45 44 VP8336 | VP8337 | VP8338 | VP8339 VP8336 | VP8337 | VP8338 | VP8339
• Ne ver run o ver t he s uppl y cable w ith t he oor a t tac hme nt o r the
appliance i tself.
• P ro vided the r ota r y bru sh is u sed, it m ay be da ngerou s to run t he
appliance over th e supply cable.
• Ne ver pu ll th e su pply po wer c ord o r use i t to ca rr y the ap pli anc e.
• K eep the ap pli anc e awa y from an y sour ces of h ea t, such a s radia tors,
ov ens, e t c. Do not ex pose th e appl ianc e to di rect sun ligh t or moist ure .
• Do no t touc h the a pplia nc e with d amp or w et hand s.
• Do no t insert an y item s int o the open ings. Do n ot u se the a pplia nc e if an y
of th ese ope ning s is ob structed.
• U npl uggi ng the ap pli anc e from the w al l sock et, rst tu rn o th e mai n
swit ch, th en pull t he plug ou t of th e electric v oltage soc ket.
• T ake e x tra c are when using the ap pliance on s tairs .
• If t he ap pli anc e‘ s suctio n inl et become s obst ructed, t urn the ap pli anc e o
and rem ov e any obs truc ting dir t before turning th e appliance on again.
• Hol d the s upply cab le whi le wind ing i t in or der t o av oid u nc on trol led
movem ent.
• Bef ore x ing a n y ac cess orie s, cl ea nin g, or i n the case o f adefect turn o
the a pplia nc e and p ull t he plug ou t of th e electrica l socke t.
• Un wind t he nec essary length o f powe r su pply c ord befor e usin g the
appl ianc e. The id ea l leng th of t he po wer s upply c ord is m arked b y a yell ow
dot o n the co rd. Do no t unwi nd the po wer s upply c ord past t he red m ark.
• The a ppli ance i s int ended fo r hou sehold u se onl y ( not f or c omme rc ial u se ) .
• Do no t vacuu m any b urn ing it ems s uch as c iga rettes, m at ches, o r hot as h.
• Do no t use the a pplia nc e in w et roo ms ; do not va cuum a n y wet i te ms or
liq uids, amma ble liqu ids ( such a s petrol ) and do no t use t he ap pli anc e
in pl ac es where t hese su bstan ces ma y be pres ent .
• Ne ver va cuu m withou t us ing the d ust c ollection ba g or the
appliance‘s lters. Before each using the appliance, make sure the dust
co llectio n bag a nd the a pplia nc e‘ slt ers are p roper ly in stalled.
• Do not imm erse the supply cable, the plug, or the appliance itself
into wa ter or an y ot her liquid .
• C heck t he app li anc e and the s upply ca ble reg ular ly for a ny da mag e.
Nev er turn t he appli ance o n if it is da maged.
• P rior t o cle ani ng and after u sing t he appli ance , turn i t o , dis co nnect it
from the elec tric voltage outlet and let it cool.
• Bef ore u sing t he app li anc e, re mo ve a ny la rge or sh arp it ems fr om the
su r fac e you w an t to v acu um as th ese it ems ma y dam age the d ust
co llectio n bag or t he appli ance ‘ slt ers.
• Do no t use the a pplia nc e if th e lt ers are d irt y .
• Ne ver re pai r the a ppli ance b y you rself . In ste ad, co ntact an au thor ised
ser vice centr e for rep air .
• Thi s appl ianc e may be u sed by ch ild ren 8 y ears of a ge and olde r and by
person s with ph ysica l or men tal im pairme nts or b y inexperi enc ed persons i f
the y are pro perly s uper vi sed or ha ve been i nfo rmed about ho w to u se of th e
prod uct in a safe ma nner an d und erstand t he pot ent ial da ngers. Ch ildre n
mu st not p la y with th e appl ianc e. Thi s appli anc e ma y be cle aned by c hi ldre n
8 ye ars of age a nd older if t hey are p rope rly s upervised . Kee p th is a ppli ance
and t he powe r cord o ut of r eac h of chi ldr en y oun ger th an 8 ye ars of a ge .
F ailure to follo w t he manufa c turer ‘ sinstruct ions ma y invali date the
warranty .
27 VP9181
1.Slotno zzle
Th e slot no zzle adapt er is used f or v acuuming plac es tha t ar e dicult t o ac c ess , such as r adia t ors , slots , c orners ,
pedestals ,spac esbet w eenupholst er y ,andothers .
2.Upholst er yno zzle
T hisupholst er yno zzlea ttachmen tma ybeusedf orsmallerupholst er edar eas .
B ef or e using the applianc e , mak e sur e tha t lt ers and the dust c ollec tion bag ar e pr operly positioned and moun t ed .
Un wind the supply cable length y ou need . T he y ello w mark on the supply cable indica t es the optimum cable length. D o
notun windthesupplycablebey ondther edmark!
1.I nser ttheplugin t otheelec tricv oltagesock et .
2.P r esstheON/OFFswit chontheapplianc e .
3.S etupthesuc tionpo w ery ouneedusingtheoutputpo w erc on tr ol .
4.A f t er yo u ha v est oppedv acuuming ,swit chtheapplianc eoanddisc onnec titfr omtheelec tricv oltageoutlet .
5. F or winding up the supply cable , pr ess the winding butt on with one hand and hold the supply cable with the other
handt oa v oidunc on tr olledmo v emen t .
B ef or exingorr emo vingac c essories ,alw a y spulltheplugoutoftheelec tricalsock et!
1.C onnec tingthee xiblehoset otheapplianc e
I nser tthee xiblehosein t otheapplianc e‘ sairsuc tioninlet .
C on tinue pushing un til y ou hear a click ing sound , which indica t es tha t the c orr ec t
positionhasbeenr eached .
Fo r r emo ving the e xible hose , pr ess both st opper butt ons and r emo v e the hose
(F ig .1).
T hesuc tionpo w erma ybec on tr olledmanuallyonthehosehandle .
W hentheslidethr ottleisclosed ,theairo wisstr onger .
Slidethr ottleinopenposition-w eak erairo w .
2.A ttachingthet elesc opictubet othehoseadapt er
P utthet elesc opictubeonthehoseadapt erandturnitsligh tly .
3.Ex t endingthet elesc opictube
P r esstheplasticla t chandpullthesmallertubeout w ar ds .
4.F ixingtheoora ttachmen tt othet elesc opictube
I nser tthet elesc opictubein t otheoora ttachmen tandturnitsligh tly .
Th e ap (F ig . 2) is used f or setting the oor a ttachmen t t o brushing (f or smooth
oors),ort osmoothv acuuming(f orcarpets).
(F ig .1)
(F ig .2)
1.Slotno zzle
Th e slot no zzle adapt er is used f or v acuuming plac es tha t ar e dicult t o ac c ess , such as r adia t ors , slots , c orners ,
pedestals ,spac esbet w eenupholst er y ,andothers .
2.Upholst er yno zzle
T hisupholst er yno zzlea ttachmen tma ybeusedf orsmallerupholst er edar eas .
B ef or e using the applianc e , mak e sur e tha t lt ers and the dust c ollec tion bag ar e pr operly positioned and moun t ed .
Un wind the supply cable length y ou need . T he y ello w mark on the supply cable indica t es the optimum cable length. D o
notun windthesupplycablebey ondther edmark!
1.I nser ttheplugin t otheelec tricv oltagesock et .
2.P r esstheON/OFFswit chontheapplianc e .
3.S etupthesuc tionpo w ery ouneedusingtheoutputpo w erc on tr ol .
4.A f t er yo u ha v est oppedv acuuming ,swit chtheapplianc eoanddisc onnec titfr omtheelec tricv oltageoutlet .
5. F or winding up the supply cable , pr ess the winding butt on with one hand and hold the supply cable with the other
handt oa v oidunc on tr olledmo v emen t .
B ef or exingorr emo vingac c essories ,alw a y spulltheplugoutoftheelec tricalsock et!
1.C onnec tingthee xiblehoset otheapplianc e
I nser tthee xiblehosein t otheapplianc e‘ sairsuc tioninlet .
C on tinue pushing un til y ou hear a click ing sound , which indica t es tha t the c orr ec t
positionhasbeenr eached .
Fo r r emo ving the e xible hose , pr ess both st opper butt ons and r emo v e the hose
(F ig .1).
T hesuc tionpo w erma ybec on tr olledmanuallyonthehosehandle .
W hentheslidethr ottleisclosed ,theairo wisstr onger .
Slidethr ottleinopenposition-w eak erairo w .
2.A ttachingthet elesc opictubet othehoseadapt er
P utthet elesc opictubeonthehoseadapt erandturnitsligh tly .
3.Ex t endingthet elesc opictube
P r esstheplasticla t chandpullthesmallertubeout w ar ds .
4.F ixingtheoora ttachmen tt othet elesc opictube
I nser tthet elesc opictubein t otheoora ttachmen tandturnitsligh tly .
Th e ap (F ig . 2) is used f or setting the oor a ttachmen t t o brushing (f or smooth
oors),ort osmoothv acuuming(f orcarpets).
(F ig .1)
(F ig .2)
VP8110, VP8111, VP8112
(F ig . 1)
(F ig . 2)
• Theapplianceisintendedforhouseholduseonly(notforcommercialuse).
• Donotvacuumanyburningitemssuchascigarettes,matches,orhotash.
• Do not use the appliance in wet rooms; do not vacuum any wet items or liquids, ammable liquids (such as petrol) and
• Never vacuum without using the dust collection bag or the appliance‘s lters. Before each using the appliance, make
• Do not immerse the supply cable, the plug, or the appliance itself into water or any other liquid.
• Checktheapplianceandthesupplycableregularlyforanydamage.Neverturntheapplianceonifitisdamaged.
• Priortocleaningandafterusingtheappliance,turnito,disconnectitfromtheelectricvoltageoutletandletitcool.
• Before using the appliance, remove any large or sharp items from the surface you want to vacuum as these items may
• Donotusetheapplianceiftheltersaredirty.
• Neverrepairtheappliancebyyourself.Instead,contactanauthorisedservicecentreforrepair.
• This appliance may be used by children 8 years of age and older and by persons with physical or mental impairments
or by inexperienced persons if they are properly supervised or have been informed about how to use of the product in
a safe manner and understand the potential dangers. Children must not play with the appliance. This appliance may
be cleaned by children 8 years of age and older if they are properly supervised. Keep this appliance and the power cord
out of reach of children younger than 8 years of age.
F ailur e t o f ollo w the manufac tur er ‘ s instruc tions ma y in v alida t e the w arr an t y .
1. Hose holder
2. T elesc opic tube
3. A ir dischar ge filt er
4. F loor a ttachmen t
5. F le xible hose
6. P o w er c on tr oller
7. P o w er c or d winding butt on
8. D ust c ollec tion bag fill indic a t or
9. ON/OFF butt on
10. C arr ying handle
11. F r on t c o wl clap
12. Rubber- c oa t ed wheels
A Slott edno zzle
B Upholst er yno zzle
2 VP9181
1. D r žadlo hadic e
2. T elesk opick á trubk a
3. F iltr v ý stupu vz duchu
4. P odlaho v á hubic e
5. Ohebná hadic e
6. Regulá t or v ýk onu
7. T lačítk o na víjení k abelu
8. Indik á t or plnosti pr acho v ého sáčku
9. T lačítk o v ypínač e
10. D r žadlo pr o př enášení
11. Klapk a př edního k r ytu
12. P ogumo v aná k ola
P říslušenst ví
A Š t ěrbino v áhubic e
B Hubic enačalounění
9 3 6
26 VP8110, VP8111, VP8112
T elesc opic tub e
A ir dischar ge lt er
4. F lo or a ttachmen t
5. F le xible hose
6. P o w er c or d winding butt on
7. D ust c ollec tion bag ll indic a t or
8. ON/OFF butt on
9. C arr ying handle
10. F r on t c o wl clap
11. Rubb er- c oa t ed wheels
P říslušenst ví
A Slot no zzle
B Upholst er y no zzle
C No zzle f or w ooden oors
1. Hose holder
2. T elescopic tube
3. Air discharge lte
4. Floor attachmen t
5. Flexible hose
6. P ower cord winding butt on
7. Dust collection bag ll indicator
8. ON/OFF button
9. Carrying handle
10. Front c owl clap
11. Rubber-coted wheels
12. Power r egulator
A c c essories
A. u T rbo brush
B . No zzle f or w ooden oors
C. Slott ed no zzle with a brush
27 VP9181
1.Slotno zzle
Th e slot no zzle adapt er is used f or v acuuming plac es tha t ar e dicult t o ac c ess , such as r adia t ors , slots , c orners ,
pedestals ,spac esbet w eenupholst er y ,andothers .
2.Upholst er yno zzle
T hisupholst er yno zzlea ttachmen tma ybeusedf orsmallerupholst er edar eas .
B ef or e using the applianc e , mak e sur e tha t lt ers and the dust c ollec tion bag ar e pr operly positioned and moun t ed .
Un wind the supply cable length y ou need . T he y ello w mark on the supply cable indica t es the optimum cable length. D o
notun windthesupplycablebey ondther edmark!
1.I nser ttheplugin t otheelec tricv oltagesock et .
2.P r esstheON/OFFswit chontheapplianc e .
3.S etupthesuc tionpo w ery ouneedusingtheoutputpo w erc on tr ol .
4.A f t er yo u ha v est oppedv acuuming ,swit chtheapplianc eoanddisc onnec titfr omtheelec tricv oltageoutlet .
5. F or winding up the supply cable , pr ess the winding butt on with one hand and hold the supply cable with the other
handt oa v oidunc on tr olledmo v emen t .
B ef or exingorr emo vingac c essories ,alw a y spulltheplugoutoftheelec tricalsock et!
1.C onnec tingthee xiblehoset otheapplianc e
I nser tthee xiblehosein t otheapplianc e‘ sairsuc tioninlet .
C on tinue pushing un til y ou hear a click ing sound , which indica t es tha t the c orr ec t
positionhasbeenr eached .
Fo r r emo ving the e xible hose , pr ess both st opper butt ons and r emo v e the hose
(F ig .1).
T hesuc tionpo w erma ybec on tr olledmanuallyonthehosehandle .
W hentheslidethr ottleisclosed ,theairo wisstr onger .
Slidethr ottleinopenposition-w eak erairo w .
2.A ttachingthet elesc opictubet othehoseadapt er
P utthet elesc opictubeonthehoseadapt erandturnitsligh tly .
3.Ex t endingthet elesc opictube
P r esstheplasticla t chandpullthesmallertubeout w ar ds .
4.F ixingtheoora ttachmen tt othet elesc opictube
I nser tthet elesc opictubein t otheoora ttachmen tandturnitsligh tly .
Th e ap (F ig . 2) is used f or setting the oor a ttachmen t t o brushing (f or smooth
oors),ort osmoothv acuuming(f orcarpets).
(F ig .1)
(F ig .2)
1.Slotno zzle
Th e slot no zzle adapt er is used f or v acuuming plac es tha t ar e dicult t o ac c ess , such as r adia t ors , slots , c orners ,
pedestals ,spac esbet w eenupholst er y ,andothers .
2.Upholst er yno zzle
T hisupholst er yno zzlea ttachmen tma ybeusedf orsmallerupholst er edar eas .
B ef or e using the applianc e , mak e sur e tha t lt ers and the dust c ollec tion bag ar e pr operly positioned and moun t ed .
Un wind the supply cable length y ou need . T he y ello w mark on the supply cable indica t es the optimum cable length. D o
notun windthesupplycablebey ondther edmark!
1.I nser ttheplugin t otheelec tricv oltagesock et .
2.P r esstheON/OFFswit chontheapplianc e .
3.S etupthesuc tionpo w ery ouneedusingtheoutputpo w erc on tr ol .
4.A f t er yo u ha v est oppedv acuuming ,swit chtheapplianc eoanddisc onnec titfr omtheelec tricv oltageoutlet .
5. F or winding up the supply cable , pr ess the winding butt on with one hand and hold the supply cable with the other
handt oa v oidunc on tr olledmo v emen t .
B ef or exingorr emo vingac c essories ,alw a y spulltheplugoutoftheelec tricalsock et!
1.C onnec tingthee xiblehoset otheapplianc e
I nser tthee xiblehosein t otheapplianc e‘ sairsuc tioninlet .
C on tinue pushing un til y ou hear a click ing sound , which indica t es tha t the c orr ec t
positionhasbeenr eached .
Fo r r emo ving the e xible hose , pr ess both st opper butt ons and r emo v e the hose
(F ig .1).
T hesuc tionpo w erma ybec on tr olledmanuallyonthehosehandle .
W hentheslidethr ottleisclosed ,theairo wisstr onger .
Slidethr ottleinopenposition-w eak erairo w .
2.A ttachingthet elesc opictubet othehoseadapt er
P utthet elesc opictubeonthehoseadapt erandturnitsligh tly .
3.Ex t endingthet elesc opictube
P r esstheplasticla t chandpullthesmallertubeout w ar ds .
4.F ixingtheoora ttachmen tt othet elesc opictube
I nser tthet elesc opictubein t otheoora ttachmen tandturnitsligh tly .
Th e ap (F ig . 2) is used f or setting the oor a ttachmen t t o brushing (f or smooth
oors),ort osmoothv acuuming(f orcarpets).
(F ig .1)
(F ig .2)
VP8110, VP8111, VP8112
(F ig . 1)
(F ig . 2)
A. Turbo br ush (V P8336, VP833 7 , V P8338)
B. Noz zle fo r woode n oor s
C. Slot ted noz zle wi th abrush