43VP8336 | VP8337 | VP8338 | VP8339
25 VP9181
• D onotusethisapplianc einaw a ytha tisdi er en tfr omtheinstruc tionsthismanual .
• Remo v eallpack ag ingandmark etingma t erialsfr omtheapplianc ebef or ey ouuseitf orthersttime .
• M ak esur etha tthec onnec tingv oltagec orr espondst othev aluesontheapplianc et ypelabel .
• D onotlea v etheapplianc euna tt endedwhenturnedonorpluggedin t otheelec tricalsock et .
• Disc onnec ttheapplianc efr omtheelec tricalsock etwheny ouar enotusingit .
• Nev erpullthesupplycablewhendisc onnec tingtheapplianc efr omtheelec tricalsock et;pullthepluginst ead .
• D o not allo w childr en or irr esponsible people t o handle the applianc e . U se the applianc e out of the r each of these
people .
• Handicapped people , people with impair ed faculties or men tal capabilities or people unfamiliar with the applianc e
oper a tionar eonlyallo w edt ouseitwhensuper visedb yr esponsible ,k no wledgeablepeople .
• B eespeciallycar efulwhenther ear echildr enneartheapplianc e .
• D onotallo wtheapplianc et obeusedasat o y .
• D onotusetheapplianc eout doorsoronw etsur fac esasther eisathr ea tofelec tricshockintheseplac es .
• D onotusean yotherac c essoriese x c eptthoser ec ommendedb ythemanufac tur er .
• Nev er use the applianc e if the supply cable or plug has been damaged; ha v e the def ec t r epair ed immedia t ely b y an
authorisedser vic ec en tr e .
• Nev erruno v erthesupplycablewiththeoora ttachmen tortheapplianc eitself .
• P r o videdther otar ybrushisused ,itma ybedanger oust oruntheapplianc eo v erthesupplycable .
• Nev erpullthesupplypo w erc or doruseitt ocarr ytheapplianc e .
• Keep the applianc e a w a y fr om an y sour c es of hea t , such as r adia t ors , o v ens , et c . D o not e xpose the applianc e t o dir ec t
sunligh tormoistur e .
• D onott ouchtheapplianc ewithdamporw ethands .
• D onotinser tan yit emsin t otheopenings .D onotusetheapplianc eifan yoftheseopeningsisobstruc t ed .
• Unplugg ing the applianc e fr om the w all sock et , rst turn o the main swit ch, then pull the plug out of the elec tric
v oltagesock et .
• T ak ee x tr acar ewhenusingtheapplianc eonstairs .
• I f the applianc e‘ s suc tion inlet bec omes obstruc t ed , turn the applianc e o and r emo v e an y obstruc ting dir t bef or e
turningtheapplianc eonagain.
• Holdthesupplycablewhilewindingitinor dert oa v oidunc on tr olledmo v emen t .
• B ef or e xing an y ac c essories , cleaning , or in the case of a def ec t turn o the applianc e and pull the plug out of the
elec tricalsock et .
• Un wind the nec essar y length of po w er supply c or d bef or e using the applianc e . T he ideal length of the po w er supply
c or dismark edb yay ello wdotonthec or d .D onotun windthepo w ersupplyc or dpastther edmark .
T hanky ouf orpur chasingaC onc eptpr oduc t . W ehopey ouwillbesa tisedwithourpr oduc tthr oughoutitsser vic elif e .
P lease study the en tir e Oper a ting M anual car efully bef or e y ou star t using the pr oduc t . Keep the manual in a saf e plac e
f or futur e r ef er enc e . M ak e sur e tha t an y persons handling the v acuum cleaner ar e also familiar with this Oper a ting
M anual ..
T echnical par amet ers
V oltage 220 - 240 V ~ 50 H z
P o w er input nom. 1600 W (max.) 1800 W
Noise lev el <82 dB( A )
Suc tion po w er 26 kP a
VP8110, VP8111, VP8112
nom. 1400 W , max. 1600 W
≤ 80 dB( A )
T echnical par amet ers
V oltage 220–240 V ~ 50/60 Hz
Po wer input 700 W
Noise level 76 dB (A)
• D onotusethisapplianc einaw a ytha tisdi er en tfr omtheinstruc tionsthismanual .
• Remo v eallpack ag ingandmark etingma t erialsfr omtheapplianc ebef or ey ouuseitf orthersttime .
• M ak esur etha tthec onnec tingv oltagec orr espondst othev aluesontheapplianc et ypelabel .
• D onotlea v etheapplianc euna tt endedwhenturnedonorpluggedin t otheelec tricalsock et .
• Disc onnec ttheapplianc efr omtheelec tricalsock etwheny ouar enotusingit .
• Nev erpullthesupplycablewhendisc onnec tingtheapplianc efr omtheelec tricalsock et;pullthepluginst ead .
• D o not allo w childr en or irr esponsible people t o handle the applianc e . U se the applianc e out of the r each of these
people .
• Handicapped people , people with impair ed faculties or men tal capabilities or people unfamiliar with the applianc e
oper a tionar eonlyallo w edt ouseitwhensuper visedb yr esponsible ,k no wledgeablepeople .
• B eespeciallycar efulwhenther ear echildr enneartheapplianc e .
• D onotallo wtheapplianc et obeusedasat o y .
• D onotusetheapplianc eout doorsoronw etsur fac esasther eisathr ea tofelec tricshockintheseplac es .
• D onotusean yotherac c essoriese x c eptthoser ec ommendedb ythemanufac tur er .
• Nev er use the applianc e if the supply cable or plug has been damaged; ha v e the def ec t r epair ed immedia t ely b y an
authorisedser vic ec en tr e .
• Nev erruno v erthesupplycablewiththeoora ttachmen tortheapplianc eitself .
• P r o videdther otar ybrushisused ,itma ybedanger oust oruntheapplianc eo v erthesupplycable .
• Nev erpullthesupplypo w erc or doruseitt ocarr ytheapplianc e .
• Keep the applianc e a w a y fr om an y sour c es of hea t , such as r adia t ors , o v ens , et c . D o not e xpose the applianc e t o dir ec t
sunligh tormoistur e .
• D onott ouchtheapplianc ewithdamporw ethands .
• D onotinser tan yit emsin t otheopenings .D onotusetheapplianc eifan yoftheseopeningsisobstruc t ed .
• Unplugg ing the applianc e fr om the w all sock et , rst turn o the main swit ch, then pull the plug out of the elec tric
v oltagesock et .
• T ak ee x tr acar ewhenusingtheapplianc eonstairs .
• I f the applianc e‘ s suc tion inlet bec omes obstruc t ed , turn the applianc e o and r emo v e an y obstruc ting dir t bef or e
turningtheapplianc eonagain.
• Holdthesupplycablewhilewindingitinor dert oa v oidunc on tr olledmo v emen t .
• B ef or e xing an y ac c essories , cleaning , or in the case of a def ec t turn o the applianc e and pull the plug out of the
elec tricalsock et .
• Un wind the nec essar y length of po w er supply c or d bef or e using the applianc e . T he ideal length of the po w er supply
c or dismark edb yay ello wdotonthec or d .D onotun windthepo w ersupplyc or dpastther edmark .
Thankyouforpur chasingaConceptproduct.W ehopeyouwillbesatisedwithourproductthroughoutitsservicelife.
Pleasestudy theentireOperatingManualcarefully befor eyoustar tusing theproduct.Keep themanualin asafeplace
for future referenc e. Make sure that any persons handling the vacuum cleaner are also familiar with this Operating
T echnical par amet ers
V oltage 220 - 240 V ~ 50 H z
P o w er input nom. 1600 W (max.) 1800 W
Noise lev el <82 dB( A )
Suc tion po w er 26 kP a
VP8110, VP8111, VP8112
nom. 1400 W , max. 1600 W
≤ 80 dB( A )
21 kP a
T echnical par amet ers
V oltage 220–240 V ~ 50/60 H z
P o w er input 700 W
Noise lev el 76 dB ( A )
VP 833 6
• Do no t use th is a ppli anc e in away th at is d ie ren t from the i nst ruction s
this manual.
• Remove all pack aging and marketing materials f rom the appliance be fore
yo u use i t for t he rst t ime .
• Ma ke s ure th at the c onnectin g vol tage co rres ponds t o the val ues on the
appl ianc e t ype la bel.
• Do no t lea ve t he appli anc e una t t ended w hen tu rned on or plu gged int o
the elec trical socket.
• Di scon nect the app lia nce fro m the e lectrical s ock et when y ou ar e not
using it.
• Ne ver pu ll th e su pply ca ble when di scon nec ti ng the app lia nce fro m the
electrica l socke t; pul l the plu g in ste ad.
• Do no t allo w child ren or irr espon si ble peopl e to h andle t he appli ance .
U se the a pplia nc e out o f the r ea ch of t hese peo ple .
• Ha ndicap ped people , people wit h impai red facul ties or m en tal cap abi lit ies
or peopl e un fami liar wi th the ap pli anc e opera tio n are o nly a llo wed t o
use i t when s upervised b y res ponsi ble, kno wledgea ble people .
• Be es pecial ly carefu l when t here ar e child ren nea r the appl ianc e.
• Do no t allo w the appl ianc e to be used a s ato y .
• Do no t use the a pplia nc e out doors or on w et s urfaces a s there i s athre at
of el ectric shoc k in thes e pla ce s.
• Do no t use an y othe r acc essori es ex ce pt th ose rec omme nded by th e
manufac turer .
• Ne ver us e the a ppli anc e if the s upply ca ble or pl ug has bee n dam aged ;
ha ve th e defect rep air ed immedi at ely by a n autho ris ed service c entr e.
T echnical parameters VP8336 | VP8337 | VP8338 | VP8339