Y ou must consider the following f actors in de termining the amount of
training eort required in order to aain tangible physic al and health
The level of physical ex eron during training must ex ceed the point
of normal ex eron, without going beyond the point of breathlessness
and/or exhauson. A suitable re fer ence value can be the pulse. With
each training session, the condion increases and therefor e the trai-
ning requirements should be adjusted. This is possible by extending the
dura on of the training, increasing the level of diculty or changing
the type of training.
Most experts recommend the combinaon of a health-conscious diet,
which must be adjusted according to the training goal, and physical
ex ercise thr ee to v e mes a w eek. A normal adult needs twice a week
ex ercise to main tain its current condion. T o improve his condion and
change his body weight, he needs at least three training sessions per
week. Ideal of cour se is a frequency of ve tr aining sessions per week.
Each training session should consist of three training phases: „ warm-
up phase“ , „tr aini ng phase“ and „cool-down phase“ . In the „ warm-up
phase“ the body tempera ture and the oxy gen supply should be increa-
sed slowly . This is possible through gymnasc ex ercises over a period
of ve to t en minutes. A er that you s tart with actual training “training
phase” . The training load should be adapted according to the training
heart rate. In order to support the circulaon aer the training phase
and to pr event aching or str ained muscles lat er , it is necessary to f ollow
the training phase with a cool-down phase. This should be consist of
stre tching ex ercises and/ or light gymnasc exer cises for a period of
ve to t en minutes.
T o determine the tr aining heart r ate, you can proceed as follows.
Please note that these are guide values. If you ha ve health problems or
are unsure, c onsult a doctor or tness trainer .
Male, 30 years old and weighs 80 kg. I am a beginner and would like
to lose some weight and incr ease my endur ance.
Maximum heart r ate = 214 - (0.5 x age) - (0.11 x body weigh t)
Maximum heart r ate = 214 - (0.5 x 30) - (0.11 x 80)
Due to m y goals and training lev el, the fat met abolism zone
suits me best.
T raining heart r ate = 60 to 70% of the ma ximum heart rat e
T raining heart r ate = 190 x 0.6 [60%]
Aer you ha ve set your training heart r ate for your training condion or
Once you ha ve idened goals, you can st art training. Mos t of our pro-
ducts have heart r ate sensor s or are heart rat e belt compable. So you
can check your heart rate on the monitor during the work outs. If the
pulse ra te is not shown on the computer display or you want to be on
the saf e side and want to check your pulse rate, which could be incor-
rectly displayed due to possible applicaon error s or similar , you can
use the following t ools:
Pulse measurement in the con venonal wa y (sensing the pulse beat,
e.g. on the wrist and counng the beats within a minut e).
Heart ra te measurement with suitable and c alibrat ed heart ra te
measuring devices (av ailable from medical supply s tores).
Heart rat e measurement with other pr oducts such as heart rat e mo-
nitors, smartphones....
The maximum pulse value c an be determined in many di erent
wa ys, since the maximum pulse depends on many f actors. Y ou can
use the main-f ormula for the calculaon (ma ximum heart rat e = 220
- age). This formula is v ery general. It is used in man y home sport
products to de termine the maximum heart r ate. W e recommend
the This formula c alculates the maximum
heart ra te more pr ecisely and tak es gender , age and body weight
into accoun t.
Maximum heart r ate = 214 - (0.5 x age) - (0.11 x body weigh t)
Maximum heart r ate = 210 - (0.5 x age) - (0.11 x body weigh t)
The opmal training heart r ate is determined by the goal of the tr ai-
ning. T raining z ones were dened f or this.
R egenera on and Compensaon
Suitable f or: Beginners / type of tr aining: very light cardio
training / goal: r ecovery and health pr omoon. Building the
basic condion.
Basics endur ance training 1
Suitable f or beginners and advanced user s / type of training:
light car dio training / goal: acv aon of fa t metabolism
(calorie burning). improv ement in endurance perf ormance.
Basics endur ance training 1 to 2
Suitable f or beginners and advanced / type of tr aining: moderate
cardio tr aining. / Aim: Acvaon of the f at metabolism
(calorie burning), improving aer obic performance,
Increase in endur ance performance.
Basics endur ance training 2
Suitable f or advanced and compev e athletes / type of tr aining:
modera te endurance tr aining or interval training / goal: impr ove-
ment of lacta te toler ance, maximum increase in perf ormance.
P erformance / Compeon T raining
Suitable f or athletes and high-perf ormance athletes / type of tr ai-
ning: intensiv e interval tr aining and compeon tr aining / goal:
improv ement of maximum speed and power . T raining
in this area can lead t o overloading of the cardio vascular sy stem
and damage to health.
Start your warm up by walking on the spot for at least 3 minutes
and then perf orm the following gymnasc ex ercises to the body
for the tr aining phase to prepare accor dingly . The ex ercises do not
over do it and only as far run unl a slight drag felt. This posion
will hold a while.
Reach with your le hand behind your
head to the right shoulder and pull with
the right hand slightly to the le elbow . Af-
ter 20sec. swit ch arm.
Bend forwar d as far forw ard as possible
and let your legs almost stret ched. Show it
with your ngers in the direcon of toe. 2
x 20sec.
Sit down with one leg stre tched out on the
oor and bend forward and try to reach
the foot with y our hands. 2 x 20sec.
Kneel in a wide lunge f or war d and support
your self with y our hands on the oor . Pr ess
the pelvis down. Change aer 20 sec leg.
The ke y to a successful program is regular tr aining. Y ou should set a
xed me and place f or each da y of training and pr epare y ourself men-
tally f or the training. Only tr ain when you are in the mood f or it and al-
wa ys have your goalin view . With connuous training you will be able
to see how you are progressing day by day and are approaching your
personal tr aining goal bit by bit.