ar ting a dig ital c omp ass o perati on wi ll caus e the se con d hand to m ove mo men taril y to the
12 o’clock po siti on. F ollo wing t he digi tal co mpa ss ope ratio n, th e seco nd ha nd will p oint i n the
direc tio n of magn etic n or th. T he bea ring a nd dire ctio n angl e will ap pear o n the d igita l displ ay.
Bearing Indication
N: North
E: East
W: West
S: South
Bearing to Objective:
Bearing Angle
to Objective
• Af ter th e initi al readi ng is dis played, t he watch wi ll con tinu e to take re adings a nd dis play resu lts
abo ut ever y sec ond f or abo ut th e next 6 0 s eco nds.
• Pressing
, or rot ating t he crow n whi le a readi ng ope ratio n is in pro gres s will ex tend t he
ope ratio n for ap proxim ately 6 0 se con ds fro m poin t the bu tto n was pres sed o r the cro wn was
• The wa tch will re turn to t he Ti meke eping M od e abou t 60 s eco nds af ter t he dire ctio n readin g
operation i s complete .
• Pressing
whil e a readin g ope ratio n is in pro gres s will sto p the o perat ion a nd ente r the
Ti meke epin g Mo de.
• If the second hand does not point exactly at 12 o’clock after you perform step 3 above, perform the
operation under “Hand Home Position Adjustment” (page E-39) to adjust it.
• If the digital display contents start to fl ash after you perform a reading operation, it means that
abnormal magnetism has been detected. Move away from any potential source of strong magnetism
and try taking a reading again. If the problem occurs when you try again, continue to keep away from
the source of strong magnetism, perform bidirectional calibration, and then try taking a reading again.
For more information, refer to “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-57) and “Location” (page
Digital Compass Readings
• After the fi rst reading is obtained, the watch will continue to take digital compass readings automatically
each second for up to 60 seconds. After that, the reading operation will stop automatically.
• The auto light switch is disabled during the 60 seconds that digital compass readings are being taken.
• The margin of error for the angle value and the direction indicator is ±10 degrees while the watch is
horizontal (in relation to the horizon). If the indicated direction is northwest (
) and 315 degrees, for
example, the actual direction can be anywhere from 305 to 325 degrees.
• Note that taking a direction reading while the watch is not horizontal (in relation to the horizon) can
result in large direction reading error.
You can calibrate the bearing sensor if you suspect the direction reading is incorrect.
• Any ongoing direction reading operation is paused temporarily while the watch is performing an alert
operation (daily alarm, Hourly Time Signal, countdown timer alarm) or while illumination is turned on (by
). The direction reading operation resumes for its remaining duration after the operation
that caused it to pause is fi nished.
• See “Digital Compass Precautions” (page E-60) for important information about taking direction readings.
Operation Guide 5371