Why is the sensor signal not being received?
Have you paired the sensor?
• You must pair smart computer with your smartphone via Cateye Cycling™.
Pairing with a sensor
Why can't I measure speed?
When using a speed (cadence) sensor (ISC-12), if the wheel magnet moves so that it is
not facing the sensor zone, the computer registers the speed signal as 0 and
measurement is not possible. (This is because the speed signal from the sensor has
priority over GPS when measuring speed.)
[PAUSE] and measurement
Measurement is paused.
Press SS/LAP for 1 second to resume measurement.
The display says [READY], but measurement will not start. What should I do?
Press SS/LAP for 1 second to start measurement.
Tapping the
(Start Measurement) in Cateye Cycling™ has the same effect.
If a connection cannot be established even when set to [ON], perform pairing with the
smart computer again. Solutions will vary depending on the smartphone and model.
• Padrone Smart users with iPhones
Remove the smart computer registered under [Settings] > [Bluetooth] on the iPhone.
Then remove the smart computer once under
(MENU) > [Device] in Cateye
Cycling™, and perform pairing again.
Pairing with smart computer
• For Strada Smart users and Android smartphone users:
(MENU) > [Device] in Cateye Cycling™, remove the smart computer once
and perform pairing again.
Pairing with smart computer