System requirements.......................................................................................................................................................................19
Preparing for installation................................................................................................................................................................20
Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite applications...........................................................................................................................20
Modifying and repairing installations..............................................................................................................................................22
Corel accounts and services..................................................................................................................................................................25
Changing user credentials...............................................................................................................................................................26
Corel Support Services....................................................................................................................................................................27
About Corel....................................................................................................................................................................................27
What’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8?....................................................................................................................................29
Finding out what was new in previous versions.............................................................................................................................37
Using the Help and tooltips........................................................................................................................................................... 40
Using Hints.....................................................................................................................................................................................42
Insights from the Experts................................................................................................................................................................44
Video learning resources.................................................................................................................................................................44
Community website for developers.................................................................................................................................................45
Starting and setting up........................................................................................................................................................................47
Starting and quitting CorelDRAW...................................................................................................................................................47
Changing the language..................................................................................................................................................................47
Understanding vector graphics and bitmaps...................................................................................................................................49
Starting and opening drawings......................................................................................................................................................50
Working with multiple drawings.................................................................................................................................................... 54
Undoing, redoing, and repeating actions.......................................................................................................................................55
Zooming, panning, and scrolling....................................................................................................................................................56
Working with views........................................................................................................................................................................61
Working with locked files...............................................................................................................................................................64
Backing up and recovering files......................................................................................................................................................65
Adding and accessing drawing information....................................................................................................................................66
Standard toolbar............................................................................................................................................................................ 73
Exploring the toolbox.....................................................................................................................................................................75
Status bar.......................................................................................................................................................................................93
Choosing a workspace....................................................................................................................................................................93
Finding and managing creative tools and content................................................................................................................................95
Acquiring applications, plug-ins, and extensions.............................................................................................................................95
Finding content with the Get More docker.................................................................................................................................... 97
Browsing and searching for content.............................................................................................................................................101
Using content...............................................................................................................................................................................105
Syncing trays with OneDrive.........................................................................................................................................................109
Lines, shapes, and outlines................................................................................................................................................................113
Working with lines, outlines, and brushstrokes...................................................................................................................................115
Drawing calligraphic, pressure-sensitive, and preset lines..............................................................................................................124
Formatting lines and outlines.......................................................................................................................................................126
Adding arrowheads to lines and curves........................................................................................................................................130
Copying, converting, and removing outlines.................................................................................................................................132
Closing multiple line segments.....................................................................................................................................................133
Spraying objects along a line........................................................................................................................................................135
Drawing connector and callout lines............................................................................................................................................138
Using pressure-sensitive pens and devices....................................................................................................................................144
Drawing rectangles and squares...................................................................................................................................................147
Drawing ellipses, circles, arcs, and pie shapes.............................................................................................................................. 150
Drawing polygons and stars.........................................................................................................................................................152
Drawing by using shape recognition............................................................................................................................................156
Using curve objects...................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Selecting and moving nodes........................................................................................................................................................ 160
Copying and cutting segments.....................................................................................................................................................163
Adding, removing, joining, and aligning nodes............................................................................................................................163
Using node types..........................................................................................................................................................................165
Breaking the path of curve objects...............................................................................................................................................167
Mirroring changes in curve objects...............................................................................................................................................168
Skewing and stretching objects....................................................................................................................................................168
Smudging and smearing objects..................................................................................................................................................170
Shaping objects by attracting or pushing away nodes..................................................................................................................176
Shaping objects by using envelopes............................................................................................................................................. 180
Cropping and erasing objects.......................................................................................................................................................183
Filleting, scalloping, and chamfering corners................................................................................................................................187
Welding and intersecting objects..................................................................................................................................................190
Objects, symbols, and layers.............................................................................................................................................................197
Working with objects.........................................................................................................................................................................199
Copying, duplicating, and deleting objects...................................................................................................................................206
Creating objects from enclosed areas...........................................................................................................................................209
Creating a boundary around selected objects...............................................................................................................................209
Using object coordinates to draw and modify objects..................................................................................................................210
Copying object properties, transformations, and effects...............................................................................................................218
Aligning and distributing objects..................................................................................................................................................222
Using dynamic guides.................................................................................................................................................................. 228
Using alignment guides................................................................................................................................................................232
Changing the order of objects......................................................................................................................................................236
Sizing and scaling objects............................................................................................................................................................ 237
Rotating and mirroring objects.....................................................................................................................................................238
Using the Object Properties docker to modify objects.................................................................................................................. 240
Finding and replacing objects.......................................................................................................................................................246
Hiding and displaying objects.......................................................................................................................................................247
Inserting bar codes.......................................................................................................................................................................249
Inserting and editing QR codes..........................................................................................................................................................251
Inserting QR codes....................................................................................................................................................................... 251
Editing QR codes..........................................................................................................................................................................252
Validating QR codes.....................................................................................................................................................................254
Working with layers............................................................................................................................................................................255
Moving and copying layers and objects........................................................................................................................................262
Working with symbols........................................................................................................................................................................265
Creating, editing, and deleting symbols........................................................................................................................................265
Using symbols in drawings...........................................................................................................................................................267
Managing collections and libraries............................................................................................................................................... 269
Reference: Working with symbols.................................................................................................................................................270
Linking and embedding objects..........................................................................................................................................................273
Inserting linked or embedded objects...........................................................................................................................................273
Editing linked or embedded objects............................................................................................................................................. 274
Setting up the project database...................................................................................................................................................275
Assigning and copying object data...............................................................................................................................................276
Viewing an object data summary.................................................................................................................................................277
Color, fills, and transparencies...........................................................................................................................................................279
Working with color............................................................................................................................................................................ 281
Understanding color models.........................................................................................................................................................281
Understanding color depth...........................................................................................................................................................283
Using the Document palette.........................................................................................................................................................290
Creating and editing custom color palettes..................................................................................................................................293
Organizing and displaying color palettes......................................................................................................................................296
Displaying or hiding color palettes in the Palette libraries.............................................................................................................297
Setting the properties of color palettes........................................................................................................................................299
Applying fills to areas...................................................................................................................................................................315
Contents | 7
Working with fills.........................................................................................................................................................................316
Changing the transparency of objects................................................................................................................................................319
Copying, freezing, and removing transparencies...........................................................................................................................325
Managing and sharing fills and transparencies...................................................................................................................................331
Managing fills and transparencies................................................................................................................................................331
Saving and sharing fills and transparencies.................................................................................................................................. 334
Using color management...................................................................................................................................................................335
Understanding color management............................................................................................................................................... 335
Getting started with color management in CorelDRAW................................................................................................................339
Installing, loading, and embedding color profiles.........................................................................................................................342
Assigning color profiles................................................................................................................................................................ 344
Converting colors to other color profiles......................................................................................................................................344
Working with color management presets.....................................................................................................................................348
Working with color management policies.....................................................................................................................................349
Managing colors when opening documents.................................................................................................................................350
Managing colors when importing and pasting files......................................................................................................................351
Managing colors for print............................................................................................................................................................351
Using a safe CMYK workflow.......................................................................................................................................................352
Managing colors for online viewing.............................................................................................................................................352
Special effects....................................................................................................................................................................................353
Using lenses with objects...................................................................................................................................................................355
Adding 3D effects to objects..............................................................................................................................................................359
Applying perspective to objects....................................................................................................................................................362
Creating drop shadows................................................................................................................................................................ 369
Adding and manipulating text............................................................................................................................................................381
Importing and pasting text...........................................................................................................................................................381
Adding columns to text frames....................................................................................................................................................387
Combining and linking paragraph text frames..............................................................................................................................388
Aligning text by using the baseline grid.......................................................................................................................................391
Finding, editing, and converting text............................................................................................................................................392
Shifting, rotating, mirroring, and flipping text..............................................................................................................................394
Fitting text to a path....................................................................................................................................................................398
Inserting special characters, symbols, and glyphs..........................................................................................................................400
Working with legacy text..............................................................................................................................................................405
Choosing typefaces and fonts.......................................................................................................................................................407
Changing text color......................................................................................................................................................................412
Kerning a range of characters...................................................................................................................................................... 413
Changing text case.......................................................................................................................................................................414
Working with OpenType features..................................................................................................................................................415
Adjusting character and word spacing.........................................................................................................................................419
Contents | 9
Adjusting line and paragraph spacing..........................................................................................................................................421
Adding bullets to text.................................................................................................................................................................. 422
Inserting drop caps.......................................................................................................................................................................424
Changing character position and angle........................................................................................................................................425
Adding tabs and indents..............................................................................................................................................................428
Working with text styles...............................................................................................................................................................429
Working with text in different languages...........................................................................................................................................435
Formatting Asian text...................................................................................................................................................................435
Using line-breaking rules for Asian text........................................................................................................................................436
OpenType support for Asian text..................................................................................................................................................437
Displaying text correctly in any language......................................................................................................................................439
Searching for fonts.......................................................................................................................................................................445
Choosing fonts with Font Playground...........................................................................................................................................447
Using Corel Font Manager............................................................................................................................................................450
Using writing tools.............................................................................................................................................................................451
Using QuickCorrect.......................................................................................................................................................................451
Using the spelling checker and Grammatik...................................................................................................................................453
Using the thesaurus......................................................................................................................................................................455
Working with languages...............................................................................................................................................................456
Customizing the writing tools...................................................................................................................................................... 456
10 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Using checking styles....................................................................................................................................................................457
Using rule classes.........................................................................................................................................................................460
Analyzing a drawing.....................................................................................................................................................................461
Using word lists............................................................................................................................................................................462
Reference: Using writing tools......................................................................................................................................................465
Templates and styles..........................................................................................................................................................................471
Working with templates.....................................................................................................................................................................473
Searching for templates................................................................................................................................................................473
Using templates............................................................................................................................................................................475
Working with styles and style sets......................................................................................................................................................479
Creating styles and style sets........................................................................................................................................................480
Applying styles and style sets.......................................................................................................................................................482
Editing styles and style sets..........................................................................................................................................................483
Exporting and importing style sheets............................................................................................................................................485
Assigning keyboard shortcuts to styles or style sets......................................................................................................................486
Finding objects that use a specific style or style set......................................................................................................................486
Breaking the link between objects and styles or style sets.............................................................................................................486
Working with color styles...................................................................................................................................................................489
Creating and applying color styles................................................................................................................................................489
Editing color styles....................................................................................................................................................................... 492
Viewing color styles......................................................................................................................................................................496
Exporting and importing color styles............................................................................................................................................498
Breaking the link between a color style and an object..................................................................................................................498
Pages and layout...............................................................................................................................................................................499
Working with pages and layout tools.................................................................................................................................................501
Specifying the page layout...........................................................................................................................................................501
Contents | 11
Choosing a page background.......................................................................................................................................................504
Adding, duplicating, renaming, and deleting pages.....................................................................................................................505
Using the rulers............................................................................................................................................................................509
Calibrating the rulers....................................................................................................................................................................510
Setting up the document grid......................................................................................................................................................511
Setting up the baseline grid.........................................................................................................................................................512
Setting up guidelines....................................................................................................................................................................513
Setting the drawing scale.............................................................................................................................................................517
Working with tables...........................................................................................................................................................................519
Adding tables to drawings...........................................................................................................................................................519
Selecting, moving, and navigating table components...................................................................................................................521
Inserting and deleting table rows and columns............................................................................................................................523
Resizing table cells, rows, and columns........................................................................................................................................524
Formatting tables and cells...........................................................................................................................................................525
Working with text in tables..........................................................................................................................................................528
Converting tables to text..............................................................................................................................................................529
Merging and splitting tables and cells..........................................................................................................................................529
Manipulating tables as objects.....................................................................................................................................................531
Adding images, graphics, and backgrounds to tables...................................................................................................................531
Importing tables in a drawing......................................................................................................................................................532
Working with bitmaps........................................................................................................................................................................537
Converting vector graphics to bitmaps.........................................................................................................................................537
Changing the dimensions and resolution of bitmaps....................................................................................................................539
Using Digimarc watermarks to identify bitmaps........................................................................................................................... 545
12 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Removing dust and scratch marks from bitmaps..........................................................................................................................546
Applying special effects in bitmaps...............................................................................................................................................546
Working with colors in bitmaps................................................................................................................................................... 552
Using the Image Adjustment Lab.................................................................................................................................................554
Adjusting color and tone..............................................................................................................................................................559
Using the Tone Curve filter...........................................................................................................................................................560
Transforming color and tone........................................................................................................................................................561
Editing bitmaps with Corel PHOTO-PAINT.....................................................................................................................................562
Working with bitmap color modes.....................................................................................................................................................563
Changing the color mode of bitmaps...........................................................................................................................................563
Changing bitmaps to black-and-white images..............................................................................................................................564
Changing bitmaps to duotones....................................................................................................................................................565
Changing bitmaps to the paletted color mode.............................................................................................................................566
Tracing bitmaps and editing traced results.........................................................................................................................................571
Adjusting colors in traced results..................................................................................................................................................578
Tips for tracing bitmaps and editing traced results.......................................................................................................................581
Working with RAW camera files.........................................................................................................................................................583
Using RAW camera files...............................................................................................................................................................583
Bringing RAW camera files into CorelDRAW.................................................................................................................................584
Adjusting the color and tone of RAW camera files.......................................................................................................................587
Sharpening and reducing noise in RAW camera files....................................................................................................................589
Previewing RAW camera files and obtaining image information...................................................................................................590
Printing your work........................................................................................................................................................................595
Laying out print jobs....................................................................................................................................................................596
Printing to a PostScript printer..................................................................................................................................................... 602
Using print merge........................................................................................................................................................................604
Preparing files for print service providers............................................................................................................................................609
Preparing a print job for a print service provider..........................................................................................................................609
Working with imposition layouts..................................................................................................................................................610
Printing color separations.............................................................................................................................................................615
Working with color trapping and overprinting............................................................................................................................. 616
Printing to film.............................................................................................................................................................................621
Preparing banners for printing..................................................................................................................................................... 622
Working with a print service provider...........................................................................................................................................624
Web graphics.....................................................................................................................................................................................625
Creating objects for the web..............................................................................................................................................................627
Exporting bitmaps for the web.....................................................................................................................................................627
Saving and applying web presets.................................................................................................................................................634
Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds.........................................................................................................634
Adding bookmarks and hyperlinks to documents.........................................................................................................................637
Adding hotspots and alternate text to objects..............................................................................................................................638
Exporting to HTML.............................................................................................................................................................................641
Setting preferences for exporting images to HTML.......................................................................................................................641
Previewing and verifying files before exporting to HTML...............................................................................................................642
Exporting to HTML.......................................................................................................................................................................643
Importing and exporting files.............................................................................................................................................................647
Exporting to PDF................................................................................................................................................................................653
Exporting documents as PDF files.................................................................................................................................................653
Including hyperlinks, bookmarks, and thumbnails in PDF files.......................................................................................................656
Reducing the size of PDF files...................................................................................................................................................... 656
Working with text and fonts in PDF files......................................................................................................................................657
Specifying an encoding format for PDF files.................................................................................................................................659
Specifying a viewing option for EPS files......................................................................................................................................659
Specifying color management options for exporting PDF files.......................................................................................................660
Setting security options for PDF files............................................................................................................................................661
Optimizing PDF files.....................................................................................................................................................................662
Viewing preflight summaries for PDF files.................................................................................................................................... 663
Preparing PDF files for a print provider.........................................................................................................................................664
Working with office productivity applications.....................................................................................................................................667
Importing files from office productivity applications.....................................................................................................................667
Exporting files to office productivity applications..........................................................................................................................667
Adding objects to documents...................................................................................................................................................... 667
Adobe Type 1 Font (PFB)..............................................................................................................................................................672
Windows Bitmap (BMP)................................................................................................................................................................673
Corel Symbol Library (CSL)............................................................................................................................................................676
Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX, or RTF)..........................................................................................................................................677
Microsoft Publisher (PUB).............................................................................................................................................................679
Corel DESIGNER (DES, DSF, DS4, or DRW)....................................................................................................................................679
AutoCAD Drawing Database (DWG) and AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (DXF).................................................................680
PostScript (PS or PRN)...................................................................................................................................................................686
Kodak Photo CD Image (PCD).......................................................................................................................................................689
Corel Paint Shop Pro (PSP)............................................................................................................................................................702
TrueType Font (TTF).......................................................................................................................................................................703
RAW camera file formats..............................................................................................................................................................705
Windows Metafile Format (WMF).................................................................................................................................................705
Recommended formats for importing graphics.............................................................................................................................706
16 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Recommended formats for exporting graphics.............................................................................................................................707
General notes on importing text files...........................................................................................................................................708
Customizing and automating............................................................................................................................................................709
Viewing system information.........................................................................................................................................................711
Customizing the toolbox.............................................................................................................................................................. 723
Customizing the property bar.......................................................................................................................................................724
Customizing the status bar...........................................................................................................................................................725
Using macros to automate tasks........................................................................................................................................................729
Working with macros...................................................................................................................................................................729
CorelDRAW for Adobe Illustrator users...............................................................................................................................................739
Using the Adobe Illustrator workspace.........................................................................................................................................743
Corel accounts and services...................................................................................................................................................................25
What’s new in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8?..................................................................................................................................... 29
Starting and setting up......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Finding and managing creative tools and content.................................................................................................................................95
18 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite | 19
Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
This section contains the following topics:
•“System requirements” (page 19)
•“Preparing for installation” (page 20)
•“Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite applications” (page 20)
•“Installation options” (page 20)
•“Modifying and repairing installations” (page 22)
viewing mode (right). The fill for the gray diamond shape and the cup’s shadow are set to overprint.
CorelDRAW basics | 61
To choose a viewing mode
•Click View, and click one of the following modes:
•Simple wireframe
•Simulate overprints
•Rasterize complex effects
If you are overprinting, it is important to preview the objects in the Simulate overprints mode before printing. The type of objects
you are overprinting and the type of colors you are mixing determine how overprinted colors are combined. For more information
about overprinting, see “Working with color trapping and overprinting” on page 616.
You can set the default viewing mode by clicking ToolsOptions, clicking General in the Document list of categories, and choosing
an option from the View mode list box.
You can quickly switch between the selected viewing mode and the previous viewing mode by pressing Shift + F9.
Working with views
You can save a view of any part of a drawing. For example, you can save a view of an object at 230% magnification and then return to this
specific view at any time.
If a document contains multiple pages, you can view them all at once by using the Page Sorter view. You can also display consecutive left-
hand and right-hand pages on the screen at the same time (facing pages) and create objects that span two pages.
To save a view
Click Window DockersView manager.
Click the Add currentview button .
You can also
Rename a viewDouble-click a view name, and type a new name.
Delete a saved view
Click a view, and click the Delete current view button .
If you disable the page icon next to a saved view in the docker, CorelDRAW switches to the magnification level only, not the
page, when you switch to that view. Similarly, if you disable the magnifying glass icon , CorelDRAWswitches to the page only,
not the magnification level.
62 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also save the current view by clicking the Zoom or Pan tool in the toolbox, clicking in the Zoom levels list box on the
standard toolbar, typing a name, and pressing Enter.
To switch to a saved view
Click Window DockersView manager.
2Click a view in the View manager docker.
You can also switch to a saved view by selecting it from the Zoom levels list box on the standard toolbar.
To view all pages in a multipage document
Click ViewPage sorter view.
To return to the default page view, click the Page sorter view button on the property bar.
To view facing pages
Click LayoutPage setup.
2In the Document list of categories, click Layout.
3Enable the Facing pages check box.
4Choose one of the following settings from the Start on list box:
•Left side — starts the document on a left-hand page
•Right side — starts the document on a right-hand page
You cannot view facing pages if the document uses a Tent Card or Top-fold Card layout style, or if it contains multiple page
orientations. The Leftside option is available only for the Full Page and Book layout styles.
When you enable the Facing pages check box, the content on the facing pages is merged on one page. The layer structure for
the merged page is based on the left-hand page. The layers from the right-hand page are inserted above the layers on the left-
hand page. This rule also applies if you reorder the pages. If you disable the Facing pages check box, the layers and content are
redistributed across separate pages. Objects that cross both pages are assigned to a page according to where the center of the object
is found.
It is recommended that you avoid switching back and forth between individual pages and facing pages within the same document.
Saving drawings
By default, drawings are saved to the CorelDRAW file format (CDR) and are compatible with the latest version of the application. You can
also save a drawing that is compatible with an earlier version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and specify save options. Such options are useful
when the file contains new text, fill, outline, and transparency features that are not supported in earlier versions.
You can save a drawing to other vector file formats as well. If you want to use a drawing in another application, you must save it to a file
format that is supported by that application. For information about saving files to other formats, see “Exporting files” on page 650.
When saving a drawing, you can embed the used fonts to facilitate file sharing. By default, CorelDRAW embeds all used fonts, with the
exception of Asian fonts and fonts that do not have embedding permissions. For more information, see “Embedding fonts” on page 442.
When you save a drawing, CorelDRAW lets you add reference information so that you can easily find and organize drawings later on. You
can attach tags (also known as properties) such as title, subject, and rating.
CorelDRAW basics | 63
You can also save selected objects in a drawing. For large drawings, saving only the selected objects reduces the file size, which can decrease
the time it takes to load the drawing.
When saving a file, you can use advanced options to control how bitmaps, textures, and vector effects, such as blends and extrusions, are
saved with the drawing.
You can also save a drawing as a template, which lets you create other drawings with the same properties. For information about saving a
drawing as a template, see “Working with templates” on page 473.
To save a drawing
Click FileSave as.
2Type a filename in the File name box.
3Locate the folder where you want to save the file.
If you want to save the drawing to a vector file format other than CorelDRAW (CDR), choose a file format from the Save as type list box.
You can also
Save only selected objectsEnable the Selected only check box.
This option is available only if there are selected objects in the
Embed fontsEnable the Embed fonts check box.
This check box is unavailable when you save a drawing to an earlier
version of CorelDRAW.
Add reference informationDo any of the following:
•Type a title and subject in the corresponding box.
•Assign a rating to the file.
If you are using an expired trial version of CorelDRAW, you will not be able to save drawings.
Saving a drawing to a previous version of CorelDRAW may result in loss of certain effects that were not available in the previous
version of the application.
You can also save a drawing by clicking FileSave.
You can also save a drawing by clicking the Save button on the Standard toolbar.
To use advanced options when saving
Click FileSave as.
2Click Advanced.
3Enable any of the following check boxes:
•Save presentation exchange (CMX) — saves a drawing as a Corel® Presentations™ Exchange (CMX) file so that you can open and
edit it in other Corel applications, such as WordPerfect
•Use bitmap compression — reduces the file size by compressing bitmap effects, such as bitmap extrusions, transparencies, and drop
64 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•Use graphic object compression — reduces the file size by compressing vector objects, such as polygons, rectangles, ellipses, and
perfect shapes
Using compression increases the time required for opening and saving a drawing.
4If a drawing contains texture fills, enable one of the following options:
•Save textures with the file — saves custom texture fills with the file
•Rebuild textures when opening the file — re-creates texture fills when you open the saved drawing
5If a drawing contains blends and extrusions, enable one of the following options:
•Save blends and extrudes with the file — saves all blends and extrusions included in a drawing
•Rebuild blends and extrudes when opening the file — re-creates blends and extrusions when you open the saved drawing
Choosing to save textures, blends, and extrusions with the file increases the file size but lets you open and save a drawing more
quickly. Conversely, choosing to rebuild textures, blends, and extrusions when a saved drawing is opened decreases the file size but
increases the time required for saving or opening a drawing.
To save a drawing that is compatible with an older version of CorelDRAW
Click FileSave as.
2Type a filename in the File name box.
3Locate the folder where you want to save the file.
4Choose a version from the Version list box.
5Click Save.
If the drawing includes new features; enable one of the following options in the Save to a previous version dialog box:
•Keep appearance — preserves the appearance of text, fills, outlines and transparencies when the file is opened in a previous version
of CorelDRAW. However, this option may limit editing.
•Keep editable — preserves the file editable. However, this option may change the appearance of text, outlines, fills, and
transparencies when the file is opened in a previous version of CorelDRAW.
You can also
Specify save settings
Click ToolOptions. In the Workspace list of categories, click Save,
and enable one of the following options:
•Keep appearance (suitable for limited edits)
•Keep editable (may change appearance)
Disable the prompt that appears when saving to an earlier version
Click ToolOptions. In the Workspace list of categories, click Save,
and disable the Ask when saving check box.
Working with locked files
In a corporate environment you may open a locked file that is already being edited by another user. You can save changes that you make to
a locked file in one of the following ways:
If the other user has modified the file or still has the file open, you must save the file with a new name by clicking FileSave As.
If the other user has closed the file without modifying it, you can save the changes by clicking FileSave.
CorelDRAW basics | 65
Backing up and recovering files
CorelDRAW can automatically save backup copies of drawings and prompt you to recover them in the event of a system error.
The auto-backup feature saves drawings that you have opened and modified. During any working session with CorelDRAW, you can set
the time interval for automatically backing up files and specify whether you want the files to be saved in your temporary folder (the default
location) or in a specified folder.
You can recover the backup files from the temporary or specified folder when you restart CorelDRAW after a system error. If you choose not
to recover the backup file, it is automatically erased when you quit the application.
To specify auto-backup settings
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Save.
3Enable the Back up every check box, and choose a value from the Minutes list box.
4In the Always back up to area, enable one of the following options:
•Temporary folder — lets you save auto-backup files in the temporary folder
•Specific folder — lets you specify the folder for auto-backup files
You can also
Create a backup file before savingEnable the Back up original file before saving check box.
Disable the auto-backup featureChoose Never from the Minutes list box.
Auto-backup files are named auto_backup_of_filename and can be saved in any folder you specify. Backup files are created when
you save a drawing. They are named backup_of_filename and are always stored in the same folder as the original drawing.
All open or modified files that are not in the CorelDRAW (CDR) file format are backed up as CorelDRAW files.
You can cancel the creation of an auto-backup file by pressing Esc while a file is being saved.
To recover a backup file
1Restart CorelDRAW.
2Click OK in the file recovery dialog box that appears.
The file recovery dialog box appears upon startup after a system error.
3Save and rename the file in the specified folder.
If you click Cancel, CorelDRAW ignores the backup file and deletes it when you quit the application.
66 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Adding and accessing drawing information
CorelDRAW lets you add reference information, such as language, title, author, subject, keywords, rating, and other notes to a drawing.
Although adding document information is optional, doing so makes it easier to organize and locate drawings later on.
The application also lets you access other important document information, such as the number of pages and layers, fonts, object and text
statistics, and the types of objects the drawing contains. You can also view color information such as the color profiles that are used to
define document colors as well as the primary color mode and rendering intent.
To add drawing information
Click File Document properties.
2In the Document properties dialog box, type text in any of the following boxes:
3To specify a rating, choose a rating from the Rating list box.
4Click OK.
You can modify the drawing information at any time.
To access drawing information
Click File Document properties.
Closing drawings
You can close one drawing, or multiple drawings, at any time before quitting CorelDRAW.
To close drawings
ToDo the following
Close one drawing
Click FileClose.
Close all drawings
Click FileClose all.
If you are unable to close a document, you may have a task, such as printing or saving, in progress or a task that has failed. Please
refer to the status bar to view the status of a task.
CorelDRAW basics | 67
You can also close a drawing by clicking WindowClose window.
You can also close all drawings by clicking WindowClose all.
Exploring basic tasks
CorelDRAW has a virtually unlimited number of tools and capabilities to help you create drawings. The following table provides you with the
basic features of CorelDRAW to help you get started.
For information aboutSee
Drawing lines“Formatting lines and outlines ” on page 126
Drawing shapes“Drawing shapes ” on page 147
Creating and manipulating objects“Working with objects ” on page 199
Adding color to objects“Filling objects ” on page 301
Adding text to a drawing“Adding and manipulating text ” on page 381
Creating drawings for use on the web“Exporting bitmaps for the web ” on page 627
Printing drawings“Printing basics ” on page 595
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CorelDRAW workspace tour
Becoming familiar with the terminology and workspace of CorelDRAW will help you easily follow this user guide’s concepts and procedures.
In this section, you’ll learn about
•CorelDRAW terms
•the application window
•“Standard toolbar” (page 73)
•“Exploring the toolbox” (page 75)
•“Property bar” (page 90)
•“Dockers” (page 90)
•“Status bar” (page 93)
•“Choosing a workspace” (page 93)
CorelDRAW terms
Before you get started with CorelDRAW, you should be familiar with the following terms.
ObjectAn element in a drawing such as an image, shape, line, text, curve,
symbol, or layer
DrawingThe work you create in CorelDRAW; for example, custom artwork,
logos, posters, and newsletters
Vector graphicAn image generated from mathematical descriptions that
determine the position, length, and direction in which lines are
BitmapAn image composed of grids of pixels or dots
70 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
DockerA window that contains available commands and settings relevant
to a specific tool or task
FlyoutA button that opens a group of related tools or menu items
List boxA list of options that drops down when a user clicks the down
arrow button
Artistic textA type of text to which you can apply special effects, such as
Paragraph textA type of text to which you can apply formatting options, and
which can be edited in large blocks
Application window
When you launch CorelDRAW, the application window opens containing a drawing window. Although more than one drawing window can
be opened, you can apply commands to the active drawing window only.
The CorelDRAW application window appears below.
CorelDRAW workspace tour | 71
Circled numbers correspond to the numbers in the following table,
which describes the main components of the application window.
1. ToolboxA docked bar with tools for creating, filling, and modifying objects
in the drawing
2. Document tabA tab displays for each open document to allow you to quickly
move between documents
3. Title barThe area displaying the title of the currently selected drawing
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4. Menu barThe area containing pull-down menu options
5. ToolbarA detachable bar that contains shortcuts to menu and other
6. Drawing windowThe area outside the drawing page bordered by the scroll bars and
application controls
7. Property barA detachable bar with commands that relate to the active tool or
object. For example, when the text tool is active, the text property
bar displays commands that create and edit text.
8. DockerA window containing available commands and settings relevant to
a specific tool or task
9. RulersHorizontal and vertical borders that are used to determine the size
and position of objects in a drawing
10. Document paletteA dockable bar that contains color swatches for the current
11. Document navigatorThe area at the bottom left of the application window that contains
controls for moving between pages and adding pages
12. Drawing pageThe rectangular area inside the drawing window. It is the printable
area of your work area.
13. Status barAn area at the bottom of the application window that contains
information about object properties such as type, size, color,
fill, and resolution. The status bar also shows the current cursor
14. NavigatorA button at the lower-right corner that opens a smaller display to
help you move around a drawing
15. Color paletteA dockable bar that contains color swatches
To toggle between displaying and hiding the status bar, click WindowToolbarsStatus bar.
To toggle between displaying and hiding the rulers, see “To hide or display the rulers” on page 509.
You can customize the appearance of the application workspace by setting a scaling level, choosing a theme, and changing the color
of the desktop and the window borders. For more information, see “Customizing workspace appearance” on page 715.
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Standard toolbar
The standard toolbar, which appears by default, contains buttons and controls that are shortcuts to many of the menu commands. For
information about customizing the position, contents, and appearance of toolbars, see “Customizing toolbars” on page 720.
Click this buttonTo
Start a new drawing
Open a drawing
Save a drawing
Print a drawing
Cut selected objects to the Clipboard
Copy selected objects to the Clipboard
Paste the Clipboard contents into a drawing
Undo an action
Restore an action that was undone
Display the Get More docker to acquire other creative tools or
search for content such as clipart, photos, fonts, and more
Import a drawing
Export a drawing
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Click this buttonTo
Publish to PDF
Set a zoom level
Display Full-screen preview
Show or hide rulers
Show or hide grid
Show or hide guidelines
Enable or disable automatic alignment for the pixels, document
grid, baseline grid, guidelines, objects, and page
Open the Options dialog box
Start Corel applications
More about toolbars
In addition to the standard toolbar, CorelDRAW has toolbars for specific kinds of tasks. For example, the Text toolbar contains commands
relevant to using the Text tool. If you use a toolbar frequently, you can display it in the workspace at all times.
For information about customizing the position, contents, and appearance of toolbars, see “Customizing toolbars” on page 720.
The following table describes toolbars other than the standard toolbar.
TextContains commands for formatting and aligning text
ZoomContains commands for zooming in and out of a drawing page by
specifying percentage of original view, clicking the Zoom tool, and
selecting a page view
CorelDRAW workspace tour | 75
InternetContains commands for web-related tools for creating rollovers and
publishing to the Internet
Print mergeContains commands for print merge items that combine text with a
drawing such as creating and loading data files, creating data fields
for variable text, and inserting print merge fields
TransformContains commands for skewing, rotating, and mirroring objects
MacrosContains commands for editing, testing, and running macros
To toggle between displaying and hiding a toolbar, click WindowToolbars, and click the command with the toolbar name.
To lock all toolbars so that you don’t inadvertently change their position, click WindowToolbarsLock toolbars.
Exploring the toolbox
The toolbox contains tools for drawing and editing images. Some of the tools are visible by default, while others are grouped in flyouts.
Flyouts open to display a set of related CorelDRAW tools. A small flyout arrow in the lower-right corner of a toolbox button indicates a
flyout. You can access the tools in a flyout by clicking the flyout arrow. After you open a flyout, you can easily scan the contents of other
flyouts by hovering over any of the toolbox buttons which have flyout arrows. Flyouts function like toolbars when you drag them away from
the toolbox. This lets you view all the related tools while you work.
In the default workspace, clicking the flyout arrow on the Shape tool opens the Shape edit flyout.
Some tools in the toolbox are not visible by default. You can choose which tools to display in the toolbox.
Locating tools in the toolbox
The following illustration shows the other flyouts in the default CorelDRAW toolbox and can help you locate tools more easily.
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To toggle between displaying and hiding the toolbox, click WindowToolbars Toolbox.
To hide or display tools in the toolbox, click the Quick customize button , and enable or disable the corresponding check boxes.
For more information, see “Customizing the toolbox” on page 723.
The following table provides descriptions of the tools in the CorelDRAW toolbox.
Pick tools
The Pick tool lets you select, size, skew, and
rotate objects.
The Freehandpick tool lets you select
objects by using a freehand selection
The Freetransform tool lets you transform
an object by using the Free rotation, Free
angle reflection, Free scale, and Free skew
Shape edit tools
The Shape tool lets you edit the shape of
78 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The Smooth tool lets you smooth curved
objects to remove jagged edges and reduce
the number of nodes.
The Smear tool lets you shape an object by
pulling extensions or making indents along
its outline.
The Twirl tool lets you create swirl effects by
dragging along the edge of objects.
The Attract tool lets you shape objects by
attracting nodes to the cursor.
The Repel tool lets you shape objects by
pushing away nodes from the cursor.
The Smudge tool lets you distort a vector
object by dragging along its outline.
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The Roughen tool lets you distort the
outline of a vector object by dragging along
the outline.
Crop tools
The Crop tool lets you remove unwanted
areas in objects.
The Knife tool lets you slice objects, groups
of objects, and bitmaps along any path you
The Virtual segment delete tool lets you
delete portions of objects that are between
The Eraser tool lets you remove areas of
your drawing.
Zoom tools
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The Zoom tool lets you change the
magnification level in the drawing window.
The Pan tool lets you control which part
of the drawing is visible in the drawing
Curve tools
The Freehand tool lets you draw single line
segments and curves.
The 2-point line tool lets you draw a
straight two-point line segment.
The Bézier tool lets you draw curves one
segment at a time.
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The Pen tool lets you draw curves one
segment at a time.
The B-spline tool lets you draw curved lines
by setting control points that shape the
curve without breaking it into segments.
The Polyline tool lets you draw lines and
curves in preview mode.
The 3-point curve tool lets you draw a
curve by defining the start, end, and center
The Smart drawing tool converts your
freehand strokes to basic shapes and
smoothed curves.
Artistic Media tool
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The Artistic media tool provides access to
the Preset, Brush, Sprayer, Calligraphic,
and Pressure tools.
Rectangle tools
The Rectangle tool lets you draw rectangles
and squares.
The 3-point rectangle tool lets you draw
rectangles at an angle.
Ellipse tools
The Ellipse tool lets you draw ellipses and
The 3-point ellipse tool lets you draw
ellipses at an angle.
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Object tools
The Polygon tool lets you draw symmetrical
polygons and stars.
The Star tool lets you draw perfect stars.
The Complex star tool lets you draw
complex stars that have intersecting sides.
The Graph paper tool lets you draw a grid
of lines similar to that on graph paper.
The Spiral tool lets you draw symmetrical
and logarithmic spirals.
84 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The Basic shapes tool lets you choose from
a full set of shapes, including hexagram, a
smiley face, and a right-angle triangle.
The Arrow shapes tool lets you draw
arrows of various shape, direction, and
number of heads.
The Flowchart shapes tool lets you draw
flowchart symbols.
The Banner shapes tool lets you draw
ribbon objects and explosion shapes.
The Callout shapes tool lets you draw
callouts and labels.
Text and Table tools
CorelDRAW workspace tour | 85
The Text tool lets you type words directly on
the screen as artistic or paragraph text.
The Table tool lets you draw and edit tables.
Dimension tools
The Parallel dimension tool lets you draw
slanted dimension lines.
The Horizontal or vertical dimension
tool lets you draw horizontal or vertical
dimension lines.
The Angular dimension tool lets you draw
angular dimension lines.
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The Segment dimension tool lets you
display the distance between end nodes in
single or multiple segments.
The 3-point callout tool lets you draw a
callout with a two-segment leader line.
Connector tools
The Straight-line connector tool lets you
draw a straight connector line.
The Right-angle connector tool lets you
draw a right angle connector line.
The Rounded right-angle connector tool
lets you draw a right-angle connector line
with curved corners.
CorelDRAW workspace tour | 87
The Edit anchor tool lets you modify
connector line anchor points.
Interactive tools
The Drop shadow tool lets you apply a
drop shadow to an object.
The Contour tool lets you apply a contour
to an object.
The Blend tool lets you blend two objects.
The Distort tool lets you apply a Push or
Pull distortion, a Zipper distortion, or a
Twister distortion to an object.
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The Envelope tool lets you shape an object
by dragging the nodes of the envelope.
The Extrude tool lets you apply the illusion
of depth to objects.
Transparency tool
The Transparency tool lets you apply
transparencies to objects.
Eyedropper tools
The Color eyedropper tool lets you select
and copy a color from an object on the
drawing window or the desktop.
The Attributes eyedropper tool lets you
select and copy object properties, such as
line thickness, size and effects, from an
object on the drawing window.
Interactive fill tools
CorelDRAW workspace tour | 89
The Interactive fill tool lets you apply
various fills.
The Mesh fill tool lets you apply a mesh
grid to an object.
The Smart fill tool lets you create objects
from enclosed areas and then apply a fill to
those objects.
Outline tool
The Outline tool opens a flyout that gives
you quick access to items such as the
Outline pen dialog box and Outline color
dialog box.
Fill tool
The Fill tool opens a flyout that gives you
quick access to items such as the fill dialog
90 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Property bar
The property bar displays the most commonly used functions that are relevant to the active tool or to the task you’re performing. Although
it looks like a toolbar, the property bar content changes depending on the tool or task.
For example, when you click the Text tool in the toolbox, the property bar displays text-related commands. In the example below, the
property bar displays text, formatting, alignment, and editing tools.
You can customize the contents and position of the property bar to suit your needs. For more information, see “Customizing the property
bar” on page 724.
To toggle between displaying and hiding the property bar, click WindowToolbarsProperty bar.
To hide or display controls on the property bar, click the Quick customize button , and enable or disable the corresponding
check boxes.
Dockers display the same types of controls as a dialog box, such as command buttons, options, and list boxes. Unlike most dialog boxes, you
can keep dockers open while working on a document, so you can readily access the commands to experiment with different effects. Dockers
have features similar to palettes in other graphics programs.
Dockers can be either docked or floating. A docked docker is attached to the edge of the application window, a toolbar, or a palette. A
floating docker is not attached to a workspace element. If you open several dockers, they usually appear nested, with only one docker fully
displayed. You can quickly display a docker hidden from view by clicking the docker’s tab.
You can move dockers, and you can collapse dockers to save screen space.
CorelDRAW workspace tour | 91
An example is the Object properties docker. When this docker is open, you can click an
object in the drawing window to access various options for modifying object properties.
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In this example, the Object properties and the Object manager dockers
are docked and nested. The Transformations docker is floating.
To open a docker
Click WindowDockers, and click a docker.
To open or close dockers, you can also click the Quick customize button on the right side of a docker, and enable or disable the
corresponding check boxes.
You can also close a docker by clicking the X button on its title bar. Clicking the X button on the title bar closes all nested dockers in a
group. To close only a specific docker, click the X button on the docker’s tab.
To move dockers
To moveDo the following
A dockerDrag the docker’s tab to a new
Multiple nested dockersDrag the title bar of the active docker
to a new location.
CorelDRAW workspace tour | 93
To dock a floating docker
•Drag the docker’s title bar or tab to an edge of the drawing window and position the pointer along the edge. When a grey preview of
the docker’s position appears, release the mouse button.
To collapse a docker
Click the Collapse docker button on the docker’s title bar.
To expand a collapsed docker, click its tab.
Status bar
The status bar displays information about selected objects (such as color, fill type, and outline, cursor position, and relevant commands). It
also displays document color information, such as the document color profile and color proofing status.
See “Customizing the status bar ” on page 725 for information about customizing the contents and appearance of the status bar.
Choosing a workspace
CorelDRAW includes a collection of workspaces that are designed to help you increase your productivity. A workspace is a configuration
of settings that specifies how the various command bars, commands, and buttons are arranged when you open the application. You can
choose a workspace from the Welcome Screen, or you can switch to a different workspace from within the application.
The specialized workspaces in CorelDRAW are configured according to specific workflows or tasks, such as page layout work or illustrating.
Their purpose is to make more accessible the tools that you use most often.
The following table describes the available workspaces.
LiteThis workspace makes CorelDRAW’s most commonly used tools
and features more accessible. If you are new to CorelDRAW, the
Lite workspace is ideal for getting started.
X6 InspiredThis workspace is almost identical to the default CorelDRAW X6
workspace. It is best suited for experienced CorelDRAW users
who are looking for a seamless transition to a modern yet familiar
environment in CorelDRAW X8. Many elements of the workspace
have been optimized for a more streamlined workflow.
DefaultThis workspace has been redesigned to provide a more intuitive
placement of tools and controls.This workspace is ideal for users
who have experience with other vector graphics software, as well
as users who are familiar with CorelDRAW.
Help topics are based on the Default workspace.
94 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
IllustrationThis workspace is designed to make the process of creating book
cover designs, magazine ads, storyboards, and other types of
illustrations more intuitive and efficient.
Page layoutThis workspace is optimized for arranging graphics and text objects
so you can create compelling layouts for business cards, branding
materials, product packaging, or multipage documents such as
brochures and newsletters.
Adobe IllustratorSimulates the Adobe Illustrator workspace by positioning the
CorelDRAW features where you would find the equivalent feature
in Adobe Illustrator. This workspace is useful if you recently
switched from Adobe Illustrator to CorelDRAW and you are not
familiar with the CorelDRAW workspace.
If you have a unique workflow, you can create a custom workspace that is optimized for your specific needs. For more information, see
“Creating workspaces” on page 714.
To choose a workspace
Click WindowWorkspace, and choose one of the available workspaces.
You can also choose a workspace from the Welcome Screen or by clicking ToolsCustomization, clicking Workspace in the list of
categories, and then enabling the check box beside a workspace in the Workspace list.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 95
Finding and managing creative tools and content
With the Get More docker in CorelDRAW, you can expand your collection of creative tools by purchasing apps, plug-ins, and extensions as
well as downloading free tools and content.
The Get More docker replaces the Connect docker, offering the same content search and content management capabilities that were
available in earlier product versions. You can access, search and browse the Content Exchange, an online collection of clipart, photos, fonts,
frames, fills, and image lists. In addition, you can find content located on your computer, local network, or the website of an online content
provider. When you find the content that you need, you can import it into your document, open it in its associated application, or collect it
in a tray for future reference.
CorelDRAW is fully integrated with the search capabilities that are offered by Windows. By default, the application searches all locations that
Windows Search is configured to index. For information about modifying indexing options in Windows Search, see the Windows Help.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Acquiring applications, plug-ins, and extensions” (page 95)
•“Finding content with the Get More docker” (page 97)
•“Accessing content” (page 99)
•“Browsing and searching for content” (page 101)
•“Viewing content” (page 104)
•“Using content” (page 105)
•“Installing fonts” (page 107)
•“Managing content” (page 107)
•“Syncing trays with OneDrive” (page 109)
•“Content types” (page 110)
Acquiring applications, plug-ins, and extensions
You can purchase apps, plug-ins, and extensions as well as download free creative tools from within CorelDRAW. The available selection is
updated with new offerings as they become available.
Applications, plug-ins, and upgrade options
Choose from a selection of applications and plug-ins to complement your creative tool set or purchase the Upgrade Program to make sure
you are always using the latest version of the suite. For example, Corel Website Creator can help you design and manage websites, and
AfterShot Pro provides professional RAW photo-editing tools. Corel ParticleShop, a powerful brush plug-in, lets you add unique bitmap
effects and brushstrokes to your projects.
96 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Both applications and plug-ins require installation.
Extensions extend the capabilities of CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT, allowing you to complete complex tasks with ease. They may
add a new tool to the application toolbox or a new UI (user interface) element such as a menu, toolbar, docker, or dialog box. Extensions
available through the Get More docker and the Get More dialog box include the Calendar Wizard, File Converter, Prep and Stretch, and
Border and Grommet.
Extensions do not require installation and can be deleted through the Get More docker.
Restore purchases
After you purchase creative tools, check marks appear beside their names. If you reinstall the CorelDRAWGraphicsSuite or install the suite
on another computer, you can restore your purchases. This will ensure that the Get More docker shows the items that you have already
purchased so that you can download them and reinstall them.
To acquire an application or a plug-in
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker.
2Click Apps & Plug-ins, and click the application or plug-in that you want.
3Do one of the following:
•Click Buy, and follow the onscreen instructions to purchase the item.
•Click Download if the item is included in your product or subscription.
You can also access creative tools or extensions that are relevant to the task you are working on from within the Camera RAW Lab
and the Brush picker.
You can also access the Get More docker from the standard toolbar.
To uninstall an application or a plug-in, go to the Control Panel of the operating system.
To acquire an extension
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker.
2Click Extensions, and click an extension.
3Do one of the following:
•Click Buy, and follow the onscreen instructions to purchase the item.
•Click Download if the item is included in your product or subscription.
Extensions can appear in the application workspace. For example, the Border and Grommet extension that allows you to prepare
banners for printing appears under the Tools menu in CorelDRAW.
Downloaded macro extensions appear in the Macro Manager docker.
To delete an extension, click Remove beside the extension name in the Get More docker.
To restore your purchases
1In the Get More docker, click Restore purchases.
2In the dialog box that appears, type the email address that was used to make the purchases, and click Continue.
A list of your purchases is displayed.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 97
3Click Close.
The list of offerings in the Get More docker is updated to show which items you have already purchased.
4Download the purchased items you want.
Finding content with the Get More docker
You can browse and search for content by using the CONNECT page of the Get More docker. You can use the Tray docker to store content
for later use.
The CONNECT page of the Get More docker has two viewing modes: single pane and full view. In full view, all panes are displayed. In
single-pane view, either the viewing pane or the Libraries, Favorite folders, and Folders panes are displayed. You can resize the docker to
display all panes or toggle between the viewing pane and the Libraries, Favorite folders, and Folders panes.
The CONNECT page of the Get More docker with the viewing pane hidden (left) and the navigation pane
hidden (right). Click the toggle arrow (1) to display or hide panes. Resize the docker to display both panes.
You can customize the size and display of individual panes.
98 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The grab area (1, 2, 3) lets you resize a pane.
You can use the Favorite folders pane to create shortcuts to folders that you visit frequently. You can add locations to and remove locations
from the Favorite folders pane.
To display or hide the Get More and Tray dockers
ToDo the following
Display or hide the Get More docker
Click WindowDockersGet More.
Display or hide the Tray docker
Click WindowDockersTray.
You can also access the Get More docker from the standard toolbar and the FileSearch Content menu command.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 99
To resize a pane
•Point to the pane’s grab area, and when the cursor changes to a two-directional arrow, drag the edge of the pane.
To display or hide a pane
•Click the arrow to toggle between displaying and hiding the pane.
To add a location to the Favorite Folders pane
•Drag a folder from the Libraries, Folders, or viewing pane to the Favorite folders pane.
You can also add locations to the Favorite folders pane by right-clicking a folder in the Libraries or Folders pane, and clicking Add
to Favorites.
To remove a location from the Favorite Folders pane
•Right-click a location in the Favorite folders pane, and click Remove from Favorites.
Accessing content
You can access content available on the Content Exchange or on the websites of online content providers. You can also access content from
previous versions of the software that is stored on a CD, DVD, or in a folder.
Using the Content Exchange
The Content Exchange provides a collection of clipart, photos, fonts, frames, vector and bitmap patterns, and image lists that you can
access. You can browse the available content, or you can search by keywords, mark your favorites, vote for content that you like, or copy
content from the Content Exchange to your personal folder.
You must sign in to your account to use content from the Content Exchange.
Using content from online content providers
You can find content on the websites of online content providers such as Flickr®, Fotolia, and iStock®. The images that you find online
are often subject to usage restrictions and may be watermarked or low-resolution. For information about using such images, see “Using
content” on page 105.
Note that online content is unavailable in workplaces with restricted Internet access.
Using content stored on a CD or DVD
To access clipart and other content included on a CD or DVD from a previous version of the software, you must insert the CD or DVD, or
browse to the folder to which you have copied the content.
To use the Content Exchange
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2In the Libraries pane, click Content Exchange.
The available folders appear in the viewing pane.
3Double-click a folder to access its content.
Thumbnail versions of the files appear in the viewing pane.
4Point to a thumbnail to view more information about a file.
5Click a thumbnail.
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A pop-up window appears.
6In the pop-up window, perform an action from the following table.
ToDo the following
Search content by keywordClick one of the keywords associated with a file to perform a search
based on that keyword.
Search results include all types of content in the Content Exchange
that is tagged with this keyword. To narrow down search results to
specific types of content (such as bitmaps, vectors, or fonts), click
the corresponding button on the Filter toolbar.
Copy fills, pattern, image lists, and photo frames from the Content
Exchange to your personal folder
Click the More options button , and click the Copy to
personal button .
The content is copied in the respective folder in the My Documents
\Corel\Corel Content folder.
Mark as a favorite
Click the Favorite button .
To remove content from your favorites, click the Unfavorite button
Vote to rank content higher or lower
Click the Vote up or the Vote down button .
Report inappropriate content
Click the More options button , and click the Flag button .
Prevent a file from appearing in future searches
Click the More options button , and click the Hide button
You must sign in to your account to use content from the Content Exchange.
To access a content library stored on a CD or DVD
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Insert the content CD or DVD.
The content library appears in the Libraries pane.
To access a CD or DVD content library that was copied to your computer
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
In the Libraries pane, click the Configure content libraries button .
A warning sign next to a content library shows that it needs to be configured.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 101
3Click a content library, click Locate, and browse to the folder where the library is stored.
The content library appears in the Libraries pane.
Browsing and searching for content
With the Get More docker, you can browse for content, or you can search for content by using keywords.
You can browse and search for content in one or multiple locations on your computer or local network as well as online. You can also
navigate to previously viewed content.
Searching for content
You can search by the name, category (for example, clipart, photo images, or fonts), or reference information (for example, tags or notes)
associated with a file. When you type a term in the Search and address box and initiate a search, all matching files are displayed as
thumbnail images in the viewing pane. For example, if you type flower, the application automatically filters out all files that do not match
and displays only the files that have the word flower in the filename, category, or tags assigned to the file. You can also type phrases
and multiple words, and you can fine-tune your search by using Boolean operators such as AND, NOT, and OR. For example, you can
find content that contains both flower and sun images by typing flowers AND sun. For information about adding tags and reference
information, see “To add drawing information ” on page 66.
To increase the search speed for local content and improve results, you can adjust the Windows Search options by adding more locations to
the index.
You can also find all images on a webpage by typing the web address. For example, typing displays all the images that
appear on the Corel website.
Refining your search
By default, your search results include all relevant content such as vector graphics, bitmaps, and fonts. You can narrow down the search
results by excluding content. For example, if you are searching for graphics, you can display only vector graphics or only bitmaps. If you want
to choose a font for your project, you can display only fonts.
You can widen the scope of a search, and you can cancel a search at any time.
To browse for content
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Click a location in one of the following panes:
•Libraries — lets you browse online and local content
•Favorite folders — lets you browse your favorite locations
•Folders — lets you browse the folder structure available on your computer
You can browse the contents of only one folder at a time.
To specify the location where you want to browse for content, type or paste a path in the Search and address box, and press Enter.
The Search and address bar keeps track only of the locations that you enter manually. To delete all locations, click the drop-down
arrow, and click Clear list.
To search for content
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Click a location in any of the following panes:
102 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•Libraries — lets you search for online and local content as well as content on a CD or DVD
•Favorite folders — lets you search for content in your favorite locations
•Folders — lets you search for content in the folder structure available on your computer
3Type a word or multiple words in the Search and address box, and press Enter.
Files that match the search terms appear in the viewing pane.
If you want to search for a phrase, enclose the phrase with quotation marks.
You can also
Search for content in multiple locationsEnable the check boxes for the libraries and folders that you want
to search, and click the Refresh button .
Show or hide search results for a locationIn the viewing pane, click the Show/Hide arrow to the right of the
Specify how many online search results to displayClick an online content provider in the Libraries pane, and choose
a number from the Search results list box. This number determines
the initial number of search results that are displayed in the viewing
pane, as well as the additional results that are displayed each time
you click More from.
Fine-tune a search by using Boolean operatorsType one of the following Boolean operators between the search
AND — lets you find content that contains all search terms in the
Search and address box. Instead of AND, you can also use the plus
sign (+).
NOT — lets you exclude content that contains the search term after
NOT. Instead of NOT, you can also use the minus sign (-).
OR — lets you find content that contains at least one of the search
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 103
Clicking a Show/Hide arrow (1) lets you show or hide the search results for a specific location.
When you search for online content, only vector files and bitmaps are included in the search results.
If you want to browse the folder where a file is stored or access the source webpage of an image, right-click the file, and click Open
source location.
To find all images on a webpage
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Type a web address (for example, in the Search and address box.
To refine your search
•On the Filter toolbar, click one of the following buttons:
Folders — to hide or display folders in selected folders
Vector drawing files — to hide or display vector graphics that are supported by the suite
Bitmap files — to hide or display bitmaps that are supported by the suite
Font files — to hide or display TrueType (TTF), OpenType (OTF), and PostScript fonts (PFB and PFM)
Other files — to hide or display file formats that are not supported by the suite
104 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
A category is included in the search results if the button appears pressed.
To navigate to previously viewed content
Click the Navigate back or Navigate forward button.
You can also go back to the previous search results by pressing Backspace.
You can also navigate to previously viewed content by clicking the Search and address bar drop-down arrow and choosing a
location from the list. The Search and address bar keeps track only of the locations that you enter manually.
To stop a search
Click the Cancel search button .
Viewing content
Clipart, photos, and fonts appear in the viewing pane as thumbnail images. You can select individual, multiple, or all thumbnails.
By positioning your pointer over a thumbnail, you can display a larger preview. You can also display file information such as filename, file
size, image resolution, and color mode for content that was not provided by an online content provider. You can also preview the fonts that
you find. Thumbnail zooming makes recognizing a particular file easier and faster.
To select a thumbnail
1Search or browse for content on the CONNECT page of the Get More docker.
2Click a thumbnail.
You can also
Select multiple thumbnailsDo one of the following:
•Drag around the thumbnails that you want to select.
•Hold down Ctrl, and in the viewing pane click the thumbnails
that you want to select.
•Click a thumbnail, and holding down Shift, click the last
thumbnail in the range that you want to select.
Select all thumbnailsPress Ctrl + A.
To view file information
•Hover over a thumbnail.
To preview a font
•Double-click a font thumbnail.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 105
You can also preview a font by right-clicking a font thumbnail and clicking Open.
To adjust the size of thumbnails
•Drag the Zoom slider to the left to decrease the size of the thumbnails, or to the right to increase the size of the thumbnails.
Using content
If you want to view or edit a file before you incorporate it into your project, you can open it in CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, or its
associated application.
You can insert and place content in your document. Images that are obtained from online sources, such as iStock and Fotolia, may be
subject to copyright and usage restrictions. Such images, also referred to as “comp images,” are often low-resolution or watermarked. To
use comp images, you must first check with the owner if you have rights to use them and purchase them if necessary. Then, you can replace
the comp images in your document with the purchased images. You can view a list of all comp images in a document.
To open a file
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Search or browse for content.
3Select a thumbnail, and perform an action from the following table.
ToDo the following
Open a file by using the Get More dockerDo one of the following:
In full view, click the Open button .
In single pane view, click the File commands button , and
click Open.
Open a file by using the Tray docker
Click the Open button .
You can also open a file by right-clicking it and choosing the option that you want.
You can also open multiple selected files.
To insert a file into an active document
ToDo the following
Insert a file into an active document by using the Get More dockerDo one of the following:
•Drag a file from the viewing pane of the Get More docker to the
active document to insert the file as an embedded object.
•In single-pane view, select a file in the viewing pane, click the
File commands button , click Import to insert the file as an
embedded object or Import and link to insert the file as a linked
object, and click in your document.
106 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
•In full view, select a file in the viewing pane, click the Import
button to insert the file as an embedded object or the
Import and link button to insert the file as a linked object,
and click in your document.
Insert a file into an active document by using the Tray dockerSelect the file, and click one of the following buttons in the Tray
Import — lets you insert a file as an embedded object
Import and link — lets you insert a file as a linked object
•Import at original position — lets you import and place a vector
graphic at the original position where it was created relative to
the page
Note that the Import buttons are not available in the standalone
Insert and place a vector graphic in a documentClick the Import or Import and link button and do one of the
•Drag to place and resize the graphic.
•Press Enter to center the graphic on page.
•Press Spacebar to place the vector graphic at the original
position where it was created relative to the page.
For information about inserting embedded and linked objects, see “Linking and embedding objects ” on page 273.
You can also insert a file into an active document by dragging the file from the viewing pane or the Tray docker to the active
You can also insert a file into an active document by right-clicking the file in the viewing pane and choosing an import command.
You can also insert multiple selected files.
To check, purchase, and replace a comp image
1In your document, click a comp image, and click the Open comp source button on the toolbar that appears below the comp image.
2On the website of the online content provider, check the copyright and usage restrictions for the image, and purchase it if necessary.
3In your document, select the comp image, and click the Replace comp button on the toolbar that appears below the comp image.
4Navigate to the purchased image, and click Import.
Transformations, such as scaling, rotating, and resizing, that were applied to the comp image are preserved in the final image.
However, effects, such as envelopes, distortions, perspective, as well as bitmap effects and adjustments, are not preserved.
You can also access the Open comp source and Replace comp commands by right-clicking a comp image.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 107
To view a list of all comp images in a document
•Open a document, and do one of the following:
Click FilePrint, click the Preflight (Issues) tab, and click Some images may be subject to copyright and usage restrictions.
Click FileDocument properties.
When you export a document to the Adobe Illustrator (AI), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), HTML, or PDF file format, you can view a
list of all comp images in the preflight summaries.
Installing fonts
You can install the fonts that you find, and you can install font families.
For information about finding fonts, see “To browse for content ” on page 101 and “To search for content” on page 101.
To install fonts
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Find the font that you want to install.
3Do one of the following:
•In the viewing pane, right-click the font thumbnail, and click Install.
A check mark appears in the lower-right corner of the font thumbnail to show that the font is installed.
•To install a font family, right-click the font thumbnail, and click Install font family.
To install a font from the Content Exchange collection, you must sign in with your account to authenticate your product.
To uninstall a font, right-click the font thumbnail, and click Uninstall.
You can also use Corel Font Manager to install or download online fonts. Installed fonts become available to all applications on your
computer. Downloaded fonts can be used only in CorelDRAWGraphicsSuite.
Managing content
You can organize your content by using trays or by adding content files to specific folders on your computer.
A tray is useful for gathering content from various folders. While the files are referenced in the tray, they actually remain in their original
location. You can add and remove content from the tray. The tray is shared between CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel CONNECT.
You can also open files from the tray to preview them more easily.
You can rename trays to give them meaningful names. When working with multiple trays, you can close some trays temporarily to avoid
clutter. You can easily reopen a tray when you need it. In addition, you can load a tray file that is not listed among the available trays. You
can delete a tray at any time.
To add content to a tray
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Search or browse for content.
108 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
3Select one or more thumbnails in the viewing pane, and drag them to the tray.
If you want to open a file from the tray, double-click its thumbnail.
You can also drag content from a folder on your computer to the tray.
To add content to a folder
•Select one or more thumbnails in the viewing area, and drag them to a folder in the Favorite folders or Folders pane, or any other
folder on your computer.
You can drag content from the tray to a folder.
To remove content from a tray
Select one or more thumbnails in the tray, and click the Remove from tray button .
To create a tray
Click the Add new tray button in the lower-right corner of the tray pane.
By default, trays are saved to the My Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Trays folder.
You can email trays that contain only online content.
To work with trays
ToDo the following
Select a trayClick the tray tab.
Rename a trayRight-click the tray tab, click Rename, and type a new name.
Open a trayClick the All trays arrow, and click a tray.
An open tray has a check mark beside its name.
Close a trayRight-click the tray tab, and click Close.
Load a tray fileClick the All trays arrow, click Open tray file, and navigate to the
tray file.
Navigate through multiple traysHolding down Ctrl, press Tab.
Delete a trayRight-click the tray tab, and click Delete.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 109
You can also close and delete a selected tray from the All trays menu.
Syncing trays with OneDrive
You can sync your trays with OneDrive and have access to your content from other computers or mobile devices. You must have a OneDrive
account to use this feature. After you sign in, you can see all your OneDrive folders in the Libraries pane in the Get More docker and view
their content in the viewing pane.
When you delete files from the trays, the files are also deleted from OneDrive when the trays are synced.
After you sign in, your OneDrive folders appear in the Libraries pane.
Trays are stored in My Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Trays. Each tray is stored as a separate folder. If the trays have never been synced
with OneDrive, each tray folder contains shortcuts to the files that have been added to the tray, while the actual files remain in their original
location. However, when you sync the trays with OneDrive, all files added to the trays are copied from their original location to the respective
tray folder.
When you sync trays with OneDrive, the synced files appear in the following OneDrive folder: OneDrive\Apps\Corel\Trays.
To sync trays with OneDrive
Click FileSearch Content to open the Get More docker, and click CONNECT.
2Click OneDrive in the Libraries pane.
3Sign in when prompted.
The first time you sign in, you are asked to grant Corel Cloud Service access to your account. You can always change this setting by
logging into OneDrive online and specifying which applications have access to your account.
4When asked whether you want to enable Tray Sync, click Yes.
5Make sure that the Enable Tray Sync with OneDrive on this computer check box is enabled, and choose an option from the Sync
frequency list box.
Your OneDrive folders and content appear in the viewing pane.
You can also
Upload files to OneDriveDrag the files from the viewing pane or from the desktop to a
OneDrive folder.
You can also drag files to a tray. If the trays are synced, the files in
the tray are automatically uploaded to OneDrive.
110 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Import files from OneDrive into your documentSelect the file in the viewing pane, and click the Import button
, or drag the file to an open CorelDRAW or Corel PHOTO-PAINT
Remove files from a synced OneDrive folderSelect the file in the tray, and click the Remove from tray button
When the tray is synced, the file is removed from the synced
location in OneDrive.
If you delete a file from a synced OneDrive folder, the file from the
local tray folder is moved to the Recycle Bin when the trays are
Access OneDrive onlineIn the viewing pane, right-click a OneDrive file or folder, and
choose Open source location from the context menu.
OneDrive opens in a browser, where you can manage your
OneDrive files and folders.
View the properties of a file in a OneDrive folderRight-click the file, and then click Properties.
View the properties of a OneDrive folderRight-click an empty space in the viewing pane, and then click
Sign out of OneDriveIn the Libraries pane, click the Configure content libraries button
, and click Sign out in the OneDrive area.
If trays are syncing and there is a conflict between two files with the same name, both files are kept, and a number is appended to
the name of the second file.
If you do not enable Tray Sync, you can still see your OneDrive folders in Corel CONNECT and upload or download files.
The tray tab icons indicate the sync status of the tray: offline , error , syncing , or synced .
You can enable and disable Tray Sync directly from the Tray docker by clicking the All trays arrow in the lower-left corner and then
clicking Synchronize withOneDrive.
Content types
Content types include fonts, clipart, photos, interactive frames, vector patterns, bitmap patterns, photo frames, image lists, and others.
Finding and managing creative tools and content | 111
Sample fonts
Sample clipart
Sample photos
Sample interactive frames
Sample vector patterns
Sample bitmap patterns
112 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Sample photo frames
Sample image lists
Lines, shapes, and outlines | 113
Lines, shapes, and outlines
Working with lines, outlines, and brushstrokes....................................................................................................................................115
The content is resized so that its longest dimension fits inside
the frame. The content is not distorted, and its aspect ratio is
preserved. The whole content is visible, but there may be empty
areas in the frame.
Fill the PowerClip frame proportionally
Click ObjectPowerClipFill frame proportionally.
The content is resized so that it fills the frame without being
distorted. The content’s aspect ratio is preserved. The frame is full,
but there may be parts of the content that fall outside the frame
and are not visible.
Fill the PowerClip frame by stretching the contents
Click ObjectPowerClipStretch contents to fill frame.
The content is resized and distorted so that it fills the frame. The
content’s aspect ratio is not preserved. The frame is full, and all of
the content is visible.
The Fit contents proportionally, Fill frame proportionally, and the Stretch contents to fill frame commands modify the PowerClip
contents. The content remains modified even if you extract it from the frame.
You can also position the contents by clicking the Fit contents button on the PowerClip toolbar and clicking a command.
Shaping objects | 195
Examples of PowerClip contents positioned by using the following commands: Center contents (top left), Fit contents
proportionally (top right), Fill frame proportionally (bottom left), and Stretch contents to fill frame (bottom right).
To copy the contents of a PowerClip object
1Select an object.
Click ObjectPowerClipCopy PowerClip from.
3Click a PowerClip object.
To edit the contents of a PowerClip object
1Select a PowerClip object.
Click ObjectPowerClipEdit PowerClip.
3Edit the contents of the PowerClip object.
Click ObjectPowerClipFinish editing this level.
While you edit the contents, the frame appears in Wireframe mode and cannot be selected or edited.
You can also double-click the PowerClip object to enable it for editing, or select the PowerClip object and click the Edit PowerClip
button on the PowerClip toolbar. When you have finished editing the contents, click the Stop editing contents button.
To lock or unlock the contents of a PowerClip object
1Select a PowerClip object.
Click ObjectPowerClipLock contents to PowerClip.
If you move the frame while the content is unlocked, the content remains stationary and is not visible until you move the frame over
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You can also right-click a PowerClip object and click Lock contents to PowerClip, or you can select the PowerClip object and click the
Lock contents to PowerClip button on the PowerClip toolbar.
To extract the contents of a PowerClip object
1Select a PowerClip object.
Click ObjectPowerClipExtract contents.
The contents remains in the same location, but it is separated from the frame. The PowerClip frame remains as an empty PowerClip
You must extract the contents of each level in a nested PowerClip separately.
You can also select the PowerClip object and click the Extract contents button on the PowerClip toolbar.
To set default options for PowerClip frames
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace category, click PowerClip frame.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Set the default behavior for dragging content to a PowerClip frameIn the Drag content inside PowerClip area, choose PowerClip
with content or Empty PowerClip from the list box, and then
choose one of the following options:
•Ignore PowerClip frame — places the content on top of the
PowerClip frame instead of inside
•Add content to PowerClip frame
•Replace existing content (available only for PowerClip frames
with content)
Set the default behavior for centering new content in a PowerClip
In the Auto-center new content area, choose one of the following
•When content is completely outside the frame — centers
content only if it is beyond the boundaries of the PowerClip
frame and will not be visible otherwise
•Always — always centers new content
•Never— turns off auto-centering
Mark empty PowerClip framesEnable the Show lines in empty PowerClip frames check box, and
choose one of the following options:
•Always — displays lines in empty PowerClip frames on screen
and in printed or exported documents
•On screen only — displays lines in empty PowerClip frames only
on screen
Objects, symbols, and layers | 197
Objects, symbols, and layers
Working with objects.......................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Inserting and editing QR codes........................................................................................................................................................... 251
Working with layers.............................................................................................................................................................................255
Working with symbols.........................................................................................................................................................................265
Linking and embedding objects...........................................................................................................................................................273
You can undo the Clear transformations command by clicking EditUndo clear transformations.
Copying, duplicating, and deleting objects
CorelDRAW provides you with several ways to copy objects. When you no longer need an object, you can delete it.
Cutting, copying, and pasting
You can cut or copy an object to place it on the Clipboard and paste it into a drawing or another application. Cutting an object places it on
the Clipboard and removes it from the drawing. Copying an object places it on the Clipboard but keeps the original in the drawing.
Duplicating an object places a copy directly in the drawing window and does not use the Clipboard. Duplicating is faster than copying and
pasting. Also, when duplicating an object, you can specify the distance between the duplicate and the original object along the x and y axes.
This distance is known as the offset.
You can apply a transformation, such as rotating, sizing, or skewing, to the duplicate of an object while keeping the original object intact. If
you decide that you want to keep the original object, you can delete the duplicate.
Copying objects at a specified position
You can create multiple copies of objects simultaneously, while specifying their position, without using the Clipboard. For example, you
can distribute object copies horizontally, to the left or right of the original object; or you can distribute copies of objects vertically, below or
above the original object. You can specify the spacing between copies of objects, or you can specify the offset at which copies of objects are
created in relation to each other.
Copying objects quickly
You can use other methods to create copies of objects quickly, without using the Clipboard. You can use the plus sign (+) on the numeric
keypad to place a copy of an object on top of the original object, or you can create copies instantly by pressing the Spacebar or right-
clicking while dragging an object.
To cut or copy an object
1Select an object.
Working with objects | 207
2Click Edit, and click one of the following:
You can also cut or copy an object by right-clicking the object and clicking Cut or Copy.
To paste an object into a drawing
Click EditPaste.
You can use this procedure to paste an object from another application.
To paste an object from an unsupported file format, or to specify options for the pasted object, click EditPaste special. For more
information about pasting objects from other applications, see “Linking and embedding objects” on page 273.
To duplicate an object
1Select an object.
Click EditDuplicate.
When you duplicate objects for the first time, the Duplicate offset dialog box appears. To specify the distance between the duplicate
and the original object along the x and y axes, type values in the Horizontal offset and Vertical offset boxes.
•Offset values of 0 place the duplicate on top of the original.
•Positive offset values place the duplicate up and to the right of the original.
•Negative offset values place the duplicate down and to the left of the original.
Duplicating an object is useful for creating cuttable drop shadows for devices such as vinyl cutters and plotters.
You can change the offset at which duplicates are created. Click ToolsOptions and in the Document list of categories, click
General, and type values in the Horizontal and Vertical boxes.
You can also duplicate a selected object by pressing Ctrl + D.
To create copies of an object at a specified position
1Select an object.
Click EditStep and repeat.
3In the Step and repeat docker, type a value in the Number of copies box, and click Apply.
ToDo the following
Distribute copies of objects horizontallyIn the Vertical settings area, choose No offset from the Mode list
box. In the Horizontal settings area, choose Spacing between
objects from the Mode list box. To specify the spacing between
object copies, type a value in the Distance box. To place the object
copies to the right or left of the original, choose Right or Left from
the Direction list box.
208 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Distribute copies of objects verticallyIn the Horizontal settings area, choose No offset from the Mode
list box. In the Vertical settings area, choose Spacing between
objects from the Mode list box. To specify the spacing between
copies of objects, type a value in the Distance box. To place the
copies above or below the original, choose Up or Down from the
Direction list box.
Offset all copies of objects by a specified distanceIn the Horizontal settings and Vertical settings areas, choose
Offset from the Mode list box, and type values in the Distance
Multiple copies of an object are offset by a specified distance.
You can access the Step and repeat docker by pressing Ctrl+Shift+D.
To create copies of objects quickly
Select an object by using the Pick tool .
2Press the Spacebar while moving, rotating, or transforming the object.
You can also
Place a copy of an object on top of the originalPress the plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad.
Create a single copy by using a mouse or stylus.While moving, rotating, or transforming the object, right-click and
then release both mouse buttons.
To transform the duplicate of an object
1Select an object.
Click ObjectTransformations,and click a command.
3Choose the settings you want in the Transformation docker.
Working with objects | 209
4Type 1 in the Copies box.
5Click Apply.
You can clear a transformation by selecting an object and clicking ObjectTransformationsClear transformations.
To delete an object
1Select an object.
Click EditDelete.
To retrieve a deleted object, you must use the Undo command. For more information, see “Undoing, redoing, and repeating actions”
on page 55.
You can also delete an object by selecting it and pressing Delete.
Creating objects from enclosed areas
You can create objects from areas enclosed by other objects. For example, if you draw a freehand line that crosses over itself to create loops,
you can create an object from the loop shape. You can create an object in the shape of the area if the area is completely enclosed, regardless
of the number of surrounding shapes and lines.
For more information about creating objects from enclosed areas, see “Applying fills to areas” on page 315.
The Smart fill tool is used to enclose the areas created by the two spiral objects (left), so that new objects are created from
the enclosed areas. In this example, the original spiral objects are deleted (right), and the newly created objects remain.
Creating a boundary around selected objects
You can automatically create a path around selected objects on a layer to create a boundary. This boundary can be used for various
purposes, such as to produce keylines or cut lines.
The boundary is created by a closed path that follows the shape of the selected objects. The default fill and outline properties apply to the
object created by the boundary.
210 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can create a boundary around selected objects (left). The boundary is created as a
new object (middle) that can be used as a cut line or keyline for a finished logo (right).
To create a boundary around selected objects
1Select the objects that you want to surround with a boundary.
Click ObjectShapingBoundary.
In the Classic workspace, this command appears under the Arrange menu.
Using object coordinates to draw and modify objects
You can use the Object coordinates docker to draw and modify shapes and lines with precision. The live preview in the drawing window
lets you see the effects of your adjustments.
You can type coordinate values to specify the exact position, dimensions, and angle of rotation of an object. You can also set object
attributes interactively by dragging in the drawing window.
Drawing rectangles and squares
To draw a rectangle with precision, you can specify an origin point, which is one of nine points in the rectangle (four corner points, four
midpoints, and one center point). If you rotate the rectangle, the origin point is used as the center of rotation. You can also specify the angle
of rotation, and the width and height of a rectangle.
If the angle of rotation is 0, you can specify the position of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the rectangle.
To draw a square, you can specify the origin point, the length of a side, and an angle of rotation.
Left: The origin point of a rectangle appears as a blue node in the live preview.
You can select the center point, or any corner or midpoint, as the origin point.
Working with objects | 211
Drawing ellipses and circles
To draw an ellipse with precision, you can specify an origin point, which is one of nine points in the bounding box that can be drawn around
the ellipse. The origin point is used as the center of rotation.
You can also specify the ellipse diameters, which are the width and height of the bounding box around the ellipse, and the angle of rotation.
If the angle of rotation is 0, you can specify the exact position of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the bounding box around the
To draw a circle, you can specify the origin point, diameter, and angle of rotation.
You can specify the width and height of the bounding box that can be drawn around an ellipse.
Drawing polygons
To draw a polygon, you can specify the number of sides, the angle of rotation, or the center and diameters of the bounding ellipse that can
be drawn around the polygon. The center of the bounding ellipse, also known as the “polygon center,” is used as the center of rotation.
You can also draw regular polygons with precision. All sides of a regular polygon are of equal length. You can specify the side length and
angle of rotation, or the center and diameter of the bounding circle that can be drawn around the regular polygon.
You can specify the diameters of the bounding ellipse that can be drawn around the polygon.
Drawing lines
You can draw a straight line by using one of two methods. With the first method, you specify the start point and endpoint of the line. With
the second method, you specify the start point and length of the line, plus an angle of rotation.
You can create complex lines by specifying the coordinates of multiple points. You can delete points, and you can modify the coordinates of
existing points. After adding all the points you want, you can close the curved line by connecting its start point to its endpoint.
212 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Straight and multipoint lines
Modifying existing objects
You can use the Object coordinates docker to modify existing objects with precision. Note that when you modify an existing object, it is
replaced with a new object. As a result, the following transformations and effects applied to the original objects are lost: envelope effects,
rotations, and skew effects. In addition, any changes that were previously applied to the nodes on a polygon are lost.
To draw or modify a rectangle by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to modify an existing rectangle, select the rectangle.
Click the Rectangle button .
3Make any of the following adjustments:
•To set the origin point of the rectangle, click a point in the Origin area.
•To specify the exact position of the origin point, type values in the x and y boxes.
•To specify the width and height of the rectangle, type values in the Object size boxes.
•To specify only the height or width of the rectangle and have the other dimensions automatically adjusted in proportion, enable the
Proportional check box.
•To rotate the rectangle at a specified angle, type a value in the Angle of rotation box. The origin point of the rectangle is used as the
center of rotation.
4Click one of the following:
•Create object — adds a new rectangle to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected rectangle with a new one
You can also
Draw a rectangle by specifying the exact position of its lower-left
and upper-right corners
In the Boundingbox area, type values in the x and y boxes.
The first pair of boxes controls the position of the lower-left corner.
The second pair ofboxes controls the position of the upper‑right
This method for drawing rectangles is available only when no
rotation is applied.
Set the lower-left and upper-right corners of a rectangle directly in
the drawing window
In the Bounding box area, click the Set lower-left corner
interactively button or the Set upper-right corner interactively
button , and click in the drawing window.
Working with objects | 213
You can also
Set the origin point directly in the drawing window
Click the Set origin point interactively button , and click in
the drawing window.
Specify the dimensions of the rectangle directly in the drawing
Click either of the Set dimensions interactively buttons , and
drag in the drawing window.
Set the angle of rotation directly in the drawing window
Click the Set angle interactively button , and drag in the
drawing window.
To draw or modify a square by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to replace an existing square, select the square.
Click the arrow at the bottom of the Rectangle button, and click the Square button .
3Make any of the following adjustments:
•To set the origin point of the square, click a point in the Origin area.
•To specify the exact position of the origin point, type values in the x and y boxes.
•To specify the length of a side, type a value in the Object size box.
•To rotate the square at a specified angle, type a value in the Angle of rotation box. The origin point of the rectangle is used as the
center of rotation.
4Click one of the following:
•Create object — adds a new square to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected square with a new one
You can also
Set the origin point directly in the drawing window
Click the Set origin point interactively button , and click in
the drawing window.
Specify the length of a square side directly in the drawing window
Click the Set dimensions interactively button , and drag in
the drawing window.
Set the angle of rotation directly in the drawing window
Click the Set angle interactively button , and drag in the
drawing window.
To draw or modify an ellipse by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to modify an existing ellipse, select the ellipse.
Click the Ellipse button .
3Make any of the following adjustments:
214 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•To set the origin point of the ellipse, click a point in the Origin area.
•To specify the exact position of the origin point, type values in the x and y boxes.
•To specify the diameters (width and height) of the ellipse, type values in the Object size boxes.
•To specify only one of the diameters and have the other diameter automatically adjusted in proportion, enable the Proportional check
•To rotate the ellipse at a specified angle, type a value in the Angle of rotation box. The origin point of the ellipse is used as the center
of rotation.
4Click one of the following:
•Create object — adds a new ellipse to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected ellipse with a new one
You can also
Draw an ellipse by specifying the lower-left and upper-right corners
of the bounding box around an ellipse
In the Bounding box area, type values in the x and y boxes.
The first pair of boxes controls the position of the lower-left
corner of the bounding box. The second pair of boxes controls the
position of the upper-right corner of the bounding box.
This method for drawing ellipses is available only when no rotation
is applied to the ellipse.
Set the lower-left and upper-right corners of an ellipse’s bounding
box directly in the drawing window
In the Bounding box area, click the Set lower-left corner
interactively or Set upper-right corner interactively button ,
and click in the drawing window.
Set the origin point directly in the drawing window
Click the Set origin point interactively button , and click in
the drawing window.
Specify the dimensions of the ellipse directly in the drawing
Click either of the Set diameter interactively buttons , and
drag in the drawing window.
Set the angle of rotation directly in the drawing window
Click the Set angle interactively button , and drag in the
drawing window.
To draw or modify a circle by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to replace an existing circle, select the circle.
Click the arrow at the bottom of the Ellipse button, and click the Circle button .
3Make any of the following adjustments:
•To set the origin point of the square, click a point in the Origin area.
•To specify the exact position of the origin point, type values in the x and y boxes.
•To specify the diameter of a circle, type a value in the Object size box.
•To rotate the circle at a specified angle, type a value in the Angle of rotation box. The origin point of the circle is used as the center of
4Click one of the following:
Working with objects | 215
•Create object — adds a new circle to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected circle with a new one
You can also
Set the origin point directly in the drawing window
Click the Set origin point interactively button , and click in
the drawing window.
Specify the diameter of a circle directly in the drawing window
Click the Set diameter interactively button, and drag in the
drawing window.
Set the angle of rotation directly in the drawing window
Click the Set angle interactively button , and drag in the
drawing window.
To draw or modify a polygon by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to modify an existing polygon, select the polygon.
Click the Polygon button .
3In the Object size area, type a value in the Points or sides box.
4Make any of the following adjustments:
•To rotate the polygon at a specified angle, type a value in the Angle of rotation box.
•To specify the polygon center, type values in the x and y boxes in the Bounding ellipse area. The polygon center is the center of the
bounding ellipse that can be drawn around the polygon. The polygon center is used as the center of rotation.
•To specify the diameters of the bounding ellipse around the polygon, type values in the Object size boxes in the Bounding ellipse
•To specify only one diameter and have the other diameter automatically adjusted in proportion, enable the Proportional check box.
5Click one of the following:
•Create object — adds a new polygon to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected polygon with a new one
You can also
Set the angle of rotation directly in the drawing window
Click the Set angle interactively button , and drag in the
drawing window.
Set the polygon center directly in the drawing window
Click the Set polygon center interactively button , and click in
the drawing window.
Specify the diameters of the bounding ellipse directly in the
drawing window
Click either of the Set diameter interactively buttons , and
drag in the drawing window.
216 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To draw or modify a regular polygon by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to modify an existing polygon, select the polygon.
Click the arrow at the bottom of the Polygon button, and click the Regular polygon button .
3In the Object size area, type a value in the Points or sides box.
4Type a value in the Side length box.
5Make any of the following adjustments:
•To rotate the polygon at a specified angle, type a value in the Angle of rotation box.
•To specify the polygon center, type values in the x and y boxes in the Bounding circle area.
•To specify the diameter of the bounding circle around the polygon, type a value in the Object size box.
6Click one of the following:
•Create object — adds a new polygon to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected polygon with a new one
You can also
Set the side length directly in the drawing window
Click the Set dimensions interactively button , and drag in
the drawing window.
Set the angle of rotation directly in the drawing window
Click the Set angle interactively button , and drag in the
drawing window.
Set the polygon center directly in the drawing window
Click the Set polygon center interactively button , and click in
the drawing window.
Specify the diameter of the bounding circle directly in the drawing
Click the Set diameter interactively button, and drag in the
drawing window.
To draw or modify a straight line by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to modify an existing line, select the line.
Click the 2-point line button .
3To specify the start point and endpoint along the x and y rulers, type values in the x and y boxes in the Points area.
In the live preview, the start point is highlighted.
4Click one of the following:
•Create object — adds a new line to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected line with a new one
Working with objects | 217
You can also
Draw a straight line by specifying its start point, length, and angle
of rotation
In the Points area, type values in the Start pointx and y boxes. In
the Object size area, type a value in the Line length box. Then,
type a value in the Angle of rotation box.
Set the start point or endpoint of a line directly in the drawing
In the Points area, click one of the Set point interactively buttons
, and click in the drawing window.
Set the line length directly in the drawing windowIn the Object size area, click the Set line length interactively
button , and drag in the drawing window.
Set the angle of rotation directly in the drawing windowIn the Object size area, click the Set angle interactively button
, and drag in the drawing window.
To draw or modify a multi-point line by using object coordinates
Click WindowDockersObject coordinates.
If you want to replace an existing line with a new one, select the line.
Click the Multi-point line button .
3Click the Add point button at the bottom of the Object coordinates docker.
4Make either of the following adjustments:
•To specify the exact position of the point along the x and y rulers, type values in the X and Y boxes.
To add another point, click the Add point button , and type values in the X and Y boxes.
5After specifying all the points you need, click one of the following:
•Create object — adds a new line to the drawing window
•Replace object — replaces the selected line with a new one
You can also
Specify the position of a point directly in the drawing windowClick a point in the Object coordinates docker. Click the Set point
interactively button , and click in the drawing window.
Delete a pointClick a point in the Object coordinates docker, and click the Delete
point button.
Connect the start point with the endpoint of a line
Click the Auto-close/open curve button.
Use the following keyboard shortcuts to create a multi-point line quickly:
•To add a point, click in the Points area, and press Insert.
218 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•To delete a selected point, press Delete.
•To activate the X or Y box of a selected point, press F2.
•To navigate through the X and Y boxes of the available points, select a box and press Tab repeatedly.
•To navigate backward through the X or Y boxes of the available points, select a box and press Shift + Tab repeatedly.
•To activate the Set point interactively button, double-click a point in the docker.
Copying object properties, transformations, and effects
CorelDRAW lets you copy attributes from one object to another. You can copy object properties such as outline, fill, and text properties. You
can copy object transformations such as sizing, rotating, and positioning. You can also copy effects applied to an object.
To copy fill, outline, or text properties from one object to another
In the toolbox, click the Attributes eyedropper tool .
2Click the Properties flyout on the property bar, and enable any of the following check boxes:
3Click the object whose properties you want to copy.
The Attributes eyedropper tool automatically switches to the Apply object attributes mode.
4Click the object to which you want to apply the copied properties.
Options that are enabled in the Transformations and Effects flyouts on the property bar are also applied when you copy properties.
You can also copy fill or outline properties, or both, by right-clicking an object with the Pick tool , dragging over another object,
releasing the mouse button, and choosing Copy fill here, Copy outline here, or Copy all properties.
To copy size, position, or rotation from one object to another
In the toolbox, click the Attributes eyedropper tool .
2Click the Transformations flyout on the property bar, and enable any of the following check boxes:
3Click the object whose transformations you want to copy.
The Attributes eyedropper tool automatically switches to the Apply object attributes mode.
4Click the object to which you want to apply the copied transformations.
Options that are enabled in the Properties and Effects flyouts on the property bar are also applied when you copy properties.
Working with objects | 219
To copy effects from one object to another
In the toolbox, click the Attributes eyedropper tool .
2Click the Effects flyout on the property bar, and enable any of the following check boxes:
•Drop shadow
3Click the object whose effects you want to copy.
The Attributes eyedropper tool automatically switches to the Apply object attributes mode.
4Click the object to which you want to apply the copied effects.
Options that are enabled in the Properties and Transformations flyouts on the property bar are also applied when you copy
Cloning objects
When you clone an object, you create a copy of an object that is linked to the original. Any changes you make to the original object are
reflected automatically in the clone. Changes you make to the clone are not automatically reflected in the original, however. You can remove
changes made to the clone by reverting to the original.
Cloning lets you modify multiple copies of an object simultaneously by changing the master object. This type of modification is especially
useful if you want the clone and master objects to differ by certain properties, such as fill and outline color, but want the master object to
control other properties, such as shape.
If you simply want to use the same object in a drawing multiple times, consider using symbols, instead of clones, to keep the file size
manageable. For more information about symbols, see “Working with symbols” on page 265.
The object on the left was cloned twice. Different fill and outline properties
were applied to the clones. The clone on the right was also reshaped.
To clone an object
1Select an object.
Click Edit Clone.
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You can also
Select the master object of a cloneRight-click the clone, and click Select master.
Select the clone objects of a masterRight-click the master, and click Select clones.
You can clone a master object multiple times, but you cannot clone a clone.
To revert to the master object of a clone
1Right-click a modified clone, and click Revert to master.
2Enable any of the following check boxes:
•Clone fill — restores the master fill attributes
•Clone outline — restores the master outline attributes
•Clone path shape — restores the master shape attributes
•Clone transformations — restores the master shape and size attributes
•Clone bitmap color mask — restores the master color settings
Only the clone properties that are different from the master object are available in the Revert to master dialog box.
Positioning objects
You can position objects by dragging them to a new location, by nudging, or by specifying their horizontal and vertical coordinates.
Nudging lets you move an object in increments by pressing the Arrow keys. The increment value is known as “nudge distance.” Micro-
nudging lets you move an object by a fraction of the nudge distance. Super-nudging lets you move an object by a multiple of the nudge
distance. By default, you can nudge objects in 0.1-inch increments, but you can change this increment value to suit your needs. You can also
change micro-nudge and super-nudge values.
To position an object, you can set horizontal and vertical coordinates that are relative to the center anchor point, or other anchor point, of
the object.
You can also move an object to another page. For more information, see “To move an object to another page” on page 507.
To move an object
1Select an object.
2Point to the center of the bounding box.
3When the position cursor appears, drag the object to a new position in the drawing.
You can move an object to another page by dragging the object over a page number tab at the bottom of the document window
and then dragging the object into the document window.
To move an object while drawing
1Start drawing a shape such as a rectangle, ellipse, or polygon.
Working with objects | 221
2Hold down the right mouse button without releasing the left mouse button, and drag the unfinished object to its new position.
3Release the right mouse button, and continue drawing.
Moving an object while drawing
To nudge an object
ToDo the following
Nudge a selected object by the nudge distancePress an Arrow key.
Nudge a selected object by a fraction of the nudge distance (micro-
Hold down Ctrl, and press an Arrow key.
Nudge a selected object by a multiple of the nudge distance (super-
Hold down Shift, and press an Arrow key.
To set nudge distances
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Rulers.
3Type a value in the Nudge box.
4Type a value in one of the following boxes:
•Super nudge
•Micro nudge
You can also set the nudge distance by deselecting all objects and typing a value in the Nudge distance box on the property bar.
To save the new nudge distances to use in new drawings, click ToolsSave settings as default.
To position an object by x and y coordinates
1Select an object.
If you want to change the object origin, click a point on the Object origin button on the property bar.
2Type values in the following boxes:
•x — lets you position the object on the x-axis
222 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•y — lets you position the object on the y-axis
The x and y values specify the exact position of the object origin.
3Press Enter.
The object origin, also known as “anchor point” or “reference point,” can be the center of an object or any one of the object’s
selection handles. The object origin remains stationary when an object is positioned by typing values in the x and y boxes on the
property bar.
To position an object by changing the anchor point
1Select an object.
Click WindowDockersTransformationsPosition.
3Disable the Relative position check box in the Transformation docker.
4Type values in the following boxes:
•H — lets you specify a value for the position of an object along the horizontal axis
•V — lets you specify a value for the position of an object along the vertical axis
5Enable the check box that corresponds to the anchor point that you want to set.
6Click Apply.
By default, the point of origin (0,0) is at the lower-left corner of the drawing page.
When you enable the Relative position check box on the Transformation docker, the position of the center anchor point is identified
as 0,0 in the H and V boxes. When you specify a different position in the H and V boxes, the values represent a change from the
current position as measured from the center anchor point of the object.
Aligning and distributing objects
CorelDRAW lets you precisely align and distribute objects in a drawing. You can align objects with each other and with parts of the drawing
page, such as the center, edges, and grid. When you align objects with objects, you can line them up by their centers or by their edges.
You can align multiple objects horizontally or vertically with the center of the drawing page. Single or multiple objects can also be arranged
along the edge of the page and to the nearest point on a grid. You can also align objects with a reference point by specifying its exact x and
y coordinates.
Distributing objects automatically adds spacing between them based on their width, height, and center points. You can distribute objects so
that their center points or selected edges (for example, top or right) appear at equal intervals. You can also distribute objects so that there
is equal space between them. You can distribute objects over the extent of the bounding box surrounding them or over the entire drawing
224 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Align an object with the closest grid line
Click the Grid button .
Align an object with a specified point
Click the Specified point button , and type values in the
Specify coordinates boxes.
You can also specify a point interactively by clicking the Specify
point button, and clicking in the document window.
Set an alignment option for text objectsIn the Text area, choose one of the following options:
First line baseline — aligns text by the baseline of the first
Last line baseline — aligns text by the baseline of the last
Bounding box — aligns text by its bounding box
You can also align objects with another object quickly, without using the Align and distribute docker, by clicking ObjectAlign
and distribute and clicking any of the first six alignment commands. The letter next to a command name indicates the keyboard
shortcut that you can use to align objects. For example, the letter L next to the Align left command shows that you can press L to
align objects with the leftmost point of the object that is used as a reference point.
You can also align all objects with the page center, vertically and horizontally, by pressing P.
To distribute objects
1Select the objects.
Click ObjectAlign and distributeAlign and distribute.
3To distribute objects horizontally, click one of the following buttons:
Distribute left — evenly spaces the left edges of the objects
Distribute center horizontally — evenly spaces the center points of the objects along a horizontal axis
Distribute right — evenly spaces the right edges of the objects
Distribute space horizontally — places equal intervals between the objects along a horizontal axis
4To distribute objects vertically, click one of the following buttons:
Distribute top — evenly spaces the top edges of the objects
Distribute center vertically — evenly spaces the center points of the objects along a vertical axis
Distribute bottom — evenly spaces the bottom edges of the objects
Distribute space vertically — places equal intervals between the objects along a vertical axis
5To choose the area over which the objects are distributed, click one of the following buttons in the Distribute objects to area:
Extent of selection — distributes the objects over the area of the bounding box surrounding them
226 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can snap objects to other objects, to page elements (such as the center of the page), to the document grid, pixel grid, baseline grid, or
the guidelines.
To snap an object to another object with greater precision, you can first snap the pointer to a snap point in the object, and then snap the
object to a snap point in the target object. For example, you can snap the pointer to the center of a rectangle, drag the rectangle by the
center, and then snap the rectangle to the center of another rectangle.
The pointer was snapped to an end node of the leaf (top), and then
the leaf was dragged to snap to the end node of the branch (bottom).
Snapping modes determine which snap points you can use in an object. The table below includes descriptions of all available snapping
Snapping modeDescriptionSnapping mode indicator
NodeLets you snap to a node on an object
IntersectionLets you snap to a geometric intersection of
MidpointLets you snap to a line segment midpoint
QuadrantLets you snap to points that are at 0°, 90°,
180°, and 270° on a circle, ellipse, or arc
TangentLets you snap to a point on the outside
edge of an arc, circle, or ellipse where a line
touches, but does not intersect, the object
PerpendicularLets you snap to a point on the outside
edge of a segment where a line is
perpendicular to the object
EdgeLets you snap to a point that touches the
edge of an object
CenterLets you snap to the center of the closest
object (arc, regular polygon, or curve
Working with objects | 227
Snapping modeDescriptionSnapping mode indicator
Text baselineLets you snap to a point on the baseline of
artistic or paragraph text
You can choose a number of snapping options. For example, you can disable some or all snapping modes to make the application run faster.
You can also set a snapping threshold, which specifies the distance from the pointer at which a snap point becomes active. You can also turn
snapping on and off.
To turn snapping on or off
•Perform one or more tasks from the following table:
ToDo the following
Enable snapping for all objects
Click View Snap toObjects.
Enable snapping objects to page elements (edges, edge midpoints,
and page center)
Click ViewSnap toPage.
Enable snapping objects to the pixel grid
Click ViewSnap toPixels.
This option is available only when pixel view is enabled. For more
information, see “Choosing viewing modes” on page 60.
Enable snapping objects to the document grid
Click ViewSnap toDocument grid.
For more information, see “Setting up the document grid” on page
Enable snapping objects to the baseline grid
Click ViewSnap toBaseline grid.
For more information, see “Setting up the baseline grid” on page
Enable snapping objects to guidelines
Click ViewSnap toGuidelines.
For more information, see “Setting up guidelines” on page 513.
A check mark next to the snap command indicates that snapping is turned on.
You can also press Alt + Z to toggle snapping to objects on and off, or press Ctrl + Y to toggle snapping to the document grid on
and off.
To snap objects
1Select the object that you want to snap to the target object.
228 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
2Move the pointer over the object until the snap point becomes highlighted.
3Drag the object close to the target object until the snap point on the target object becomes highlighted.
To snap an object as you draw it, drag in the drawing window until the snap point in the target object becomes highlighted.
To set snapping options
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Snap to objects.
3On the Snap to objects page of the Options dialog box, enable one or more of the check boxes in the Modes area.
To enable all snapping modes, click Select all.
To disable all snapping modes without turning off snapping, click Deselect all.
4Type a value in the Snapping radius box to set the radius, in pixels, of the snapping field around the pointer.
You can also
Display or hide snapping mode indicatorsEnable or disable the Show snap location marks check box.
Display or hide screen tipsEnable or disable the Screen tip check box.
Using dynamic guides
You can display dynamic guides to help you precisely move, align, and draw objects in relation to other objects. Dynamic guides are
temporary guidelines that you can pull from the following snap points in objects — center, node, quadrant, and text baseline. For more
information about snap points and snapping modes, see “Snapping objects” on page 225.
As you drag an object along a dynamic guide, you can view the distance of the object from the snap point that was used to create the
dynamic guide, which helps you position the object precisely. You can use dynamic guides to place objects in relation to other objects as you
draw them. You can also display intersecting dynamic guides and then place an object at the intersection.
A dynamic guide was pulled from a node in the object on the left. The screen tip next to the node displays the angle of the
dynamic guide (0º)and the distance between the node and the pointer (1.5 inches.) The object on the right was dragged along
the dynamic guide and positioned precisely 1.5 inches away from the node that was used to generate the dynamic guide.
Dynamic guides contain invisible divisions, called ticks, to which your pointer gravitates. Ticks let you move objects with precision along a
dynamic guide. You can adjust tick spacing to suit your needs, and you can disable snapping to ticks. You can set other options for dynamic
guides. For example, you can choose to display dynamic guides at one or more preset angles, or at custom angles that you specify. You can
preview the angle settings. You can also customize the color and line style of dynamic guides. When you no longer need a dynamic guide at
a certain angle, you can delete the angle settings. You can also display dynamic guides that are extensions of line segments.
Working with objects | 229
This dynamic guide is an extension of a line segment.
You can turn off dynamic guides at any time.
To enable or disable dynamic guides
Click ViewDynamic guides.
A check mark beside the Dynamic guides command indicates that dynamic guides are enabled.
You can toggle dynamic guides on and off by pressing Shift + Alt + D.
To display dynamic guides
1With dynamic guides enabled, click a drawing tool.
2Move the pointer over, and then off, an eligible snap point of an object.
3Repeat step 2 with other objects to display other dynamic guides.
The snap points that you point to are registered in a queue and are used to create dynamic guides.
The eligible snap points — the node, center, quadrant, and text baseline snap points — appear only when the corresponding
snapping modes are activated. For more information about snap points and snapping modes, see “Snapping objects” on page
To avoid displaying too many dynamic guides, you can clear the queue of points at any time by clicking in the drawing window or
pressing Esc.
You can use the snap points you registered to display intersecting dynamic guides. To do this, display a dynamic guide, and then
move the pointer along the dynamic guide to where an intersecting dynamic guide would appear from a registered snap point.
To place an object in relation to another object
1With dynamic guides enabled, select an object.
If you want to move the object by a specific snap point, move the pointer over the snap point until the snap point becomes highlighted.
2Drag the object to an eligible snap point of the target object.
3When the snap point of the target object becomes highlighted, drag the object along the dynamic guide to position it.
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The eligible snap points — the node, center, quadrant, and text baseline snap points — appear only when the corresponding
snapping modes are activated. For more information about snap points and snapping modes, see “Snapping objects” on page
To draw an object in relation to another object
1With dynamic guides enabled, click a drawing tool.
2Move the pointer over an eligible snap point of an object.
3When the snap point becomes highlighted, move the pointer to display a dynamic guide.
4Move the pointer along the dynamic guide to the point where you want to draw, and drag to draw an object.
The eligible snap points — the node, center, quadrant, and text baseline snap points — appear only when the corresponding
snapping modes are activated. For more information about snap points and snapping modes, see “Snapping objects” on page
To place an object at the intersection of dynamic guides
1With dynamic guides enabled, select an object.
If you want to use a specific snap point to move the object, move the pointer over the snap point until the snap point becomes
2Drag the object to an eligible snap point of another object, drag to display a dynamic guide, and continue to hold down the mouse
3Drag the object to another eligible snap point. When the snap point becomes highlighted, drag to display another dynamic guide where
the two dynamic guides would intersect.
4When the intersecting point appears, release the mouse button.
In the following example, intersecting dynamic guides are used to position an ellipse.
First, the ellipse was dragged by its center snap point (left) to the edge of
the other carton, and then to the right to display a dynamic guide (right).
Working with objects | 231
Next, the ellipse was dragged to the edge of the carton, and then down to display another dynamic
guide (left). Finally, the ellipse was positioned at the intersection of the dynamic guides (right).
The eligible snap points — the node, center, quadrant, and text baseline snap points — appear only when the corresponding
snapping modes are activated. For more information about snap points and snapping modes, see “Snapping objects” on page
To set options for dynamic guides
Click WindowDockersAlignment and dynamic guides.
In the Alignment and dynamic guides docker, click the Dynamic guides button .
3Perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Enable or disable dynamic guidesEnable or disable the check box in the top-right corner of the
Dynamic guides section of the docker.
Change the line style of dynamic guidesOpen the Line style picker, and choose a line style.
Change the color of dynamic guidesOpen the Line color picker, and choose a color.
Display or hide the angle of dynamic guides and the distance from
the snap point used to create the dynamic guide
Click the Display screen tips button .
Display dynamic guides that are extensions of line segments
Click the Extend along segment button.
Snap to specified invisible divisions along the dynamic guide
Click the Snap to tick spacing button , and type a value in the
Tick spacing box.
Choose the angles at which to display the dynamic guidesEnable or disable the angle check boxes.
When you enable an angle check box, a preview of the dynamic
guide appears in the Guides preview window.
232 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Add a custom dynamic guide angleType a value in the Custom angle box, and click the Add custom
angle button .
Delete a dynamic guide angleSelect a dynamic guide in the list, and click the Delete custom
angle button .
Display dynamic guides at all available angles
Click the Select all button .
Disable dynamic guides at all available angles
Click the Deselect all button .
Using alignment guides
You can align objects interactively on the drawing page by using alignment guides. Alignment guides are temporary guidelines that appear
when you create, resize, or move objects in relation to other nearby objects. While dynamic guides provide precise measurements for
creating technical illustrations, alignment guides are useful in page layout to align text or graphic elements quickly and accurately.
Alignment guides help you align the center of an object with the center of another object (center to center) or the edge of an object with
the edge of another object (edge to edge). In addition, you can align the edge of an object with the center of another object (edge to
Alignment guides appear as an object is moved.
If you want to align an object at a set distance from the edge of another object, you can set margins for the alignment guides. After you
specify the margins, you can choose how the edge guides appear: they can follow either the margins, or both the margins and the edges of
the object.
Margin alignment guides let you use offset margins, inset margins, or both. There are separate controls for horizontal and vertical margin
alignment guides, so you can modify settings for one without affecting the other.
Working with objects | 233
You can offset (left) and inset (right) margin alignment guides.
Alignment guides are turned off by default. You can easily enable or disable alignment guides, or modify their default settings, including
the color and line style. You can choose whether alignment guides appear for individual objects in a group, or for the bounding box of the
group as a whole.
The Intelligent Spacing feature lets you precisely arrange and position an object in relation to other onscreen objects, and the Intelligent
Dimensioning feature lets you intuitively scale and rotate an object in relation to other onscreen objects.
Intelligent Dimensioning displays indicators when an object is rotated to
the same angle (top) or scaled to same size as the closest object (bottom).
234 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Intelligent Spacing displays indicators when an object is equidistant between two
other objects (left) or has the same spacing as the closest onscreen objects (right).
To enable or disable alignment guides
Click ViewAlignment guides.
A check mark beside the Alignment guides command indicates that alignment guides are enabled.
You can also enable or disable alignment guides by clicking the Alignment guides button on the Layout toolbar. To open the Layout
toolbar, click WindowToolbarsLayout.
You can also enable alignment guides by pressing Shift + Alt + A.
To modify alignment guide settings
Click WindowDockersAlignment and dynamic guides.
In the Alignment and dynamic guides docker, click the Alignment guides button .
3Perform any of the following tasks.
ToDo the following
Enable or disable alignment guidesEnable or disable the check box in the top-right corner of the
Alignment guides section.
Change the color of alignment guidesOpen the Line color picker, and choose a color.
Change the line style of alignment guidesOpen the Line style picker, and choose a line style.
Set guides to align the edge of an object with the edge of another
Click the Object edges button .
Set guides to align the edge of an object with the center of another
Click the Object centers button .
Working with objects | 235
ToDo the following
Set guides to align to individual objects in a group
Click the Individual objects in a group button .
Distribute objects using the same spacing as the closest onscreen
Ensure that the Intelligent spacing button is enabled, and
drag the object until indicator arrows appear.
Position an object equidistantly between two other objectsEnsure that the Intelligent spacing button is enabled, and drag the
object between two other objects until indicator arrows appear.
Scale objects to the same dimensions as other onscreen objects
Ensure that the Intelligent dimensioning button is enabled,
and scale the object until indicator arrows appear.
Rotate objects to the same angle as other rotated onscreen objectsEnsure that the Intelligent dimensioning button is enabled, and
rotate the object until rotation indicators appear.
You can access most alignment guide controls on the Layout toolbar by clicking the Layout toolbar button .
To add margin alignment guides
Click WindowDockersAlignment and dynamic guides.
In the Alignment and dynamic guides docker, click the Alignment guides button .
3Perform any of the following tasks.
ToDo the following
Add margin alignment guidesEnable the Margins check box. If the Margins check box is not
displayed, click the arrow button located at the bottom of the
Alignment guides section.
Change the line color of marginsOpen the Margin line color picker, and choose a color.
Change the line style of marginsOpen the Margin line style picker, and choose a line style.
Set horizontal marginsType a value in the Horizontal margin box, click the Horizontal
margin button, and choose one of the following options:
Offset horizontally — creates a margin of the specified
distance around an object
Inset horizontally — creates a margin of the specified
distance within an object
Offset and inset horizontally — creates margins of the
specified distance around and within an object
236 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Set vertical marginsType a value in the Vertical margin box, click the Vertical margin
button, and choose one of the following options:
Offset vertically — creates a margin of the specified
distance around an object
Inset vertically — creates a margin of the specified distance
within an object
Offset and inset vertically — creates a margin of the
specified distance around and within an object
Lock the ratio between vertical and horizontal margins
Click the Lock ratio button
View only margin alignment guides
Disable the Object edges button , theObject centers button
, the Intelligent spacing button , and the Intelligent
dimensioning button .
Disable horizontal marginsClick the Horizontal margin button, and choose No horizontal
margin .
Disable vertical marginsClick the Vertical margin button, and choose No vertical
Changing the order of objects
You can change the stacking order of objects on a layer or a page by sending objects to the front or back of other objects. You can also
position objects precisely in the stacking order, as well as reverse the stacking order of multiple objects.
The four objects (left) are ordered from top to bottom to create the final image (right).
To move an object in the stacking order
1Select an object.
Click ObjectOrder, and then click one of the following commands:
•To frontof page — moves the selected object in front of all other objects on the page
Working with objects | 237
•To back of page — moves the selected object behind all other objects on the page
•To front of layer — moves the selected object in front of all other objects on the active layer
•To back of layer — moves the selected object behind all other objects on the active layer
•Forward one — moves the selected object forward one position. If the selected object is in front of all other objects on the active
layer, it is moved to the layer above.
•Back one — moves the selected object behind one position. If the selected object is behind all other objects on the selected layer, it is
moved to the layer below.
•In front of — moves the selected object in front of the object that you click in the drawing window
•Behind — moves the selected object behind the object that you click in the drawing window
An object cannot be moved to a locked (non-editable) layer; instead, it is moved to the closest editable layer. For example, when you
apply the To front of page command, and the topmost layer is locked, the object is moved to the topmost editable layer. Any objects
on the locked layer remain in front of the object.
By default, all objects on the master page appear on top of the objects on other pages. For information about reordering content on
master page layers, see “To move a layer” on page 262.
An Order command is unavailable if the selected object is already positioned in the specified stacking order. For example, the To front
of page command is unavailable if the object is already in front of all the other objects on the page.
To reverse the order of multiple objects
1Select the objects.
Click ObjectOrderReverse order.
Sizing and scaling objects
CorelDRAW lets you size and scale objects. In both cases, you change the dimensions of an object proportionally by preserving its aspect
ratio. You can change the dimensions of an object by specifying precise values or by changing the object interactively. When you scale an
object, you change its dimensions by a specified percentage.
To size an object
ToDo the following
Size a selected objectDrag any of the corner selection handles.
Set a precise sizeType values in the Object size boxes on the property bar.
Size a selected object from its centerHold down Shift, and drag one of the corner selection handles.
Size a selected object to a multiple of its original sizeHold down Ctrl, and drag one of the corner selection handles.
Stretch and size a selected object simultaneouslyHold down Alt, and drag one of the corner selection handles.
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The anchor point of an object, also known as “object origin,” remains stationary when you resize the object by typing values in the
Object size boxes on the property bar. If you want to change the object origin, click a point on the Object origin button on the
property bar.
You can also size an object by clicking ObjectTransformationsSize and then typing values in the Transformation docker.
To scale an object
1Select an object.
In the toolbox, click the Free transform tool .
Click the Free scale button on the property bar.
If you want to change the object origin, click a point on the Object origin button on the property bar.
4Type a percentage by which you want to scale the object in the Scale factor boxes on the property bar.
You can also
Apply the scaling according to the object’s position rather than the
x and y coordinates
Click the Relative to object button on the property bar.
Scale an object using the Transformation docker
Click WindowDockersTransformationsScale and mirror.
Leave the original object unchanged and apply the transformation
to a copy
Click the Apply to duplicate button on the property bar, or type a
number in the Copies box in the Transformation docker.
The object origin, also known as “anchor point” or “reference point,” can be the center of an object or any one of the object’s
selection handles. The object origin remains stationary when an object is scaled by typing values in the Scale factor boxes on the
property bar.
You can also scale an object by dragging a corner selection handle.
You can also scale an object by using the Transform toolbar. To open the toolbar, click WindowToolbarsTransform.
Rotating and mirroring objects
CorelDRAW lets you rotate and create mirror images of objects. You can rotate an object by specifying horizontal and vertical coordinates.
You can move the center of rotation to a specific ruler coordinate or to a point that is relative to the current position of the object.
Working with objects | 239
Rotating objects around a single point
Mirroring an object flips it from left to right or top to bottom. By default, the mirror anchor point is in the center of the object.
Mirroring an object from top to bottom
To rotate an object
1Select an object.
In the toolbox, click the Free transform tool .
Click the Free rotation button on the property bar.
4Type a value in the Angle of rotation box on the property bar.
You can also
Apply the rotation according to the object’s position rather than
the x and y coordinates
Click the Relative to object button on the property bar.
Use rotation handles to rotate an objectUsing the Pick tool, click the object twice to display the rotation
handles. Drag a rotation handle clockwise or counterclockwise.
Rotate an object using the Transformation docker
Click WindowDockersTransformationsRotate.
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You can also view and set the relative center of an object by clicking the object to display the rotation handles and dragging the
relative center handle (circle with a dot in the middle) to a new position.
You can set the relative center of an object to its original position by enabling the Relative center check box in the Transformation
docker and clicking the center option in the area below the check box.
You can also rotate an object by using the Transform toolbar. To open the toolbar, click WindowToolbarsTransform.
To rotate an object around a ruler coordinate
1Select an object.
Click WindowDockersTransformationsRotate.
3Disable the Relative center check box.
4Type a value in the Angle box.
5Type values in any of the following Center boxes:
•H — lets you specify the point on the horizontal ruler around which the object rotates
•V — lets you specify the point on the vertical ruler around which the object rotates
6Press Enter.
To mirror an object
1Select an object.
Click WindowDockersTransformationsScale and mirror.
3In the Transformation docker, click one of the following buttons:
Horizontal mirror — lets you flip the object from left to right
Vertical mirror — lets you flip the object from top to bottom
If you want to flip the object on a specific anchor point, enable the check box that corresponds to the anchor point you want to set.
4Click Apply.
You can also mirror a selected object by holding down Ctrl and dragging a selection handle to the opposite side of the object.
You can also mirror a selected object by clicking the Mirror horizontally or the Mirror vertically button on the property bar.
Using the Object Properties docker to modify objects
The Object properties docker presents object-dependent formatting options and properties, letting you modify object settings from one
location. For example, if you create a rectangle, the Object properties docker automatically presents outline, fill, transparency, and corner
formatting options, as well as the rectangle’s properties. If you create a text frame, the docker instantly displays character, paragraph, and
frame formatting options, as well as the text frame’s properties.
You can navigate quickly to the properties that you want to modify by using the controls at the top of the Object properties docker. In
addition, two view modes are available: Scroll and Tab. Scroll mode displays all relevant object properties, letting you scroll to the options
you want. Tab mode displays only one group of object properties at a time, hiding the other options. For example, you can view only fill
options, and then click the Outline button to view only outline options.
If objects have outline, fill, or other styles applied to them, style indicators appear beside the property in the Object properties docker. You
can hide the style indicators to save space.
Working with objects | 241
To use the Object Properties docker
1Select an object.
If the Object properties docker is not open, click WindowDockers Object properties.
2Perform any of the following tasks.
ToDo the following
Display the object properties that you want to modifyClick the corresponding button at the top of the docker.
Switch between Scroll and Tab modeClick the Scroll/Tabmode button.
Display or hide the style indicatorsClick the Style indicator button.
Grouping objects
When you group two or more objects, they are treated as a single unit but retain their individual attributes. Grouping lets you apply the
same formatting, properties, and other changes to all the objects within the group at the same time. In addition, grouping helps prevent
accidental changes to the position of an object in relation to other objects. You can also create nested groups by grouping together existing
Individual objects retain their attributes when they are grouped.
You can add objects to or remove objects from a group, and you can delete objects that are members of a group. You can also edit a single
object in a group without ungrouping the objects. If you want to edit multiple objects in a group at the same time, you must first ungroup
the objects. If a group contains nested groups, you can ungroup all objects in the nested groups simultaneously.
To group objects
1Select the objects.
Click ObjectGroupGroup objects.
The status bar indicates that a group of objects is selected.
You can select objects from different layers and group them; however, after objects are grouped, they reside on the same layer and
are stacked on top of one another.
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You can create a nested group by selecting two or more groups of objects and clicking ObjectGroupGroup objects.
You can also group objects by dragging an object in the Object manager docker over another object. If the Object manager docker
is not open, click WindowDockersObject manager.
You can also group objects by clicking the Group button on the property bar.
To add an object to a group
•In the Object manager docker, drag the object to the group.
If the Object manager docker is not open, click WindowDockersObject manager.
To remove an object from a group
•In the Object manager docker, drag an object outside the group.
If the Object manager docker is not open, click WindowDockersObject manager.
To delete an object in a group, select the object in the object list, and click EditDelete.
To edit an object in a group
Click the Pick tool .
2Hold down Ctrl, and click an object in a group to select it.
3Edit the object.
You can also select an object in a group by clicking the object in the Object manager docker. If the Object manager docker is not
open, click WindowDockersObject manager.
To ungroup objects
1Select one or more groups.
Click ObjectGroup, and click one of the following commands:
•Ungroup objects — breaks a group into individual objects, or a nested group into multiple groups
•Ungroup all objects — breaks one or more groups into individual objects, including objects within nested groups
Choosing Ungroup all objects also ungroups all nested groups. To preserve nested groups, select Ungroup objects.
You can also ungroup objects by clicking the Ungroup button on the property bar.
You can also ungroup all nested groups within a group by clicking the Ungroup all button on the property bar.
Working with objects | 243
Combining objects
Combining two or more objects creates a single object with common fill and outline attributes. You can combine rectangles, ellipses,
polygons, stars, spirals, graphs, or text so that they are converted to a single curve object. If you need to modify the attributes of an object
that has been combined from separate objects, you can break apart the combined object. You can extract a subpath from a combined object
to create two separate objects. You can also weld two or more objects to create a single object. For information about welding objects, see
“Welding and intersecting objects” on page 190.
The two objects (left) are combined to create a single object (right). The
new object has the fill and outline properties of the last object selected.
To combine objects
1Select the objects to be combined.
Click ObjectCombine.
Combined text objects become larger blocks of text.
You can also combine selected objects by clicking the Combine button on the property bar.
You can close open lines in a combined object by clicking ObjectJoin curves and choosing settings in the Join curves docker.
To break apart a combined object
1Select a combined object.
Click ObjectBreak curve apart.
If you break apart a combined object that contains artistic text, the text breaks apart into lines first, and then into words. Paragraph
text breaks into separate paragraphs.
To extract a subpath from a combined object
Click the Shape tool , and select a segment, node, or group of nodes on a combined object.
Click the Extract subpath button on the property bar.
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After you extract the subpath, the fill and outline properties of the path are removed from the combined object.
Splitting objects
You can split vector objects, text, and bitmaps. You can split single objects or groups of objects along straight, freehand, or Bézier lines.
(From top to bottom) Three modes for splitting objects are available: Bézier, 2-Point Line, and Freehand.
In addition, you can create a gap between the new objects resulting from the splitting action, or you can make the new objects overlap.
This bitmap was split into two along a freehand line. The gap value was specified before cutting the bitmap.
When you split an object by using the Knife tool , CorelDRAW lets you choose whether to convert outlines to curve objects or keep
them as outlines. By default, the application automatically chooses the option that best preserves outline appearance.
Working with objects | 245
You can choose outlines options from the property bar.
When splitting objects that have dashed lines, arrowheads or end caps, the Convert to objects option preserves the outline appearance
better. When you choose the Automatic option for such objects, CorelDRAW converts the outlines to objects.
Top: The outline (a dashed line with arrowheads in this example) was converted to objects after the split, preserving the
original appearance. Bottom: The Keep outlines option was used, resulting in two lines with start and end arrowheads.
To split an object
In the toolbox, click the Knife tool .
2On the property bar, click one of the following buttons:
2-point linemode — to split the object along a straight line. To constrain the line by 15-degree increments, hold down Shift +
Freehand mode — to split the object along a freehand line
3Drag across the object or group of objects that you want to split.
You can also
Split an object along a Bézier line
Click the Bézier mode button on the property bar. Click where
you want to start cutting an object, drag the control handle to
where you want to position the next node, and click. Continue
clicking to add more straight segments to the line. To add a curved
segment, point to where you want to place the node and drag to
shape the curve. To constrain the line by 15-degree increments,
hold down Shift + Ctrl.
246 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Create a gap or an overlap between the new objectsOn the property bar, choose Gap or Overlap from the Cut span list
box. Type a value in the Width box.
Choose outline optionsOn the property bar, choose an option from the Outline options
list box.
When you split an object by using the Knife tool, the new objects become curve objects.
Locking objects
Locking an object prevents you from accidentally moving, sizing, transforming, filling, or otherwise changing it. You can lock single, multiple,
or grouped objects. To change a locked object, you need to unlock it first. You can unlock one object at a time, or all locked objects at the
same time.
To lock an object
Select an object, and click Object Lock Lock object.
You cannot lock linked objects, such as blends, contours, or text inside an object. You also cannot lock objects within groups or linked
You can also lock an object by right-clicking it and then clicking Lock object.
To unlock objects
1Select a locked object or group of objects.
Click Object Lock, and then click one of the following:
•Unlock object
•Unlock all objects
You can also unlock an object by right-clicking it and then clicking Unlock object.
Finding and replacing objects
You can use the Find and Replace wizards to locate and edit objects in a large drawing.
Using search criteria that you specify, the Find wizard guides you step-by-step when you need to find and select objects in a drawing. The
search criteria can include object type and its related properties, fill and outline properties, vector effects applied to objects, or the name
of an object or style. For example, you can search for and select all rectangles with rounded corners and without fill, or all text on a path.
You can also search for objects that contain the same properties as a selected object. You can change the search criteria in the middle of a
search. You can also save search criteria for later use.
Working with objects | 247
The Replace wizard guides you through the process of finding objects that contain the properties you specify and then replacing those
properties with others. For example, you can replace all object fills of a certain color with fills of a different color. You can also replace color
models and palettes, outline properties, and text attributes, such as font and font size.
You can also search for specific words and replace them with other words. For more information, see “Finding, editing, and converting text”
on page 392.
To find and select objects
Click EditFind and replaceFind objects.
2Follow the instructions in the Find wizard.
You can also access the Find wizard by pressing Ctrl + F.
To replace object properties
Click EditFind and replaceReplace objects.
2Follow the instructions in the Replace wizard.
Hiding and displaying objects
CorelDRAW allows you to hide objects and groups of objects, helping you edit objects in complex projects and experiment with your designs
more easily.
You can hide and display objects.
To hide an object
1Select the object that you want to hide.
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Click ObjectHideHide Object.
When an object is hidden, the object name appears grayed out in the Object Manager docker, and an icon is displayed beside the
You can also access the Hide Object command by right-clicking an object.
To display hidden objects
Click ObjectHide, and click one of the following commands:
•Show Object
•Show All Objects
Constraining objects
You can restrict how objects are drawn and edited by using a constrain key while you draw. For example, you can press a constrain key to
constrain a rectangle to a square, an ellipse to a circle, or a straight line to a perfectly horizontal or vertical line. By default, the application
uses the Ctrl key to constrain the shape or angle of objects, and the Shift key to draw shapes outward from their center of origin. However,
you can change the default constrain key to Shift at any time.
You can use a control key to draw or rotate an object, or the nodes and control handles of an object, at a preset increment. This increment is
known as the constrain angle. By default, the constrain angle is 15 degrees, but you can change it to suit your needs.
To constrain objects while drawing or editing
ToDo the following
Constrain a shape to equal width and heightWhile holding down Ctrl, draw diagonally.
Use a preset increment (the constrain angle) to draw or rotate an
While holding down Ctrl, move the pointer to draw or rotate the
A rectangle is constrained to a square, an ellipse to a circle, and a polygon to a shape with sides of equal length.
To change the constrain key
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Toolbox, and then click Pick tool.
3In the Ctrl and Shift keys area, enable one of the following options:
•Traditional CorelDRAW — lets you use the Ctrl key as the constrain key and the Shift key to draw shapes outward from their center
of origin
•Windows standard — lets you use the Shift key as the constrain key and the Ctrl key to apply transformations to the duplicate of an
object while leaving the original intact
Working with objects | 249
To change the constrain angle
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Edit.
3Type a value in the Constrain angle box.
Inserting bar codes
The Barcode wizard in CorelDRAW lets you add bar codes to drawings. A bar code is a group of bars, spaces, and sometimes numbers that
is designed to be scanned and read into computer memory. Bar codes are most commonly used to identify merchandise, inventory, and
The Barcode wizard guides you through the process of inserting a bar code. If you need additional information at any step, you can consult
the Help in the Barcode wizard.
You can also insert QR codes. For more information, see “Inserting and editing QR codes” on page 251.
To insert a bar code
Click ObjectInsert barcode.
In the Classic workspace, this command appears under the Edit menu.
2Follow the instructions in the Barcode wizard.
If you need help with choosing options, click Help in the Barcode wizard.
A bar code is inserted into a drawing as an object.
250 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Inserting and editing QR codes | 251
Inserting and editing QR codes
A Quick Response (QR) code is a type of barcode that represents information in two dimensions. Typically, QR codes consist of dots (also
called “pixels”) arranged in a square pattern and displayed against a contrasting background. QR codes are known for their fast readability
and can store information such as website addresses, phone numbers, and messages.
With the widespread use of smartphones, QR codes have become popular in consumer advertising and packaging. By scanning a QR code
on your smartphone, you can quickly access the brand’s website for more information about a product.
To insert, edit, and validate QR codes, you must sign in to your account and be connected to the Internet.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Inserting QR codes” (page 251)
•“Editing QR codes” (page 252)
•“Validating QR codes” (page 254)
Inserting QR codes
CorelDRAW lets you insert QR codes with embedded information such as a web address, email address, phone number, text message, geo
location, or plain text. After you insert a QR code, you can edit and validate it. For more information, see “Editing QR codes ” on page 252
and “Validating QR codes” on page 254.
An example of a QR code
To insert a QR code
Click ObjectInsert QR code.
252 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
In the Classic workspace, this command appears under the Edit menu.
2In the Object properties docker, choose one of the following options from the QR code type list box:
•URL — lets you specify a URL for a website
•Email address — lets you specify an email address if you want to use the QR code to generate a blank email
•Phone number — lets you specify a phone number for the QR code. Depending on the QR reader that you use, scanning the code can
initiate, with your permission, dialing the phone number on smartphones.
•SMS — lets you include a Short Message Service (SMS) message by typing a phone number and message text. With your permission,
the QR reader can initiate sending the SMS message to the specified phone number.
•Contact — lets you specify contact information in vCard or meCard format. From the Contact card type list box, choose vCard
or meCard, and type the contact information in the appropriate boxes. With your permission, this contact information can be
automatically added to the address book on your phone.
•Calendar event — lets you schedule an event by specifying a name, location, start date/time, and end date/time for the event. With
your permission, the event can be added to your calendar.
•Geo location — lets you show a geographic location by specifying latitude and longitude values
•Plain text — lets you include plain (unformatted) text
To insert, edit, and validate QR codes, you must sign in to your account and be connected to the Internet.
Editing QR codes
After you insert a QR code, you can use the Object properties docker to customize the pixel fill, the background fill, the pixel outline, as well
as the pixel shape and corner roundness. When you customize the shape of the pixels, the markers (the three larger squares in the corners,
as well as one or more smaller squares in the interior of the code pattern) remain unchanged to maintain the readability of the code. You
can also specify the margin around the QR code or weld the pixels together.
A QR code with customized pixel shapes and added text. The markers remain unchanged.
Error correction
Visual effects, logos, or text added to a QR code can give it an artistic look but may be considered errors by scanners. You can use the error
correction settings to minimize the possibility of error when scanning the QR code. For example, if part of the pixel pattern is covered by a
graphic or text, the error correction duplicates some of the hidden data so that this data can be recovered. Four levels of error correction are
available. Higher correction levels duplicate a higher percentage of the information, which may limit the amount of new information a QR
code can store. This may be a problem for QR codes that are approaching, or already contain, the maximum amount of information before
high error correction is applied. In that case, you are prompted to reduce either the correction level or the amount of data in the QR code.
You can move, resize, scale, and align the QR code like any other object. For more information, see “Working with objects” on page 199.
With QR codes, you can use styles to control the appearance of the fill, outline, and other properties. For more information, see “Working
with styles and style sets” on page 479. You can also change the default look of QR codes by modifying the default object properties. For
more information, see “Managing default object properties” on page 484.
Inserting and editing QR codes | 253
To edit a QR code
1Double-click the QR code.
2In the Object properties docker, perform any of the following tasks.
ToDo the following
Apply a fill to the pixels of the QR codeChoose a fill type from the Pixel fill type list box, and then choose
a fill from the Pixel fill color picker.
If you want to customize the fill, click the Pixel fill settings button
next to the pixel color picker, and specify the fill settings.
Apply a fill to the backgroundChoose a fill type from the Background fill type list box, and then
choose a fill from the Background fill color picker.
If you want to customize the fill, click the Background fill settings
button next to the background color picker, and specify the fill
Specify the pixel outline width and colorType a value in the Pixel outline width box, and then choose a
color from the Pixel outline color picker.
If you want to customize the outline, click the Pixel outline
settings button next to the outline color picker, and specify
the outline settings.
Specify the margin around the QR codeType a value in the Margin box.
Choose a pixel shapeChoose a shape from the Pixel shape picker.
To set the percentage of fill on the pixels, type a value in the Pixel
fill factor box.
Weld pixels
Click the arrow button at the bottom of the QR code section
to expand it, and enable the Weld pixels check box.
Set the corner roundness of the pixels
Click the arrow button at the bottom of the QR code section
to expand it, and type a value in the Pixel roundness box.
When editing the fill, make sure that there is high contrast between the pixels and the background to avoid errors in scanning the
To insert, edit, and validate QR codes, you must sign in to your account and be connected to the Internet.
254 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To set the error correction level
1Double-click a QR code.
In the Object properties docker, click the arrow button at the bottom of the QR code section to expand it, and choose an option
from the Error correction level list box.
The error correction levels specify what percentage of the information used in a QR code can be restored if lost.
•Low — restores 7% of the information
•Medium — restores 15% of the information
•Quartile — restores 25% of the information
•High — restores 30% of the information
Validating QR codes
After inserting and formatting a QR code, you can validate it to make sure that it can be read by QR code readers and scanners.
To validate a QR code
1Double-click the QR code.
2In the Object properties docker, click Validate.
To insert, edit, and validate QR codes, you must sign in to your account and be connected to the Internet.
To validate a QR code that was not created in CorelDRAW, click ObjectValidate barcode, and marquee-select the QR code. (In the
Classic workspace, this command appears under the Edit menu.)
Working with layers | 255
Working with layers
You can work with layers to help you organize and arrange objects in complex illustrations.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Creating layers” (page 255)
•“Changing layer properties” (page 259)
•“Moving and copying layers and objects” (page 262)
Creating layers
All CorelDRAW drawings consist of stacked objects. The vertical order of these objects — the stacking order — contributes to the
appearance of the drawing. An effective way to organize these objects is by using invisible planes called layers.
Drawings can be assembled by placing objects on various levels or layers.
Layering gives you added flexibility when you organize and edit the objects in complex drawings. You can divide a drawing into multiple
layers, each containing a portion of the drawing’s contents. For example, you can use layers to organize an architectural plan for a building.
You can organize the building’s various components (for example, plumbing, electrical, structural) by placing them on separate layers.
Local layers and master layers
All content is placed on a layer. Content that applies to a specific page is placed on a local layer. Content that applies to all pages in a
document can be placed on a global layer called a master layer. Master layers are stored on a virtual page called the Master Page.
256 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The Object manager docker displays the default layer structure. The names of the active page and layer appear at the top.
You can create master layers for all pages, for even pages, or for odd pages. For example, placing content on an even master layer means
that the content will appear on all even pages but not on the odd pages.
Each new file is created with a default page (Page 1) and a Master Page. The default page contains the following layers:
•Guides — stores page-specific (local) guidelines. All objects placed on the Guides layer appear as outlines only, and the outlines act as
•Layer 1 — represents the default local layer. When you draw objects on the page, the objects are added to this layer unless you choose a
different layer.
The Master Page is a virtual page that contains the information that applies to all pages in a document. You can add one or more layers to a
master page to hold content such as headers, footers, or a static background. By default, a master page contains the following layers:
•Guides (all pages) — contains the guidelines that are used for all pages of the document. All objects placed on the Guides layer appear
as outlines only, and the outlines act as guidelines.
•Desktop — contains objects that are outside the borders of the drawing page. This layer lets you store objects that you may want to
include in the drawing at a later time.
•Document grid — contains the document grid that is used for all pages of the document. The document grid is always the bottom
The default layers on the master page cannot be deleted or copied.
To add content to a layer, you must first select the layer so that it becomes the active layer.
Working with layers | 257
Viewing layers, pages, and objects
You can choose different views that let you display pages, layers, or all the objects in your document. The view you choose depends on the
complexity of your document and the task you are performing. For example, in a long multipage document, you can choose a pages-only
view so that you can navigate the document more easily and view only one page at a time. The Current page, layers only view lets you view
and reorder all the layers that affect the current page, including the master layers.
For information about how facing page views affect layers, see “To view facing pages” on page 62.
For information about how layers are affected when you save a file to an earlier version of CorelDRAW, see “To save a drawing” on page 63.
To create a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Create a local layerIn the upper-right corner of the Object manager docker, click the
flyout button , and click New layer.
Create a master layer for all pagesIn the upper-right corner of the Object manager docker, click the
flyout button , and click New master layer (all pages).
Create a master layer for odd pagesIn the upper-right corner of the Object manager docker, click the
flyout button , and click New master layer (odd pages).
This command is available only when the active page is an odd
Create a master layer for even pagesIn the upper-right corner of the Object manager docker, click the
flyout button , and click New master layer (even pages).
This command is available only when the active page is an even
To use a layer in the drawing, you must first make the layer active by clicking the layer name in the Object manager docker. The
layer name appears in a red bold font to indicate that it is the active layer. When you start a drawing, the default layer (Layer 1) is the
active layer.
Master layers are always added to the master page. Content added to these layers is visible on all pages of the document, all odd
pages, or all even pages, depending on the type of master layer that you have chosen.
Master layers for odd and even pages cannot be created in Facing Pages view. If you have created odd and even master pages before
switching to Facing Pages view, the odd and even master layers will be converted to all-page master layers. For more information
about facing pages, see “To view facing pages” on page 62.
258 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also add a layer by clicking the New layer button in the Object manager docker.
You can also create new master layers by clicking the respective button in the Object manager docker: New master layer (all
pages), New master layer (odd pages), or New master layer (even pages).
You can make any layer a master layer by right-clicking the layer name, and clicking Master (all pages), Master (odd pages), or
Master (even pages).
To make a layer active
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2In the Object manager docker, click the layer name.
The layer name appears in a red bold font to indicate that it is the active layer.
By default, the active layer is Layer 1.
The name of the active layer and the type of the currently selected object appear on the status bar at the bottom of the application
window. The names of the active page and layer also appear at the top of the Object manager docker.
To display pages, layers, and objects in the Object Manager docker
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Display pages
Click the flyout button , and then click Show pages.
Display all layers for the current pageClick the name of a page, click the Layer manager view button
, and then click Current page, layers only.
Display all layers and objects across all pages
Click the Layer manager view button , and then click All
pages, layers and objects.
Display selected objects in the Object manager docker
Click the flyout button , and then click Expand to show
The name of the active layer and the type of the currently selected object appear on the status bar at the bottom of the application
window. The names of the active page and layer also appear at the top of the Object manager docker.
If you want to view a document that has facing pages, see “To view facing pages” on page 62.
To delete a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
Working with layers | 259
2Click the name of a layer.
Click the flyout button , and click Delete layer.
When you delete a layer, you also delete all the objects on it. To preserve an object, move it to a different layer before you delete the
current layer.
You can delete any unlocked layer except the following default layers: Document grid, Desktop, Guides, and Guides (all pages). For
more information about locking and unlocking layers, see “To set the editing properties of a layer” on page 261.
You can also delete a layer by right-clicking the layer name in the Object manager docker and choosing Delete.
Changing layer properties
For each new layer that you create, the display, editing, and printing and exporting properties are enabled by default. You can change these
properties at any time. You can also turn a local layer into a master layer, or a master layer into a local layer. For information about master
layers, see “Creating layers” on page 255.
The icons to the left of a layer’s name let you change the layer’s properties.
Showing and hiding layers
You can choose to show or hide layers in a drawing. Hiding a layer lets you identify and edit the objects on other layers. It also reduces the
time required for your drawing to refresh when you edit it.
260 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Printing and exporting layers
You can set printing and exporting properties for a layer to control whether a layer is displayed in the printed or exported drawing. Note
that hidden layers are displayed in the final output if the printing and exporting properties are enabled. The Document grid layer cannot be
printed or exported.
Setting a layer’s editing properties
You can allow editing of the objects on all layers or restrict editing so that you can only edit objects on the active layer. You can also lock a
layer to prevent accidental changes to the objects it contains. When you lock a layer, you cannot select or edit the objects on that layer.
Renaming layers
You can rename layers to indicate their contents, their position in the stacking order, or their relationship with other layers.
Using layer color to view objects
You can change the layer color so that objects on the layer are displayed with the layer color when you use Wireframe view. For example, if
you place various components of an architectural plan (plumbing, electrical, structural) on separate layers, you can use layer color to quickly
identify to which component the objects belong. For more information about Wireframe view, see “Choosing viewing modes ” on page 60.
To change layer properties
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2Right-click the layer, and click Properties.
3Specify the settings you want.
To show or hide a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
Click the Show or hide icon beside the layer name.
The layer is hidden when the Show or hide icon is grayed out.
Objects on a hidden layer are displayed in the printed or exported drawing unless the layer’s printing and exporting properties are
disabled. For more information, see “To enable or disable printing and exporting of a layer” on page 260.
You can also show or hide a layer by right-clicking the layer in the Object manager docker and then clicking Visible.
To enable or disable printing and exporting of a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
Click the Enable or disable printing and exporting icon beside the layer name.
Disabling the printing and exporting of a layer prevents its contents from appearing in the printed or exported drawing, or in full-
screen previews.For information about full-screen previews, see “Previewing drawings” on page 58.
Working with layers | 261
You can also enable or disable the printing and exporting of a layer by right-clicking the layer in the Object manager docker and
clicking Printable.
To set the editing properties of a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2In the Object manager docker, click the name of the layer that you want to edit.
The layer name appears in a red bold font to indicate that the layer is active.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Lock or unlock a layer
Click the Lock or unlock icon beside the layer name.
Allow editing on all layers
Click the flyout button , and click Edit across layers.
Allow editing on the active layer only
Click the flyout button , and disable Edit across layers.
If you disable editing across layers, you can work only on the active layer and the Desktop layer. You cannot select or edit objects on
inactive layers. For example, if you use the Pick tool to marquee-select multiple objects on the drawing page, only the objects on the
active layer are selected.
You cannot lock or unlock the Document grid layer.
You can also allow editing on all layers by clicking the Edit across layers button in the Object manager docker. Editing across
layers is enabled when the button appears pressed. Clicking the button again restricts editing to the active layer.
You can also lock or unlock a layer by right-clicking the layer in the Object manager docker and then clicking Editable.
To rename a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2Right-click the layer name, and click Rename.
Layer names may not be preserved when you save a CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 file to a previous version.
You can also rename a layer by clicking the layer name twice and typing a new name.
262 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To change the layer color
•In the Object manager docker, double-click the color swatch that appears to the left of the layer name, and choose a color.
Objects on the layer are displayed with the layer color when you use Wireframe view (ViewWireframe).
You can also choose to display only the objects on a specific layer in Wireframe view by right-clicking the layer name, choosing
Properties, and enabling the Override full color view check box in the layer properties dialog box.
Moving and copying layers and objects
You can move or copy layers on a single page or between pages. You can also move or copy selected objects to new layers, including layers
on the master page.
Moving and copying layers affects the stacking order. Moving or copying an object to a layer below its current layer causes the object to
become the top object on its new layer. Similarly, moving or copying an object to a layer above its current layer causes the object to become
the bottom object on its new layer.
To move a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2In the layers list, drag a layer name to a new position.
You can change the order of the master layers relative to local layers by displaying the list of all layers for the current page and
dragging a layer name to a new position in the layers list. To display all layers for a page, click a page name, click the Layer manager
view button at the top of the Object manager docker, and choose Current page, layers only.
To copy a layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2In the layers list, right-click the layer that you want to copy, and click Copy.
3Right-click the layer above which you want to place the copied layer, and click Paste.
The layer and the objects it contains are pasted above the selected layer.
To move or copy an object to another layer
If the Object manager docker is not open, click ObjectObject manager.
2Click an object in the Object manager docker.
Click the flyout button , and click one of the following:
•Move to layer
•Copy to layer
4Click the destination layer.
When you move objects to or from a layer, the layer must be unlocked.
Working with layers | 263
You can move and copy an object to another layer by dragging the object to a new layer in the Object manager docker.
You can also move an object to another layer by using an Order command. For more information, see “To move an object in the
stacking order” on page 236.
264 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Working with symbols | 265
Working with symbols
CorelDRAW lets you create objects and save them as symbols. Symbols are defined once and can be referenced many times in a drawing.
Each time you insert a symbol into a drawing, you create an instance of the symbol. Symbol definitions, as well as information about
instances, are stored in a symbol manager, which is part of the CorelDRAW (CDR) file. Using symbols for objects that appear many times in a
drawing helps to reduce file size.
In this section, you’ll learn about
•“Creating, editing, and deleting symbols” (page 265)
•“Using symbols in drawings” (page 267)
•“Managing collections and libraries” (page 269)
For information about modifying symbol instances and about unsupported object types, see “Reference: Working with symbols” on page
For information about working with special characters in text, see “Embedding graphics” on page 404.
Creating, editing, and deleting symbols
Symbols are objects that are defined once and can be referenced many times in a drawing. You can have multiple instances of a symbol in a
drawing with little impact on file size. Symbols make editing a drawing quicker and easier, as changes made to a symbol are automatically
inherited by all instances.
266 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Using symbols for objects that appear many times helps to reduce file size.
Symbols are created from objects. When you convert an object to a symbol, the new symbol is added to the Symbol manager docker, and
the selected object becomes an instance. You can also create a symbol from multiple objects. Most objects in CorelDRAW can be converted
to symbols, with some exceptions. For more information, see “Unsupported object types ” on page 271.
The symbols that you create in a drawing are saved with the CorelDRAW (CDR) file. In addition, you can create symbol libraries, which
contain symbols that can be shared between drawings. For more information, see “Managing collections and libraries ” on page 269.
You can edit a symbol; any changes you make affect all instances in the drawing. The selection handles for symbols differ from those for
objects. Selection handles for symbols are blue; selection handles for objects are black. When you insert a symbol from an external library,
a copy of the symbol is added to the active drawing, but it remains linked to the source symbol. You can edit a linked symbol or you can
decide to break the link to the external library and make the symbol internal. When the link is broken, the local copy of the symbol remains
in the drawing as an internal symbol, and it can be edited independently from the symbol in the external library.
You can delete a symbol. When you delete a symbol that is used in a document, all instances of the symbol are removed from the document.
You can also delete all symbols that are stored in the document library but are not used in the document.
To create a symbol
1Select an object or multiple objects.
Click ObjectSymbolNew symbol.
3Type a name for the symbol in the Create new symbol dialog box.
Symbols cannot span layers. If you convert objects on different layers to a symbol, the objects are combined on the topmost object’s
layer. For more information about layers, see “Working with layers” on page 255.
Not all objects can be converted to symbols. For more information, see “Unsupported object types ” on page 271.
You can also convert an existing object or objects to a symbol by dragging the object or objects to the Symbol manager docker. To
open the docker, click ObjectSymbolSymbol manager.
To edit a symbol
1In the Symbol manager docker, choose a symbol from the list.
To open the Symbol manager docker, click ObjectSymbolSymbol manager.
Click the Edit symbol button .
Working with symbols | 267
3Modify the objects on the drawing page.
4Click the Finish editing object tab in the bottom-left corner of the drawing window.
Changes made to a symbol are automatically made to all instances in the active drawing.
While working in symbol edit mode, you cannot add layers or save a drawing.
You can also edit a symbol by selecting an instance in the drawing window and clicking the Edit symbol button on the property
bar, or holding down Ctrl and clicking a symbol instance.
To edit a linked symbol, click FileOpen. Choose the drive and folder of the library that contains the symbol that you want to modify.
Click a library (.csl) filename, and click Open. The symbol appears in the Symbol manager docker, and it can be selected and edited
like any other symbol. You may need permission to change files on the network.
To rename a symbol, double-click the symbol’s name in the Symbol manager docker, and type a new name.
While editing a symbol, you can insert an instance of another symbol, which creates a nested symbol. You cannot, however, insert an
instance of the same symbol.
To make a linked symbol internal
1Select a symbol in the drawing window.
Click ObjectSymbolBreak link.
If there are other instances of the symbol in the drawing, you are given the choice to break the link to all instances. If you do, the internal
symbol will then apply to all the instances.
You can also make a linked symbol internal by right-clicking a symbol and choosing Break link.
To delete a symbol
1In the Symbol manager docker, choose a symbol from the list.
Click the Delete symbol button .
When you delete a symbol, all instances of the symbol are removed from the drawing.
To delete unused symbols
1In the Symbol manager docker, click the name of the active document.
Click the Purge unused definitions button .
Using symbols in drawings
You can insert a symbol into a drawing, which creates a symbol instance. You can modify certain properties of a symbol instance, such
as size and position, without affecting the symbol definition stored in the library. For a full list of the properties that you can modify, see
“Modifying symbol instances ” on page 270. You can convert a symbol instance back to an object while preserving its properties.
268 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can share symbols between drawings. Copying symbols to the Clipboard leaves the originals in the library. You can also copy and paste
instances of a symbol to and from the Clipboard. Pasting a symbol instance places the symbol in the library and also places an instance of
the symbol in the drawing. Subsequent pasting will place another instance of the symbol in the drawing without adding it to the library.
If a modified symbol instance is pasted into a drawing, the new instance maintains the properties of the original instance, and the new
symbol definition in the library maintains the properties of the original symbol. Symbol instances are copied and pasted in the same way
other objects are. For more information, see “Copying, duplicating, and deleting objects” on page 206.
You can also export symbols to an external library that can be shared between drawings. For more information, see “Managing collections
and libraries” on page 269.
You can also delete a symbol instance.
To insert a symbol instance
Open the Symbol manager docker by clicking ObjectSymbolSymbol manager.
If you want the symbol scaled automatically to match the current drawing scale, ensure that the Scale to world units button is
2Choose a symbol from the list.
Click the Insert symbol button .
For information about working with special characters in text, see “Embedding graphics” on page 404.
You can also insert a symbol instance by dragging a symbol from the Symbol manager docker to the drawing window.
To modify a symbol instance
1Select a symbol instance.
2Make any changes.
Not all properties of a symbol instance can be modified. For a list of properties that can be modified, see “Modifying symbol instances”
on page 270. To modify other properties, you can revert the symbol instance to an object, or modify the symbol itself.
If a symbol contains multiple objects, all objects in the symbol instance are treated as if they were a group. You cannot modify
individual objects in a symbol instance.
When a symbol instance is selected, you can modify many object properties on the property bar.
To convert a symbol instance to an object or objects
1Select a symbol instance.
Click ObjectSymbol Revert to objects.
The symbol remains in the Symbol manager docker.
Working with symbols | 269
You can also revert a symbol instance to an object by right-clicking the symbol instance and clicking Revert to objects.
To share symbols between drawings
ToDo the following
Copy symbols to the ClipboardOpen the source document. In the Symbol manager docker,
choose the symbol or symbols from the list, right-click, and click
Paste symbols from the ClipboardOpen the target document. In the Symbol manager docker, right-
click, and click Paste.
The first pasted symbol is named “Symbol1,” and an increment number is appended to the names of subsequent copies: “Symbol2,”
“Symbol3,” and so on.
To delete a symbol instance
1Select a symbol instance.
2Press Delete.
The symbol remains in the Symbol manager docker.
Managing collections and libraries
The symbols that you create in a drawing are saved with the CorelDRAW file. If you want to use the symbols in other drawings or share them
with other users, you can save or export them to the Corel Symbol Library (CSL) format, creating a symbol library. When you save a drawing
to the Corel Symbol Library (CSL) format, all symbol instances are saved with the document. When you export a library, only the symbols are
saved with the document.
The Symbol manager docker displays the libraries that are in the local Symbols folder. The Symbols folder is the default location for custom
symbol libraries that have been exported from CorelDRAW and imported libraries that are copied locally.
The symbols that are used within the document appear under the document filename in the Symbol manager docker.
You can add libraries and collections (groups of library files) to your drawing. You can also delete libraries and collections.
You can add symbols to an existing library.
To create a symbol library
1Create the symbols you want.
Click FileSave.
3Choose the drive and folder where you want to store the library.
4Choose CSL - Corel Symbol Library from the Save as type list box.
5Type a filename in the File name box.
270 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
6Click Save.
All symbols and symbol instances are saved with the document.
You can also click the name of the active document in the Symbol manager docker, and then click the Export library button .
When you export a library, only the symbols are saved with the document.
To add a collection or library to a drawing
1In the folder tree of the Symbol manager docker, click Local symbols or Network symbols.
Click the Add librarybutton .
3Locate and choose a collection or library.
4Click OK.
By default, library files are referenced from their original location. If you want to copy a library to your Symbols folder, enable the
Copy libraries locallycheck box.
If you are adding a collection, you can enable the Recursive check box to include subfolders.
To delete a collection or library
1In the Symbol manager docker, click a collection or library.
2Press Delete.
The collection or library is removed from the folder tree in the Symbol manager docker, but files are not deleted.
To add a symbol to an existing library
1In the Symbol manager docker, right-click a symbol, and click Copy.
Click FileOpen.
3Choose the drive and folder where the library is stored.
4Choose CSL - Corel Symbol Library from the Files of type list box.
5Choose the library file where you want to add a symbol.
6Right-click in the Symbol manager docker, and click Paste.
7Save the library file.
Reference: Working with symbols
Modifying symbol instances
The following object properties can be modified for symbol instances. If a symbol contains multiple objects, all objects in the symbol instance
are treated collectively as a single object, just as if they were grouped.
Working with symbols | 271
PositionCan be modified on the property bar. For more information, see
“Positioning objects” on page 220.
SizeCan be modified on the property bar. For more information, see
“Sizing and scaling objects” on page 237.
ScalePercentage is relative to the symbol definition. Can be modified
on the property bar. For more information, see “Sizing and scaling
objects” on page 237.
SkewFor more information, see “Skewing and stretching objects” on
page 168.
Rotation angleCan be modified on the property bar. For more information, see
“Rotating and mirroring objects” on page 238.
TransparencyUniform transparency only. Can be modified in the Symbol section
of the Object properties docker.
MirrorCan be modified on the property bar. For more information, see
“Rotating and mirroring objects” on page 238.
Wrap textCan be modified in the Summary section of the Object properties
docker. Can also be modified on the property bar. For more
information, see “To wrap paragraph text around an object, artistic
text, or a text frame” on page 397.
OrderCan be modified on the property bar. For more information, see
“Changing the order of objects” on page 236.
NameThe name of an instance is displayed in the Symbol manager
docker. Click twice to change it.
Unsupported object types
Most objects in CorelDRAW can be converted to symbols, with the following exceptions.
Unsupported object typeNotes
Linked or embedded objectsIncludes bar codes
Objects with lenses that are not frozenLenses must be frozen.
Control objects in link groups (such as drop shadows, contours,
blends, bevels, and extrusions)
All related objects in the link group must be included in the symbol.
For example, if an object has a drop shadow, you cannot convert
272 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Unsupported object typeNotes
the object without the drop shadow. Alternatively, you can break
the group apart.
Objects with Artistic Media effects appliedSpray effects must be broken apart into curve objects. Other Artistic
Media effects must be either broken apart, or converted as a
link group. Spray effects that contain transparencies cannot be
converted to symbols.
Print merge fields
Linked bitmaps
Placed PDF or EPS files
Locked objectObject must be unlocked.
Paragraph text
Connector and dimension linesMust be broken apart or included with the linked object or objects
RolloversYou cannot convert a rollover to a symbol; however, you can
include a symbol instance in a rollover state.
Objects with transparency or transparency effects appliedTransparency effects must be converted to a bitmap.
Linking and embedding objects | 273
Linking and embedding objects
Object linking and embedding (OLE) is a method of exchanging information between applications. Using OLE, you can take selected
objects or entire files from one application, called the source application, and place them into another application, called the destination
You can freely move objects and files between applications as long as all the applications involved support OLE. CorelDRAW lets you create
and edit OLE objects, as well as insert objects and files created in other applications.
Linking results in a larger file size but is useful when you want to use an object or file in multiple files. To change every instance of the object
or the file, you only need to change the object in the source application. Linking is also useful when the destination application does not
directly support files created in the source application. Embedding is useful when you want to include all objects in one file. Embedded
objects are not linked to the source file, and result in a smaller file size in the destination application.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Inserting linked or embedded objects” (page 273)
•“Editing linked or embedded objects” (page 274)
Inserting linked or embedded objects
CorelDRAW lets you insert CorelDRAW files as linked or embedded objects in other applications. You can also insert a linked or embedded
object in CorelDRAW. A linked object remains connected to its source file; whereas an embedded object is not linked to its source file but is
integrated into the active document.
To insert a linked object
1In CorelDRAW, select an object.
Make sure that the file is saved first.
Click EditCopy.
Click EditPaste special in the destination application.
4Enable the Paste link option.
To insert a linked object into the active drawing from another application, click ObjectInsert new object. In the Insert new object
dialog box, enable the Create from file option, browse to the file you want to insert, and enable the Link check box.
274 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To insert an embedded object
In the destination application, click ObjectInsert new object.
2Enable the Create from file option.
3Click the Browse button.
4Click a filename.
You can also create an embedded object by enabling the Create new option, and choosing the application in which you want to
create the object from the Object type list box.
You can also insert an embedded object by selecting an object in the source application, and dragging it to the window of the target
Editing linked or embedded objects
You can edit a linked or embedded object. You can edit a linked object by editing its source file. Any changes you make to the source file are
automatically applied to the linked object. You can also modify a linked object; for example, you can update a linked object, substitute the
source file of a linked object for another, or break a link between a linked object and its source file.
To edit a linked or embedded object
1Double-click the linked or embedded object to start the source application.
2Edit the object in the source application.
3Save the changes in the source application.
4Close the source application.
5Return to the active application window to review the edits.
In most cases, you can edit OLE objects only in the source application. If you try to change an OLE object using CorelDRAW, note the
following limitations. Depending on the source of the OLE object, you might not be able to rotate, skew, clone, trim, weld, intersect,
use as symbols, or combine OLE objects. Also, you might not be able to apply any of the effects in the Effects menu to OLE objects,
except for PowerClip objects. You can only size, move, copy OLE objects and place them into PowerClip containers.
You can also edit linked or embedded objects by starting the source application and opening the file directly.
To modify a linked object
Select a linked object using the Pick tool .
Click ObjectLinks.
3Click one of the following buttons:
•Update now — updates the linked object to reflect changes made in the source file
•Open source — opens the object in the source application
•Change source — redirects the link to another file
•Break link — disconnects the link so that the object is embedded in the file
Managing projects | 275
Managing projects
The Object Data Manager is an advanced feature that is particularly useful as a project management tool when you create or supervise a
large project. Using the Object Data Manager is like having a small spreadsheet program, like Quattro Pro or Microsoft Excel, within your
graphics program. It lets you track expenses, deadlines, assignments, progress, or anything else you need to organize. You can enter many
types of project data about individual objects or groups of objects.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Setting up the project database” (page 275)
•“Assigning and copying object data” (page 276)
•“Viewing an object data summary” (page 277)
Setting up the project database
Before you assign project data to objects in a drawing, you need to know what information you want to display. By default, CorelDRAW
creates four data fields: Name, Cost, Comments, and CDRStaticID. The first three fields can be edited or deleted as required. The
CDRStaticID field is hidden; it is used by CorelDRAW to identify objects, and it can’t be edited or deleted.
You can create and assign as many data fields as you want, as long as they use permitted format variables. For more information about
assigning data fields, see “Assigning and copying object data” on page 276.
At any time, you can change the setting, such as the name or format, of a data field. If you require custom fields, you can define their
formats using four basic field formats: General, Date/time, Linear/angular, and Numeric. Each of these formats provides a series of
common settings. If the preset formats in CorelDRAW don’t provide the information you want in your data summary, you can create your
own custom formats using the variables available for the format type you’re using. The field format you select is used for all objects in the
active drawing.
You can also delete any data field except Name and CDRStaticID. When you delete a field, you also delete all data entered for that field in
the active document.
To add a data field
Click Window DockersObject data manager.
In the Object data docker, click the Open field editor button .
3In the Object data field editor dialog box, click Create new field.
4To change the name of the field you created, double-click the field, type a new name, and press Enter.
Managing projects | 277
To add or edit data for multiple objects
Select the objects using the Pick tool .
Click Window DockersObject data manager.
In the Object data docker, click the Open spreadsheet button .
4In the Object data manager window, click a cell, and type the appropriate data. Press Enter to assign the entry to the cell, the fields,
and the objects.
To copy data from one object to another
Using the Pick tool , select the object to which you want to copy data.
Click Window DockersObject data manager.
In the Object data docker, click the Copy data from button .
4Click the object from which you want to copy data.
Viewing an object data summary
The Object Data Manager provides the commands and functions you need to view your object data summary. It summarizes the information
you’ve assigned to the objects in a drawing. While the Object Data Manager can be used to view and edit data associated with a single
object, its main purpose is to help you view and manage large amounts of data associated with multiple objects contained in various groups
in a drawing.
You can change how object data displays:
•You can display individual group subtotals for fields shared by multiple groups. Use this command when more than one group of objects
is displayed in a datasheet. This command applies only to fields with numeric formats.
•To create a visible distinction between groups in a column, you can place a two-space indent before data relating to objects in groups.
•You can have the Object Data Manager automatically total the values in the selected column. The total is displayed at the bottom of the
The Object Data Manager gives you access to all of the application’s printing capabilities. This gives you the option to print quickly or print
using specific settings.
To view an object data summary
Select the object or objects using the Pick tool .
If you want to view an object data summary for the entire document, click EditSelect allObjects.
Click Window DockersObject data manager.
In the Object data docker, click the Open spreadsheet button .
The object data summary displays in the Object data manager window.
You can also
Display or hide group subtotalsSelect the column by clicking the column title, and click Field
optionsSummarize groups. A check mark beside the Summarize
groups command indicates that the group subtotals are displayed
in italics.
278 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Indent or align groups in a columnSelect the column by clicking the column title, and click Field
optionsShow hierarchy. A check mark beside the Show
hierarchy command indicates that the groups in a column are
Display or hide the sum of values in a columnSelect the column by clicking the column title, and click Field
optionsShow totals. A check mark beside the Show totals
command indicates that the sum of the values in a column are
Print the object data summary
Click FilePrint. Choose a printer from the Printer list box. Type a
number in the Number of copies box. For more information about
the printing capabilities of CorelDRAW, see “Printing basics” on
page 595.
Color, fills, and transparencies | 279
Color, fills, and transparencies
Working with color..............................................................................................................................................................................281
Changing the transparency of objects.................................................................................................................................................319
Managing and sharing fills and transparencies....................................................................................................................................331
Using color management.................................................................................................................................................................... 335
280 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Working with color | 281
Working with color
CorelDRAW lets you choose and create colors by using a wide variety of industry-standard color palettes, color mixers, and color models. You
can store frequently used colors for future use by using the Document palette, or creating and editing custom color palettes.
You can customize how a color palette appears on your screen by changing the size of swatches, the number of rows, and other properties.
You can also create color styles. For more information, see “Working with color styles” on page 489.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Understanding color models” (page 281)
•“Understanding color depth” (page 283)
•“Choosing colors” (page 284)
•“Using the Document palette” (page 290)
•“Creating and editing custom color palettes” (page 293)
•“Organizing and displaying color palettes” (page 296)
•“Displaying or hiding color palettes in the Palette libraries” (page 297)
•“Setting the properties of color palettes” (page 299)
Understanding color models
Color models provide a precise method for defining colors, each model defining colors through the use of specific color components. There
is a range of color models to choose from when creating graphics.
CMYK color model
The CMYK color model, which is used in printing, uses the components cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) to define color.
Values for these components range from 0 to 100 and represent percentages.
In subtractive color models, such as CMYK, color (that is, ink) is added to a surface, such as white paper. The color then “subtracts”
brightness from the surface. When the value of each color component (C,M,Y) is 100, the resulting color is black. When the value of each
component is 0, no color is added to the surface, so the surface itself is revealed — in this case, the white paper. Black (K) is included in the
color model for printing purposes because black ink is more neutral and darker than blending equal amounts of cyan, magenta, and yellow.
Black ink produces sharper results, especially for printed text. In addition, black ink is usually less expensive than using colored ink.
282 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Black is the result of combining the three CMY colors at their highest intensities.
RGB color model
The RGB color model uses the components red (R), green (G), and blue (B) to define the amounts of red, green, and blue light in a given
color. In a 24-bit image, each component is expressed as a number from 0 to 255. In an image with a higher bit rate, such as a 48-bit
image, the value range is greater. The combination of these components defines a single color.
In additive color models, such as RGB, color is produced from transmitted light. RGB is therefore used on monitors, where red, blue, and
green lights are blended in various ways to reproduce a wide range of colors. When red, blue, and green lights are combined at their
maximum intensities, the eye perceives the resulting color as white. In theory, the colors are still red, green, and blue, but the pixels on
a monitor are too close together for the eye to differentiate the three colors. When the value of each component is 0, which signifies an
absence of light, the eye perceives the color as black.
White is the result of combining the three RGB colors at their maximum intensities.
RGB is the most commonly used color model, because it allows a broad range of colors to be stored and displayed.
HSB color model
The HSB color model uses hue (H), saturation (S), and brightness (B) as components for defining color. HSB is also known as HSV (with the
components hue, saturation, and value). Hue describes the pigment of a color and is expressed in degrees to represent the location on the
standard color wheel. For example, red is 0 degrees, yellow is 60 degrees, green is 120 degrees, cyan is 180 degrees, blue is 240 degrees,
and magenta is 300 degrees.
Saturation describes the vividness or dullness of a color. Values of saturation range from 0 to 100 and represent percentages (the higher the
value, the more vivid the color). Brightness describes the amount of white in the color. Like saturation values, brightness values range from 0
to 100 and represent percentages (the higher the value, the brighter the color).
Working with color | 283
HSB color model
Grayscale color model
The grayscale color model defines color by using only one component, lightness, which is measured in values ranging from 0 to 255. Each
grayscale color has equal values of the red, green, and blue components of the RGB color model. Changing a color photo to grayscale
creates a black-and-white photo.
Grayscale color model
Understanding color depth
Color depth refers to the maximum number of colors an image can contain. Color depth is determined by the bit depth of an image (the
number of binary bits that define the shade or color of each pixel in a bitmap). For example, a pixel with a bit depth of 1 can have two
values: black and white. The greater the bit depth, the more colors an image can contain, and the more accurate the color representation is.
For example, an 8-bit GIF image can contain up to 256 colors, but a 24-bit JPEG image can contain approximately 16 million colors.
Usually, RGB, grayscale, and CMYK images contain 8 bits of data per color channel. That is why an RGB image is often referred to as 24-
bit RGB (8 bits x 3 channels), a grayscale image is referred to as 8-bit grayscale(8 bits x channel), and a CMYK image is referred to as 32-bit
CMYK (8 bits x 4 channels).
Regardless of how many colors an image contains, the image displayed onscreen is limited to the highest number of colors supported by the
monitor on which it is viewed. For example, an 8-bit monitor can display only up to 256 colors in a 24-bit image.
284 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Choosing colors
You can choose fill and outline colors by selecting a color from the Document palette, custom color palettes, palettes from the Palette
libraries, color viewers, or color blends. When you want to use a color that already exists in an object or document, you can sample the color
by using the Color eyedropper tool to achieve an exact match.
For information about applying the colors you choose, see “Applying uniform fills ” on page 301 and “Formatting lines and outlines” on
page 126. For information about saving colors for future use, see “Working with color styles” on page 489.
Default color palette
A color palette is a collection of color swatches. In some programs, color palettes are known as “swatch palettes.”
In CorelDRAW, the default color palette is based on the primary color mode of the document. For example, if the document’s primary color
model is RGB, the default color palette is also RGB. For more information, see “Understanding color models” on page 281. You choose the
default color model when you create a new drawing. You can open and use additional color palettes at any time.
You can choose both fill and outline colors by using the default color palette. The selected fill and outline colors appear in the color swatches
on the status bar.
Document palette
When you create a new drawing, the application automatically generates an empty palette, called the Document palette. It helps you
keep track of the colors that you use by storing them with your document for future use. For more information, see “Using the Document
palette” on page 290.
Palette libraries and custom color palettes
The color palettes that are found in the Palette libraries cannot be edited directly. Some of them are provided by third-party manufacturers,
for example PANTONE, HKS Colors, and TRUMATCH. It may be useful to have on hand a manufacturer’s swatch book, which is a collection
of color samples that shows exactly what each color looks like when printed.
The PANTONE solid coated palette is an example of a color palette from the Palette libraries.
Some palettes found in the Palette libraries — PANTONE, HKS Colors, TOYO, DIC, Focoltone, and SpectraMaster — are collections of spot
colors. If you create color separations when you print, each spot color requires a separate printing plate, which can significantly affect the
cost of the printing job. If you want to use color separations but would like to avoid using spot colors, you can convert the spot colors to
process colors when printing. For more information, see “Printing color separations” on page 615.
Working with color | 285
Custom color palettes can include colors from any color model, including palettes from the Palette libraries, such as a spot color palette. You
can save a custom color palette for future use. For more information about working with custom color palettes, see “Creating and editing
custom color palettes ” on page 293 and “Organizing and displaying color palettes” on page 296.
Sampling colors
When you want to use a color that already exists in a drawing, palette, or on your desktop, you can sample the color to achieve an exact
match. By default, you sample a single pixel from the drawing window.
Color viewers
Color viewers provide a representation of a range of colors by using either one-dimensional or three-dimensional shapes. The default color
viewer is based on the HSB color model, but you can use this viewer to choose CMYK, CMY, or RGB colors. For information about color
models, see “Understanding color models” on page 281.
An example of a color viewer
Color blends
When you choose a color by using color blends, you combine base colors to produce the color you want. The color blender displays a grid of
colors that it creates from the four base colors you choose.
An example of color blends
Choosing web colors
You can use web colors when you design documents that will be published to the web. With CorelDRAW, you can define web colors by
using RGB hexadecimal values (for example, ‑aa003f).
286 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To choose a color by using the default color palette
ToDo the following
Choose a fill color for a selected objectClick a color swatch.
Choose an outline color for a selected objectRight-click a color swatch.
Choose from different shades of a colorClick and hold a color swatch to display a pop-up color picker, and
then click a color.
View more colors on the default color paletteClick the scroll arrows at the top and bottom of the color palette.
You can display color values by pointing to a swatch.
To display color names instead of color values, click the Options flyout button at the top of the default palette, and click Show
color names. This action undocks the default color palette and displays the color names.
An example of a pop-up color palette
To choose a color by using a color palette
1Select an object.
Double-click the Fill button on the status bar.
3In the Edit fill dialog box, click the Uniform fill button.
Click the Palettes tab .
5Choose a color palette from the Palette list box.
6Move the color slider to set the range of colors displayed in the color selection area.
7Click a color in the color selection area.
You can also
Display or hide the names of colorsEnable or disable the Show color names check box.
Swap the reference color (original color of the selected object) with
the new color
Click the Swap colors button.
Working with color | 287
You can also
Choose an outline color
Double-click the Outline button on the status bar. In the
Outline pen dialog box, open the Color picker, and click More. In
the Select color dialog box, repeat steps 4 to 7.
Each spot color swatch on a color palette is marked with a small white square.
You should use the same color model for all colors in a drawing; the colors will be consistent and you will be able to predict the
colors of the final output more accurately. For more information about reproducing colors accurately, see “Using color management”
on page 335.
You can also access color palettes in the Color docker by clicking the Showcolor palettes button, and choosing a palette from
the list box. If the Color docker is not open, click WindowDockersColor.
To choose a color by using a color viewer
1Select an object.
Double-click the Fill button on the status bar.
3In the Edit fill dialog box, click the Uniform fill button.
Click the Models tab .
5Choose a color model from the Model list box.
6Choose a color viewer from the Color viewers list box.
7Move the color slider.
8Click a color in the color selection area.
You can also
Sample a color from the drawing or desktop
Click the Eyedropper button , and click the drawing or
Swap the reference color (original color of the selected object) with
the new color
Click the Swap colors button.
If you choose a color that is out of the printer’s gamut, CorelDRAW allows you to replace it with a similar color that is in the printer’s
gamut. To replace the color, click the Bring color into gamut button, which appears to the left of the New color swatch. For
information about color correction, see “Using color management” on page 335.
You should use the same color model for all colors in a drawing; the colors will be consistent and you will be able to predict the
colors of the final output more accurately. It is preferable to use the same color model in your drawing that you will be using for the
final output.
288 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
When you choose a color that is out of the printer’s gamut, the Bring
color into gamut button appears below the Eyedropper button.
You can also access color models in the Color docker by clicking the Show color viewers button and choosing a color model
from the list box. If the Color docker is not open, click Window Dockers Color.
To choose a color by using color blends
1Select an object.
Double-click the Fill button on the status bar.
3In the Edit fill dialog box, click the Uniform fill button.
4Click the Mixers tab.
5Choose Color blend from the Mixers list box.
6Open each color picker, and click a color.
7Click a color in the color selection area.
You can also
Sample a color from the drawing or desktop
Click the Eyedropper button , and click the drawing or
Only colors that are on the default color palette can be blended. To blend other colors, you must change the default color palette. For
more information, see “To display or hide a custom color palette” on page 296.
Working with color | 289
You can change the cell size of the color grid by moving the Size slider.
To sample a color
In the toolbox, click the Color eyedropper tool .
2On the property bar, click one of the following buttons:
1×1 — lets you choose the color of the pixel you click
2×2 — lets you choose the average color in a sample area of 2 × 2 pixels. The pixel you click is in the middle of the sample area.
5×5 — lets you choose the average color in a sample area of 5 × 5 pixels
If you want to sample a color outside the drawing window, click Select from desktop on the property bar, and click a color on the
3Click the color that you want to sample.
The Color eyedropper tool automatically switches to the Apply color mode.
4Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Fill an object with a sampled colorHover over an object. When the Apply color pointer changes to a
solid color swatch , click to apply the sampled color.
Fill an object’s outline color with the sampled colorHover over an object’s outline. When the Apply color pointer
changes to an outline shape , click to apply the sampled color.
Add the sampled color to the Document paletteOn the property bar, click the arrow next to Add to palette, and
choose Document palette.
Sample an additional color
On the property bar, click the Select color button , and then
click the color that you want to sample.
You can also
Drag a sampled color from one object to anotherDrag the color to another object.
Apply a sampled color from the Selected color swatch on the
property bar
Drag the sampled color from the Selected color swatch to the
Apply a sampled color from the Uniform fill swatch in the lower-
right corner of the drawing window
Drag a color from the Uniform fill swatch to the object.
Add the sampled color to the Document paletteDrag the sampled color from the Selected color swatch or the
Uniform fill swatch to the Document palette.
290 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
In some cases, the sampled color may be an RGB or CMYK color that is the closest equivalent to the original color, rather than being a
complete match.
To choose a web color
1Select an object.
Click WindowDockersColor.
3In the Color docker, choose RGB from the list box.
4Type or paste a value in the Hex value box.
Whether you use a three-digit (‑fff) or six-digit format (‑ffffff), the final value is presented in the six-digit format.
5Click one of the following buttons:
•Fill — fills the selected object with the new color
•Outline — applies the color to the outline of the object
You can specify hexadecimal color values only when working with RGB colors.
If you type an invalid hexadecimal value, the color does not change.
You can view hexadecimal color values on the status bar.
You can also choose web colors from the Select color dialog box (on the status bar, double-click the Outline pen button, open
the Color picker in the Outline pen dialog box, and click More) and the Edit fill dialog box (on the status bar, double-click the Fill
button, and click the Uniform fill button), which let you view and copy the hexadecimal equivalents of non-hexadecimal color values.
Using the Document palette
When you start a new drawing, an empty color palette, called the Document palette, appears docked in the lower-left corner of the drawing
window. Every time you use a color in your drawing, it’s automatically added to the Document palette. However, if you prefer to control
which colors are added to the Document palette, you can disable the automatic updates and add colors manually.
You can add colors from a color palette, an external image, a color picker, or a color-related dialog box, such as the Uniform fill dialog box.
In addition, you can add colors from an imported image or object.
Working with color | 291
Drag a bitmap to the Document palette to add colors.When you open documents that were created in
CorelDRAW X4 or an earlier version of the program, only custom spot colors and a maximum of 100 legacy
color styles are added to the Document palette. The legacy styles are added to the palette as regular colors.
You can clear the Document palette of any unwanted or unused colors by removing colors individually or resetting the palette to remove all
unused colors at once. You can also add all colors from an existing drawing to the Document palette.
The Document palette is automatically saved with the document. If you rename the .cdr file to .zip, the Document color palette
(DocumentPalette.xml) is included in the .zip package.
To disable the automatic adding of color to the Document palette
On the Document palette, click the flyout button , and click Automatically update.
By default, the Document palette is docked above the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
You can also disable the automatic adding of color by clicking ToolsCustomization, clicking Color palette in the Customization list
of categories, and disabling the Automatically update the document palette check box.
To manually add colors to the Document palette
ToDo the following
Add a color from another color paletteDrag a color from an open color palette to the Document palette.
Add a color from a bitmap imageOn the Document palette, click the Eyedropper button, and click a
color in the image.
Add multiple colors from an image
On the Document palette, click the Eyedropper button , hold
down Ctrl, and then click the image until you add the colors that
you want.
292 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Add multiple colors from an image or object by draggingDrag an image or object from the drawing window to the
Document palette.
Add colors from a selectionSelect an object or multiple objects. On the Document palette, click
the flyout button, and click Add from selection.
Add a color from a color-related dialog boxIn the dialog box, click a color swatch, click the arrow next to Add
to palette, choose Document palette, and then click Add to
Move a color swatchDrag a color swatch to a new position on the Document palette.
When dragging most vector objects to the palette, you add all object colors to the palette. When dragging a bitmap, you can specify
the number of colors that you want to be added to the palette. If an object includes a fountain fill, texture fill, or pattern fill, only
colors that are defined during the fill creation are supported. Colors from PostScript fills are not supported.
By default, the Document palette is docked above the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
To add colors from an existing drawing to the Document palette
1Open a drawing.
On the Document palette, click the flyout button , and click Add from document.
By default, the Document palette is docked above the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
If the drawing was created in a previous version of CorelDRAW and it includes custom spot colors, they appear in the Document
If you have a document with both vector and bitmap images, and you want to add only the colors from the vector images to the
Document palette, specify 0 in the Add colors from bitmap dialog box.
To remove a color from the Document palette
1Click a color swatch on the Document palette.
On the Document palette, click the flyout button , and click Delete color.
By default, the Document palette is docked above the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
You can also remove all colors that are no longer used from the Document palette by clicking the flyout button , choosing
Palette, and clicking Reset palette.
Working with color | 293
To reset the Document palette
On the Document palette, click the flyout button , choose Palette, and click Reset palette.
By default, the Document palette is docked above the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
To hide the Document palette
Click WindowColor palettesDocument palette.
Hiding the Document palette does not disable the automatic adding of color.
Creating and editing custom color palettes
Custom color palettes are collections of colors or color styles that you save. They can include colors or color styles from any color model,
including spot colors, or any color palette found in the Palette libraries. You can create a custom palette to store all colors or color styles that
you need in a current, or future, project.
It’s easy to share color palettes with others. The custom palettes are accessible from the My palettes folder in the Color Palette Manager.
You can create a custom color palette by choosing individual colors or color styles, or by using the colors in a selected object or an entire
document. You can also edit, rename, and delete custom color palettes.
Custom color palettes are saved as XML files and are stored in the My Documents\My Palettes folder.
To create a custom color palette from scratch
Click WindowDockersColor palette manager.
Click the Creates a new empty color palette button .
3Type a filename in the File name box.
4Click Save.
5In the Color palette manager, choose the custom palette that you created.
Click the Opens the palette editor button .
7In the Palette editor dialog box, click Add color.
8In the Select color dialog box, choose a color, and click Add to palette.
You can also
Treat the color as a spot colorIn the Selected color area of the Palette editor dialog box, choose
Spot from the Treat as list.
Treat the color as a process colorIn the Selected color area of the Palette editor dialog box, choose
Process from the Treat as list.
Rename a colorIn the Palette editor dialog box, click a color in the color selection
area, and type a name in the Name box.
294 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To add a color to a custom color palette
1Open a custom color palette.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Add a color from another color paletteDrag a color from an open color palette to the custom palette.
Add a color from an image
On the custom palette, click the Eyedropper button , and click
the color that you want to add.
Add multiple colors from an image
On the custom palette, click the Eyedropper button , hold
down Ctrl, and click the image until you add the colors that you
Add multiple colors from an image or objectDrag an image or object from the drawing window to the custom
Add a color from a color-related dialog boxIn the dialog box, click a color swatch, click the arrow next to Add
to palette, choose the name of your custom palette from the list,
and then click Add to palette.
Add colors from a selectionSelect an object or multiple objects. On the custom palette, click
the flyout button , and click Add from selection.
Move a color swatchDrag a color swatch to a new position on the palette.
When dragging most vector objects to the palette, you add all object colors to the palette. When dragging a bitmap, you can specify
the number of colors that you want to be added to the palette. If an object includes a fountain fill, texture fill, or pattern fill, only
colors that are defined during the fill creation are supported. Colors from PostScript fills are not supported.
To create a color palette from an object
1Select an object.
Click WindowColor palettesCreate palette from selection.
3Type a filename in the File name box.
4Click Save.
To create a color palette from a document
Click WindowColor palettesCreate palette from document.
2Type a filename in the File name box.
3Click Save.
Working with color | 295
To edit a custom color palette
Click WindowColor palettesPalette editor.
2Choose a palette from the list box.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Add a colorClick Add color. In the Select color dialog box, click the Models
tab, click a color in the color selection area, and click Add to
Treat a color as a spot colorIn the Selected color area of the Palette editor dialog box, choose
Spot from the Treat as list.
Treat a color as a process colorIn the Selected color area of the Palette editor dialog box, choose
Process from the Treat as list.
Change a colorIn the color selection area, click a color, and click Edit color. In the
Select color dialog box, click the Models tab, and click a new color
in the color selection area.
Delete a colorIn the color selection area, click a color, and click Delete color.
Sort colorsClick Sort colors, and choose a color sorting method.
Move a colorDrag a color swatch to a new position.
Rename a colorClick a color in the color selection area, and type a name in the
Name box.
You can delete multiple colors by holding down Shift or Ctrl, clicking the colors that you want to delete, and clicking Delete color.
If you add a process color to the palette, but treat it as a spot color, the color is changed to spot and the color name is preserved.
However, if you choose a spot color with a trademarked name, for example a PANTONE color, and convert it to a process color, the
trademarked name is substituted with the color components for that color.
To rename a custom color palette
Click WindowDockersColor palette manager.
2From the My Palettes folder, right-click a custom palette, and click Rename.
3Type a new name, and press Enter.
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To delete a custom color palette
Click WindowDockersColor palette manager.
2From the My Palettes folder, right-click a custom palette, and click Delete.
Organizing and displaying color palettes
The Color Palette Manager is a docker that lets you quickly access the available color palettes, including the Document palette and the
Color Styles palette, and create custom color palettes. The color palettes in the Color Palette Manager are divided into two main folders: My
palettes and Palette libraries.
You can use the My palettes folder to store all the custom color palettes that you create. You can add folders to store and organize your
color palettes for different projects. You can also copy a color palette or move it to a different folder. You can open and control the display of
all color palettes.
The Palette libraries folder of the Color Palette Manager contains collections of preset color palettes from which you can choose colors.
You cannot edit any of the color palettes that are found in the Palette libraries. However, you can create a custom color palette by copying a
color palette from the Palette libraries folder. For more information, see “Displaying or hiding color palettes in the Palette libraries” on page
To open the Color Palette Manager
Click WindowDockersColor palette manager.
To display or hide a custom color palette
1Open the Color Palette Manager.
In the My palettes folder, click the Show or hide icon beside the custom palette name.
If you want to set a custom color palette as the default palette, click the custom palette flyout button , and click Set as default.
To open a custom color palette
1Open the Color Palette Manager.
Click the Opens a palette button .
3Choose the drive and folder where the custom color palette is stored.
If you want to open a color palette (.cpl file) that was created in a previous version of CorelDRAW, select Legacy custom palette (*.cpl)
from the Files of type list box.
4Click the custom palette.
5Click Open.
When you open a legacy custom palette (.cpl) file, it is automatically converted to the XML format (.xml). The XML version is stored
in the x:\Documents and Settings\your name\My Documents folder, and also appears in the My palettes folder in the Color Palette
If the custom color palette (.xml) was saved to the My palettes folder, you can open it by clicking WindowColor palettes and
choosing the custom palette from the list.
Working with color | 297
To create a folder for storing custom color palettes
1Open the Color Palette Manager.
Click the Create a new folder button .
3Type a new name, and press Enter.
If you want to move a custom color palette, drag it to the new folder.
To cut or copy a custom color palette
1Open the Color Palette Manager.
2In the My palettes folder, right-click a custom palette, and click one of the following:
If you want to paste the custom palette to a different folder, right-click the folder, and click Paste.
To copy a palette from the Palette libraries for editing
1Open the Color Palette Manager.
2Drag a palette from the Palette libraries folder to the My palettes folder.
An editable copy of the color palette appears in the My palettes folder.
Displaying or hiding color palettes in the Palette libraries
The Palette libraries contain a collection of color palettes. You can control the display of the default color palettes, such as the default RGB
and default CMYK color palettes. The main Palette libraries that are included are Process color and Spot color.
The Process color library contains the default RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale color palettes. In addition, you can find preset color palettes that
have a specific theme, such as nature. The Spot color library contains color palettes that are provided by third-party manufacturers, such as
HKS Colors, PANTONE, Focoltone, and TOYO. These color palettes can be very useful when you need specific company-approved colors for
your printed projects. The color palette libraries are locked, which means that you cannot edit them.
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Palette libraries
To display a color palette in the Palette libraries
1Open the Color Palette Manager.
In the Palette libraries folder, click the Show or hide icon beside the color palette name.
To display spot or process color palettes
1Open the Color Palette Manager.
2In the Palette libraries folder, double-click one of the following folders:
Click the Show or hide icon beside the color palette name.
Working with color | 299
Setting the properties of color palettes
You can customize color palettes.
Color palettes can be either docked or floating. Docking a color palette attaches it to the edge of the application window. Undocking a color
palette pulls it away from the edge of the application window, so it floats and can be easily moved around.
With color swatches, you can set the right mouse button either to display a context menu or to set the outline color. You can also adjust the
color swatch border and size, and you can hide or display the No color well.
To dock or undock a color palette
ToDo the following
Dock a color paletteClick the top of the color palette border, and drag the color palette
to any edge of the application window until a thin black toolbar
outline appears.
Undock a color paletteClick the dotted border of the color palette, and drag the color
palette away from the edge of the application window.
Change the number of rows on a docked color palette
On the palette, click the flyout button , click Rows, and choose
an option from the list.
You can also change the number of rows on a docked color palette by clicking ToolsCustomization, clicking Color palette in the
Customization list of categories, and typing a value in the Maximum palette rows when docked box. You can set a maximum of
seven rows on a color palette.
To set the action of the right mouse button for color swatches
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Color palette.
3Enable one of the following check boxes:
•Context menu
•Set outline color
If you enable Set outline color, you can still display the context menu by right-clicking anywhere on the border of a color palette.
To customize color swatches
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Color palette.
3Enable or disable any of the following check boxes:
•Wide borders
300 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•Large swatches
•Show “no color” well
You can also display color names in the color swatches by clicking the flyout button on a color palette and clicking Show color
Filling objects | 301
Filling objects
You can add colored, patterned, textured, and other fills to the inside of objects or other enclosed areas. You can customize a fill and set it
as a default, so that each object you draw has the same fill.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Applying uniform fills” (page 301)
•“Applying fountain fills” (page 302)
•“Applying pattern fills” (page 305)
•“Applying texture fills” (page 309)
•“Applying PostScript fills” (page 311)
•“Applying mesh fills” (page 312)
•“Applying fills to areas” (page 315)
•“Working with fills” (page 316)
Applying uniform fills
You can apply a uniform fill to objects. Uniform fills are solid colors you can choose or create using color models and color palettes. For
information about creating colors, see “Working with color” on page 281.
To apply a uniform fill
1Select an object.
2Click a color on the color palette.
If you want to mix colors in a uniform fill, press Ctrl, and click another color on the color palette.
You can also choose a uniform fill by clicking
the Uniform fill button in the Fill section of the Object properties docker
the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox, and then clicking the Uniform fill button on the property bar
302 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Applying fountain fills
A fountain fill is a smooth progression of two or more colors that adds depth to an object. Fountain fills are also known as gradient fills.
There are four types of fountain fills: linear, elliptical, conical, and rectangular. A linear fountain fill flows in a straight line across the object,
a conical fountain fill creates the illusion of light hitting a cone, an elliptical fountain fill is dispersed in concentric ellipses from the center of
the object, and a rectangular fountain fill is dispersed in concentric rectangles from the center of the object.
There are four types of fountain fills (left to right): linear, elliptical, conical, and rectangular.
You can choose fountain fills from a personal library or from the Content Exchange. You can browse the available fountain fills, search
by keyword, mark fills as favorites, vote for fills that you like, or copy fills from the Content Exchange to your personal library. For more
information, see “Managing fills and transparencies” on page 331.
Any fountain fill can be modified to suit your needs, and you can create your own fills. Fountain fills can contain two or more colors, which
you can position anywhere in the fill’s progression. You can specify fill attributes such as the direction of a fill’s color blend, the fill’s angle,
center point, and midpoint. You can also smooth, skew, or repeat a fill.
After you create a fountain fill, you can save it for future use or share it with other users on the Content Exchange. For more information, see
“Saving and sharing fills and transparencies” on page 334.
You can adjust the print and display quality of the fountain fill by specifying the number of fountain steps. By default, the fountain steps
setting is locked so that the print quality of the fountain fill is determined by the value specified in the print settings and the display quality
is determined by the default value you set. However, you can unlock the fountain steps setting and specify a value that applies to both the
print and view quality of the fill. For information about setting fountain fill steps for printing, see “Fine-tuning print jobs” on page 599.
To apply a fountain fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the Fountain fill button to display fountain fill options.
4Open the Fill picker, and click a fill thumbnail.
Click the Apply button in the pop-up window that appears.
You can add a color to a fountain fill by clicking the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox, clicking the Fountain fill button on the
property bar, and dragging a color from the color palette to an object’s interactive vector handle.
Filling objects | 303
To create a fountain fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
In the Fill section of the Object properties docker, click the Fountain fill button to display fountain fill options.
4Click one of the following buttons to choose a fountain fill type:
Linear fountain fill
Elliptical fountain fill
Conical fountain fill
Rectangular fountain fill
5Click the start node above the color band, open the Node color picker, and choose a color.
6Click the end node above the color band, open the Node color picker, and choose a color.
7Move the midpoint slider below the color band to set the midpoint between the two colors.
You can also
Change a colorSelect the corresponding node, open the Node color picker, and
choose a color.
Change the transparency of a colorSelect the corresponding node, and type a value in the Node
transparency box.
Add an intermediate colorDouble-click the color band where you want to add a node. With
the new node selected, open the Node color picker, and choose a
Change the position of an intermediate colorDrag the corresponding node to a new location above the color
band, or type a value in the Node position box.
Delete an intermediate colorDouble-click the corresponding node.
Specify the way the colors blend between two nodesSelect either the two nodes or the midpoint between them, click
the Blend direction button, and choose an option from the list:
•Linear color blend —blends the colors along a straight line,
beginning at the start color and continuing across the color
wheel to the end color
•Clockwise color blend — blends the colors along a clockwise
path around the color wheel
•Counterclockwise color blend — blends the colors along a
counterclockwise path around the color wheel
Mirror, repeat, or reverse the fill
In the Object properties docker, click the arrow button at the
bottom of the Fill section to display more fill options, and click one
of the following buttons:
304 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Default fountain fill
Repeat and mirror
Reverse fill
Specify how quickly the fountain fill blends from one color to
Move the Acceleration slider.
Create smoother color transitions between fountain fill nodes
Click the Smooth button .
Set the width and height of the fill as a percentage of the object’s
width and height
Type values in the Fill width and Fill height boxes.
Move the center of the fill up, down, left, or rightType values in the X and Y boxes.
Slant the fill at a specified angleType a value in the Skew box.
Rotate the color progression clockwise or counterclockwiseType a value in the Rotate box.
Allow the fill to be skewed or stretched disproportionatelyEnable the Free scale and skew check box.
Apply the selected fill to the intersecting area of combined objectsEnable the Fill winding check box.
For more information, see “Combining objects” on page 243.
Let the fill print on top of the underlying colors.Enable the Overprint fill check box.
You can also apply a custom fountain fill by clicking the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox and dragging colors from the color
palette in the document window onto the object’s interactive vector handles. You can mix colors by selecting one of the interactive
vector handles, pressing Ctrl, and clicking a color on the color palette.
To change the fountain fill print and display quality
1Select an object that has a fountain fill applied to it.
In the Object properties docker, click the arrow button at the bottom of the Fill section to display more fill options.
Click the Set to default button to unlock the fountain steps, and type a value in the Fountain stepsbox.
Higher numbers create a smoother transition between colors.
Filling objects | 305
When the Fountain steps box is locked, the number of steps in the printed fountain fill is determined by the value specified in the
Print dialog box. For information about setting fountain fill steps for printing, see “Fine-tuning print jobs” on page 599.
To set the display quality for fountain fills
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Workspace, and click Display.
3Type a value in the Preview fountain steps box.
Applying pattern fills
You can fill objects with vector or bitmap pattern fills, as well as two-color fills.
Examples of vector pattern fills
Examples of bitmap pattern fills
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Examples of two-color pattern fills
A two-color pattern fill is composed only of the two colors that you choose. A vector pattern fill is a more complex vector graphic composed
of lines and fills. A vector fill can have color or transparent background. A bitmap pattern fill is a bitmap image whose complexity is
determined by its size, image resolution, and bit depth.
CorelDRAW provides a collection of vector and bitmap patterns that you can access. You can browse the available patterns, search patterns
by keyword, mark patterns as favorites, vote for patterns that you like, or copy patterns from the Content Exchange to your personal library.
For more information, see “Managing fills and transparencies” on page 331.
You can also create your own patterns. For example, you can create patterns from areas of the workspace or images that you import. Vector
and bitmap patterns are made up of smaller units called tiles. Depending on the size of the object, the fill may consist of one or more tiles.
The pattern is created by repeating the tile to fill up the object. You can create a new pattern by selecting an area of the workspace to use as
a tile, or by using an imported image as a tile source.
After you create a new pattern, you can save it for future use or share it with other users on the Content Exchange. For more information,
see “Saving and sharing fills and transparencies” on page 334.
You can modify pattern fills to suit your needs. For example, you can change the size of the pattern fill, or specify exactly where the fill
begins by setting the tile origin. CorelDRAW also lets you offset tiles in a fill. Adjusting the horizontal or vertical position of the first tile,
relative to the top of the object, affects the rest of the fill.
You can mirror the fill so that alternating tiles are reflections of each other. If you want a pattern fill to change according to actions you
perform on the filled object, you can set the fill to transform with the object. For example, if you enlarge the object, the pattern becomes
larger while the number of tiles remains the same.
Bitmap patterns created in Patterns, an iOS application that turns photos into bitmap patterns, can be opened in CorelDRAW. The bitmap
pattern effects available in both Patterns and CorelDRAW let you create seamless patterns and adjust the pattern parameters, such as the
pixel configuration along the edge of the tile and the brightness, luminance, and color contrast of the pattern.
To apply a two-color pattern fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the Two-color pattern fill button .
4Choose a fill from the Fill picker.
5Open the Front color picker, and click a color.
6Open the Back color picker, and click a color.
Filling objects | 307
You can also mix colors in a two-color pattern fill by pressing Ctrl and clicking a color on the color palette.
You can also apply a fill by clicking the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox and clicking the Two-color pattern fill button on the
property bar. You can drag colors from the color palette to the interactive handles to change the colors of the fill. You can mix colors
by holding down Ctrl while dragging a color to the interactive handles.
To edit the attributes of the two-color fill, in the Object properties docker, click the arrow button at the bottom of the Fill
section to display more fill options, and specify the attributes you want.
To apply a vector or bitmap pattern fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
3In the Object properties docker, click one of the following buttons:
Vector pattern fill
Bitmap pattern fill
4Open the Fill picker, and click a pattern thumbnail.
Click the Apply button in the pop-up window that appears.
You can also apply a vector or a bitmap pattern fill by clicking the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox, clicking the Vector pattern
fill or Bitmap pattern fill button on the property bar, and choosing a fill from the Fill picker.
To create a vector or bitmap pattern from the workspace
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
3In the Fill area of the Object properties docker, click one of the following buttons:
Vector pattern fill
Bitmap pattern fill
Click the New from document button .
5Select an area of the workspace that you want to use as a pattern.
The area can include any objects or parts of objects that you have drawn.
Click the Accept pattern button displayed below the selection, and click OK in the dialog box that appears.
Vector patterns can have transparent or color background.
You can also click the New source from workspace button and select an area of the document to use as a tile source. In this
case, the current settings in the Transformations area of the Object properties docker will apply to the new pattern.
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To create a vector or bitmap pattern from an imported image
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
3In the Fill area of the Object properties docker, click one of the following buttons:
Vector pattern fill
Bitmap pattern fill
Click the New source from file button .
5In the Import dialog box, locate the image that you want to use, and double-click the filename.
To modify a vector or bitmap pattern fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
3In the Fill area of the Object properties docker, click one of the following buttons:
Vector pattern fill
Bitmap pattern fill
4Click the arrow button at the bottom of the Fill area to display more pattern fill options.
5Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Arrange the tiles so that alternating tiles are reflections of each
Click the Mirror tiles horizontallyor the Mirror tiles
Create a radial or linear seamless blend
In the Seamless area, click the Radial button , or click the
Linear button and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern fills.
Smooth the color transition of the pattern tile edges with their
opposite edge
Enable the Edge match check box, and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern fills.
Increase or decrease the brightness of the patternEnable the Brightness check box, and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern fills.
Increase or decrease the grayscale contrast of the patternEnable the Luminance check box, and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern fills.
Increase or decrease the color contrast of the patternEnable the Color check box, and move the slider.
Filling objects | 309
ToDo the following
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern fills.
Set the width and height of the pattern as a percentage of the
object’s width and height
Type values in the Fill width and Fill height boxes.
Move the center of the pattern fill up, down, left, or rightType values in the X and Y boxes.
Rotate the pattern at a specified angleType a value in the Rotate box.
Slant the pattern at a specified angleType a value in the Skew box.
Specify row or column offset as a percentage of the tile’s height or
Click the Row offset or the Columnoffset button , and
type a value in the % of tile box.
Apply object changes to the pattern fillEnable the Transform with object check box.
Apply the selected fill to the intersecting area of combined objectsEnable the Fill winding check box.
For more information, see “Combining objects” on page 243.
You can also click the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox and use the controls on the property bar.
You can also skew or rotate tiles by clicking the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox, selecting an object, and dragging the
skewing or rotation handles to change the appearance of the pattern.
Applying texture fills
A texture fill is a randomly generated fill that you can use to give your objects a natural appearance. You can use existing texture fills, such
as water, minerals, and clouds, or you can edit a texture to create your own texture fill. You can use colors from any color model or palette.
Texture fills can hold only RGB colors; however, other color models and palettes can be used as a reference to select colors. For information
about color models, see “Understanding color models” on page 281.
You can change the tile size of texture fills. Increasing the resolution of a texture tile increases the accuracy of the fill. You can also specify
exactly where these fills begin by setting the tile origin. CorelDRAW also lets you offset tiles in a fill. Adjusting the horizontal or vertical
position of the first tile, relative to the top of the object, affects the rest of the fill.
You can also rotate or skew the fill, adjust the tile size, and change the center of the texture.
If you want a texture fill to change according to the actions you perform on the filled object, you can set the fill to transform with the object.
For example, if you enlarge the filled object, the texture becomes larger while the number of tiles remains the same.
Texture fills can enhance a drawing. However, they also increase the size of a file and the time it takes to print, so you may want to use them
in moderation.
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Examples of texture fills
To apply a texture fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
In the Fill area of the Object properties docker, click the flyout arrow on the Two-color pattern fill button , and click the Texture
fill button to display texture fill options.
4Choose a texture library from the Texture library list box.
5Choose a texture from the Fill picker.
You can also apply a texture fill by clicking the Interactive fill tool in the toolbox, clicking the Texture fill button on the property
bar, and using the controls on the property bar.
To create a texture fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
3In the Fill area of the Object properties docker, click the flyout arrow on the Two-color pattern fill button, and click the Texture fill
button to display texture fill options.
4Choose a texture library from the Texture fill list box.
5Choose a texture from the Texture fill picker.
Click the Edit fill button .
7In the Edit fill dialog box, perform an action from the following table.
ToDo the following
Arrange the tiles so that alternating tiles are reflections of each
Click Transformations, and click the Mirror tiles horizontally
or the Mirror tiles vertically button .
Filling objects | 311
ToDo the following
Change the size of the fillClick Transformations, and type values in the Fill width and Fill
height boxes.
Move the center of the fill up, down, left, or rightClick Transformations, and type values in the X and Y boxes.
Rotate the fill at a specified angleClick Transformations, and type a value in the Rotate box.
Slant the fill at a specified angleClick Transformations, and type a value in the Skew box.
Specify a row or column offset as a percentage of the tile’s width
or height
Click Transformations, and click the Row offset or the
Column offset button . Type a value in the % of tile box.
Apply object changes to the texture fillClick Transformations, and enable the Transform with object
check box.
Specify the bitmap resolution of the texture fillClick Options, and type a value in the Bitmap resolution box.
Apply the selected fill to the intersecting area of combined objectsEnable the Fill winding check box.
For more information, see “Combining objects” on page 243.
Save the texture fill
Click the Save texture button , and type a name in the Texture
name box in the Save texture as dialog box. Choose a library from
the Library name list box.
You can modify the texture you choose from the texture library and save it to another library, but you cannot save textures to or
overwrite textures in the texture library.
Applying PostScript fills
You can apply PostScript texture fills to objects. A PostScript texture fill is created in the PostScript language. Some textures are very complex,
and large objects that contain PostScript texture fills may take time to print or to be updated on the screen. Depending on the view mode
you are using, the letters “PS” — rather than the fill — may appear. For more information about displaying PostScript fills, see “Working with
views” on page 61.
When you apply a PostScript texture fill, you can change several properties, such as the size, line width, and the amount of gray that appears
in the texture’s foreground and background.
312 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Examples of PostScript fills
To apply a PostScript fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the flyout arrow on the Two-color pattern fill button , and click the PostScript fill button
to display postscript fill options.
4Choose a fill from the PostScript fill textures list box.
If you want to change the fill properties, click the Edit fill button , and specify the settings you want.
You can also apply a PostScript fill by clicking the Interactive fill tool , clicking the PostScript fill button on the property bar, and
choosing a fill from the PostScript fill textures list box.
Applying mesh fills
When you fill an object with a mesh fill, you can create unique effects. For example, you can create smooth color transitions in any direction
without having to create blends or contours. When you apply a mesh fill, you specify the number of columns and rows in the grid, and you
specify the grid’s intersecting points. After you have created a mesh object, you can edit the mesh fill grid by adding and removing nodes or
intersections. You can also remove the mesh.
Filling objects | 313
Mesh fills were applied to the original drawing (left) to give it a realistic look (right).
A mesh fill can be applied only to closed objects or a single path. If you want to apply a mesh fill to a complex object, you must first create a
mesh-filled object and combine it with the complex object to form a PowerClip object. For more information about working with PowerClip
objects, see “Creating PowerClip objects” on page 191.
You can add color to a patch of a mesh fill and to the individual intersection nodes. You can also choose to mix colors for a more blended
Left: Adding a color to a mesh fill. Right: Moving an intersection node in a mesh fill lets you adjust the progression of colors.
In addition, you can smooth the color in a mesh fill to reduce the appearance of hard edges. You can also reveal objects underneath a
selected area by applying transparency to the mesh fill.
To apply a mesh to an object
1Select an object.
In the toolbox, click the Mesh fill tool .
3Type the number of columns in the top portion of the Grid size box on the property bar.
4Type the number of rows in the bottom portion of the Grid size box on the property bar, and press Enter.
5Adjust the grid nodes on the object.
314 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Add a node or an intersectionClick once within a grid, and click the Add intersection button
on the property bar.
You can also add a node or an intersection by double-clicking
within a grid.
Remove a node or an intersection
Click a node, and click the Delete nodes button on the
property bar.
Shape the mesh fillDrag a node to a new location.
Remove the mesh fill
Click the Clear mesh button on the property bar.
If the mesh object contains color, adjusting the intersection nodes of the mesh affects how the colors blend together.
You can also marquee select or freehand marquee select nodes to shape an entire area of the mesh. To marquee select nodes, choose
Rectangular from the Selection mode list box on the property bar, and drag around the nodes that you want to select. To freehand
select nodes, choose Freehand from the Selectionmode list box, and drag around the nodes that you want to select. Holding down
Alt while dragging lets you toggle between the Rectangular and Freehand selection modes.
You can add an intersection or a node by double-clicking in a space, or you can add a single line by double-clicking a line.
To fill a mesh with color
1Select a mesh-filled object.
In the toolbox, click the Mesh fill tool .
3Drag a color from the color palette to a patch in the object.
You can also
Color a node in a mesh fillClick a node, and click a color on the color palette.
You can also drag a color from the color palette to a node.
Mix a color in a mesh fillSelect part of the mesh, press Ctrl, and click a color on the color
You can also marquee select or freehand marquee select nodes to apply a color to an entire area of the mesh. To marquee select
nodes, choose Rectangular from the Selection mode list box on the property bar, and drag around the nodes that you want to
select. To freehand select nodes, choose Freehand from the Selectionmode list box on the property bar, and drag around the nodes
that you want to select. Holding down Alt while dragging lets you toggle between the Rectangular and Freehand selection modes.
Filling objects | 315
To smooth color transitions in a mesh fill
1Select a mesh-filled object.
In the toolbox, click the Mesh fill tool .
Make sure that the Smooth mesh color button on the property bar is enabled.
To apply transparency to a mesh fill
1Select a mesh-filled object.
In the toolbox, click the Mesh fill tool .
3Click a node to select part of the mesh.
4On the property bar, move the Transparency slider to the right to increase the transparency of the selected area.
Applying fills to areas
You can apply fills to any enclosed area by using the Smart fill tool. Unlike other fill tools, which fill only objects, the Smart fill tool detects
the edges of an area and creates a closed path so that the area can be filled. For example, if you draw a freehand line that crosses over itself
to create loops, the Smart fill tool can detect the edges of the loops and fill them. As long as the paths of one or more objects completely
enclose an area, it can be filled.
In the example above, the original spiral object is duplicated and offset,
resulting in enclosed areas that can be filled by using the Smart fill tool.
Using the Smart fill tool to fill enclosed areas
Because the Smart fill tool creates a path around the area, it essentially creates a new object that can be filled, moved, copied, or edited.
This means that the tool can be used in one of two ways: to fill an area or to create a new object from an area.
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Although primarily used to fill areas, the Smart fill tool can also be used to create new objects. In the example above, the
original objects — the two spirals (left) — are deleted (right), but the fill remains because each filled area is actually an object.
You can apply the default fill and outline to the area, use the property bar to specify a specific fill color and outline, or create an outline with
no fill.
When you use the Smart fill tool on areas that already have fills applied to them, remember the following:
•An object with transparency applied to it is considered completely transparent —paths under any area of the object are detected,
regardless of whether the specific area appears opaque.
•PostScript fills are considered transparent — paths under any area of a PostScript fill are detected.
•All fills other than PostScript fills are considered opaque — paths under these fills are not detected.
To apply a fill to an enclosed area
In the toolbox, click theSmart fill tool .
2On the property bar, choose one of the following options from the Fill list box:
•Use default — lets you apply the default fill settings
•Specify — lets you fill the area with a solid color by choosing a color from the Fill color picker on the property bar
•No fill — applies no fill to the area
3From the Outline list box, choose one of the following options:
•Use default — lets you apply the default outline settings
•Specify — lets you choose a line width from the Outline width box and a line color from the Outline color color picker
•No outline — applies no outline to the area
4Click inside the enclosed area that you want to fill.
A new object is created from the enclosed area, and the selected fill and outline options on the property bar are applied to it. The new
object appears on top of the existing objects in the layer.
If you click outside an enclosed area, a new object is created from all objects on the page, and the selected fill and outline options on
the property bar are applied to the new object.
The outline width is centered on an object’s path. Because the Smart fill tool detects paths, not outlines, thick outlines appear
partially covered by the new object. You can uncover the original outlines by changing the stacking order of the objects. For
information about changing the stacking order of objects, see “To move an object in the stacking order” on page 236.
Working with fills
There are a number of tasks that are common to all types of fills. You can choose a default fill color so that every object that you add to a
drawing has the same fill. You can also remove a fill, copy it to another object, or use it to fill an area surrounded by an open curve.
If you want to apply the same fill to other objects or simultaneously modify the fill attributes of multiple objects in a drawing, you can save
the fill settings as a style. For more information about styles, see “Working with styles and style sets” on page 479.
Filling objects | 317
To choose a default fill color
1Click a blank area on the drawing page to deselect all objects.
On the status bar, double-click the Fill icon .
3In the Edit fill dialog box, choose a fill type, choose a fill color, and click OK.
4In the Change document defaults dialog box, enable the check boxes for the types of objects whose default fill you want to change.
You can also change the default fill color by editing the default style sets in the Object styles docker. For more information, see
“Managing default object properties” on page 484.
To remove a fill
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the No fill button .
You cannot remove mesh fills by following this procedure. To remove a mesh fill from an object, select the object by using the Mesh
fill tool , and click the Clear mesh button on the property bar.
To copy a fill to another object
Using the Pick tool , select the object from which you want to copy the fill.
2With the right mouse button, drag the object over the destination object to which you want to apply the fill.
A blue outline of the first object follows the pointer to the destination object.
When the pointer changes to a crosshair pointer , release the mouse button, and choose Copy fill here from the context menu.
You can also click the Interactive fill tool , select the object to which you want to copy a fill, click the Copy fill button on the
property bar, and click the object from which you want to copy the fill.
You can also use the Attributes eyedropper tool to copy a fill. For more information, see “To copy fill, outline, or text properties
from one object to another” on page 218.
You can also sample the color of an existing object and apply the sampled color to another object as a uniform fill. For more
information, see “To sample a color” on page 289.
To show fills in open curves
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Document, and click General.
3Enable the Fill open curves check box.
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Changing the transparency of objects | 319
Changing the transparency of objects
When you apply a transparency to an object, you make the objects beneath it partially visible. You can apply transparencies by using the
same kind of fills you apply to objects; that is, uniform, fountain, texture, and pattern. For more information about these fills, see “Filling
objects” on page 301.
Examples of different types of transparencies, including uniform, fountain, and pattern.
CorelDRAW also lets you specify how the color of the transparent object combines with the color of the object beneath it by using merge
This section contains the following topics:
•“Applying uniform transparency” (page 319)
•“Applying fountain transparency” (page 320)
•“Applying pattern transparency” (page 322)
•“Applying texture transparency” (page 325)
•“Copying, freezing, and removing transparencies” (page 325)
•“Applying merge modes” (page 326)
Applying uniform transparency
Uniform transparency alters the transparency values of all pixels in the object or editable area by an equal amount.
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To apply a uniform transparency
1Select an object.
Click ObjectObject properties.
In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click the Uniform transparency button .
4Move the Transparency slider to increase or decrease the transparency.
You can click a color on the color palette to apply a color to the transparency.
To apply the transparency only to the fill or the outline of the object, click the Fill button or the Outline button .
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox and use the controls on the property bar.
Applying fountain transparency
Fountain transparency makes the object fade from one transparency value to another. The fountain transparency can be linear, elliptical,
conical, or rectangular.
You can choose fountain transparencies from a personal library or from the Content Exchange. You can browse the available transparency
patterns, search by keyword, mark patterns as favorites, vote for patterns that you like, or copy patterns from the Content Exchange to your
personal library. For more information, see “Managing fills and transparencies” on page 331.
You can create a fountain transparency by adding and removing nodes, and specifying a transparency value for each node. You can also
reverse, mirror, resize, or skew a fountain transparency, or apply other transformations.
After you create a fountain transparency, you can save it for future use or share it with other users on the Content Exchange. For more
information, see “Saving and sharing fills and transparencies” on page 334.
To apply a fountain transparency
1Select an object.
Click ObjectObject properties.
In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click the Fountain transparency button to display fountain transparency
4Open the Transparency picker, and click a thumbnail.
Click the Apply button in the pop-up window that appears.
To apply the transparency only to the fill or the outline of the object, click the Fill button or the Outline button in the
Transparency area of the Object properties docker.
To modify the transparency, click the Edit transparency button in the Object properties docker, and specify the settings you
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox and use the controls on the property bar.
To create a fountain transparency
1Select an object.
Changing the transparency of objects | 321
Click ObjectObject properties.
In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click the Fountain transparency button to display fountain transparency
4Click one of the following buttons to choose a fountain transparency type:
Linear fountain transparency
Elliptical fountain transparency
Conical fountain transparency
Rectangular fountain transparency
5Click the first node above the grayscale band, and type a value in the Node transparency box.
6Click the last node above the grayscale band, and type a value in the Node transparency box.
7Move the midpoint slider below the grayscale band to set the midpoint of the transparency.
You can also
Change the transparency of the midpointSelect the midpoint node, and type a value in the Node
transparency box.
Add an intermediate transparencyDouble-click the grayscale band where you want to add a
node. With the new node selected, type a value in the Node
transparency box.
Change the position of an intermediate transparencyDrag the corresponding node to a new location above the
grayscale band, or type a value in the Node position box.
Delete an intermediate transparencyDouble-click the corresponding node.
Allow the transparency to be skewed or stretched
Click the Free scale and skew button .
Mirror, repeat, or reverse the transparency
Click the Edit transparency button , and click one of the
following buttons:
Repeat and mirror
Reverse transparency
Specify the number of steps used to display or print the fountain
Click the Edit transparency button, and click the Set to default
button to unlock the fountain steps, and type a value in the
Fountain steps box.
Specify how quickly the fountain transparency blends from one
level of opacity to another
Click the Edit transparency button, and move the Acceleration
322 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Create smoother color transitions between fountain fill nodesClick the Edit transparency button, and click the Smooth button
Set the width and height of the transparency as a percentage of
the object’s width and height
Click the Edit transparency button, and type values in the
Transparency width and Transparency height boxes.
Move the transparency center up, down, left, or rightClick the Edit transparency button, and type values in the X and Y
Slant the transparency at a specified angleClick the Edit transparency button, and type a value in the Skew
Rotate the transparency at a specified angleClick the Edit transparency button, and type a value in the Rotate
To apply the transparency only to the fill or the outline of the object, click the Fill button or the Outline button .
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox. To adjust the transparency, use the controls on the property bar or the
interactive vector handles that appear on the object.
You can also drag colors, which are converted to grayscale, from the color palette onto the transparency nodes. Alternatively, if the
Transparency tool is selected, you can drag the colors onto the object’s interactive vector handles .
Applying pattern transparency
There are three types of pattern transparency:
•Vector pattern transparency — a picture composed of lines and fills, instead of dots of color like bitmaps. These vector graphics are
smoother and more complex than bitmap images and are easier to manipulate.
•Bitmap pattern transparency — a color picture composed of patterns of light and dark or differently colored pixels in a rectangular
•Two-color pattern transparency — a simple picture composed of “on” and “off” pixels. The only shades included in the picture are the
two that you assign.
CorelDRAW provides a collection of vector and bitmap patterns that you can access. You can browse the available patterns, search by
keyword, mark patterns as favorites, vote for patterns that you like, or copy patterns from the Content Exchange to your personal library. For
more information, see “Managing fills and transparencies” on page 331.
You can also create your own patterns. For example, you can create patterns from areas of the workspace or images that you import. Vector
and bitmap patterns are made up of smaller units called tiles. Depending on the size of the object, the fill may consist of one or more tiles.
The pattern is created by repeating the tile to fill up the object. You can create a new pattern by selecting an area of the workspace to use as
a tile, or by using an imported image as a tile source.
After you create a pattern transparency, you can save it for future use or share it with other users on the Content Exchange. For more
information, see “Saving and sharing fills and transparencies” on page 334.
Changing the transparency of objects | 323
You can modify pattern transparencies to suit your needs. Bitmap patterns created in Patterns, an iOS application that turns photos into
bitmap patterns, can be opened in CorelDRAW. The bitmap pattern effects available in both Patterns and CorelDRAW let you create seamless
patterns and adjust the pattern parameters, such as the pixel configuration along the edge of the tile and the brightness, luminance, and
color contrast of the pattern.
To apply a vector or bitmap pattern transparency
1Select an object.
Click ObjectObject properties.
3In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click one of the following buttons:
Vector pattern transparency
Bitmap pattern transparency
4Open the Transparency picker, and click a thumbnail.
Click the Apply button in the pop-up window that appears.
To apply the transparency only to the fill or the outline of the object, click the Fill button or the Outline button .
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox and use the controls on the property bar.
To modify a vector or bitmap transparency
1Select an object.
Click ObjectObject properties.
3In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click one of the following buttons:
Vector pattern transparency
Bitmap pattern transparency
Click the Edit transparency button .
5Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Arrange the tiles so that alternating tiles are reflections of each
Click the Mirror tiles horizontally or the Mirror tiles
vertically button.
Create a radial or linear seamless blend
In the Seamless area, click the Radial button , or click the
Linear buttonand move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern transparency.
Smooth the color transition of the pattern tile edges with their
opposite edge
Enable the Edge match check box, and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern transparency.
324 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Increase or decrease the brightness of the patternEnable the Brightness check box, and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern transparency.
Increase or decrease the grayscale contrast of the pattern.Enable the Luminance check box, and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern transparency.
Increase or decrease the color contrast of the patternEnable the Color check box, and move the slider.
This setting applies only to bitmap pattern transparency.
Set the width and height of the transparency as a percentage of
the object’s width and height
Type values in the Transparency width and Transparency height
Move the center of the transparency up, down, left, or rightType values in the X and Y boxes.
Rotate the transparency at a specified angleType a value in the Rotate box.
Slant the transparency at a specified angleType a value in the Skew box.
Specify row or column offset as a percentage of the tile’s height or
Click the Row offset or the Column offset button , and
type a value in the % of tile box.
Apply object changes to the transparencyEnable the Transform with object check box.
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox and use the controls on the property bar.
You can also skew or rotate tiles by clicking the Transparency tool in the toolbox, selecting an object, and dragging the skewing
or rotation handles to change the appearance of the pattern.
To apply a two-color pattern transparency
1Select an object.
Click ObjectObject properties.
In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click the Two-color pattern transparency button .
4Choose a pattern from the Transparency picker.
5Type values in the Foreground transparency and Background transparency boxes.
Changing the transparency of objects | 325
To apply the transparency only to the fill or the outline of the object, click the Fill button or the Outline button .
To modify the pattern, click the Edit transparency button , and specify the settings you want.
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox and use the controls on the property bar.
Applying texture transparency
You can use textures to create transparency effects. You can use existing textures, such as water, minerals, and clouds, or you can edit a
texture to create your own texture transparency.
When you edit a texture, you can modify its parameters, such as softness, density, brightness, and colors. Parameters vary for each texture.
You can also apply other transformations, such as mirror, resize, or offset the texture tiles. After you have edited a texture, you can save it for
future use.
To apply a texture transparency
1Select an object.
Click ObjectObject properties.
In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click the flyout arrow on the Two-color pattern transparency button ,
and click the Texture transparency button to display texture transparency options.
4Choose a collection of textures from the Texture library list.
5Choose a texture from the Transparency picker.
To apply the transparency only to the fill or the outline of the object, click the Fill button or the Outline button .
To modify the texture, click the Edit transparency button , and specify the settings you want.
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox and use the controls on the property bar.
Copying, freezing, and removing transparencies
You can copy a transparency from one object to another. If you want to apply the same transparency to other objects or simultaneously
modify the transparency attributes of multiple objects in a drawing, you can save the transparency settings as a style. For more information
about styles, see “Working with styles and style sets” on page 479.
When you position a transparency over an object, you can freeze it, making the view of the object move with the transparency.
You can also remove the transparency from an object.
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When the transparency is frozen, the view of the object moves with the transparency.
To copy a transparency from another object
In the toolbox, click the Transparency tool .
2Select the object to which you want to copy the transparency.
Click the Copy transparency button on the property bar.
4Click the object from which you want to copy the transparency.
To freeze the contents of a transparency
In the toolbox, click the Transparency tool .
2Select an object to which a transparency has been applied.
Click the Freeze transparency button on the property bar.
The view of the object beneath the transparency moves with it; however, the actual object remains unchanged.
To remove a transparency
1Select an object to which a transparency has been applied.
In the Transparency area of the Object properties docker, click the No transparency button .
Applying merge modes
You can apply a merge mode to a transparency to specify how the color of a transparency is combined with the color of the object behind it.
The following merge modes available for transparencies can also be applied to drop shadows.
Merge modeDescription
NormalApplies the transparency color on top of the base color
AddAdds the values of the transparency color and the base color
Changing the transparency of objects | 327
Merge modeDescription
SubtractAdds the values of the transparency color and the base color
together, and then subtracts 255
DifferenceSubtracts the transparency color from the base color and multiplies
by 255. If the transparency color value is 0, the result will always be
MultiplyMultiplies the base color by the transparency color, and then
divides by 255. This has a darkening effect, unless you are applying
color to white. Multiplying black with any color results in black.
Multiplying white with any color leaves the color unchanged.
DivideDivides the base color by the transparency color, or conversely,
divides the transparency color by the base color, depending on
which color has the higher value
If lighterReplaces any base color pixels that are a darker color with the
transparency color. Base color pixels that are lighter than the
transparency color are not affected.
If darkerReplaces any base color pixels that are a lighter color with the
transparency color. Base color pixels that are darker than the
transparency color are not affected.
TexturizeConverts the transparency color to grayscale, and then multiplies
the grayscale value by the base color
ColorUses the hue and saturation values of the source color and the
lightness value of the base color to create a result. This merge
mode is the opposite of the Lightness merge mode.
HueUses the hue of the transparency color, as well as the saturation
and lightness of the base color. If you are adding color to a
grayscale image, there will be no change because the colors are
SaturationUses the lightness and hue of the base color and the saturation of
the transparency color
LightnessUses the hue and saturation of the base color and the lightness of
the transparency color
InvertUses the transparency color’s complementary color. If a
transparency color value is 127, there will be no change because
the color value falls in the center of the color wheel.
328 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Merge modeDescription
Logical ANDConverts the transparency and base colors to binary values, and
then applies the Boolean algebraic formula AND to these values
Logical ORConverts the transparency and base colors to binary values, and
then applies the Boolean algebraic formula OR to these values
Logical XORConverts the transparency and base colors to binary values, and
then applies the Boolean algebraic formula XOR to these values
BehindApplies the source color to those areas of the image that are
transparent. The effect is similar to looking through the clear, silver-
free areas on a 35-mm negative.
ScreenInverts the source and base color values, multiplies them, and then
inverts the result. The result color is always lighter than the base
OverlayMultiplies or screens the source color according to the value of the
base color
Soft lightApplies a soft, diffused light to the base color
Hard lightApplies a hard, direct spotlight to the base color
Color dodgeSimulates the photographic technique called dodging, which
lightens image areas by decreasing the exposure
Color burnSimulates the photographic technique called burning, which
darkens image areas by increasing the exposure
ExclusionExcludes the transparency color from the base color. This mode is
similar to the Difference mode.
RedApplies the transparency color to the red channel of RGB objects
GreenApplies the transparency color to the green channel of RGB objects
BlueApplies the transparency color to the blue channel of RGB objects
To apply a merge mode to a transparency
1Select an object.
2In the Object properties docker, choose a merge mode from the Merge mode list box in the Transparency area.
Changing the transparency of objects | 329
You can also click the Transparency tool in the toolbox and choose a merge mode from the Merge mode list box on the
property bar.
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Managing and sharing fills and transparencies | 331
Managing and sharing fills and transparencies
When working with vector patterns, bitmap patterns, or fountain fills and transparencies, you can use the Content Exchange to browse,
search, copy, and share fills and transparency patterns.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Managing fills and transparencies” (page 331)
•“Saving and sharing fills and transparencies” (page 334)
Managing fills and transparencies
CorelDRAW lets you browse vector patterns, bitmap patterns, and fountain fills that are available on the Content Exchange or in your
personal library. Any of these fills can also be used as transparency patterns. For more information, see “Changing the transparency of
objects” on page 319.
The Content Exchange contains content provided by Corel or shared by users. To use the Content Exchange, you must sign in to your account. For more information, see “Authenticating CorelDRAW Graphics Suite ” on page 25 and “Using the Content Exchange”
on page 99.
You can browse the available fills and patterns, or search by keyword, mark fills and patterns as favorites, vote for fills and patterns that you
like, or copy content from the Content Exchange to your personal library.
For more information about fills, see “Filling objects” on page 301.
332 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can preview the fill or pattern (1), vote for it, copy it, or access other options (2), and search by keyword (3).
To manage fills and transparencies
1Select an object.
Click Object Object properties.
3In the Object properties docker, click one of the following buttons in the Fill or Transparency section:
Fountain fill
Fountain transparency
Vector pattern fill
Vector pattern transparency
Bitmap pattern fill
Bitmap pattern transparency
4Open the Fill picker or the Transparency picker.
5Perform an action from the following table.
ToDo the following
Search the fills and patterns on the Content Exchange and in your
personal library
In the Fill or Transparency picker, choose a category from the list,
type a keyword in the Search box, and press Enter.
You can also click a thumbnail and then click one of the keywords
associated with it to perform a search based on that keyword.
Sort search resultsOpen the list next to the Search box, and choose one of the
following options:
•Hot — Sorts search results based on the number of downloads,
the number of votes, and the date on which the fill or pattern
was added to the Content Exchange.
•Top — Sorts search results based on the number of positive and
negative votes.
Managing and sharing fills and transparencies | 333
ToDo the following
•Recent — Sorts search results based on the date on which the fill
or pattern was added to the Content Exchange.
•Popular — Sorts search results based on the number of
downloads of the fill or pattern.
Copy a fill or pattern from the Content Exchange to your personal
Click a thumbnail, click the More options button , and click
the Copy to personal button .
Fills and patterns that are copied to your personal library can be
accessed from the Fill picker.
Share a fill or pattern from your personal library to the Content
Click a thumbnail, and click the Share button .
Change the name of a fill or pattern in your personal library, or the
tags associated with it
Click a thumbnail, click the More options button , and click
the Edit properties button .
Delete a fill or pattern from your personal library
Click a thumbnail, click the More options button , and click
the Delete button .
Mark a fill or pattern as a favorite
Click a thumbnail, and click the Favorite button .
To remove a fill or pattern from your favorites, click the Unfavorite
button .
Vote for a fill or pattern
Click a thumbnail, and click the Vote up or the Vote down
button .
Report inappropriate content
Click a thumbnail, click the More options button , and click
the Flag button .
Prevent a fill or pattern from appearing in future searches
Click a thumbnail, click the More options button , and click
the Hide button .
This procedure applies only to vector patterns, bitmap patterns, and fountain fills and transparencies.
You must sign in to your account to access content on the Content Exchange.
Fills and patterns in your personal library are saved in the My Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Fills folder.
334 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Saving and sharing fills and transparencies
After you create or modify a fill or transparency pattern, you can save it and add tags (keywords) in the language of your choice. Fills and
patterns are saved in a special file format with a .fill extension, which preserves information about the transformations applied to the fill or
To save and share a fill or transparency
In the Fill or Transparency section of the Object properties docker, click the Save as new button .
2In the Save pattern dialog box, choose a language from the list box, type a name for the fill or pattern, and type any tags (keywords)
that you want to associate with it.
If you want to share the fill or pattern, enable the Share this content check box, and choose a category from the list.
You must sign in to your account to share content on the Content Exchange.
Fills and patterns in your personal library are saved in the My Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Fills folder.
You can also share a fill or pattern from your personal library to the Content Exchange. For more information, see “To manage fills
and transparencies” on page 332.
Using color management | 335
Using color management
Color management helps ensure colors appear consistent when you work with files from various sources and output these files on different
This section contains the following topics:
•“Understanding color management” (page 335)
•“Getting started with color management in CorelDRAW” (page 339)
•“Installing, loading, and embedding color profiles” (page 342)
•“Assigning color profiles” (page 344)
•“Converting colors to other color profiles” (page 344)
•“Choosing color-conversion settings” (page 345)
•“Soft proofing” (page 345)
•“Working with color management presets” (page 348)
•“Working with color management policies” (page 349)
•“Managing colors when opening documents” (page 350)
•“Managing colors when importing and pasting files” (page 351)
•“Managing colors for print” (page 351)
•“Using a safe CMYK workflow” (page 352)
•“Managing colors for online viewing” (page 352)
Understanding color management
This section provides answers to the following commonly asked questions about color management:
•“Why don’t colors match?” (page 336)
•“What is color management?” (page 336)
•“Why do I need color management?” (page 336)
•“How do I get started with color management?” (page 337)
•“Is my monitor displaying the correct colors?” (page 337)
•“Should I assign a color profile or convert colors to a color profile?” (page 337)
•“What is a rendering intent?” (page 337)
336 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Why don’t colors match?
Different tools are used during the process of creating and sharing a document. For example, you may start with a file that was created in
another application or import an image that was captured by a digital camera or scanner. After completing the document, you may print it
or email it to a colleague for review. Each of the tools that you use in your workflow has a different way of interpreting color. In addition,
each tool has its own range of available colors, called a color space, which is a set of numbers that define how each color is represented.
Example of a document workflow
In other words, when defining and interpreting color, each tool speaks a unique language. Consider a color in the color space of your digital
camera: a vivid blue RGB color with the values Red = 0, Green = 0, and Blue =255. This color may appear as a different color in the color
space of your monitor. In addition, the color space of your printer may not contain a match for this color. As a result, when your document
moves through the workflow, this vivid blue color gets lost in the translation and is not accurately reproduced. A color management system
is designed to improve the communication of color in the workflow so that the color of the output matches your intended color.
Colors are defined by their color space. 1. Lab color space. 2.sRGB color space, displayed against
the Lab color space. 3.U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 color space. 4.ProPhoto RGB color space.
What is color management?
Color management is a process that lets you predict and control color reproduction, regardless of the source or destination of the
document. It ensures a more accurate color representation when a document is viewed, modified, shared, exported to another format, or
A color management system, also known as a color engine, uses color profiles to translate the color values from one source to another. For
example, it translates the colors that are displayed on the monitor into the colors that a printer can reproduce. Color profiles define the color
space of monitors, scanners, digital cameras, printers, and the applications that you use to create or edit documents.
Why do I need color management?
If your document requires accurate color representation, you may want to learn more about color management. The complexity of your
workflow and the ultimate destination of your documents are also important considerations. If your documents are destined only for online
viewing, color management may not be as important. However, if you plan to open documents in another application or if you are creating
documents for print or multiple types of output, then proper color management is essential.
Using color management | 337
Color management lets you do the following:
•reproduce colors consistently across your workflow, especially when opening documents that were created in other applications
•reproduce colors consistently when sharing files with others
•preview (or “soft-proof”) colors before they are sent to their final destination, such as a printing press, a desktop printer, or the web
•reduce the need to adjust and correct documents when sending them to different destinations
A color management system does not offer identical color matching, but it greatly improves color accuracy.
How do I get started with color management?
Here are some suggestions for adding color management to your workflow:
•Make sure that your monitor is displaying the correct colors. For more information, see “Is my monitor displaying the correct colors?” on
page 337.
•Install color profiles for any input or output devices that you are planning to use. For more information, see “Installing, loading, and
embedding color profiles” on page 342.
•Become familiar with the color management features of CorelDRAW. The default settings for color management produce good color
results, but you can change these default settings so that they suit your specific workflow. For more information, see “Getting started
with color management in CorelDRAW” on page 339.
•Soft-proof documents to preview final results on-screen. For more information, see “Soft proofing” on page 345.
•Embed color profiles when saving and exporting files. In this way, you help ensure color consistency when the files are viewed, modified,
or reproduced. For more information, see “Installing, loading, and embedding color profiles” on page 342.
Is my monitor displaying the correct colors?
Calibrating and profiling the monitor are essential steps for ensuring color accuracy. When you calibrate a monitor, you set it to display
colors according to an established standard of accuracy. After calibration, you can create a color profile of the monitor, which describes
how the monitor interprets colors. This custom color profile is usually installed in your operating system by the profiling software, so it can
be shared with other devices and applications. Calibration and profiling work together to achieve color accuracy: If a monitor is incorrectly
calibrated, its color profile is not useful.
Calibration and profiling are complex and usually require third-party calibration devices, such as colorimeters and specialized software.
Furthermore, improper calibration may do more harm than good. You can learn more about monitor calibration and custom color profiles
by researching color management techniques and products. You can also refer to the documentation that was provided with your operating
system or monitor.
How you perceive the color that your monitor displays is also important for managing color consistency. Your perception is influenced by the
environment in which you are viewing the documents. Here are some ways to create a suitable viewing environment:
•Ensure that your room has a consistent flow of light. For example, if the room is filled with sunlight, use a shade, or if possible, work in a
room without windows.
•Set the monitor background to a neutral color, such as gray, or apply a grayscale image. Avoid using colorful wallpapers and
•Don’t wear bright clothing that can clash with the display of colors on the monitor. For example, wearing a white shirt reflects onto the
monitor and alters your perception of color.
Should I assign a color profile or convert colors to a color profile?
When you assign a color profile, the color values, or numbers, in the document do not change. Instead, the application uses the color profile
to interpret the document colors. However, when you convert colors to another color profile, the color values in the document change.
The best practice is to choose a suitable color space when you create a document and to use the same color profile throughout your
workflow. You should avoid assigning color profiles and converting colors to other color profiles while working on a document. For more
information, see “Assigning color profiles ” on page 344 and “Converting colors to other color profiles” on page 344.
What is a rendering intent?
A color management system can perform effective translation of document colors to multiple devices. However, when converting colors
from one color space to another, a color management system may be unable to match certain colors. This translation failure occurs
because some colors in the source may not fit within the range (or gamut) of the destination color space. For example, the bright red
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and blue colors that you see on your monitor are often outside the gamut of colors that your printer can produce. These “out-of-gamut”
colors can dramatically change the look of the document, depending on how they are interpreted by the color management system. Each
color management system has four methods of interpreting out-of-gamut colors and mapping them into the gamut of the destination
color space. These methods are known as “rendering intents.” The choice of a rendering intent depends on the graphical content of the
Many colors in an sRGB document may be out of gamut for the U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2
color space. The out-of-gamut colors are mapped into gamut according to the rendering intent.
The following rendering intents are available:
•The Relative colorimetric rendering intent is suitable for logos or other graphics that contain only a few out-of-gamut colors. It matches
the out-of-gamut source colors with the closest in-gamut colors at the destination. This rendering intent causes the white point to shift.
If you print on white paper, the whiteness of the paper is used to reproduce the white areas of the document. Therefore, this rendering
intent is a good option if your document will be printed.
•The Absolute colorimetric rendering intent is suitable for logos, or other graphics, that require very precise colors. If no match is found
for the source colors, then the closest possible match is used. The Absolute colorimetric and Relative colorimetric rendering intents
are similar, but the Absolute colorimetric rendering intent preserves the white point through the conversion and does not adjust for the
whiteness of the paper. This rendering intent is used mainly for proofing.
Using color management | 339
•The Perceptual rendering intent is suitable for photographs and bitmaps that contain many out-of-gamut colors. The overall color
appearance is preserved by changing all the colors, including the in-gamut colors, to fit within the range of colors at the destination. This
rendering intent maintains the relationships between colors to produce the best results.
•The Saturation rendering intent produces more concentrated solid colors in business graphics, such as charts and graphs. Colors may be
less accurate than those produced by other rendering intents.
The number of out-of-gamut colors (indicated by the green overlay) may influence your choice of a rendering intent.
Left: TheRelative colorimetric rendering intent is suitable for this photo, which contains only a few out-of-gamut colors.
Right: The Perceptual rendering intent is a good choice for this photo, which contains many out-of-gamut colors.
Getting started with color management in CorelDRAW
CorelDRAW has two types of color management settings: default settings for color management and document color settings. The default
settings for color management control the colors of new documents and any documents that do not contain color profiles (also known as
“untagged documents”). Documents that were created in earlier versions of CorelDRAW are treated as untagged. Document color settings
affect only the colors of the active document.
Default settings for color management
The default settings for color management are essential for producing consistent colors.
•Presets — If you are new to color management and create designs for a specific output, you can choose a preset to help you get started
with the right color management settings such as default color profiles and color-conversion settings. Examples are the North America
Prepress preset, which is suitable for projects to be printed by North American print service providers, and the Europe Web preset,
which is suitable for web projects that are created in Europe. For more information about color management presets, see “Working with
color management presets” on page 348.
•Default color profiles — define the RGB, CMYK, and grayscale colors in new and untagged documents. You can change these settings
so that all new documents use the color profiles that you specify. In some applications, default color profiles are called “working space
•Primary color mode — determines the document color palette that is displayed when you open or start a document as well as the
default color mode of a document that is exported as a bitmap. The primary color mode is set for all new and untagged documents, but
you can change this setting for the active document in the Document color settings dialog box. Note that the primary color mode does
not limit colors in a CorelDRAW document to a single color mode.
•Rendering intent — lets you choose a method for mapping out-of-gamut colors in new and untagged documents. If the default
rendering intent is not suitable for the active document, you can change it in the Document color settings dialog box. For information
about choosing the right rendering intent for your projects, see “What is a rendering intent?” on page 337.
•Color conversion settings — control how colors are matched when you are converting colors from one color profile to another.
For example, you can change the color engine or specify options for converting pure black colors in RGB, CMYK, Lab, or Grayscale
documents. For more information, see “Choosing color-conversion settings” on page 345.
•Spot color definition — lets you display spot colors by using their Lab, CMYK, or RGB color values. These alternative color values are also
used when spot colors are converted to process colors.
•Color management policies — manage colors in files that you open, or import or paste in an active document. For more information
about color management policies, see “Working with color management policies” on page 349.
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Default color management settings dialog box
Document color settings
You can view and edit the color settings of the active document, without affecting new and untagged documents. You can see what color
profiles are assigned to the document as well as what are the default color profiles of the application. The color profiles that are assigned to
an active document determine the document color space for RGB, CMYK, and grayscale colors.
You can also assign different color profiles to the active document or convert its colors to specific color profiles. For information about
assigning color profiles, see “Assigning color profiles” on page 344. For information about converting document colors to other color
profiles, see “Converting colors to other color profiles” on page 344.
Using color management | 341
Document color settings dialog box
In addition, you can change the primary color mode and rendering intent for the active document.
Getting help
You can find information about each control available in the Default color settings and Document color settings dialog boxes by pointing
to the control and viewing the description in the Description area.
To access default settings for color management
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
To change the default color profiles
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
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2In the Default color settings area, choose a color profile from the following list boxes:
•RGB — describes RGB colors in new and untagged documents
•CMYK — describes CMYK colors in new and untagged documents
•Grayscale — describes grayscale colors in new and untagged documents
You can also
Change the primary color modeChoose a color mode from the Primary color mode list box.
Changing the primary color mode in the Default color
management settings dialog box does not affect the active
Change the rendering intentChoose a rendering intent from the Rendering intent list box.
To access document color settings
Click ToolsColor managementDocument settings.
To display the color profiles that are used in the active document on the status bar, click the flyout button on the status bar, and
choose Color information.
You can also view the document color settings in the Document properties dialog box by clicking FileDocument properties.
Installing, loading, and embedding color profiles
To ensure color accuracy, a color management system needs ICC-compliant profiles for monitors, input devices, external monitors, output
devices, and documents.
•Monitor color profiles — define the color space that is used by your monitor to display document colors. CorelDRAW uses the primary
monitor profile that is assigned by the operating system. The monitor profile is very important for color accuracy. For more information,
see “Is my monitor displaying the correct colors?” on page 337.
•Input device color profiles — used by input devices such as scanners and digital cameras. These color profiles define which colors can be
captured by specific input devices.
•Display color profiles — include monitor profiles that are not associated with your monitor in the operating system. These color profiles
are especially useful for soft-proofing documents for monitors that are not connected to your computer.
•Output device color profiles — define the color space of output devices such as desktop printers and printing presses. The color
management system uses these profiles to map accurately document colors to the colors of the output device.
•Document color profiles — define the RGB, CMYK, and grayscale colors of a document. Documents that contain color profiles are known
as “tagged.”
Finding color profiles
Many color profiles are installed with your application or can be generated with profiling software. Manufacturers of monitors, scanners,
digital cameras, and printers also provide color profiles. In addition, you can access color profiles from websites such as:
• — This website of the International Color Consortium (ICC) can help you find commonly used
standard color profiles.
• — This website of the European Color Initiative (ECI) provides standard ISO profiles as
well as profiles that are specific to Europe
• — This website provides ICC profiles for many different types of LCD (Liquid Crystal
Display) monitors to help you display consistent colors. However, if color accuracy is essential for your workflow, you should calibrate
Using color management | 343
and profile your monitor instead of relying on readily available monitor profiles. For more information, see “Is my monitor displaying the
correct colors?” on page 337.
Installing and loading color profiles
If you don’t have the necessary color profile, you can install it, or you can load it within the application. Installing a color profile adds it to
the Color folder of the operating system; loading a color profile adds it to the Color folder of the application. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite can
access color profiles from both Color folders.
Embedding color profiles
When you save or export a document to a file format that supports color profiles, the color profiles are embedded in the file by default.
Embedding a color profile attaches the color profile to the document to ensure that the same colors you used are shared with anyone who
views or prints the document.
To install a color profile
•In Windows Explorer, right-click a color profile, and click Install profile.
To load a color profile
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
2In the Default color setting area,choose Load color profiles from the RGB, CMYK, or Grayscale list boxes.
3In the Open dialog box, navigate to the color profile.
After you load a color profile, you can also access it from the Color proof settings docker, Print dialog box, and Document color
setting dialog box.
Note that you can load a color profile of any color mode from any list box: RGB, CMYK, or Grayscale. However, after you load the
profile, you can access it only from the list box of the respective color mode. For example, you can load an RGB color profile from the
CMYK list box, but you can access the profile only from the RGB list box.
You can also load a color profile from the Document color settings dialog box.
To embed a color profile
1Click File, and then click one of the following commands:
•Save as
Export for Web
2In the dialog box that appears, enable the Embed color profiles check box.
When you save or export a file to the CorelDRAW (CDR) or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file format, you can embed up to
three color profiles.
Embedding a color profile increases the file size of a document. To avoid increasing the file size unnecessarily, CorelDRAW embeds
only color profiles for colors that are used in the document. For example, if your document contains only RGB objects, only the RGB
color profile will be embedded.
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Assigning color profiles
When you open or import a document that is missing a color profile, by default the application automatically assigns a color profile to the
document. If the document has a color profile that is not suitable for the required destination, you can assign a different color profile to the
document. For example, if the document is intended to be displayed on the web or to be printed on a desktop printer, you should make sure
that sRGB is the document RGB profile. If the document is destined for print production, the Adobe RGB (1998) profile is a better choice,
because it has a larger gamut and produces good results when RGB colors are converted to a CMYK color space.
When you assign a different color profile to a document, the colors may appear different, although the color values do not change.
Left: The SWOP 2006_Coated3v2.icc color profile is assigned to the active document. Right:When the Japan
Color 2002 Newspaper color profile is assigned to the document, the colors appear much less saturated.
To assign color profiles to a document
Click ToolsColor managementDocument settings.
2In the Edit document color settings area, enable the Assign different color profiles option.
3Choose color profiles from the RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale list boxes.
Converting colors to other color profiles
When you convert document colors from one color profile to another, the color values in the document are changed according to the
rendering intent, but the appearance of colors is preserved. The main purpose of converting colors is to match the appearance of colors in
the source color space as closely as possible to colors in the destination color space.
Because multiple color conversions deteriorate accuracy, it is recommended that you convert colors only once. Wait until the document is
ready and you are sure of the color profile that will be used for the final output. For example, if you designed a document in the Adobe RGB
(1998) color space, and the document will be posted on the web, you can convert document colors to the sRGB color space.
You can choose the color management engine that is used for converting colors. For more information, see “Choosing color-conversion
settings” on page 345.
To convert colors to other color profiles
Click ToolsColor managementDocument settings.
2In the Edit document color settings area, enable the Convert document colors to new color profiles option.
3Choose a color profile from the RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale list box.
4Choose a suitable rendering intent from the Rendering intent list box. For information about the available rendering intents, see “What
is a rendering intent?” on page 337.
Using color management | 345
Choosing color-conversion settings
When you choose color profiles, colors are matched between devices as closely as possible by the color management module (CMM) of the
Microsoft Image Color Management (ICM), which is the default CMM. Color management modules are also known as “color engines.”
You can also use the Adobe CMM if it is installed on your computer.
Handling pure black and grayscale colors
You can preserve pure black color in the destination color space during color conversion. For example, if you are converting an RGB
document to a CMYK color space, pure RGB black (R=0, G=0, B=0) can be mapped to pure black CMYK colors (K=100). This option is
recommended for grayscale documents or documents that contain mostly text. Note that preserving pure black during color conversion may
create solid edges of black in effects and gradient fills that contain black.
By default, grayscale colors are converted to the CMYK black (K) channel. This process ensures that all grayscale colors print as shades of
black, and no cyan, magenta, and yellow inks are wasted during printing.
To choose color-conversion settings
Click ToolsColor management Default settings.
2In the Color conversion settings area, choose a color engine from the Color engine list box.
You can alsoDo the following
Keep pure black in the source color space as pure black in the
destination color space
Enable the Preserve pure black check box.
Map grayscale colors to CMYK black during conversionEnable the Map gray to CMYK black check box.
Soft proofing
Soft proofing provides an on-screen preview of a document as it will appear when it is reproduced by a specific printer or displayed on a
specific monitor. Unlike the “hard-proofing” technique that is used in a traditional printing workflow, soft proofing lets you look at the final
result without committing ink to paper. You can verify whether the color profile of the document is suitable for a specific printer or monitor
and avoid unwanted results.
Top left: An RGB color profile is assigned to the document. Middle and right: Assigning
a specific CMYK profile allows an on-screen simulation of the printed output.
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To simulate the output colors that are produced by a device, you need to choose the color profile of the device. Because the color spaces of
the document and device are different, some document colors may not have matches in the gamut of the device color space. You can enable
the gamut warning, which lets you preview the on-screen colors that cannot be reproduced accurately by the device. When the gamut
warning is enabled, an overlay highlights all the out-of-gamut colors for the device that you are simulating. You can change the color of the
out-of-gamut overlay, and you can also make it more transparent to see the underlying colors.
The gamut warning highlights colors that a printer or monitor cannot reproduce accurately.
You can change how out-of-gamut colors are brought into the gamut of the proof profile by changing the rendering intent. For more
information, see “What is a rendering intent?” on page 337.
You can preserve the RGB, CMYK, or grayscale color values of the document when soft-proofing. For example, if you are soft-proofing a
document to be printed to a printing press, you can keep the original document CMYK color values in the soft proof. In this case, all colors
will be updated on-screen, but only the RGB and grayscale color values of the document will be changed in the soft proof. Preserving the
CMYK color values can help you prevent unwanted color conversions in the final output.
If you often need to soft-proof documents for a specific output, you can create and save custom proof presets. You can delete the presets
that you no longer need at any time.
You can save soft proofs by exporting them to the JPEG, TIFF, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), or Corel PHOTO-PAINT (CPT) file
format. You can also print proofs.
By default, soft proofing is disabled when you start a new document or when you open a document. However, you can make sure that soft
proofing is turned on by default at all times.
To turn soft proofing on or off
Click ViewProof colors.
When you turn soft proofing on, colors in the document window, color palettes, and preview windows of dialog boxes appear
Simulating printer output may cause on-screen colors to appear dull because all colors are brought into a CMYK color space, which
has a smaller gamut than an RGB color space.
You can also enable or disable soft proofing by clicking the Proof colors button on the status bar.
Using color management | 347
To specify soft-proof settings
Click Window DockersColor proof settings.
2Perform any of the following tasks.
ToDo the following
Simulate the output of a specific deviceFrom the Simulate environment list box, choose the color profile
of the device.
Keep specific color values unchangedEnable the Preserve numbers check box.
Depending on the color profile in the Simulate environment box,
the check box lets you preserve CMYK, RGB, or grayscale color
Change the rendering intentChoose a rendering intent from the Rendering intent list box.
Enable the gamut warningIn the Gamut warning area, enable the Out-of-gamut colors
check box.
Change the color of the out-of-gamut overlayIn the Gamut warning area, choose a color from the color picker.
Change the transparency of the out-of-gamut overlayIn the Gamut warning area, type a value in the Transparency box.
The value should be between 1 and 100.
Save a custom proof preset
Choose the settings that you want, click the Save button , and
then type a name in the Save preset as box.
Out-of-gamut settings are not included in the proof preset.
Choose a proof presetFrom the Proof preset list box, choose a preset.
Delete a proof preset
Click the Delete button .
The accuracy of the simulation depends on factors such as the quality of your monitor, the color profile of the monitor and the
output device, and the ambient lighting in your work area.
To export a soft proof
Click Window DockersColor proof settings.
2In the Color proof settings docker, click the Export soft proof button.
3Type a filename in the File name box.
4From the Save as type list box, choose one of the following options:
•JPG - JPEG Bitmaps
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•PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format
•TIF - TIFF Bitmap
•CPT - Corel PHOTO-PAINT image
5Choose any settings in the dialog box that appears.
To print a proof
Click Window DockersColor proof settings.
2In the Color proof settings docker, click the Print proof button.
To turn soft proofing on by default
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Display.
3Enable the Proof colors by default check box.
Working with color management presets
The application provides color management presets, which are default color settings that are applied to new and untagged documents. You
can choose a color management preset that is suitable for the geographic region where a document is created or for the location of its final
You can also create your own presets, which allows you to retain your selections in the Default color management settings dialog box and
reuse them in other documents. If you no longer need a preset, you can delete it.
To choose a color management preset for new documents
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
2Choose one of the following color management presets from the Presets list box:
•North America General Purpose — suitable for designs that will be used in multiple types of output in North America
•Europe General Purpose — suitable for designs that will be used in multiple types of output in Europe
•Europe Prepress — suitable for designs that will be printed by print service providers in Europe
•Europe Web — suitable for web designs that are created in Europe
•Japan General Purpose — suitable for designs that will be used in multiple types of output in Japan
•Japan Prepress — suitable for designs that will be printed by print service providers in Japan
•Japan Web — suitable for web designs that are created in Japan
•MinimalColor Management — preserves the original RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale color values when opening, importing, or pasting
•North America Prepress — suitable for designs that will be printed by print service providers in North America
•North America Web — suitable for web designs that are created in North America
•Simulate Color Management Off — produces the color-conversion results of the Color Management Off preset that is available in
earlier versions of CorelDRAW
•Simulate CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 — displays colors as they appear in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4
To add a color management preset
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
2Change any default color settings.
Click the Save button next to the Presets list box.
4In the Save color management style dialog box, type a name in the Save style as box.
Using color management | 349
To delete a color management preset
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
2Choose a preset from the Presets list box.
Click the Delete button .
Working with color management policies
Color management policies determine how colors are managed in documents that you open and work with in an application. In
CorelDRAW, you can set one color-management policy for opening documents and another for importing and pasting files and objects in
the active document.
The color management policy for opening files determines what RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale color profiles are used in each file you want to
open. By default, the application uses the color profiles embedded in the file. You can also choose to assign the default color profiles to the
file or convert colors in the file to the default color profiles.
By default, the color management policy for importing and pasting files converts the RGB and Grayscale colors of the files to the document
color profiles, and assigns the document CMYK color profile to files in the CMYK mode. You can also choose to assign the document color
profiles to the file, or convert the colors of the active document to the color profiles that are embedded in the file.
The files that you are opening or importing may be missing color profiles, or may contain color profiles that do not match the default color
profiles. By default, the application does not warn you about missing or mismatched color profiles but makes color management choices
that produce good results. However, you can activate warning messages if you want to have full control over the colors in your documents.
To set a color management policy for opening documents
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
2In the Open section of the Color management policies area, choose one of the following options from the RGB list box:
•Use embedded color profile — preserves the RGB color profile that is embedded in the file. This option is recommended, because it
preserves the original RGB color appearance and RGB color values of the document.
•Assign default color profile — uses the default RGB color profile to define document colors. RGB color values are preserved, but the
appearance of RGB colors may change.
•Convert to default color profile — converts colors to the default RGB color profile. The appearance of RGB colors in documents is
preserved, but the color values may change.
3From the CMYK list box in the Open area, choose an option for managing CMYK colors in documents. The options are the same as the
options that are available for RGB colors.
4From the Grayscale list box in the Open area, choose an option for managing the grayscale colors in documents. The options are the
same as the options that are available for RGB colors.
To set a color management policy for importing and pasting files
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
2In the Import and paste section of the Color management policies area, choose one of the following options from the RGB list box:
•Convert to document color profile — converts the RGB colors of the imported or pasted file to the RGB color profile of the active
document. This option is used when the imported file contains a color profile that does not match the color profile of the document.
•Assign document color profile — assigns the RGB color profile of the document to the imported or pasted file. The RGB color values
of the file are preserved but the color appearance may change.
•Use embedded color profile — uses the RGB color profile that is embedded in the file, preserving the RGB color values and
appearance of the imported or pasted file. This option converts document colors to the color profile that is embedded in the imported
or pasted file.
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3From the CMYK list box in the Import and paste area, choose an option for managing CMYK colors in imported and pasted files. The
options are the same as the options that are available for RGB colors.
4From the Grayscale list box in the Import and paste area, choose an option for managing the grayscale colors in imported and pasted
files. The options are the same as the options that are available for RGB colors.
To activate warning messages for missing and mismatched color profiles
Click ToolsColor managementDefault settings.
2In the Color management policies area, enable any of the following check boxes in the Open and Import and paste areas:
•Warn on color profile mismatch
•Warn on missing color profile
Managing colors when opening documents
The default color management policy for opening documents preserves colors in all tagged documents that you open and assigns the
default color profiles to untagged documents.
If a document that you open is missing a color profile or contains color profiles that do not match the default color profiles of the
application, CorelDRAW makes color-management choices based on the color management policy. If you are comfortable with color
management, you can view warnings about missing and mismatched color profiles and choose different color management options. For
more information about how to activate warnings, see “To activate warning messages for missing and mismatched color profiles” on page
Opening documents with missing color profiles
The document you are opening may support one or multiple color modes and therefore be missing one or more color profiles. For example,
a CorelDRAW (CDR) or PDF document may contain three types of objects: RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale, so up to three color profiles may be
missing from such a document.
The following options are available when you are opening a document with a missing color profile and have activated warnings for missing
color profiles.
•Assign color profile — lets you assign a color profile to the document. This option preserves color values, but may change the
appearance of colors. For example, if the RGB color profile is missing from the document, the default RGB color profile of the application
is assigned by default. The RGB color values are preserved but the RGB colors may not appear as originally designed. You can also choose
to assign a color profile that is different from the default color profile of the application. This option is recommended only if you know
the original color space of the document and have the associated color profile installed.
•Convert to default color profile — Used in conjunction with the Assign color profile control, this option converts colors from the
assigned color profile to the default color profile. Colors will appear as they would in the assigned color space, but the color values may
Opening documents with mismatched color profiles
When a document contains a color profile that does not match the default color profile, you can choose one of the following options:
•Use embedded color profile — This option ensures that the color values are preserved and colors are displayed as originally intended.
•Ignore embedded color profile, and use default color profile — Assigning the default color profile will preserve the color values but
may change the appearance of colors.
•Convert from embedded color profile to default color profile — This option converts colors from the embedded color profile to the
default color profile. The appearance of colors will be preserved, but the color values may change. This option is recommended if you
have already set color management options suitable for your workflow. For example, you may be creating graphics for the web, and you
may have chosen sRGB as the application default color space. Enabling this option ensures that the document uses the sRGB color space,
and document colors are consistent and suitable for the web.
Using color management | 351
Opening documents with missing and mismatched color profiles
Documents that support multiple color modes can be missing color profiles and contain mismatched color profiles at the same time. For
example, a document that contains RGB, Grayscale, and CMYK objects may be missing an RGB profile and may have a mismatched CMYK
color profile. In such cases, you are presented with warning dialog boxes that include options for missing and mismatched color profiles.
Managing colors when importing and pasting files
The default color policy for importing and pasting files converts the colors of imported and pasted files to the color profile of the active
document. If the color profile of the imported or pasted file matches the color profile of the active document, no color conversion is
performed. For more information about color management policies, see “Working with color management policies” on page 349.
However, you can choose to view warnings about missing and mismatched profiles and set other color management options. For more
information about how to view warnings, see “To activate warning messages for missing and mismatched color profiles” on page 350.
Importing and pasting files with missing color profiles
If color profiles are missing from a file, you can choose to assign specific color profiles to the file, and then convert its colors to the
document color profiles. The color values of the file will change.
Importing and pasting files with mismatched color profiles
If a file contains color profiles that do not match the document color profile, the following options are available:
•Ignore embedded color profile, and assign the document color profile — Color values are preserved, but the appearance of colors
may change.
•Convert from embedded color profile to the document color profile (default option) — The color of the imported file are converted
from the embedded color space to the document color space. The appearance of colors is preserved, but the color values may change.
•Convert document colors to embedded color profile — Document colors are converted to the color profile embedded in the imported
file. The appearance and color values of the imported or pasted file are preserved.
Importing and pasting files with missing and mismatched color profiles
Some files can be missing color profiles and contain mismatched color profiles at the same time. In such cases, you are presented with
dialog boxes that include options for missing and mismatched color profiles.
Managing colors for print
By default, CorelDRAW does not perform color conversions when a document is sent to the printer. The printer receives the color values and
interprets the colors. However, if there is a color profile associated with the printer in the operating system, CorelDRAW detects the color
profile and uses it to convert document colors to the color space of the printer.
If you have a PostScript printer, you can let CorelDRAW or the PostScript printer perform any necessary color conversion. When CorelDRAW
manages the color conversion, document colors are converted from the assigned color space to the color space of the PostScript printer.
Note that you must disable color management in the printer driver. Otherwise, both application and printer manage colors during printing,
and document colors are corrected twice, which causes unwanted color shifts.
When the PostScript printer converts document colors, the color management feature must be enabled in the printer driver. Only PostScript
printers and RIP engines that support printer color conversions can be used in this advanced method. Although it increases the file size, this
method has the advantage of ensuring consistent colors when you send the same print job to different print service providers.
For more information about reproducing colors for print, see “Printing colors accurately” on page 600.
You can also manage colors in PDF files that you create for commercial printing. For more information, see “Specifying color management
options for exporting PDF files” on page 660.
352 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Using a safe CMYK workflow
Often, you may use specific CMYK color values in your projects. To ensure reliable color reproduction, you may obtain these CMYK color
values from a color swatch book. By preserving these CMYK color values throughout the printing process, you can help prevent unwanted
color conversions and ensure that colors are reproduced as they appeared in the original design. A workflow that preserves the CMYK color
values is known as a “safe” CMYK workflow.
CorelDRAW supports a safe CMYK workflow. By default, CMYK color values are preserved in any document that you open, import, or paste.
Also, CMYK color values are preserved by default when you print documents.
In some cases, you may want to bypass the safe CMYK workflow and preserve the appearance of CMYK colors when you open, import, or
paste documents. This option is useful when you want to see the original colors of a design on-screen, or view a copy that is printed to a
desktop printer. To preserve the appearance of CMYK colors, you can set color management policies that convert CMYK colors in documents
that you open, import, or paste. In addition, when printing to a PostScript printer, you can convert CMYK colors to the printer color profile
by disabling the Preserve CMYK numbers check box on the Color page of the Print dialog box.
Managing colors for online viewing
Managing colors for online viewing can be even more complex than managing colors for print. Documents and images on the web are
displayed on a great variety of monitors, which are often uncalibrated. In addition, most web browsers do not support color management
and ignore the color profiles that are embedded in files.
When you design documents for exclusive web use, it is recommended that you use the sRGB color profile as your document RGB color
profile and choose RGB colors. If a document contains a different color profile, you should convert document colors to sRGB before saving
the document for use on the web.
When you create a PDF file for online viewing, you can embed color profiles in the file to reproduce colors consistently in Adobe Reader and
Adobe Acrobat. For more information, see “To specify color management options for exporting PDF files” on page 660.
When you start a new document that is destined for online viewing, you can choose a preset that can help you achieve good color results.
For more information, see “To start a drawing” on page 56. In addition, CorelDRAW offers color management presets for web documents.
For information about how to choose a color management preset, see “To choose a color management preset for new documents” on page
Special effects | 353
Special effects
Using lenses with objects....................................................................................................................................................................355
Adding 3D effects to objects...............................................................................................................................................................359
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Using lenses with objects | 355
Using lenses with objects
Lenses contain creative effects that let you change the appearance of an object without actually changing the object.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Applying lenses” (page 355)
•“Editing lenses” (page 357)
Applying lenses
Lenses change how the object area beneath the lens appears, not the actual properties and attributes of the objects. You can apply lenses
to any vector object, such as a rectangle, ellipse, closed path, or polygon. You can also change the appearance of artistic text and bitmaps.
When you apply a lens over a vector object, the lens itself becomes a vector image. Likewise, if the lens is placed over a bitmap, the lens also
becomes a bitmap.
After you apply a lens, you can copy it and use it with another object.
The lens types applied to the original (far left): (left to right) Heat map, Magnify, and Custom color map
The following are the types of lenses that you can apply to objects.
356 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
BrightenLets you brighten and darken object areas and set the rate of the
brightness and darkness
Color addLets you simulate an additive light model. The colors of the objects
beneath the lens are added to the color of the lens as if you were
mixing colors of light. You can choose the color and the amount of
color you want to add.
Color limitLets you view an object area with only black and the lens color
showing through. For example, if you place a green color limit lens
over a bitmap, all colors except green and black are filtered out in
the lens area.
Custom color mapLets you change all the colors of the object area beneath the lens
to a color ranging between two colors you specify. You can choose
the range’s start and end colors and the progression between the
two colors. The progression can follow a direct, forward, or reverse
route through the color spectrum.
Fish eyeLets you distort, magnify, or shrink the objects beneath the lens,
according to the percentage value you specify
Heat mapLets you create the effect of an infrared image by mimicking the
heat levels of colors in object areas beneath the lens
InvertLets you change the colors beneath the lens to their
complementary CMYK colors. Complementary colors are colors that
are opposite each other on the color wheel.
MagnifyLets you magnify an area on an object by an amount that you
specify. The magnify lens overrides the original object’s fill, making
the object look transparent.
Tinted grayscaleLets you change the colors of object areas beneath the lens to
their grayscale equivalents. Tinted grayscale lenses are particularly
effective for creating sepia-tone effects.
TransparencyLets you make an object look like a piece of tinted film or colored
WireframeLets you display the object area beneath the lens with the outline or
fill color of your choice. For example, if you set red for the outline
and blue for the fill, all areas beneath the lens appear to have red
outlines and blue fills.
Using lenses with objects | 357
To apply a lens
1Select an object.
Click EffectsLens.
3Choose a lens type from the list box in the Lens docker.
4Specify the settings you want.
You cannot apply the lens effect directly to linked groups such as contoured objects, beveled objects, extruded objects, drop
shadows, paragraph text, or objects created with the Artistic media tool .
You can preview the different types of lenses in real time without auto-applying them to a drawing by clicking the Lock button and
then choosing a lens and settings to preview. When you find the lens you want to use, click Apply, or click the Lock button again to
resume auto-applying the lenses while previewing them.
To copy a lens
1Select the object to which you want to copy the lens.
Click EffectsCopy effectLens from.
3Click the object from which you want to copy the lens.
Editing lenses
You can edit a lens to change how it affects the area beneath it. For example, you can change the viewpoint of a lens, indicated by an X in
the drawing window, to display any part of a drawing. The viewpoint represents the center point of what is being viewed through the lens.
You can position the lens anywhere in the drawing window, but it always shows the area around its viewpoint marker. For example, you can
use the viewpoint marker on the Magnify lens to enlarge part of a map.
You can also display a lens only where it overlaps other objects or the background. As a result, the lens effect is not seen where the lens
covers blank space (white space) in the drawing window.
Freezing the current view of a lens lets you move the lens without changing what’s displayed through it. In addition, changes you make to
the areas beneath the lens have no effect on the view.
To edit a lens
1Select an object.
Click EffectsLens.
3Enable the Viewpoint check box on the Lens docker.
If you want to display a lens only where it covers other objects, enable the Remove face check box.
4Click Edit to display the viewpoint marker.
5Drag the viewpoint marker in the drawing window to a new location.
6Click End.
If you want to freeze the current view of a lens, enable the Frozen check box.
7Click Apply.
358 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The Remove face check box is not available for the Fish Eye and Magnify lenses.
Adding 3D effects to objects | 359
Adding 3D effects to objects
You can create the illusion of three-dimensional (3D) depth in objects by adding contour, perspective, extrusion, bevel, or drop shadow
This section contains the following topics:
•“Contouring objects” (page 359)
•“Applying perspective to objects” (page 362)
•“Creating extrusions” (page 363)
•“Creating bevel effects” (page 367)
•“Creating drop shadows” (page 369)
•“Blending objects” (page 372)
Contouring objects
You can contour an object to create a series of concentric lines that progress to the inside or outside of the object. CorelDRAW also lets you
set the number and distance of the contour lines.
In addition to creating interesting 3D effects, you can use contours to create cuttable outlines for output to devices such as plotters,
engraving machines, and vinyl cutters.
After contouring an object, you can copy or clone its contour settings to another object. You can also change the colors of the fill between
the contour lines and the contour outlines themselves. You can set a color progression in the contour effect, where one color blends into
another. The color progression can follow a straight, clockwise, or counterclockwise path through the color range of your choice.
You can also choose how contour corners appear. For example, you can use pointed or rounded corners, or you can bevel (square off) sharp
contour corners.
You can separate an object from its contour lines.
360 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
A center contour has been applied to the above object. The number of
contour lines, as well as the distance between lines, can be changed.
An outside contour has been applied to the above object. Note that
an outside contour projects from the outside edge of the object.
To contour an object
In the toolbox, click the Contour tool .
2Click an object or a set of grouped objects, and drag the start handle toward the center to create an inside contour or away from the
center to create an outside contour.
3Move the object slider to change the number of contour steps.
You can also
Add contour lines to the center of the selected object
Click the To center button .
Specify the number of contour lines
Click the Inside contour or Outside contour button on
the property bar, and type a value in the Contour steps box on the
property bar.
Specify the distance between contour linesType a value in the Contour offset box on the property bar.
Adding 3D effects to objects | 361
You can also
Accelerate contour line progression
Click the Object and color acceleration button on the
property bar, and move the object slider.
Use pointed contour corners
Click the Mitered corners button .
Use rounded contour corners
Click the Round corners button .
The effect of this control is more obvious with outside contours.
Use beveled contour corners
Click the Bevel corners button .
You can create contours by clicking EffectsContour and specifying the settings you want in the Contour docker.
To copy or clone a contour
1Select the object to which you want to apply the contour effect.
2Click Effects, and click one of the following:
Copy effectContour from
Clone effectContour from
3Click the object whose contour effect you want to copy or clone.
You can also use the Attributes eyedropper tool to copy a contour. For more information, see “To copy effects from one object
to another” on page 219.
To set the fill color for a contour object
In the toolbox, click the Contour tool .
2Select a contour object.
3Open the Fill color picker on the property bar, and click a color.
If you cannot apply the fill color, make sure that the Fill color option is enabled on the status bar.
If the original object has a fountain fill, a second color picker appears.
You can accelerate the fill color progression by clicking the Object and color acceleration button on the property bar.
You can change the contour center’s color by dragging a color from the color palette to the end fill handle.
To specify an outline color for the contour object
In the toolbox, click the Contour tool .
362 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
2Select a contour object.
3Open the Outline color picker on the property bar, and click a color.
To set the fill progression
In the toolbox, click the Contour tool .
2Select a contour object.
3Click the Contour colors button on the property bar, and then click any of the following buttons:
Linear contour colors
Clockwise contour colors
Counterclockwise contour colors
To separate an object from its contour lines
Using the Pick tool , select a contoured object.
Click ObjectBreak contour group apart.
Applying perspective to objects
You can create a perspective effect by shortening one or two sides of an object. This effect gives an object the appearance of receding in one
or two directions, thereby creating a one-point perspective or a two-point perspective.
Perspective effects can be added to objects or grouped objects. You can also add a perspective effect to linked groups, such as contours,
blends, and extrusions. You can’t add perspective effects to paragraph text, bitmaps, or symbols.
The original graphic (left) with one-point (middle) and two-point (right) perspectives applied to it.
After you apply a perspective effect, you can copy it to other objects in a drawing, adjust it, or remove it from the object.
To apply a perspective
Apply a two-point perspective
Click Effects Add perspective. Drag the nodes on the outside of
the grid to apply the effect you want.
Adding 3D effects to objects | 363
To copy an object’s perspective effect
1Select an object to which you want to apply a perspective effect.
Click EffectsCopy effectPerspective from.
3Select an object whose perspective effect you want to copy.
You can also use the Attributes eyedropper tool to copy a perspective effect. For more information, see “To copy effects from
one object to another” on page 219.
To adjust the perspective
In the toolbox, click the Shape tool
2Select an object that has a perspective effect.
3Drag a node to a new position.
You can also adjust the perspective by dragging one or both of the vanishing points.
To remove a perspective effect from an object
1Select an object that has a perspective effect.
Click EffectsClear perspective.
Creating extrusions
You can make objects appear three-dimensional by creating extrusions. You can create extrusions by projecting points from an object and
joining them to create an illusion of three dimensions. CorelDRAW also lets you apply a vector extrusion to an object in a group.
After you create an extrusion, you can copy or clone its attributes to a selected object. Cloning and copying transfer the extrusion attributes
of an extruded object to another. However, the cloned extrusion settings cannot be edited independently from the master.
You can change an extruded form by rotating it and rounding its corners.
CorelDRAW also lets you remove a vector extrusion.
Another way in which you can give an object a three-dimensional appearance is by applying a beveled edge to an extrusion. A bevel creates
the illusion that an object’s extruded edges are cut on an angle. You can specify the angle and depth values of the bevel to control the
You can create a bevel effect without extruding an object. For more information, see “Creating bevel effects” on page 367.
Extruded fills
You can apply fills to an entire extrusion or only to the extruded surfaces. You can cover each surface individually with the fill, or you can
drape the fill so that it blankets the entire object with no breaks to the pattern or texture.
364 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Left to right: a simple shape, the shape with an extruded fill of solid
color, the shape with an extruded gradient fill and a rotation applied.
You can enhance extrusions by applying light sources. You can add up to three light sources to project toward the extruded object with
varying intensity. When you no longer need light sources, you can remove them.
Vanishing points
You can create a vector extrusion in which the lines of the extrusion converge at a vanishing point. The vanishing point of a vector extrusion
can be copied to another object so that both objects appear to recede toward the same point.
You can also give extrusions different vanishing points.
Extrusions with different vanishing points
To create an extrusion
Select an object using the Pick tool .
In the toolbox, click the Extrude tool .
3Choose a preset from the Presets list box on the property bar.
4Choose an extrusion type from the Extrusion type list box on the property bar.
If you want to reset the extrusion, press Esc before releasing the mouse button.
You can also create an extrusion by using the Extrude docker (EffectsExtrude).
Adding 3D effects to objects | 365
To copy or clone an extrusion
1Select the object you want to extrude.
2Click Effects and click one of the following:
Copy effectExtrude from
Clone effectExtrude from
3Click an object whose extrusion properties you want to copy.
You can also use the Attributes eyedropper tool to copy an extrusion. For more information, see “To copy effects from one
object to another” on page 219.
To change the form of a vector extrusion
ToDo the following
Rotate an extrusion
Select an extruded object. Click the Extrude rotation button
on the property bar. Drag the extrusion in the direction you want.
Change the direction of an extrusion
Using the Extrude tool , click an extrusion. Click the vanishing
point, and drag in the direction you want.
Change the depth of an extrusion
Using the Extrude tool , click an extrusion. Drag the slider
between the interactive vector handles.
Round the corners of an extruded rectangle or square
In the toolbox, click the Shape tool . Drag a corner node along
the outline of the rectangle or square.
To remove a vector extrusion
1Select an extruded object.
Click EffectsClear extrusion.
You can also remove a vector extrusion by clicking the Clear extrusion button on the property bar.
To apply a fill to an extrusion
Select an extruded object with the Extrude tool .
2Click the Extrusion color button on the property bar.
3Click one of the following buttons:
Use object fill — applies the object’s fill to the extrusion
366 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Use solid color — applies a solid color to the extrusion
Use color shading — applies a gradient fill to the extrusion
You can apply an unbroken pattern or texture fill to an object by enabling the Drape fills check box before you click the Use object
fill button.
To apply beveled edges to an extrusion
In the toolbox, click the Extrude tool .
2Select an extruded object.
Click the Extrusion bevels button on the property bar.
4Enable the Use bevel check box.
5Type a value in the Bevel depth box.
6Type a value in the Bevel angle box.
You can also set the bevel depth and angle by using the Bevel interactive display box below the Use bevel check box.
You can show only the bevel and hide the extrusion by enabling the Show bevel only check box.
To add light to an extrusion
1Select an extruded object.
Click the Extrusion lighting button on the property bar.
Click any of the three Light buttons .
The lights appear as numbered circles in the preview window.
4Drag the numbered circles in the Light intensity preview window to position the lights.
If you want to create more realistic shading, enable the Use full color range check box.
You can also
Adjust the intensity of a light sourceSelect a light in the Light intensity preview window, and move the
Intensity slider.
Remove a light sourceClick an active Light button.
To change the vanishing point of an extrusion
ToDo the following
Lock a vanishing pointDouble-click an extruded object. Choose VP locked to object or VP
locked to page from the Vanishing point properties list box on
the property bar.
Adding 3D effects to objects | 367
ToDo the following
Copy a vanishing pointDouble-click an extruded object whose vanishing point you want
to change. From the Vanishing point properties list box on the
property bar, choose Copy VP from. Select the extruded object that
has the vanishing point you want to copy.
Set one vanishing point for two extrusionsDouble-click an extruded object. Choose Shared vanishing point
from the Vanishing point properties list box on the property bar.
Select the extruded object that has the vanishing point you want to
Creating bevel effects
A bevel effect adds 3D depth to a graphic or text object by making its edges appear sloped (cut at an angle). Bevel effects can contain both
spot and process (CMYK) colors, so they are ideal for printing.
You can remove a bevel effect at any time.
Bevel effects can be applied only to vector objects and artistic text, not to bitmaps.
Bevel styles
You can choose from the following bevel styles:
•Soft edge — creates beveled surfaces that appear shaded in some areas
•Emboss — makes an object appear as a relief
Left to right: Logo without a bevel effect, with a Soft Edge bevel effect, and with an Emboss bevel effect
Beveled surfaces
You can control the intensity of the bevel effect by specifying the width of the beveled surface.
Light and color
An object with a bevel effect appears lit by white ambient (surrounding) light and a spotlight. The ambient light is of low intensity and
cannot be changed. The spotlight is also white by default, but you can change its color, intensity, and location. Changing the spotlight color
affects the color of the beveled surfaces. Changing the spotlight’s intensity lightens or darkens the beveled surfaces. Changing the location
of the spotlight determines which beveled surfaces appear lit.
368 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can change the location of the spotlight by specifying its direction and altitude. Direction determines where the light source is located in
the plane of the object (for example, to the left or right of an object). Altitude determines how high the spotlight is located in relation to the
object’s plane. For example, you can place the spotlight flush with the horizon (altitude of 0°) or directly above the object (altitude of 90°).
In addition, you can change the color of the beveled surfaces that are in shadow by specifying a shadow color.
To create a Soft Edge bevel effect
1Select an object that is closed and has a fill applied to it.
Click EffectsBevel.
3In the Bevel docker, choose Soft edge from the Style list box.
4Enable one of the following Bevel offset options:
•To center — lets you create beveled surfaces that meet in the middle of the object
•Distance — lets you specify the width of the beveled surfaces. Type a value in the Distance box.
You can also
Change the color of beveled surfaces in shadowChoose a color from the Shadow color picker.
Beveled surfaces change to a shade of the specified shadow color.
Choose a spotlight colorChoose a color from the Light color picker.
Change the intensity of the spotlightMove the Intensity slider.
Specify the position of the spotlightMove either of the following sliders:
Direction values range from 0° to 360°; altitude values range from
0° to 90°.
Bevel effects can be applied only to artistic text. You can convert paragraph text to artistic text by selecting the text using the Pick tool
and then clicking TextConvert to artistic text.
The lowest altitude value (0°) places the spotlight on the plane of the object; the highest altitude value (90°) places the spotlight
directly above the object.
The effect of the shadow color is most apparent when the spotlight is located close to the object’s plane (low altitude value).
Using a given altitude value, you can change the spotlight’s location by changing the direction value. For example, at an altitude of
45°, the following direction values change the spotlight location as noted:
•45° places the spotlight on the upper right.
•135° places the spotlight on the upper left.
•225° places the spotlight on the lower left.
•315° places the spotlight on the lower right.
To create an Emboss effect
1Select an object that is closed and has a fill applied to it.
Adding 3D effects to objects | 369
Click EffectsBevel.
3In the Bevel docker, choose Emboss from the Style list box.
4In the Distance box, type a low value.
5To change the intensity of the spotlight, move the Intensity slider.
6To specify the direction of the spotlight, move the Direction slider.
7Click Apply.
If you want to create a more pronounced bevel effect, type a higher value in the Distance box, and reapply the effect.
You can also
Choose a shadow colorChoose a color from the Shadow color picker.
Choose a spotlight colorChoose a color from the Light color picker.
The Emboss bevel effect is achieved by creating two duplicates of the object. The duplicates are offset in opposite directions: one
toward the light source and the other away from the light source. The color of the duplicate placed toward the spotlight is a blend of
the spotlight and object colors and depends on the light intensity. The color of the duplicate placed away from the spotlight is a 50
percent blend of the shadow and object colors.
The Altitude slider is disabled for the Emboss bevel style.
To remove a bevel effect
1Select an object with a bevel effect applied.
Click EffectsClear effect.
Creating drop shadows
Drop shadows simulate light falling on an object from one of five particular perspectives: flat, right, left, bottom, and top. You can add drop
shadows to most objects or groups of objects, including artistic text, paragraph text, and bitmaps.
Drop shadows created in CorelDRAW are ideal for printed outputs, but are not appropriate for output to devices such as vinyl cutters and
plotters. Cuttable shadows are needed for such projects. To add a cuttable shadow to an object, you need to duplicate the object, fill the
duplicate with a dark color, and then place it behind the original object.
When you add a drop shadow, you can change its perspective, and you can adjust attributes such as color, opacity, fade level, angle, and
Adding 3D effects to objects | 371
To add a drop shadow
In the toolbox, click the Drop shadow tool .
2Click an object.
3Drag from the center or side of the object until the drop shadow is the size you want.
4Specify any attributes on the property bar.
Drop shadows cannot be added to linked groups, such as blended objects, contoured objects, beveled objects, extruded objects,
objects created with the Artistic media tool , or other drop shadows.
To add a cuttable shadow
1Select an object.
Click EditDuplicate.
3Click a dark color on the onscreen color palette.
Click ObjectOrderBehind, and click the original to position the duplicate behind it.
5Adjust the position of the duplicate.
To copy or clone a drop shadow
1Select the object to which you want to copy or clone a drop shadow.
2Click Effects and click one of the following:
Copy effectDrop shadow from
Clone effectDrop shadow from
3Click the drop shadow of an object.
You can also use the Attributes eyedropper tool to copy a drop shadow. For more information, see “To copy effects from one
object to another” on page 219.
To separate a drop shadow from an object
1Select an object’s drop shadow.
Click ObjectBreak drop shadow group apart.
3Drag the shadow.
To apply a merge mode to a drop shadow
In the toolbox, click the Drop shadow tool .
2Select an object with a drop shadow, and choose a merge mode from the Transparency operation list box on the property bar.
The default merge mode Multiply produces natural-looking drop shadows.
372 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To remove a drop shadow
1Select an object’s drop shadow.
Click EffectsClear drop shadow.
You can also remove a drop shadow from an object by clicking the Clear drop shadow button on the property bar.
Blending objects
CorelDRAW lets you create blends, such as straight-line blends, blends along a path, and compound blends. Blends are often used for
creating realistic shadows and highlights in objects.
The highlights and shadows in the object on the right were created by using blends.
A straight-line blend shows a progression in shape and size from one object to another. The outline and fill colors of the intermediate objects
progress along a straight-line path across the color spectrum. The outlines of intermediate objects show a gradual progression in thickness
and shape.
After you create a blend, you can copy or clone its settings to other objects. When you copy a blend, the object takes on all the blend-
related settings, except for the outline and fill attributes. When you clone a blend, changes you make to the original blend (also called the
master) are applied to the clone.
Straight-line blends can be used to create graphics with a glass-like appearance.
The rollover button (left) contains a blend of tightly overlapped blended objects.
Adding 3D effects to objects | 373
You can fit objects along part or all of a path’s shape, and you can add one or more objects to a blend to create a compound blend.
The straight-line blend (top) is fitted to a curved path (bottom).
You can change the appearance of a blend by adjusting the number and spacing of its intermediate objects, the blend’s color progression,
the nodes the blends map to, the blend’s path, and the start and end objects. You can fuse the components of a split or compound blend to
create a single object.
This compound blend consists of three blends.
You can also split and remove a blend.
By mapping nodes, you can control the appearance of a blend. Two nodes on the polygon
are mapped to two nodes of a star shape, showing a more gradual transition (bottom).
Adding 3D effects to objects | 375
2Type a value in the Blend objects box on the property bar.
3Press Enter.
You can set object and color acceleration rates by clicking the Object and color acceleration button on the property bar and
moving the corresponding slider.
To set the distance between objects in a blend that is fit to a path
1Select a blend that is fit to a path.
Click the Blend spacing button on the property bar.
3Type a value in the Blend objects box on the property bar.
4Press Enter.
If you have used the Blend along full path command, the Blend spacing button is unavailable.
You can set object and color acceleration rates by clicking the Object and color acceleration button on the property bar and
moving the corresponding slider.
To set the color progression in a blend
1Select a blend.
2On the property bar, click one of the following:
Direct blend
Clockwise blend
Counterclockwise blend
You can’t create color progressions by using blended objects filled with bitmaps, texture, pattern, or PostScript fills.
You can set how fast the object’s colors transform from the first to the last object by clicking the Object and color acceleration
button on the property bar and moving the corresponding sliders.
To map the nodes of a blend
1Select a blend.
Click the More blend options button on the property bar, and click Map nodes.
3Click a node on the start object and on the end object.
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To work with the start or end objects in a blend
ToDo the following
Select the start or end object
Select a blend, click the Starting and ending objects button
on the property bar, and click Show start or Show end.
Change the start or end object of a blendSelect a blend, click the Starting and ending objects button on
the property bar, and click New start or New end. Click an object
outside the blend that you want to use as the start or end of the
Fuse the start or end object in a split or compound blendHold down Ctrl, click a middle object in a blend, and then click a
start or end object. Click the More blend options button on
the property bar. If you have selected the start object, click the Fuse
start button . If you have selected the end object, click the
Fuse end button .
You can reverse the direction of the blend by clicking ObjectOrderReverse order.
To change the blend path
1Select a blend.
Click the Path properties button on the property bar, and click New path.
3Click the path you want to use for the blend.
You can also
Detach a blend from a path
Click the Path properties button on the property bar, and
click Detach from path.
Change the path of a selected freehand blend
Click the blend path with the Shape tool, and drag a path’s
To select the blend path, click the Path properties button , and click Show path.
To split a blend
1Select a blend.
Click the More blend options button on the property bar.
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Text | 379
Adding and manipulating text.............................................................................................................................................................381
Working with text in different languages............................................................................................................................................435
Using writing tools..............................................................................................................................................................................451
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Adding and manipulating text | 381
Adding and manipulating text
CorelDRAW provides multiple ways to add and manipulate text (also known as ‘type’). You can create two types of text objects: artistic text
and paragraph text. Artistic text is useful for adding a single word or a short line of text. Paragraph text is suitable for creating text-intensive
documents, such as newsletters or brochures.
You can change the position and appearance of text. For example, you can fit text to a path, wrap text around objects, or rotate text. You
can also format the appearance of characters and paragraphs. For more information, see “Formatting text” on page 407.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Importing and pasting text” (page 381)
•“Adding artistic text” (page 383)
•“Adding paragraph text” (page 383)
•“Adding columns to text frames” (page 387)
•“Combining and linking paragraph text frames” (page 388)
•“Aligning text by using the baseline grid” (page 391)
•“Selecting text” (page 392)
•“Finding, editing, and converting text” (page 392)
•“Shifting, rotating, mirroring, and flipping text” (page 394)
•“Moving text” (page 396)
•“Wrapping text” (page 397)
•“Fitting text to a path” (page 398)
•“Inserting special characters, symbols, and glyphs” (page 400)
•“Embedding graphics” (page 404)
•“Working with legacy text” (page 405)
Importing and pasting text
You can import text in a new or existing document. This allows you to author text in a word processor and then add it to a CorelDRAW
document. CorelDRAW supports the following text file formats:
•ANSI Text (TXT)
•Microsoft Word Document (DOC) files
•Microsoft Word Open XML Document (DOCX) files
•WordPerfect file (WPD)
•Rich Text Format (RTF) files
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When importing or pasting text, you can choose to keep or discard fonts and formatting. Maintaining fonts ensures that imported or pasted
text retains its original font. Maintaining formatting preserves information such as bullets and columns. If you choose to discard fonts
and formatting, the properties of the selected text are applied to the imported or pasted text. If no text is selected, the default font and
formatting properties are applied to the imported or pasted text. For more information about importing files, see “Importing files” on page
647. For more information about pasting, see “To paste an object into a drawing” on page 207.
The text import cursor lets you place text on the drawing page.
You can import text in a selected text frame, or, if you did not select a text frame, the imported text is automatically inserted in a new text
frame in the document window. By default, the size of text frames remains static, regardless of how much text you add to them. Any text
that does not fit the frame is hidden and the frame appears red until you enlarge it or link it to another text frame. You can adjust the text
size so that the text fits perfectly in the frame. For more information, see “Combining and linking paragraph text frames” on page 388.
To import text in a document
Using the Text tool , position the cursor in the text frame where you want to import the text.
If you do not have a text frame in the document, skip step 1 and proceed to step 2.
Click FileImport.
3Choose the drive and folder where the file is stored.
4Click the filename.
5Click Import.
6In the Importing/Pasting text dialog box, choose one of the following options:
•Maintain fonts and formatting
•Maintain formatting only
•Discard fonts and formatting
If you want to apply CMYK black to the imported black text, enable the Force CMYK black check box. This check box is available when
you choose an option that maintains text formatting.
7Do one of the following:
•Position the import cursor in the drawing page, and click.
•Click and drag on the drawing page to define the size of the text frame.
•Press the Spacebar to place the imported text in the default location.
For more information about importing a specific file format, see “Supported file formats” on page 669.
You can replace existing text with imported translated text. For more information, see ““Working with translated text” on page 86.”
on page 435.
To paste text in a document
1Copy or cut text.
Click Edit Paste.
3In the Importing/Pasting text dialog box, enable one of the following options:
Adding and manipulating text | 383
•Maintain fonts and formatting
•Maintain formatting only
•Discard fonts and formatting
If you want to apply CMYK black to the imported black text, enable the Force CMYK black check box. This check box is available when
you choose an option that maintains text formatting.
If you choose to maintain fonts, but the text that you import requires a font that is not installed on your computer, the PANOSE font
matching system substitutes the font for you. For more information, see “Substituting fonts” on page 441.
You can also set hyphenation options for imported text. For more information about hyphenation options, see “To create a custom
definition for optional hyphenation” on page 431.
If you want to use the same formatting options whenever you import or paste text, enable the Don’t show this warning again
check box. To reactivate the warning, click ToolsOptions, click Warnings in the Workspace list of categories, and enable the
Pasting and importing text check box.
Adding artistic text
Artistic text is useful for adding single words or short lines of text, such as headlines, to a document. You can then apply a wide range of
effects to the artistic text, such as drop shadows or a contour.
Artistic text appears in a bounding box in the document window
You can add artistic text along an open or closed path or fit existing artistic to a path. For more information, see “Fitting text to a path” on
page 398.
In addition, you can assign hyperlinks to text. For more information, see “To assign a hyperlink to text” on page 638.
To add artistic text
Using the Text tool , click anywhere on the drawing page, and type.
You can convert artistic text to paragraph text by selecting the artistic text using the Pick tool and then clicking TextConvert to
paragraph text.
Adding paragraph text
You add paragraph text in a document by using text frames. Paragraph text, also known as “block text,” is generally reserved for larger
bodies of text that have greater formatting requirements. For example, you can use paragraph text when creating brochures, newsletters,
catalogues, or other text-intensive documents.
You can insert a text frame directly in the drawing window. You can also place text inside a graphic object, which increases the number of
different shapes that you can use as text frames. You can create a text frame from a closed object and then type text inside the frame. You
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can separate the frame from the object at any time, so that you can modify them independently. You can convert a text frame back to an
If you want to see the layout of your document before you add the final content, you can fill the text frames with temporary placeholder
text. You can also use custom placeholder text.
Paragraph text placed inside an object. You can make the object invisible by removing its outline.
By default, text frames have a fixed size, regardless of how much text you add to them. You can increase or decrease the frame size, so that
the text fits in the frame. If you add more text than a frame allows, the text continues past the lower-right border of the text frame, but
remains hidden. The color of the frame turns red to alert you that there's additional text. You can fix the overflow manually by increasing
the frame size, adjusting the text size, adjusting the column width, or linking the frame to another text frame. For more information, see
“Combining and linking paragraph text frames” on page 388.
The text frame turns red to indicate that there is additional text.
You can also choose to automatically adjust the point size of text so that it fits neatly inside a frame. If the text overflows, CorelDRAW
automatically decreases the point size; if you have little text, the application expands it to fill the frame.
The point size of the text in the frame (left) was automatically adjusted so that it fits neatly inside the frame (right).
Adding and manipulating text | 385
You can also change the formatting of selected paragraph text frames and any frames to which they are linked. For information, see “To
specify formatting preferences for text frames” on page 390. You can also align text inside a text frame by using the baseline grid. For
more information, see “Aligning text by using the baseline grid” on page 391.
In addition, you can assign hyperlinks to paragraph text. For more information, see “To assign a hyperlink to text” on page 638. You can
also change the text orientation for Asian text. For more information, see “To choose a text orientation for Asian text” on page 435.
To add paragraph text
Click the Text tool .
2Drag in the drawing window to size the paragraph text frame.
3Type in the text frame.
You can also
Set text frame column width to adjust automatically to fit the text
Click WindowDockersObject properties. In the Object
properties docker, click the Frame button to display the
frame-related options. In the Frame area, click the Columns
buttons. In the Column settings dialog box, enable the
Automatically adjust frame width option.
Apply a background color to a text frameOpen the Background color picker, and click a color.
A red text frame indicates text overflow. You can fix the overflow manually by increasing the frame size, adjusting the text size, or
linking the frame to another text frame. For more information, see “Combining and linking paragraph text frames” on page 388.
You can also fix the overflow automatically by clicking TextParagraph text frameFit text to frame.
You can use the Pick tool to adjust the size of a paragraph text frame. Click the text frame, and drag any selection handle.
To create a frame from an object
1Do one of the following:
Using the Pick tool , click the object in which you want to insert a text frame.
•Using a drawing tool, draw a closed shape.
Select the object, and click TextParagraph text frameCreate empty text frame.
You can also
Create a text frame from an object by using the Text tool
Click the Text tool . Move the pointer over the outline of the
object, and click the object when the pointer changes to an Insert
in object pointer . Type inside the text frame.
386 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Create a text frame from an object from the right-click menu
Right-click the object, and click Frame typeCreate empty text
Create a text frame from an object by using the Layout toolbar
Click WindowToolbarsLayout. Using the Pick tool , click
the object in which you want to insert a text frame. Click the Text
frame button.
To convert a text frame back to an object
•Right-click the text frame, choose Frame type, and click None.
If the frame contains content, the content is deleted when the frame reverts to a regular object.
You can also click the No frame button on the Layout toolbar. To open the Layout toolbar, click WindowToolbarsLayout.
To separate a text frame from an object
Click the Pick tool .
2Select the object that includes the text frame.
Click ObjectBreak paragraph text inside a path apart.
The text frame and the object can now be moved or edited separately.
When you separate a text frame from some objects, such as ellipses or stars, the text does not retain the shape of the object.
Alternatively, the text is contained in a standard rectangular text frame.
To insert placeholder text
1Select an empty text frame.
Click TextParagraph text frameInsert placeholder text.
You can customize the placeholder text by creating text in a word processor or text application and saving the document as
placeholder.rtf. You then need to store the file in the following Users folder: My Documents\Corel\Corel Content. The next time
that you launch the application, the customized placeholder text is inserted in the text frame. However, if you save the file using an
incorrect file name or in the wrong folder, the default Lorem ipsum placeholder text is inserted in the text frame.
Adding and manipulating text | 387
You can insert placeholder text in multiple frames by clicking Pick tool , selecting the text frames while holding down Shift, and
then clicking TextParagraph text frameInsert placeholder text.
You can also select the empty text frame, right-click, and choose Insert placeholder text.
When you insert placeholder text in the first frame in linked frames, the placeholder text fills all frames.
You can undo inserting placeholder text by clicking EditUndo insert placeholder text.
To adjust text to fill the text frame
1Select a text frame.
Click TextParagraph text frameFit text to frame.
If you choose to fit text to a frame that is linked to other frames, the application adjusts the size of text in all linked text frames. For
more information about linking text frames, see “Combining and linking paragraph text frames” on page 388.
Adding columns to text frames
You can lay out text in columns. Columns are useful for designing text-intensive projects, such as newsletters, magazines, and newspapers.
You can create columns of equal or varying widths and gutters. You can also apply right-to-left text flow to the columns for bidirectional
(bidi) text, such as Arabic and Hebrew (Note that this option is available only for certain languages).
The text in the frame (left) was laid out in two columns (right).
To add columns to a text frame
1Select a paragraph text frame.
Click WindowDockersObject properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the Frame button to display the frame-related options.
4Type a value in the Number of columns box.
To resize text frame columns
Click the Text tool and select a text frame with columns.
2Perform a task from the following table.
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ToDo the following
Manually adjust column and gutter width
Click the Text tool . Drag a column side selection handle.
Set a specific column and gutter width
In the Object properties docker, click the Frame button to
display the frame-related options. Click the Columns button,
and type values in the Width or Gutter boxes.
Automatically create columns of equal width
In the Object properties docker, click the Frame button to
display the frame-related options. Click the Columns button,
and enable the Equal column width check box.
To change the flow of bidirectional text in columns
1Select a paragraph text frame.
Click WindowDockersObject properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the Frame button to display the frame-related options.
4Enable the Right-to-left columns check box.
The Right-to-left columns option is available only for bidirectional languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic. The proper keyboard must
also be installed.
Combining and linking paragraph text frames
You can combine text frames. You can also break text frames apart into subcomponents — columns, paragraphs, bullets, lines, words, and
characters. Every time you break apart a text frame, the subcomponents are placed into separate text frames.
Linking text frames directs the overflow text of one text frame to another. If you resize a linked frame, or change the size of the text, the
amount of text in the next frame is automatically adjusted. You can link text frames before or after you type text.
You cannot link artistic text. However, you can link a paragraph frame to an open or closed object. When you link a frame to an open object,
such as a line, the text flows along the path of the line. Linking a text frame to a closed object, such as a rectangle, inserts a text frame and
directs the flow of text inside the object. If text exceeds the open or closed path, you can link the text to another frame or object. You can
also link to existing frames and objects across pages or create a linked frame in the same location on another page.
After linking text frames, you can redirect the flow from one object or text frame to another. When you select the text frame or object, a
blue arrow indicates the direction of the text flow. You can hide or display these arrows.
Adding and manipulating text | 389
You can make text flow between text frames and objects by linking the text.
You can remove links between multiple frames, and between frames and objects. When you have only two linked frames and you remove
the link, the overflow text remains in the second frame. Deleting a frame that is part of a series of linked frames redirects the text flow into
the next frame or object.
By default, paragraph formatting, such as columns, drop caps, and bullets, is applied to the selected text frames only. However, you can
change your settings so that formatting is applied to all linked text frames, or to all selected and subsequently linked text frames. For
example, if you apply columns to the text in one frame, you can choose whether to apply columns to the text in all the linked frames.
To combine or break apart paragraph text frames
1Select a text frame.
If you are combining text frames, hold down Shift, and use the Pick tool to select subsequent text frames.
2Click Object, and click one of the following:
•Break apart
Text frames with envelopes, text fitted to a path, and linked text frames cannot be combined.
If you first select a text frame with columns, the combined text frame will have columns.
To link paragraph text frames and objects
Using the Text tool , select the starting text frame.
Click the Text flow tab at the bottom of the text frame or object.
If the text frame cannot hold all the text, the tab contains an arrow and the text frame becomes red.
When the pointer changes to a Link to pointer , do one of the following:
•To link to a frame or object on the same page, click the text frame or object into which you want to continue the text flow.
•To link to an existing frame or object on a different page, click the corresponding Page tab on the document navigator, and then click
the text frame or object.
•To create a new linked frame on another page, click the corresponding Page tab on the document navigator, and hover over the area
of the drawing page that corresponds to the position of the first frame. When a preview of the frame appears, click to create the
linked frame. The new frame has the same size and position as the original frame. If you click elsewhere on the page, the text frame
that is created is the size of the entire page.
390 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
If a text frame is linked, the Text flow tab changes , and a blue arrow indicates the direction of text flow. If the linked text is on
another page, the page number and a dashed blue line are displayed. To hide or display these indicators, see “To specify formatting
preferences for text frames” on page 390.
To link text frames successfully, you have to make sure that the automatic sizing of frames is disabled. For more information, see “To
add paragraph text” on page 385.
To redirect text flow to a different text frame or object
Using the Pick tool , click the Text flow tab at the bottom of the frame or object that contains the text flow that you want to
2Select the new frame or object into which you want the text flow to continue.
To remove links between text frames or objects
1Using the Pick tool, select the linked frames or objects.
Click TextParagraph text frameUnlink.
You can disconnect linked frames on different pages only if they are on facing pages.
You can also remove links by clicking a text frame, and then clicking ObjectBreak text apart.
To specify formatting preferences for text frames
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, double-click Text, and click Paragraph text frame.
If you want to hide or display the text flow indicators, disable or enable the Show linking of text frames check box.
3In the When editing, apply paragraph frames formatting to area, enable one of the following options:
•All linked frames — applies paragraph formatting to selected text frames and all text frames that are linked to them
•Selected frames only — applies paragraph formatting to the selected text frames only
•Selected and subsequent frames — applies paragraph formatting to selected text frames and any text frames that are later linked to
You can also
Display and hide text frames
Click ToolsOptions, double-click Text, and click Paragraph text
frame from the Workspace list of categories. Enable the Show text
frames check box.
Enable automatic expanding and shrinking of frames to fit text
Click ToolsOptions, double-click Text, and click Paragraph text
frame from the Workspace list of categories. Enable the Expand
and shrink paragraph text frames to fit text check box.
Adding and manipulating text | 391
You can also
Ensure all text frames are web-compatible
Click ToolsOptions, double-click Text, and click Paragraph text
frame from the Workspace list of categories. Enable the Make all
new paragraph text frames web compatible check box.
Aligning text by using the baseline grid
You can align text within a frame or in different frames by using the baseline grid. This is useful, for example, when you want to align two or
more text frames that contain different fonts, font sizes, and spacing.
All objects can snap to the baseline grid; only text frames can align to the baseline grid. Snapping is turned on or off for all objects (it’s a
grid setting). Alignment is turned on or off for individual frames (it’s a text frame setting). For information about displaying or hiding the
baseline grid, turning snapping on or off, changing the grid color, and setting the line spacing, see “Setting up the baseline grid” on page
Text columns with different fonts and font sizes (left) are aligned by using the baseline grid (right).
When you align paragraph text to the baseline grid, the line spacing is adjusted automatically so that the lines of text sit on the baseline
grid. When text is aligned to the baseline grid, the line spacing is controlled by the grid rather than by the text properties that have been
previously set. For more information about line spacing, see “Adjusting line and paragraph spacing” on page 421.
You can set one or more text frames to align to the baseline grid. When this option is enabled, the text in the text frame is aligned to the
baseline grid when part or all of the text frame overlaps with the drawing page. If the text frame is moved completely outside the drawing
page, the text is no longer aligned to the baseline grid.
If you align a text frame to the baseline grid and then link it to another frame, both frames are aligned to the baseline grid. If you align one
of several already linked frames to the baseline grid, only the selected frame is aligned. For more information about linking text frames, see
“Combining and linking paragraph text frames” on page 388.
To align paragraph text to the baseline grid
Click ViewGridBaseline grid.
392 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
2Select a text frame.
Click TextAlign to baseline grid.
You can also right-click the text frame and choose Align to baseline grid.
You can align multiple selected frames at the same time.
Selecting text
CorelDRAW lets you select text to edit specific characters or modify it as an object. For example, you can select specific characters to change
the font or select a text object, such as a text frame, so you can move, resize, or rotate it.
To select a text object
ToDo the following
Select artistic text
Using the Pick tool , click the artistic text.
Select a text frame
Using the Pick tool , click the text frame.
You can use the Pick tool to select multiple text objects. Hold down Shift, and click each text object.
To select text for editing
ToDo the following
Select specific characters of artistic or paragraph text for editing
Using the Text tool , drag across the text.
Select a text frame for editing
Using the Text tool , click the text frame.
Finding, editing, and converting text
You can find text in a document and replace it automatically. You can also find special characters, such as an em dash or optional hyphen.
You can edit text directly in the drawing window or in a dialog box.
Additional formatting options are available for paragraph text. To apply these formatting options to artistic text, you first need to convert the
artistic text to paragraph text. Likewise, you can apply special effects to paragraph text by converting the text to artistic text. Converting text
may result in the loss of any formatting.
You can also convert both paragraph and artistic text to curves. By transforming characters into lines or curve objects, you can add, delete,
or move the nodes of individual characters to alter their shape. For more information, see “Using curve objects” on page 159.
Adding and manipulating text | 393
When you convert text to curves, the appearance of the text is preserved, including font, style, character position and rotation, spacing, and
any other text settings and effects. Any linked text objects are also converted to curves. If you convert paragraph text in a fixed-sized text
frame to curves, any text that overflows the text frame is deleted. For information about fitting text to a text frame, see “Formatting text” on
page 407.
To find text
Click EditFind and replaceFind text.
2Type the text that you want to find in the Find box.
If you want to find the exact case of the text that you specified, enable the Matchcase check box.
3Click Findnext.
You can also find special characters by clicking the right arrowhead next to the Find box, choosing a special character, and clicking
Find next.
To find and replace text
Click EditFind and replaceReplace text.
2Type the text that you want to find in the Find box.
If you want to find the exact case of the text that you specified, enable the Matchcase check box.
If you want to find only whole words, enable the Find whole words only check box.
3Type the replacement text in the Replace with box.
4Click one of the following buttons:
•Find next — finds the next occurrence of the text that is specified in the Find box
•Replace — replaces the selected occurrence of the text that is specified in the Find box. If no occurrence is selected, Replace finds the
next occurrence.
•Replace all — replaces every occurrence of the text that is specified in the Find box
To edit text
Click the Text tool .
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Edit artistic textClick in the artistic text.
Edit paragraph textClick in the text frame.
Text that has been converted to curves cannot be edited.
You can also edit text by clicking TextEdit text, and making changes to the text in the Edit text dialog box.
394 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To convert text
ToDo the following
Convert paragraph text to artistic text
Using the Pick tool , select the text, and click Text Convert to
artistic text.
Convert artistic text to paragraph text
Using the Pick tool , select the text, and click TextConvert to
paragraph text.
Convert artistic or paragraph text to curves
Using the Pick tool , select the text, and click ObjectConvert
to curves.
Paragraph text cannot be converted to artistic text when it’s in a linked frame, has text overflow, or has special effects applied to it.
You can also convert text to curves by clicking the Pick tool , right-clicking the text, and clicking Convert to curves.
Shifting, rotating, mirroring, and flipping text
You can shift the characters of artistic and paragraph text vertically or horizontally or rotate them to create interesting effects.You can
straighten characters into their original position, and you can return vertically shifted characters to the baseline. You can also mirror or flip
artistic and paragraph text characters.
If you want to adjust the position of an entire text object that is fitted to a path, such as a circle or a freehand line, see “To adjust the
position of text that is fitted to a path” on page 399.
Rotated characters
To shift or rotate a character
Using the Text tool , select the character or characters.
Adding and manipulating text | 395
In the Object properties docker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
To display the Object properties docker, click WindowDockers Object properties.
Click the arrow button at the bottom of the Character area to display additional options.
4Type a value in one of the following boxes:
•Horizontal character offset — A positive number moves characters to the right, and a negative number moves characters to the left.
•Vertical character offset — A positive number moves characters up, and a negative number moves characters down.
•Character angle — A positive number rotates characters counterclockwise, and a negative number rotates characters clockwise.
You can also use the Shape tool to shift or rotate characters. Select the character node or nodes, and then type values in the
Horizontal character offset box, Vertical character offset box, or Character angle box on the property bar.
To straighten a shifted or rotated character
Using the Text tool , select one or more characters.
Click TextStraighten text.
To return a vertically shifted character to the baseline
In the toolbox, open the Shape tool flyout.
Click the Shape tool .
3Select the text object, and select the node to the left of the shifted character.
Click TextAlign to baseline.
To mirror text
Using the Pick tool, select a text object.
2On the property bar, click one of the following buttons.
Mirror horizontally — flips the text characters from left to right
Mirror vertically — flips the text characters from top to bottom
You can also mirror text by holding down Ctrl and dragging a selection handle to the opposite side of the object.
You can also mirror text fitted to a path. For more information, see “To mirror text that is fitted to a path” on page 399.
396 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Left to right: Text in original form, mirrored vertically, and mirrored horizontally
To flip text by dragging diagonally
Using the Text tool ,select the artistic text or the paragraph text frame.
2Drag a middle selection handle across the text and past the corner handle on the opposite side.
Moving text
CorelDRAW offers different methods for moving text. If you select text as an object, such as a block of artistic text or a text frame, you can
move it to a new position, as you would any other object.
You can also move a selection of paragraph text between text frames or move artistic text between artistic text objects. Conversely, you can
move paragraph text to an artistic text object, or artistic text to a paragraph text frame.
To move a text object
Click the Pick tool .
2Drag the text object to a new position in the drawing window.
To move a text selection
Click the Text tool .
2Select the text that you want to move.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Move text within the same text objectDrag the text to a new position within the text object. The text
cursor appears to indicate the insertion point.
Move the text to another text object.Drag the text to another text object. The text cursor appears to
indicate the insertion point.
Move or copy selected text to a new text objectWith the right mouse button, drag the text to a new position,
release the mouse button, and click Copy here or Move here.
Adding and manipulating text | 397
ToDo the following
Move an individual character freely in the drawing window
Click the Shape tool , select the text object, and drag
a character’s selection handle in the lower-left corner of the
Wrapping text
You can change the shape of text by wrapping paragraph text around an object, artistic text, or a text frame. You can wrap text by using
contour or square wrapping styles. The contour wrapping styles follow the curve of the object. The square wrapping styles follow the
bounding box of the object. You can also adjust the amount of space between paragraph text and the object or text, and you can remove
any previously applied wrapping style.
Text wrapped around an object by using the contour wrapping style (left) and the square wrapping style (right)
To wrap paragraph text around an object, artistic text, or a text frame
1Select the object or text around which you want to wrap text.
Click WindowDockersObject properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the Summary button to display the wrap options.
4Choose a wrapping style from the Wrap paragraph text list box.
If you want to change the amount of space between wrapped text and the object or text, change the value in the Text wrap offset box.
Click the Text tool , and drag over the object or text to create a paragraph text frame.
6Type text in the text frame.
You can wrap existing paragraph text around a selected object by applying a wrapping style to the object and dragging the text
frame over the object.
To remove a wrapping style
1Select the wrapped text or the object it wraps.
Click Window DockersObject properties.
In the Object properties docker, click the Summary button to display the wrap options.
4Choose None from the Wrap text list box.
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Fitting text to a path
You can add artistic text along the path of an open object (for example, a line) or a closed object (for example, a square). You can also fit
existing text to a path. Paragraph text in a text frame can be fitted to open paths only.
After you fit text to a path, you can adjust the text position relative to that path. For example, you can mirror the text horizontally, vertically,
or both. Using tick spacing, you can specify an exact distance between the text and the path.
CorelDRAW treats text fitted to a path as one object; however, you can separate the text from the object if you no longer want it to be part
of the path. When you separate text from a curved or closed path, the text retains the shape of the object to which it was fitted. You can
also modify the text and path properties independently.
The text reverts to its original appearance when you straighten it.
Text and curve as separate objects (upper left), choosing a path with the Fit Text to Path pointer (upper
middle), aligning text while fitting it to path (upper right), text fitted to path (lower left), interactive feedback
about offset distance (lower middle), and text and curve stretched horizontally by 200% (lower right)
To add text along a path
Using the Pick tool , select a path.
Click TextFit text to path.
The text cursor is inserted on the path. If the path is open, the text cursor is inserted at the beginning of the path. If the path is closed,
the text cursor is inserted at the center of the path.
3Type along the path.
Text cannot be added to the path of another text object.
You can also fit text to a path by clicking the Text tool and pointing to a path. When the pointer changes to the Fit text to path
pointer , click where you want the text to begin, and type.
To fit text to a path
Using the Pick tool , select a text object.
Click TextFit text to path.
Adding and manipulating text | 399
The pointer changes to the Fit text to path pointer . By moving the pointer over the path, you can preview where the text will be
3Click a path.
If the text is fitted to a closed path, the text is centered along the path. If the text is fitted to an open path, the text flows from the point
of insertion.
Artistic text can be fitted to open or closed paths. Paragraph text can be fitted to open paths only.
Text cannot be fitted to the path of another text object.
To adjust the position of text that is fitted to a path
Using the Pick tool , select the text that is fitted to a path.
2Choose a setting from any of the following list boxes on the property bar:
•Text orientation — specifies how the text bends to follow the path
•Distance from path — distance between the text and the path
•Offset — horizontal position of the text along the path
You can also
Use tick spacing to increase the distance between the path and the
text in specified increments
Select the text. On the property bar, click Tick snapping, enable the
Tick snapping on option, and type a value in the Tick spacing box.
When you move the text from the path, it moves in the increment
you specified in the Tick spacing box. When you move the text, the
distance from the path is displayed below the original text.
Change the horizontal position of fitted text
Using the Shape tool , select the text, and drag the character
nodes that you want to reposition.
Move fitted text along or off the path
Using the Pick tool , drag the red glyph that appears next to
the text.
When you drag the glyph along the path, a preview of the text
is displayed. When you drag the glyph off the path, the distance
between the text preview and the path is displayed.
To mirror text that is fitted to a path
Using the Pick tool , click the text that is fitted to a path.
2On the property bar, click one of the following buttons:
Mirror text horizontally — flips the text characters from left to right
Mirror text vertically — flips the text characters upside down
400 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can apply a 180-degree rotation to text that is fitted to a path by clicking both the Mirror text horizontally and the Mirror text
vertically buttons.
You can also mirror artistic text and paragraph text frames. For more information, see “To mirror text” on page 395.
To separate text from a path
Using the Pick tool , select the path and the fitted text.
Click ObjectBreak text apart.
To straighten text
Using the Pick tool , select the path and the fitted text.
Click ObjectBreak text apart.
3Using the Pick tool, select the text.
Click TextStraighten text.
Inserting special characters, symbols, and glyphs
Using the Insert character docker, you can find and insert special characters, symbols, and glyphs (variations of individual characters or
character combinations) of OpenType fonts.
All characters, symbols, and glyphs included in a font are displayed by default, but you can filter character subsets to display only the
characters you want. For example, you can display only currency symbols or numbers, or you can display only Cyrillic characters and symbols.
Characters included in a font are organized in the following categories:
•Common — includes arrows, currency, mathematical symbols, numbers, punctuation marks, and separators as well as CJK symbols and
punctuation marks (used in Asian scripts)
•Scripts — includes the scripts that the selected font supports, such as Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hiragana and Katakana, Han, Arabic, or
Hebrew scripts
•OpenType — includes the OpenType features provided by the selected font such as standard ligatures, discretionary ligatures, fraction,
alternate annotation forms, and more. For more information about OpenType features, see “Working with OpenType features” on page
OpenType fonts
The Insert character docker is ideal for viewing and applying the OpenType features provided by OpenType fonts. The default view shows a
list of characters in which the glyphs for individual characters appear grouped. Alternatively, you can display a longer list that shows available
glyphs at a glance.
Viewing character position
Each selected character appears against a set of blue lines that let you preview its position in relation to the text baseline.
Adding and manipulating text | 401
1) Text baseline3) Font x-height
2) Ascender line4) Descender line
Most recently used special characters
You can use the list of most recently used special characters to copy characters that you use often. The list retains the font attributes of most
recently used characters and any OpenType features that were applied. You can manage the list by removing characters that you no longer
To add a special character, symbol, or glyph
Using the Text tool , click where you want to add the special character.
Click TextInsert character.
3In the Insert character docker, choose a font from the Fontlist box.
4Double-click a character in the Character and glyph list.
If you cannot find the character you want, open the Character filter list box, and enable the Entire font check box.
You can also
Drag a character
Using the Pick tool , drag a character to the document
Copy a characterClick a character in the Character and glyph list, and click Copy.
View information about a selected character
Click the arrow button at the bottom of the Character
and glyph list to view any of the following attributes that are
applicable: character name, ID, Unicode number, keyboard shortcut
for inserting the character, the OpenType feature name, and the
language for glyphs that can be displayed properly only in a specific
Zoom in and outMove the Zoom slider.
To zoom in and out in preset increments, click the zoom buttons to
the right and left of the Zoom slider.
402 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Navigate to a special character by using an Alt codeClick in the Character and glyph list, hold down Alt, and type the
Alt code for the character you want.
Navigate to a characterPress the corresponding key on the keyboard.
To filter special characters, symbols, and glyphs
Click TextInsert character.
2In the Insert character docker, choose a font from the Fontlist box.
3Open the Character filter list box, and enable the check boxes for the character subsets that you want to display.
4Click Close.
To view glyphs of OpenType features
Click TextInsert character.
2In the Insert character docker, choose an OpenType font from the Fontlist box.
3Open the Character filter list box, and in the OpenType area, enable any of the check boxes for the available OpenType features.
4Do one of the following:
To display a list that includes grouped glyphs, make sure that the Show all glyphs button does not appear pressed. To view all
glyphs in a group, click a character, and then click the OpenType feature indicator. Click a glyph to display it in the Character and
glyph list.
To display a list that includes all available glyphs, click the Show all glyphs button .
Adding and manipulating text | 403
Left: The OpenType feature indicators below individual characters show that more glyphs are available.
Right: When the Show all glyphs button (1) is pressed, you can see available glyphs at a glance.
Viewing grouped glyphs
404 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The Show all glyphs button is not available for fonts that do not support OpenType features.
Some glyphs provided by OpenType features vary depending on the context in which they appear and cannot be shown in the Insert
character docker. You can view and insert such glyphs in the document window by using the onscreen OpenType feature indicator.
For more information, see “To enable the onscreen OpenType feature indicator” on page 419.
To use the list of most recently used special characters
Click TextInsert character.
2In the list of most recently used special characters, perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
View the font and OpenType attributes of a characterPoint to the character.
Copy a character from the listRight-click the character, and click Copy.
Remove characters from the listRight-click a character, and click Remove or Remove all.
Embedding graphics
You can embed a graphic object or bitmap in text. The graphic object or bitmap is treated as a text character. As a result, you can apply
formatting options according to the type of text in which you embed the graphic object. You can also remove an embedded object from
text, after which the object returns to its original state.
To embed a graphic object in text
1Select a graphic object.
2Click Edit, and click one of the following:
Using the Text tool , click where you want to embed the graphic object.
Click EditPaste.
To remove an embedded object from text
Using the Text tool , select an embedded object.
Click EditCut.
Click the Pick tool , and click outside the text object.
Click Edit Paste.
Adding and manipulating text | 405
Working with legacy text
If a document contains text and was created in a previous version of CorelDRAW, such as CorelDRAW X5, you must update the legacy text
before you can use new text features such as OpenType options and aligning text with the baseline grid. For more information, see “Working
with OpenType features ” on page 415 and “Aligning text by using the baseline grid” on page 391.
To update legacy text
1Open the document with legacy text.
An Update toolbar appears at the top of the drawing window.
2Click Update.
To undo the update, click Undo on the Update toolbar. However, once you make changes to the updated text, this option is no longer
When legacy text is updated, its flow and layout may change.
You can also update legacy text by clicking the Update button in the Character area of the Object properties docker.
406 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Formatting text | 407
Formatting text
CorelDRAW offers many tools and controls for formatting individual characters, entire paragraphs, and text in frames.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Choosing typefaces and fonts” (page 407)
•“Formatting characters” (page 410)
•“Changing text color” (page 412)
•“Kerning a range of characters” (page 413)
•“Changing text case” (page 414)
•“Working with OpenType features” (page 415)
•“Adjusting character and word spacing” (page 419)
•“Adjusting line and paragraph spacing” (page 421)
•“Adding bullets to text” (page 422)
•“Inserting drop caps” (page 424)
•“Changing character position and angle” (page 425)
•“Aligning text” (page 426)
•“Adding tabs and indents” (page 428)
•“Working with text styles” (page 429)
•“Hyphenating text” (page 429)
•“Inserting formatting codes” (page 432)
•“Displaying nonprinting characters” (page 433)
Choosing typefaces and fonts
Text is an important element in the design and layout of documents. In CorelDRAW, you can choose the typeface that is best suited to your
project. You can specify the font size and style. In addition, you can use an OpenType font to achieve a unique and distinctive style. For more
information, see “Working with OpenType features” on page 415. The default unit of measure for text is points; however, you can change
the unit of measure for the active drawing and all subsequent drawings. For information about previewing fonts, see “Viewing fonts” on
page 443.
Fonts vs. typefaces
“Font” and “typeface” are two typography terms that are often used interchangeably, but they do not have the same meaning. A font is a
collection of characters that includes letters, numbers, and symbols of one variation of a typeface, such as bold or italic. A typeface, which
is also known as a font family, is made up of several fonts that share similar design characteristics. In other words, a font is the mechanism
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that allows you to render the characters onscreen or in print, whereas the typeface, which embodies the style and visual distinctiveness of
the characters, refers to the design and style of the type.
The following table lists a few examples of typefaces and fonts.
Typeface (Font family)Font
HelveticaHelvetica Bold-Italic
Times New RomanNormal
VerdanaVerdana Bold-Italic
Choosing a typeface
Typefaces come in different shapes and sizes and have unique characteristics and expressive qualities. Choosing the right typeface is an
important design consideration because it can set the tone of the project. Moreover, it can help, or hinder, effective communication. For
example, if you design a poster with a typeface that is difficult to read, or sets the wrong tone, your message may not effectively reach your
intended audience.
The typeface applied to the word “Menu” on the left is more suitable
for an upscale restaurant menu than the typeface on the right.
Here are a few basic tips for choosing the right typeface:
•Choose a typeface that best suits the tone of your design.
•Choose a typeface that is appropriate for the final output of your design (e.g. web or print).
•Use less typefaces in your document. The general rule is not to exceed three or four typefaces in a document.
•Make sure the typeface characters are easy to read and recognize.
•Choose a typeface that is appropriate for the age of your target audience.
•Make sure the typeface of headings stands out and looks good when displayed at larger sizes.
•Make sure the typeface of body text enhances readability.
•Choose a typeface that supports multiple languages if you’re working on multilingual documents.
To change the font
Using the Text tool , select a character or a block of text.
If the Object properties docker is not open, click WindowDockers Object properties.
In the Object propertiesdocker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
3In the Character area of the Object propertiesdocker, perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Choose a typefaceChoose a typeface from the Font list box.
Formatting text | 409
ToDo the following
For information about finding fonts more easily, see “Filtering fonts
” on page 444 and “Searching for fonts” on page 445.
Set font sizeType a value in the Font size box.
Change the font styleChoose a style from the Font style list box.
Use lines to represent text that is smaller than a specific font size
Click ToolsOptions, click Text in the Workspace list of categories,
and then type a value in the Greek text below box.
The method of “greeking” text helps increase the redraw speed, which is useful for creating prototypes of documents or drawings.
You can make text readable again by reducing the greeking value or by zooming in on the text.
You can also change the font and font size from the property bar.
You can also change the font style of selected text by clicking the Bold button, Italic button , or Underline button on
the property bar.
To resize text
Using the Text tool , select a character or a block of text.
2On the property bar, choose a size from the Font size list box.
You can also
Resize artistic text using the Pick tool
Click the Pick tool , and drag one of the corner handles.
Resize paragraph text using the Pick tool
Click the Pick tool , press Alt, and then drag one of the corner
Increase the size of textPress Num Lock to activate the number pad on your keyboard, and
use the Text tool to select the text. Then, hold down Ctrl, and
press 8 on the number pad.
Decrease the size of text
Using the Text tool , select the text. Then, hold down Ctrl, and
press 2 on the number pad.
Set an increment for resizing text
Click ToolsOptions. In the Workspace list of categories, click Text,
and type a value in the Keyboard text increment box.
410 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Change the default unit of measure
Click ToolsOptions. In the Workspace list of categories, click Text,
and choose a unit from the Default text units list box.
You can also resize the text from the Character area of the Object properties docker, by choosing a size from the Font size list box.
Formatting characters
You can change the position and appearance of characters by displaying them as subscript or superscript, which is useful in drawings with
scientific notations. If you select an OpenType font that supports subscript and superscript, you can apply the OpenType feature. However,
if you select a font, including an OpenType font, that does not support subscript and superscript, you can apply a synthesized version of the
character, which CorelDRAW produces by altering the characteristics of the default font character. For more information, see “Working with
OpenType features” on page 415.
Artistic text with superscript (1) and subscript (2) applied
You can also add underlines, strikethrough lines, and overlines to selected characters.
Artist text with underline (1), strikethrough (2), and overline (3) applied to the text using both single and double line styles.
If you want to reuse the formatting of selected text, you can use styles or copy the text attributes and apply them to another text selection.
For more information, see “Working with styles and style sets ” on page 479 and “Copying object properties, transformations, and
effects” on page 218.
You can modify the behavior of the text cursor that displays onscreen and enable text highlighting, which is useful when formatting text.
To insert superscript or subscript text
Using the Text tool , select a character or a block of text.
Formatting text | 411
If the Object properties docker is not open, click WindowDockers Object properties.
In the Object propertiesdocker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
3In the Character area of the Object properties docker, click the Position button, and choose one of the following options.
•None — turns off all the features in the list
•Superscript (auto) — applies the OpenType feature if the font supports it, or applies a synthesized version if the font does not support
•Subscript (auto) — applies the OpenType feature if the font supports it, or applies a synthesized version if the font does not support
•Superscript (synthesized) — applies a synthesized version of the superscript feature, which looks the same as in previous versions of
•Subscript (synthesized) — applies a synthesized version of the subscript feature, which looks the same as in previous versions of
Some OpenType fonts may appear to support features that are unsupported. For example, Superscript and Subscript options
may appear available, but are not. If you apply one of these OpenType fonts, CorelDRAW cannot provide a synthesized version of
Superscript and Subscript.
To underline, overline, or strikethrough text
Using the Text tool , select a character or a block of text.
If the Object properties docker is not open, click WindowDockersObject properties.
In the Object propertiesdocker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
In the Character area of the Object propertiesdocker, click the arrow button located at the bottom of Character area to display
the additional character options.
4Perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Underline text
Click the Underline button and choose a style from the list
Apply a line through the selected textChoose a style from the Character strikethrough list box.
Apply a line above the selected text.Choose a style from the Character overline list box.
To modify the text cursor behavior
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, click Text.
3In the Text cursor area, enable any of the following check boxes:
•Highlight formatting changes
•Enhanced text cursor
412 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Changing text color
You can quickly change both the fill and outline color of text. You can change the fill, outline, and background color of text. You can change
the color of individual characters, a block of text, or all characters in a text object.
Left to right: Background color is applied to artistic text, paragraph text, and selected characters
To quickly change the color of a text object
Using the Pick tool , click a text object to select it.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
To fill characters in a text object with one colorClick any color swatch on the default color palette or drag a color
swatch to the text object.
To apply an outline color to all characters in a text objectRight-click any color swatch on the default color palette or drag a
color swatch to the edge of a character in the text object.
To change the color of a text selection
Using the Text tool , select a character or a block of text.
If the Object properties docker is not open, click WindowDockers Object properties.
In the Object propertiesdocker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
3In the Character area of the Object propertiesdocker, perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Choose a fillIn the text color area, choose a fill type from the Fill type list box,
open the Fillpicker, and then click a color or a fill.
Modify fill settings
In the text color area, click the Fill settings button , and
modify the settings in the dialog box.
Formatting text | 413
ToDo the following
Choose a background fillIn the text background color area, choose a fill type from the
Background fill type list box, open the Fillpicker, and then click a
color or a fill.
Modify background fill settingsIn the text background color area, click the Fill settings button, and
modify the settings in the dialog box.
Choose an outline widthIn the text outline color area, click the Outline width button, and
choose an option from the list.
Choose an outline colorIn the text outline color area, click the Outline color picker, and
click a color.
Modify line outline settingsIn the text outline color area, click the Outline settings button
, and modify the settings in the Outline pen dialog box.
Kerning a range of characters
You can kern pairs of selected characters. Kerning refers to the repositioning of two characters to balance the optical space between them.
For example, kerning is often used to decrease the space in character pairs such as AW, WA, VA, or TA. Such character pairs are known as
“kerning pairs.” Kerning increases readability and makes letters appear balanced and proportional, especially at larger font sizes.
Decreasing the kerning between two characters
To kern text
Using the Text tool , select the characters that you want to kern.
If the Object properties docker is not open, click WindowDockers Object properties.
In the Object propertiesdocker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
3In the Character area of the Object properties docker, type a value in the Range kerning box.
Negative values decrease the spacing between characters; positive values increase the spacing between characters.
414 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Changing text case
CorelDRAW lets you change the text case of artistic and paragraph text. For example, you can apply small caps to acronyms so they visually
blend with the text. If you apply default capitalization, the text stands out too much and impacts the readability. In the following example,
the acronym “A.M.” is shown with both the default uppercase and small caps applied.
Default uppercaseSmall caps
The class begins at 9:00 A.M. in room 132.The class begins at 9:00 a.m. in room 132.
You control the case of words, sentences, or paragraphs of selected text. For example, you can apply title case to selected text to capitalize
the initial letter of every word. This is a useful formatting technique for headings, such as book or chapter titles.
You can automatically convert text to lowercase or uppercase without deleting or retyping letters. For example, if you accidentally pressed
the Caps Lock key and added uppercase text, you can convert the text to lowercase without retyping it.
With uppercase text, you can adjust the spacing between capital characters to improve readability provided the font supports capital
To change the text case
Using the Text tool , select a character or a block of text.
If the Object properties docker is not open, click WindowDockers Object properties.
In the Object propertiesdocker, click the Character button to display the character-related options.
3In the Character area of the Object propertiesdocker, click the Caps button, and click one of the following options:
•None — turns off all of the features in the list
•All caps — substitutes lowercase characters with upper case equivalents
•Titling caps — applies the OpenType version of the feature if the font supports it
•Small caps (auto) — applies the OpenType version of the feature if the font supports it
•All small caps — substitutes characters with a scaled-down version of the upper case characters
•Small caps from caps — applies the OpenType version of the feature if the font supports it
•Small caps (synthesized) — applies a synthesized version of Small caps, which appears the same as in previous versions of
If the font supports capital spacing, you can click the Capital spacing button to increase the spacing between capital characters
and improve readability.
If you choose a non-OpenType font that supports Caps styles, CorelDRAW provides a synthesized version of the Small caps and All
small caps styles.
Some OpenType fonts may appear to support features that are unsupported.
You can also change text case by selecting a character or a block of text, clicking TextChange case, and enabling an option in the
Change case dialog box.
Formatting text | 415
Working with OpenType features
CorelDRAW supports OpenType fonts so you can take advantage of their advanced typographic features. OpenType features allow you to
choose an alternate appearance for an individual character (also referred to as a glyph) or a sequence of characters. For example, you can
choose alternate glyphs for numbers, fractions, or ligature sets.
You can access OpenType commands and options in the Character area of the Object properties docker. You can also let CorelDRAW
prompt you which OpenType features you can apply by enabling the Interactive OpenType option. When you select text, an indicator arrow
appears below the text if an OpenType feature is available. You can click the indicator to access a list of the most popular OpenType features
that are available for the selected text.
Clicking the Interactive OpenType indicator arrow (1) expands a list of the
most popular OpenType features that are available for the selected text.
The OpenType font specification was created jointly by Adobe and Microsoft. Based on Unicode, OpenType fonts extend the capabilities of
older font technologies. The most notable advantages of OpenType are:
•cross-platform support (Windows and Mac OS)
•extended character sets that offer better language support and advanced typographic features
•coexistence with Type 1 (PostScript) and TrueType fonts
•support for a larger glyph limit (64k)
OpenType features
The following table describes the OpenType features that you can apply in CorelDRAW provided that the feature is included in the font.
In addition, CorelDRAW also provides synthesized versions of some Caps and Position OpenType features. For example, if a font does not
support a feature, such as Small Caps, CorelDRAW produces its own version of the glyph by scaling the font.
OpenType featureDescriptionExample
CapsChanges the case of text, which is useful for
inserting titles and acronyms
Small caps
416 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
OpenType featureDescriptionExample
PositionDisplays characters as superscript or
subscript, which is useful for inserting
footnotes or mathematical symbols. If you
select an OpenType font that does not
support subscript and superscript, or a non-
OpenType font, you can apply a synthesized
Number stylesIncludes features for controlling the
appearance of numbers
See examples below
Number styles — Proportional liningDisplays numbers of varying width, which
is best suited for inserting numbers in body
text. However, the numbers have a fixed
height, which generally matches the height
of capital letters.
Number styles — Tabular liningDisplays numbers of equal width, spacing,
and height, which is useful for aligning text
and displaying text in a table
Number styles — Proportional OldstyleDisplays numbers of varying width and
height. The style is best suited for blending
numbers with mixed text case.
Number styles — Tabular OldstyleDisplays numbers of equal width, but
varying height
FractionDisplays numbers separated by a slash as
fractions. The number of available fractions
vary from font to font. Apply this feature
only to the numbers that you want to
display as a fraction.
See examples below
Fraction — NumeratorDisplays a numerator, such as 456/, as a
fraction glyph. This is useful for displaying
a non-standard fraction, such as 456/789,
as a fraction. Use the Numerator feature
in conjunction with the Denominator
feature to display non-standard fractions as
Formatting text | 417
OpenType featureDescriptionExample
Fraction — DenominatorDisplays a denominator, such as /789, as a
fraction glyph. This is useful for displaying a
non-standard fraction, such as 456/789, as
a fraction. Use the Denominator feature in
conjunction with the Numerator feature to
display non-standard fractions as fractions.
Fraction — FractionDisplays standard fractions as fraction
Fraction — Alternative fractionDisplays a fraction by using a horizontal
dividing line instead of a slant or slash
Not available
OrdinalsDisplays ordinals by using a number and a
suffix in superscript. For example, you can
display “first” as 1
or “second” as 2
Apply this feature only to the text that you
want to display as an ordinal.
Slashed zeroDisplays zeros with a diagonal slash, which
makes them easy to distinguish from the
letter O. This feature is useful for displaying
numbers in financial reports.
OrnamentsSubstitutes a character with an ornament
that was created by the font designer to
match the font’s motif
Not available
Stylistic alternatesApplies an alternate design to characters
Stylistic setsApplies an alternate design to a text
Third Widths, Titling, Traditional Forms, Traditional Name Forms,
Vertical Alternates and Rotation
Identifying fonts
You can easily identify a font in the text portion of a webpage or a graphic design. CorelDRAW lets you capture a sample of the graphic and
automatically upload it to for identification.
To identify a font
Click TextWhatTheFont?!
2Drag the cursor to create a marquee around the font that you want to identify. Click inside the capture area, or press Enter to complete
the capture. To cancel, press Esc.
On the WhatTheFont?! website, the font you captured is displayed.
3Follow the directions on the WhatTheFont?! website to complete the font identification.
The ideal letter height for the best search result is about 100 pixels. Capture only uppercase or lowercase letters, not numbers or
special characters. Make sure that the captured text is horizontal and that the letters do not touch.
Choosing fonts with Font Playground
Font Playground lets you view the same sample text in different fonts and sizes to help you choose fonts for your project.
You can preview preset text samples, or you can type or paste text. In addition, you can view samples as single lines of text or multiline text,
and you can view a text sample as single lines of text in increasing font sizes.
When a text sample uses an OpenType font, you can view available OpenType features and apply them to the text sample.
448 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Views from left to right: Single line, Multiline, and Waterfall
Managing fonts | 449
With text samples using OpenType fonts, you can select text to display the OpenType feature indicator
and apply an Open Type feature. In this example, a stylistic set was applied to the selected text.
To view a text sample in context, you can paste it where you want in the drawing window.
To preview fonts with Font Playground
Click TextFont Playground.
2To change the font of a sample, click the sample, and choose a font from the Fontlist box.
If you want to change the text in all samples, double-click a sample, press Ctrl+A to select the text, and then type the new text.
3To choose a view option, click any of the following buttons:
Single line— shows the samples as single lines of text
Multiline— shows the samples as multiline text
Waterfall— shows the selected sample as single lines of text in increasing sizes
4To change the size of sample text, move the Zoom slider.
If you want to change the text size in preset increments, click the Zoom buttons next to the Zoom slider.
450 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Add a text sampleClick Add another sample, and choose a font from the Font list
Paste a text sample in a document
Click a text sample, and click Copy. Using the Text tool , right-
click where you want to place the text sample, and click Paste.
You can also drag a text sample to the document window.
Delete a text sampleClick a text sample, and click the Close button in the upper-right
corner of the sample.
Paste text in a text sampleClick a text sample, and then press Ctrl+V.
Change the order of text samplesDrag a text sample to a new position in the list.
Using Corel Font Manager
Corel Font Manager is a standalone font management application included with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. Corel Font Manager lets you
find, organize, and preview local fonts as well as online fonts on the Content Exchange. You can install and uninstall fonts with ease, and
you can delete fonts that you no longer need. For more information, see the Help in Corel Font Manager.
To start Corel Font Manager
•Click the Application launcher button on the standard toolbar, and then click Corel Font Manager.
To access the Corel Font Manager Help
•In Corel Font Manager, click the Help button on the title bar.
Using writing tools | 451
Using writing tools
You can use writing tools to correct errors in spelling and grammar, correct mistakes automatically, and refine your writing style.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Using QuickCorrect” (page 451)
•“Using the spelling checker and Grammatik” (page 453)
•“Using the thesaurus” (page 455)
•“Working with languages” (page 456)
•“Customizing the writing tools” (page 456)
•“Using checking styles” (page 457)
•“Using rule classes” (page 460)
•“Analyzing a drawing” (page 461)
•“Using word lists” (page 462)
•“Checking statistics” (page 465)
For more information about using the writing tools, see “Reference: Using writing tools” on page 465.
Using QuickCorrect
QuickCorrect™ automatically corrects misspelled words and capitalization errors. You can customize QuickCorrect by specifying which types
of errors you want to correct automatically.
In CorelDRAW, the quotation marks that are applied to text vary according to the language that you have selected. You can further
customize the quotation marks for different languages by using QuickCorrect. For example, you can change the style of double, single, and
straight quotation marks for a language.
Adding words to QuickCorrect lets you replace words and abbreviations that you often mistype. The next time you type the misspelled
word, QuickCorrect corrects the word automatically. You can use this feature to create shortcuts to frequently used words and phrases. For
example, you can store the phrase “for your information” under the abbreviation “FYI” so that each time you type “FYI” followed by a space,
it is replaced with the phrase.
You can have QuickCorrect add corrections made with the spelling checker to its word list so that the next time you misspell the word the
same way, it is automatically corrected.
You can also undo a QuickCorrect correction.
452 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To customize QuickCorrect
Click TextWriting toolsQuickCorrect.
2Enable any of the following check boxes:
•Capitalize first letter of sentences
•Correct two initial, consecutive capitals
•Capitalize names of days
•Automatic hyperlink
•Replace text while typing
The Correct two initial, consecutive capitals option doesn’t make a change when a capital letter is followed by a space or period, or
if a word contains other capital letters.
Instead of enabling the Capitalize first letter of sentences check box, you can change the text case to sentence case. For more
information, see “To change the text case” on page 414.
To customize quotation marks for different languages
Click TextWriting toolsQuickCorrect.
2Choose a language from the Language list box.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Change straight quotation marks to typographic (“curly”) quotation
Enable the Change straight quotes to typographic quotes check
Insert straight quotation marks when the quotation mark follows a
Enable the Use straight quotation marks after numbers check
Change the appearance of single quotation marksChoose a quotation mark style from the Open and Close list boxes,
or type a character in each of the boxes.
Change the appearance of double quotation marksChoose a quotation mark style from the Open and Close list boxes,
or type a character in each of the boxes.
Straight quotation marks are sometimes used to represent feet ( ' ) and inches ( " ).
To add words to QuickCorrect
Click Text Writing tools QuickCorrect.
2Enable the Replace text while typing check box.
3In the Replace box, type the text to be replaced.
4Type the replacement text in the With box.
5Click Add.
Using writing tools | 453
You can use this feature to create shortcuts to frequently used words and phrases. Type the abbreviation in the Replace box, and the
word or phrase in the With box.
To add spelling corrections to QuickCorrect
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, double-clickText, and click Spelling.
3Enable the Add corrections to QuickCorrect check box.
To undo a QuickCorrect correction
Click EditUndo QuickCorrect.
Using the spelling checker and Grammatik
The writing tools let you check your text in many ways. By using the spelling checker and Grammatik, you can check the spelling and
grammar in an entire drawing, part of a drawing, or only selected text.
You can manually edit text and then resume checking the drawing.
The spelling checker and Grammatik replace words or phrases in two ways: you can choose a word, or define an automatic replacement for
a word. Defining automatic replacement words is useful for words that are regularly misspelled. Automatic replacement words are stored in
a user word-list file. For more information about user word-list files, see “Using word lists” on page 462.
You can skip a writing error once but flag subsequent occurrences of the problem, or you can skip the error throughout the entire
proofreading session.
To check the spelling or grammar in an entire drawing
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
2Choose Document from the Check list box.
3Click Start.
To check the spelling or grammar in part of a drawing
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
2From the Check list box, choose one of the following:
•Selected text
3Click one of the following:
•Start— begins a new check
•Resume — continues an interrupted check
454 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The options available from the Check list box vary according to the type of drawing that you are checking.
To check the spelling or grammar of selected text
1Select the text you want to check.
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
By default, the Auto start command is enabled for the spelling checker and Grammatik. If you want to disable the Auto start command,
click OptionsAuto start; to check a drawing, you must click the Start button in the Writing tools dialog box.
To edit text manually
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
2When the spelling or grammar checker stops on a word or phrase, click where you want to make changes.
3Edit the text.
To replace a word or phrase
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
2When the spelling or grammar checker stops, choose a word or phrase from the Replacements list.
3Click Replace.
If the spelling checker does not offer replacement words, you can edit text manually in the Replace with box.
To define automatic text replacements
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
2When the spelling or grammar checker stops on a word, click Auto replace.
To skip a spelling or grammar error once
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
2When the spelling or grammar checker stops, click Skip once.
To skip all occurrences of an error
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
Using writing tools | 455
•Spell check
2When the spelling or grammar checker stops, click Skip all.
You can also skip all occurrences of a word for all proofreading sessions by adding it to a user word list. For more information about
user word-list files, see “Using word lists” on page 462.
Using the thesaurus
You can use the thesaurus to refine your writing style. The thesaurus lets you look up options such as synonyms, antonyms, and related
You can replace a word by using the thesaurus. When you look up a word, the thesaurus provides a short definition and a list of the lookup
options selected. The thesaurus also maintains a history list of the words that you have looked up. Each time you start the thesaurus, it
begins a new history list.
The thesaurus automatically replaces a word with a suggested word, but you can also use the thesaurus to insert words.
To replace a word
1Select a word.
Click TextWriting toolsThesaurus.
3Click Look up.
4In the list of categories, double-click a definition and click a word.
5Click Replace.
You can also
Look up words suggested by the thesaurusView definitions in the pane to the right of the suggested words.
Look up any wordType a word in the list box at the top of the Thesaurus page. Click
Look up.
Look up recently checked wordsChoose a word from the list box at the top of the Thesaurus page.
In some instances, you are prompted to select the correct form of the word that you want to insert. This prompt appears when the
word that you want to replace is spelled the same in both the present and past tenses (for example, “read”), or when the word can
be used as more than one part of speech (for example, “wonder,” which can be used as either a noun or a verb).
Click the left and right arrows to scroll through word lists.
To insert a word
1In the drawing, click where you want to insert the word.
Click TextWriting toolsThesaurus.
456 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
3Type a word in the box at the top of the Thesaurus page.
4Click Look up.
5Choose a word from the list box.
6Click Insert.
In some instances, you are prompted to select the correct form of the word that you want to insert. This prompt appears when the
word that you want to replace is spelled the same in both the present and past tenses (for example, “read”), or when the word can
be used as more than one part of speech (for example, “wonder,” which can be used as either a noun or a verb).
Working with languages
A drawing can contain text that alternates between different languages. For example, if English is the default language of your computer’s
operating system, and you also have a French language module installed, you can use the writing tools to check the spelling or grammar
of both French and English text. When you run the spelling checker, Grammatik, or the thesaurus, CorelDRAW checks words, phrases, and
sentences according to their assigned language.This prevents foreign words from being marked as misspellings. You can use the writing
tools the same way you would if the text were all in one language.
You can select from a list of writing tool languages when you install the application. If you did not perform a custom installation to include
additional languages, only the default writing tool language is installed. For more information about updating your installation to include
more writing tool languages, see “To modify or repair a CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 installation” on page 23.
For more information about installing a Writing Tools language module, see “Changing the language” on page 47.
You can also check for the formatting conventions of another language. For example, the spelling checker can format all dates in a drawing
according to French conventions (such as “12 avril 2005”).
Many of the languages support hyphenation. Hyphenation lets you reduce the raggedness of text along the right margin by dividing a word
that falls at the end of a line, instead of forcing the entire word to the next line.
You can also specify which quotation marks to use for different languages. For more information, see “To customize quotation marks for
different languages” on page 452.
To assign a language to text
1Select the text.
Click TextWriting toolsLanguage.
3In the Text language dialog box, choose a language from the list.
You can assign a language to selected words, sentences, or paragraphs.
To use the writing tools for the language you select in the Text language dialog box, the module for that language must be installed.
You can check which language has been assigned to text by selecting the text and viewing the three-letter language code that
appears in the status bar.
Customizing the writing tools
You can customize how the spelling is checked in a drawing. For example, you can choose how the spelling checker starts and whether it
searches for misspelled words, irregular capitalization, duplicate words, or words with numbers.
Using writing tools | 457
You can customize how Grammatik checks grammar in a drawing. For example, you can customize Grammatik to start automatically, to
prompt you before it automatically replaces words, and to show spelling suggestions for misspelled words.
You can customize the thesaurus to look up words or close automatically. The thesaurus can also be customized to suggest spelling
suggestions for misspelled words and to display multiple alternative word lists.
To set spelling checker options
Click TextWriting toolsSpell check.
2Click Options, and then click one of the following:
•Auto start
•Beep on misspelled
•Recheck all text
•Check words with numbers
•Check duplicate words
•Check irregular capitalization
•Prompt before auto replacement
•Show phonetic suggestions
The options you click are applied the next time you open the spelling checker.
To set Grammatik options
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
2Click Options, and click one of the following:
•Auto start
•Prompt before auto replacement
•Suggest spelling replacements
The options you click are applied the next time you open Grammatik.
To set thesaurus options
Click TextWriting toolsThesaurus.
2Click Options, and click one of the following:
•Auto look up
•Auto close
•Spelling assist
The options you click are applied the next time you open the thesaurus.
Using checking styles
A checking style is a preset writing style rule applied to a drawing. Using a checking style lets you check a drawing that has a specific type of
writing. For example, you can choose an advertising checking style to check advertising copy or marketing materials.
458 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can create, delete, edit, and restore a checking style.
You can specify a maximum number of items when Grammatik checks the grammar of a drawing. For example, you can specify the
maximum number of consecutive nouns that Grammatik allows.
Choosing a formality level lets Grammatik check a drawing for strict or relaxed use of language and diction. Each checking style has a default
level of formality assigned to it. Each formality level focuses on a different style of writing. You can choose from three formality levels:
informal, standard, and formal.
To select a checking style
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsChecking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose one of the following:
•Spelling plus
•Quick check
•Very strict
•Formal memo or letter
•Informal memo or letter
•Technical or scientific
•Documentation or speech
•Student composition
•Grammar As-You-Go
4Click Select.
A checking style remains in effect until you disable the checking style or choose another one.
To create a checking style
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsChecking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose Very strict from the list.
4Click Edit.
5In the Edit checking styles dialog box, disable any rule classes in the Rule classes list that you do not want to include.
6Modify any of the settings.
7Click Save as.
8In the Save as checking style dialog box, type a name in the Custom style namebox.
To delete a checking style
Click TextWriting tools Grammatik.
Click OptionsChecking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose a checking style from the list.
4Click Delete.
Using writing tools | 459
You can delete custom checking styles, but you cannot delete preset checking styles.
To edit a checking style
Click TextWriting tools Grammatik.
Click OptionsChecking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose a checking style.
4Click Edit.
5Modify any of the settings.
6Click Save.
When you save an edited checking style, an asterisk (*) is added to the style name.
To restore an edited checking style
Click Text Writing tools Grammatik.
Click OptionsChecking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose an edited checking style from the list.
4Click Edit.
5Click Restore.
If you want to save an edited or restored checking style with a new name, click Save as, and type the new name in the Save as checking
style dialog box.
Custom checking styles saved with new names cannot be returned to default settings.
To specify the maximum number of specific items
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsChecking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose a checking style from the list.
4Click Edit.
5In the Maximum allowed area, type values in any of the following boxes:
•Consecutive nouns
•Consecutive prepositional phrases
•Long sentence length
•Spell numbers below or equal to
•Words allowed in split infinitive
Set the Spell numbers below or equal to value to zero if you do not want numerals to be flagged as errors.
460 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To change a formality level
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click Options Checking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose a checking style from the list.
4Click Edit.
5In the Formality levels area, enable one of the following:
Using rule classes
Rule classes contain groups of grammar and style rules. Grammatik uses rule classes to detect common writing errors.
You can enable or disable rules at any time during a Grammatik session. When you disable a rule, Grammatik ignores all the errors
associated with that rule during the current proofreading session. You can also choose which rule classes to apply during a Grammatik
session or save a new set of rules as a checking style.
To enable a rule
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsTurn on rules.
3In the Turn on rules dialog box, choose the rules you want to enable from the Rules list.
The Turn on rules command is available only when you have disabled a rule during proofreading. Otherwise, it is grayed.
To disable a rule
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
2Start a new grammar-checking session.
3When Grammatik alerts you to an error that you do not want to flag, click Turn off.
To add rule classes
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsChecking styles.
3In the Checking styles dialog box, choose a checking style from the list.
4Click Edit.
5In the Edit checking styles dialog box, enable any check boxes beside the rule classes in the Rule classes list that you want to add.
To save a set of rules as a new checking style
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsSave rules.
3In the Save rules dialog box, click Save as.
4In the Save as checking style dialog box, type a name in the Custom style name box.
Using writing tools | 461
The Save rules command is available only when a rule has been turned off.
Analyzing a drawing
Grammatik lets you analyze the grammatical structure of text in a drawing. You can analyze parts of a sentence and parts of speech. When
Grammatik analyzes a sentence, it assigns a sentence part to each word or group of words. Grammatik uses Parse Tree to let you view the
parts of a sentence. When Grammatik analyzes text, it assigns a part of speech to each word in a sentence. You can view the parts of speech
that Grammatik assigns to a sentence.
You can view a basic counts report to analyze a writing style. The basic counts report determines if there are too many long words or if
paragraphs are too long and complicated for the reader to easily understand.
You can also view a flagged errors report to analyze a writing style. The flagged errors report lists the types of errors flagged in a drawing
and reports the number of times each error was flagged. You can also use this report to identify the types of grammar problems that often
appear in a drawing.
Viewing a readability report lets you analyze the amount of skill required for a reader to understand the text in a drawing. Grammatik
analyzes the readability of a drawing by comparing the text with a comparison document. You can choose from one of three Grammatik
comparison documents, or you can add a custom comparison document.
To view a parse tree
Click Text Writing toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsAnalysisParse tree.
The location of the cursor determines the sentence that appears in the parse tree.
To view parts of speech
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsAnalysisParts of speech.
The location of the cursor determines the sentence that appears in the Parts of speech dialog box.
To view a basic counts report
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsAnalysisBasic counts.
To view a flagged errors report
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsAnalysisFlagged.
To view the readability of a drawing
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
462 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Click OptionsAnalysisReadability.
3In the Readability dialog box, choose a comparison document from the Comparison document list box.
To add a comparison document
1Open the drawing you want to use as a comparison document.
Click TextWriting toolsGrammatik.
Click OptionsAnalysisReadability.
4In the Readability dialog box, click Add document.
Grammatik lets you add only one custom comparison document. If you add a second document, it overwrites the first custom
comparison document.
Using word lists
A word list is a list of words or phrases scanned when you proof text by using the writing tools. Writing tools scan two types of word
lists: user word lists and main word lists. Each language comes with a default user word list. You can customize user word lists by adding,
deleting, or replacing words. Main word lists are lists of specialized words used by the spelling checker for a particular language, field or
You can choose a user word list to help proof a text. You can have up to 10 user word lists active simultaneously. For example, if you want
the spelling checker to scan both the US English and the Canadian English main word lists, choose both lists. If you work in the medical
profession, you can select a third-party medical word list that runs with the writing tools. Each language supported by the spelling checker
has a default main word list. The active user word lists are scanned first; if the word or phrase is not found there, the active main word lists
are scanned. You can add, disable, or remove word lists.
You can add a word to a user word list so that the word is not flagged as an error. You can also add replacement words to a user word list,
which lets you choose a replacement when the spelling checker or Grammatik stops on a word.
You can edit or delete words in a user word list at any time.
To choose a user word list
Click Text Writing tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
Click Options User word lists.
3Enable the User word list check box.
If there is only one user word list, no check box appears.
The default user word list for the language is always enabled.
To add a user word list
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
Click Options User word lists.
Using writing tools | 463
3Click in the User word lists list where you want to position the new user word list.
4Click Add list.
5In the Add user word list dialog box, choose the new user word list.
6Click Open.
The filename extension for a user word list is .uwl.
When you check a drawing, the user word lists are scanned in the order of their appearance in the User word lists dialog box.
To disable a user word list
ClickText Writing tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
Click OptionsUser word lists.
3Disable the check box that corresponds to a user word list.
The default user word list for the language is always enabled.
To remove a user word list
Click TextWriting toolsSpell check.
Click OptionsUser word lists.
3Choose a user word list.
4Click Remove list.
You cannot remove the default language word list.
To add a word to a user word list
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
Click OptionsUser word lists.
3In the User word lists dialog box, choose a user word list.
4Type a word in the Word/phrase box.
5If you want to add a replacement word, type it in the Replace with box.
6Click Add entry.
7Click Close.
In the spelling checker, replacement words appear in the Replacements box.
464 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Click Add from the Spell checker or Grammatik pages to add the word to the current user word list.
You can also add short phrases to a user word list.
To add alternative words to a user word list
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
Click OptionsUser word lists.
3In the User word lists dialog box, choose a user word list.
4Type a word in the Word/phrase box.
5Type a replacement word in the Replace with box.
6Click Add entry.
7Click Close.
You can also add short phrases to a user word list.
To edit a word or phrase in a user word list
Click Text Writing tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
Click OptionsUser word lists.
3Choose the user word list that contains the word or phrase you want to edit.
4Choose the word or phrase you want to edit.
5Edit the word or phrase in the Replace with box.
6Click Replace entry.
If the word list you want to edit does not appear in the User word lists dialog box, click Add list to open the list.
To delete a word or phrase from a user word list
Click TextWriting tools, and click one of the following:
•Spell check
Click OptionsUser word lists.
3Choose the word list you want to edit.
4Choose the word or phrase you want to delete.
5Click Delete entry.
Using writing tools | 465
Checking statistics
You can check text statistics to count text elements, including the number of lines, words, characters, and the names of the fonts and styles
used. You can display statistics either for selected text objects or for the entire drawing. If no text is selected, all text elements in the drawing,
including tab and space characters, are counted.
To count text elements for an entire drawing
1Click a blank space in the drawing window.
Click TextText statistics.
You can also
Count text elements for selected text
Select a block of text. Click TextText statistics.
If you want to display information about the styles used, enable the Show style statistics check box.
Reference: Using writing tools
Grammatik uses the following notations to identify parts of speech or parts of a sentence.
Notation in GrammatikGrammatical termExplanation
3vthird-person present verbThe following sentences use the third-
person present-tense verb form:
“He waits.”
“She brushes her hair.”
“Does it sing?”
<>punctuationPunctuation clarifies the meaning of a
phrase or statement. Examples:
•period (.)
•comma (,)
•question mark (?)
abrvabbreviationAn abbreviation is a shortened version of a
word. For example, “etc.” is an abbreviation
of “etcetera.”
adjadjectiveAn adjective modifies a noun. Example: a
“good” book.
advadverbAn adverb modifies a verb or an adjective.
466 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Notation in GrammatikGrammatical termExplanation
•go “quickly”
•a “very” good book
auxauxiliary verbAn auxiliary verb is a form of “be,” “have,”
or “do.” Examples:
•“is” coming
•“had” not run
•“did” he say
bvbase verbA base verb is the form of a verb that comes
after “to” in an infinitive, or after a modal
(such as “would”).
c/scomparative/superlativeThe comparative and superlative forms of
adjectives or adverbs indicate a degree of
comparison. Examples:
cjconjunctionA conjunction joins words, phrases, or
clauses. Examples:
•the book “and” the pen
•I want to leave “because” it is late.
detdeterminerA determiner is a type of adjective.
direct objectdirect objectA direct object receives the action. Example:
Bob opened “the box.”
ijinterjectionAn interjection is an exclamation. Examples:
indirect objectindirect objectAn indirect object tells “to whom” or “for
whom” the action of the sentence occurs.
•Bob gave “her” an apple.
•I sent “him” a postcard.
infsplit infinitiveA split infinitive is a verb in its infinitive form
(to be, to run) that is split by intervening
modifiers. For example, in the split infinitive
Using writing tools | 467
Notation in GrammatikGrammatical termExplanation
“to boldly go,” the adverb “boldly” splits
the infinitive “to go.”
main clausemain clauseA main clause is complete in meaning
without any other sentence component.
•Let’s have the picnic today unless it
rains. (Main clause: “Let’s have the picnic
•When not in school, children play. (Main
clause: “children play”)
modmodalA modal is a type of auxiliary verb.
numnumberA number expresses a quantity. Examples:
•“three” boys
•“497” days
•“62” percent
phrasalphrasal prepositionA phrasal preposition is a preposition that
belongs to, but is separated from, a verb
phrase. Example: put the book “down.”
pnplural nounA plural noun is the plural form of a noun.
posspossessive nounA possessive noun shows ownership. It
is used as an adjective to modify another
noun. Examples:
•“dog’s” leg
•“students’” cars
•“Joe’s” son
pptpast participleA past participle is a past-tense verb form.
Example: The note was “written” in ink.
prep phrprepositional phraseA prepositional phrase consists of a
preposition and its object, plus any
modifiers. Prepositional phrases function as
adjectives, adverbs, or nouns. Example: We
came back “for the second show.”
468 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Notation in GrammatikGrammatical termExplanation
pres-ppresent participleA present participle is a verb form that can
function as part of a verb phrase or as an
adjective. It is usually created by adding
“ing” to the base verb. Examples:
•He is “writing” a book.
•She is “going” to bed.
•The lawyers presented “closing”
prnpronounA pronoun takes the place of a noun.
pvpast tenseThe past tense expresses actions that have
already occurred. Examples:
•He “wrote” the book.
•We “went” to the store.
relative clauserelative clauseA relative clause is a type of subordinate
clause that acts like an adjective, describing
the noun or pronoun that precedes it. A
relative clause usually begins with a relative
pronoun, such as “who,” “whom,” or
“what.” Example: The employees “who
worked diligently” were rewarded.
rel prnrelative pronounA relative pronoun introduces a subordinate
clause and links it with an independent
clause. Examples: The noise “that” scared
you was made by the boy “who” lives next
snsingular nounA singular noun is the name of one person,
place, thing, or idea. Examples:
subjectsubjectThe subject of a clause performs an action.
A subject can be one word or several.
•“John” ran.
Using writing tools | 469
Notation in GrammatikGrammatical termExplanation
•“The cats” meowed.
•“All the children and their mothers” took
subordinate clausesubordinate clauseA subordinate clause, which is also called
a dependent clause cannot stand alone.
It depends on another clause to complete
its meaning. Example: We will have the
meeting today, “because everyone is here.”
that clausethat-clauseA that-clause is a specialized subordinate
clause starting with “that.” Example: We
were sure “that you would pay us.”
verb or verb phraseverb or verb phraseA verb or verb phrase shows action. Verbs
can contain one word or several words,
but Grammatik uses “verb phrase” when
the verb consists of more than one word.
•John “ran.”
•He “has gone.
wh-clausewh-clauseA wh-clause is a specialized subordinate
clause starting with “when,” “how,” “why,”
or “where.” A wh-clause can serve as a
noun, an adverb, or an adjective. Examples:
•We knew “where she would go.”
•I will tell you “when I go.”
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Templates and styles | 471
Templates and styles
Working with templates......................................................................................................................................................................473
Working with styles and style sets.......................................................................................................................................................479
Working with color styles....................................................................................................................................................................489
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Working with templates | 473
Working with templates
A template is a collection of styles and page layout settings that govern the layout and appearance of a drawing. Templates are sometimes
referred to as “templets.”
Use a template for drawing designs that you want to reuse.
You can use the preset templates provided with CorelDRAW, and you can create and use custom templates.
This section includes the following topics:
•“Searching for templates” (page 473)
•“Using templates” (page 475)
•“Creating templates” (page 476)
•“Editing templates” (page 477)
Searching for templates
CorelDRAW provides an easy way of finding templates.
You can search by the name, category, or reference information associated with a template. For example, if you type “contemporary” in the
text field, the application automatically filters out all files that do not match, and you see only the files that have the word “contemporary”
in the template name, category, or designer notes attached to the file.
474 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
By default, the application searches all locations that Instant Search (on Windows 7 and Windows 8) is configured to index. You can also
browse for templates in other locations, which Instant Search is not configured to index. For more information about configuring Instant
Search on Windows 7 and Windows 8, see the Windows Help.
You can cancel a search at any time.
Filtering search results
You can narrow the search results by using different criteria, such as document type (for example, brochure, flyer, newsletter, or postcard)
and industry (for example, hospitality or retail). You can choose to view only templates that you have created or all templates (the templates
included with CorelDRAW and provided by third-party designers, as well as templates that you have created).
Viewing templates and template information
You can increase the size of thumbnails to recognize a particular template easier and faster, and you can decrease thumbnail size to view
more search results at a glance.When you select a template in the viewing area, additional information is displayed about the template’s
category, style, pagination, and fold options, as well as any designer notes related to its intended use.
To search for templates
Click FileNew from template.
2In the New from template dialog box, type a word in the Search box, and press Enter.
Thumbnails that match the search term appear in the Templates pane.
3From the View by list box in the Filter pane, choose one of the following categories:
•Type — sorts templates by document type, such as brochure, flyer, or newsletter
•Industry — sorts templates by the industry that the template was designed for (for example, hospitality, retail, or services)
4In the category list, click a category.
To view all templates (that is, templates included with CorelDRAW, created by third-party designers, or created by you or others), click
All. To view only templates that you have created, click My templates.
Custom templates that do not contain any category information are displayed under My templates.
If the CorelDRAW shell integration components are not installed (that is, if you have disabled the Windows Shell Extension option
under Utilities in the Setup wizard during a custom installation), you can search for templates only by filename, not by name,
keywords, or other reference information.
You can also start a search by entering a search term in the Search box and clicking the Start search button .
To view templates and template information
Click FileNew from template.
2In the New from template dialog box, search for templates.
3Perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Increase or decrease the size of thumbnailsDrag the Zoom slider to the right or left.
View template detailsClick a thumbnail in the Templates pane. The template details are
displayed in the Template details pane.
Working with templates | 475
ToDo the following
If the Template details pane is hidden, click the Show/Hide
template details button to display it.
View designer notesClick a thumbnail in the Templates pane. The designer notes are
displayed in the Designer notes pane.
Print designer notes
Click the Print designer notes button in the lower-left corner
of the Designer notes pane.
If there are no designer notes associated with a template, the Print
designer notes button is disabled.
Using templates
When you start a document from a template by using the FileNew from template command, CorelDRAW formats the page according to
the page layout settings in the template and then loads all objects and template’s styles into the new document. With this method, you can
search and browse for templates.
If you want to use only the styles from a template, you can create a blank document by using the FileOpen command.
You can also import styles from a template into a document at any time.
To start a document from a template
Click FileNew from template.
2Search or browse for templates.
3Choose a template from the Templates list.
4Click Open.
For information about searching for templates, see “To search for templates” on page 474.
You can also start a document from a template by clicking FileOpen, locating the template, double-clicking it, and enabling the
New from template check box in the Open dialog box. If you want to use only the template’s styles, disable the With contents
check box.
To import styles from a template into a document
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
In the Object styles docker, open the Import, export, or save defaults flyout, and then click the Import style sheet button .
3Locate the folder where the template is stored.
4Click the template that contains the styles that you want to load.
5Click Open.
476 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Only the template styles are imported. Page layout settings and objects saved with the template are ignored. The attributes of existing
objects are maintained.
Creating templates
If the preset templates do not meet your needs, you can create your own templates, based on documents that you often use. For example, if
you regularly put together a newsletter, you can save the page layout settings and styles to a template.
When you save a template, CorelDRAW allows you to add reference information, such as pagination, folds, category, industry, and other
important notes. Although adding template information is optional, doing so makes it easier to organize and locate templates later on. For
example, adding descriptive notes to a template lets you subsequently search for that template by entering text from the notes.
To create a template
Click FileSave as template.
2Type a name in the File name list box.
3Locate the folder where you want to save the template.
4Click Save.
5In the Template properties dialog box, specify the options you want:
•Name — Assign a name to your template. This name will appear with the thumbnail in the Templates pane.
•Sided — Choose a pagination option.
•Folds — Choose a fold from the list, or choose Other and type the fold type in the text box next to the Folds list box.
•Type — Choose an option from the list, or choose Other and type the template type in the text box next to the Type list box.
•Industry — Choose an option from the list, or choose Other and type the industry for which the template is designed.
•Designer notes — Type important information about the intended use of the template.
If you click Cancel, you close the Template properties dialog box without saving the template.
If you save a template to a previous version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite (13.0 or earlier), you cannot add reference information.
The Designer notes text box supports HTML markup, so you can paste such content as graphics and hyperlinks. Graphics pasted
from an HTML file are referenced from their original location and are not embedded in the CorelDRAW document. Therefore, if you
plan to share a template with others, make sure that they have access to the location of the graphics. If you paste formatted text
(also known as “rich text”) from a Rich Text Format (RTF) or HTML file, the formatting properties of the text are preserved.
If you don’t want to add reference information, click OK without specifying any of the options.
You can also enter designer notes by copying content from another document and pasting it into the Designer notes text box.
To format text in the Designer notes text box, use the following shortcut keys:
•Ctrl + B — applies bold formatting to selected text
•Ctrl + I — italicizes selected text
•Ctrl + U — underlines selected text
•Ctrl + K — lets you assign a hyperlink to selected text
Working with templates | 477
Editing templates
You can edit a template by making changes to the styles, page layout settings, or objects. For example, if you like a template but want to
make it more versatile, you can add styles that you’ve created or that you’ve taken from another template. For information about editing
styles, see “Editing styles and style sets” on page 483. For information about setting page layout options, see “Specifying the page layout”
on page 501.
To edit a template
Click FileOpen.
2Locate the folder where the template is stored.
3Double-click a template filename.
4In the Open dialog box, enable the Open for editing check box.
478 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Working with styles and style sets | 479
Working with styles and style sets
CorelDRAW provides advanced style capabilities that allow you to format your documents with speed, ease, and consistency. You can create
and apply styles and style sets to different types of objects: graphic objects, artistic and paragraph text, callout and dimension objects, and
any objects created with the Artistic Media tools.
Styles and style sets are groups of attributes that determine the appearance of objects. When you apply a style or style set to an object, all
the attributes defined in that style are applied to the object in one step. That is how you can format simultaneously many different objects
and significantly reduce your set-up and production time. What is more, when you edit a style or style set, all the objects defined by that
style are automatically updated.
You can also export styles and style sets as style sheets for use in other documents, or import them from previously saved style sheets.
Styles simplify the task of formatting objects by saving time and ensuring a consistent look.
This section includes the following topics:
•“Creating styles and style sets” (page 480)
•“Applying styles and style sets” (page 482)
•“Editing styles and style sets” (page 483)
•“Managing default object properties” (page 484)
480 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•“Exporting and importing style sheets” (page 485)
•“Assigning keyboard shortcuts to styles or style sets” (page 486)
•“Finding objects that use a specific style or style set” (page 486)
•“Breaking the link between objects and styles or style sets” (page 486)
Creating styles and style sets
A style is a group of formatting attributes that defines an object property, such as outline or fill. For example, to define an outline style, you
can specify attributes such as outline width, color, and type of line. To define a character style, you can specify the font type, font style and
size, text color and background color, character position, caps, and more. CorelDRAW lets you create and apply outline, fill, paragraph,
character, and text frame styles.
CorelDRAW lets you group styles into style sets. A style set is a collection of styles that helps you define the appearance of an object. For
example, you can create a style set containing a fill style and an outline style that you can apply to graphic objects such as rectangles,
ellipses, and curves.
There are two options for creating styles. You can create a style or style set based on the formatting of an object that you like, or you can
create a style or style set from scratch by setting the object attributes in the Object styles docker.
In CorelDRAW, styles can contain other styles. A style that contains another style is called a parent; a style that is contained within another
style is called a child. Properties are automatically inherited from the parent; however, you can override inherited properties for a child and
set its own specific properties. When you modify the parent style, the child style is updated automatically. If you set child-specific attributes,
the attributes are no longer related to the parent, so if you modify the parent, the child-specific attributes will not be modified. The parent-
child relationship applies to style sets as well.
You can use child and parent styles in documents where you want objects to share some, but not all, attributes, and you need to make
global changes on a regular basis. For example, if you are working on a long document and you want to have headings and subheadings
with similar formatting, you can create a parent character style for the headings and a child character style for the subheadings. The parent
and the child styles can share the same color and font type but differ in size. If you choose a different color or font type for the parent, both
the headings and the subheadings will be updated automatically. The subheadings, however, will still appear smaller than the headings.
To create a style from an object
Using the Pick tool , right-click an object.
2Choose Object styles, choose New style from, and point to a style type.
A preview shows you what object attributes will be included in the new style.
3Click a style type.
4In the New style from dialog box, type a name in the New style name box.
If the Object styles docker is not open, enable the Open object styles docker check box in the New style from dialog box.
You can also create a style from an object by right-clicking the Styles folder in the Object styles docker, choosing New from
selected, and then choosing a style type.
To create a style set from an object
Using the Pick tool , right-click an object.
2Choose Object styles, and point to New style set from.
Working with styles and style sets | 481
A preview shows you what object attributes will be included in the new style set.
3Click New style set from.
4In the New style set from dialog box, type a name in the New style set name box.
If the Object styles docker is not open, enable the Open object styles docker check box in the New style set from dialog box.
You can also create a style set from an object by dragging the object to the Style sets folder in the Object styles docker. If you drag
the object over an existing style set in the Style sets folder, the attributes of the object replace the attributes of the style set, and all
objects to which the style set has been applied are automatically updated.
To define a style
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
In the Object styles docker, click the New style button , and choose a style type.
The style appears in the Styles folder with a name assigned by the application, for example “Fill 1.”
3Specify the style attributes that you want.
You can also
Rename a styleRight-click a style, click Rename, type a new name, and press
Delete a styleDo one of the following:
•Select a style in the Styles folder, and click the Delete style
button .
•Right-click a style, and click Delete.
Duplicate a styleRight-click a style, and click Duplicate.
Create a child styleDo one of the following:
•Select a style in the Styles folder, and click the New child style
button .
•Right-click a style, and click New child style.
To define a style set
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
In the Object styles docker, click the New style set button to create an empty style set to which you can add styles.
The style set appears in the Style sets folder with a name assigned by the application, for example “Style Set 1.”
3Do one of the following:
Click the Add or remove style button next to the style set, and select the style types that you want to add to the style set. Then,
set the properties of each style.
•From the Styles folder, drag existing styles to the new style set.
482 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Rename a style setRight-click a style set in the Style sets folder, click Rename, type a
new name, and press Enter.
Delete a style setDo one of the following:
•Select a style set in the Style sets folder, and click the Delete
style set button .
•Right-click a style set, and click Delete.
Duplicate a style setRight-click a style set, and click Duplicate.
Create a child style setDo one of the following:
•Select a style set in the Style sets folder, and click the New child
style set button.
•Right-click a style set, and click New child style set.
Applying styles and style sets
When you apply a style or a style set to an object, the object takes on only the attributes that are defined by the style or style set. For
example, if you apply an outline style, the object outline changes while its other attributes stay the same.
You can apply styles and styles sets by using the Object styles docker and the Object properties docker.
In the Object properties docker, attributes which are defined by a style appear with a source indicator that is green and has a vertical line in
the middle . (The source indicator is the little square next to the attribute name.) If there is no style applied, the source indicator appears
blank . If there is an override of the applied style, the source indicator color is orange with a horizontal line in the middle .
To apply a style or style set to an object
Using the Pick tool , select an object.
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
3In the Object styles docker, select a style or style set, and click Apply to selected.
To see a preview of the style or style set before applying it, point to it in the Object styles docker.
You can also apply a style by clicking a source indicator next to an object property (outline, fill, character, paragraph, or frame) in the
Object properties docker and choosing a style from the list of styles.
You can also apply a style or style set to a selected object by using any of the following methods:
•In the Object styles docker, double-click a style or style set.
•Right-click the object, choose Object styles, choose Apply style, and then choose a style or style set from the list.
•In the Object styles docker, right-click a style or style set, and choose Apply style or Apply style set.
•In the Object styles docker, select a style or style set, and drag it to the object.
Working with styles and style sets | 483
Editing styles and style sets
You can edit a style or style set either by changing its attributes in the Object styles docker, or by changing the attributes of an object linked
to the style or style set, and then applying these changes to the style or style set.
You can also edit a style or style set by copying attributes from an object to the style or style set.
You can override style attributes. When you override an attribute, it is no longer related to the style definition, and changes to the style do
not affect the object until you remove the override.
To edit a style
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
2In the Object styles docker, open the Styles folder, and select a style.
3In the style properties area of the Object styles docker, modify the attributes you want.
To edit a style set
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
2In the Object styles docker, open the Style sets folder, and select a style set.
Click the Add or remove style button next to the style set, and click the style type that you want to add or remove from the style
Check marks appear next to the style types that are included in the style set.
In the style properties area of the Object styles docker, you can edit the styles that are included in the style set.
To edit a style or style set by editing an object
Using the Pick tool , select an object that has a style or style set applied to it.
Click ObjectObject properties.
3In the Object properties docker, edit the object properties.
4In the document window, right-click the object, choose Object styles from the context menu, and choose Apply to style.
The new attributes of the object replace the attributes of the styles or style sets associated with this object.
To edit a style or style set by copying properties from an object
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
2Drag an object from the document window over a style or style set name in the Object styles docker.
You can also copy the properties of an object to a style or style set by right-clicking the style or style set in the Object styles docker,
choosing Copy properties from, and then clicking an object in the document window.
To override a style attribute
Using the Pick tool , select an object that has a style applied to it.
Click ObjectObject properties.
484 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
3In the Object properties docker, edit an object attribute defined by a style.
The source indicator next to the attribute changes from green with a vertical line to orange with a horizontal line , showing that the
object attribute is no longer defined by the style.
To remove a style override, do one of the following:
•Click the orange source indicator , and choose Revert.
In the document window, right-click the object by using the Pick tool , choose Object styles from the context menu,
and choose Revert to style.
Managing default object properties
The default object properties in CorelDRAW control the appearance of text and graphic objects in the active document. For example, when
you install CorelDRAW for the first time, the default properties for graphic objects determine that each new graphic object has a black
outline and no fill.
You can modify the default properties of the following types of objects: artistic media, artistic text, callout, dimension, graphic, and
paragraph text. When you modify the defaults, CorelDRAW automatically saves these changes to the current document. If you want to use
the custom settings in subsequent documents that you create, you can set them as the new document defaults.
You can specify which object styles, style sets, color styles, or default object properties in the active drawing are set as the new document
To edit default object properties
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
2In the Object styles docker, open the Default object properties folder, and choose one of the following object types:
•Artistic Media
•Artistic text
•Paragraph text
3Modify the attributes you want.
Any changes you make are applied to all new objects in the active document and are automatically saved with the document.
You can also
Undo changes by reverting selected default properties to the new
document defaults
Do one of the following:
Click the Revert to new document default button next to
the object type.
•Right-click the object type, and choose Revert to new document
Undo changes to the default object properties for all object types
by reverting to the new document defaults
Do one of the following:
Click the Revert all to new document default button next
to the Default object properties folder.
Working with styles and style sets | 485
You can also
•Right-click the Default object properties folder, and click Revert
all to new document default.
Set selected object properties as the default settings for new
Do one of the following:
Click the Set as new document default button next to the
object type.
•Right-click the object type, and click Set as new document
You can also edit the default object properties by deselecting all objects in the document window, clicking a color or a color style on a
palette, or choosing a control that lets you change fill, outline, or text properties, and then enabling the respective check boxes in the
Change document defaults dialog box.
You can also edit the default object properties while editing any object in the document window. Right-click the Default object
properties folder in the Objects styles docker, and choose Update default properties when editing objects. Any change you make
to an object becomes the default setting for new objects.
To set the current style settings as the new document defaults
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
In the Object styles docker, click the Import, export, or save defaults button , and click Set as new document defaults.
3Enable the check boxes for the settings that you’d like to save as the default settings for new documents.
You can also save settings as the default settings for new documents by using the Options dialog box. For more information, see
“Saving defaults” on page 713.
Exporting and importing style sheets
You can make styles and style sets available for use in other documents by exporting them to a CorelDRAW style sheet (.cdss) file. A style
sheet contains all the object styles, style sets, color styles, and default object properties in the active document. You can also use styles and
style sets from other documents by importing the style sheet to which they were saved.
To export a style sheet
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
In the Object styles docker, click the Import, export, or save defaults button , and click Export style sheet.
3In the Export style sheet dialog box, choose the folder where you want to save the style sheet.
4Type a file name in the File name box.
5Click Export.
6Enable the check boxes for the settings you’d like to export from the document.
To import a style sheet
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
In the Object styles docker, click the Import, export, or save defaults button , and click Import style sheet.
486 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
3In the Import style sheet dialog box, choose the folder where the style sheet is stored.
4Select the file name, and click Import.
5Enable the check boxes for the settings you’d like to import into the document.
You can also import styles and style sets from an existing CorelDRAW file by selecting the file in the Import style sheet dialog box
and clicking Import.
Assigning keyboard shortcuts to styles or style sets
You can assign a keyboard shortcut to a style or style set. When you press the keyboard shortcut, CorelDRAW applies the style or style set to
the selected object. A keyboard shortcut can use up to four different keystrokes.
If a keyboard shortcut is already assigned to another command, you can override the existing setting.
For more information about working with keyboard shortcuts, see “Customizing keyboard shortcuts” on page 717.
To assign a keyboard shortcut to a style or style set
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
2In the Object styles docker, right-click a style or style set, and click Assign keyboard shortcut.
The Options dialog box opens with the Shortcut keys tab of the Commands page displayed and Apply styles in the top list box
3Select the style or style set to which you want to assign a shortcut.
If you have already assigned a keyboard shortcut to the selected style, the shortcut is displayed in the Current shortcut keys box.
4Click in the New shortcut key box, and press a key combination.
If the key combination is already assigned to another command, that command is listed in the Currently assigned to box.
5Click Assign.
If the same keyboard shortcut is already assigned to another command, the second assignment overwrites the first. By enabling the
Navigate to conflict on assign check box, you can automatically navigate to the command whose shortcut you reassigned and
assign a new shortcut.
Finding objects that use a specific style or style set
CorelDRAW allows you to find objects with a specific style or style set in the active drawing. For example, you can find all text objects that
use a specific heading style.
To find objects that use a specific style or style set
Click WindowDockersObject styles.
2In the Object styles docker, open the styles or styles sets folder that contains a specific style or style set.
3Right-click the style or style set, and choose Select objects using style.
Breaking the link between objects and styles or style sets
You can break the link between an object and the style or style set applied to it. When you break the link, the object retains its current
appearance. Subsequent changes to the style or style set will not affect the object attributes.
Working with styles and style sets | 487
To break the link between an object and a style or style set
In the document window, right-click an object by using the Pick tool , choose Object styles from the context menu, and click Break
link to style.
If the Break link to style command is not available, there are no styles or style sets applied to this object.
You can also break the link between an object and a style by clicking the source indicator next to the styled property (outline, fill,
paragraph, character, or frame) in the Object properties docker and choosing Not styled.
488 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Working with color styles | 489
Working with color styles
A color style is a color you save and apply to objects in a document. Any time you update a color style, you also update all objects using that
color style. Color styles allow you to apply custom colors with ease and consistency.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Creating and applying color styles” (page 489)
•“Editing color styles” (page 492)
•“Viewing color styles” (page 496)
•“Exporting and importing color styles” (page 498)
•“Breaking the link between a color style and an object” (page 498)
Creating and applying color styles
You can create color styles from the colors of an existing object or from scratch. When you create a color style, the new color style is saved to
the active document and to the Color styles palette.
After you create a color style, you can apply it to objects in the document. CorelDRAW lets you access available color styles through various
controls: the Color styles docker, the Object styles docker, the Object properties docker, the Color styles palette, and the Document palette.
(A color style is automatically added to the Document palette when you apply it to an object.)
Color styles can be combined into groups called harmonies. A harmony allows you to link color styles into hue-based relationships and
modify them together as a set. By editing color styles in a harmony, you can quickly create a variety of alternate color schemes by shifting the
colors together, or you can alter the color composition of your artwork in one step.
CorelDRAW allows you to create a special type of color harmony called a gradient. A gradient consists of a master color style and a number
of shades of that color style. For most of the available color models and palettes, the derivative color styles share the same hue as the master
color style but have different saturation and brightness levels. With the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM and Custom spot color palettes, the
master color style and the derivative color styles are linked to one another but have different tint levels.
You can create a harmony from the colors of an existing object or from scratch.
CorelDRAW also lets you select all color styles that are not used in the document or merge unwanted color styles into others. It also lets you
convert color styles to different color modes or to spot colors to prepare your document for production printing.
To create a color style or harmony from a selected object
Select an object by using the Pick tool .
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Click WindowDockersColor styles.
In the Color styles docker, click the New color style button , and choose New from selected.
4In the Create color styles dialog box, enable one of the following options in the Create color styles from area:
•Object fill — creates a color style from the color of the object fill
•Object outline — creates a color style from the color of the object outline
•Both fill and outline — creates color styles from the object fill and outline colors
5To group the new color styles based on hues of similar saturation and value, enable the Group color styles into harmonies check box,
and specify the number of harmonies in the box.
To convert the color styles to a different color mode, enable the Convert all color styles to check box, and choose a color mode from
the list box.
You can also create color styles or color harmonies from a selected object by using any of the following methods:
•Drag the selected object to the top part of the gray area in the Color styles docker to create independent color styles, or
drag the selected object to the bottom part of the gray area to create color styles grouped into harmonies. Then, specify the
settings you want in the Create color styles dialog box.
Right-click the object in the document window, and choose Color stylesNew from Selected. Then, specify the settings you
want in the Create color styles dialog box.
•Click the arrow button on the Color styles palette, and choose Add from selection.
To create a color style
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
2Drag a swatch from any open palette to the top part of the gray area in the Color styles docker.
You can also create a color style by clicking the New color style button , choosing New color style, and choosing a color in the
Color editor. The Color editor provides a variety of options to choose the right color: Eyedropper tool, color viewers, sliders, and
palettes. For more information about choosing colors, see “Working with color” on page 281.
If you want to create color styles from all the colors in your document, do one of the following:
In the Color styles docker, click the New color style button , and choose New from document.
In the document window, right-click an object using the Pick tool , and choose Color styles New from document.
On the Color styles palette, click the arrow button and choose Add from Document.
To create a color harmony
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
In the Color styles docker, click the New color harmony button , and choose New color harmony.
A folder icon for the color harmony appears in the bottom part of the gray area.
3Drag any color swatches or color style swatches to the harmony folder.
Working with color styles | 491
You can also duplicate a harmony by selecting its folder in the Color styles docker, clicking the New color harmony button ,
and choosing Duplicate harmony.
You can resize the Color harmonies area so that you can view available color harmonies without scrolling by pointing to the grab
area, and when the cursor changes to a two-directional arrow, dragging the edge of the pane.
To create a gradient
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
2In the Color styles docker, select a color style as the master color for the gradient.
Click the New color harmony button , and choose New gradient.
4In the New gradient dialog box, specify the number of shades in the Number of colors box.
5Adjust the Shade similarity slider.
Move the slider to the left to create very different shades; move the slider to the right to create very similar shades.
6Enable one of the following options:
•Lighter shades — creates shades that are lighter than the master color
•Darker shades — creates shades that are darker than the master color
•Both — creates an equal number of light and dark shades
To apply a color style
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
Select an object by using the Pick tool .
3In the Color styles docker, do one of the following:
•Double-click a color style to apply a fill.
•Right-click a color style to apply an outline.
You can also
Delete a color style
Select the color style, and click the Delete button .
Merge selected color styles with the last selected color style
Click the Merge button .
Swap color stylesSelect two color styles in the Color styles docker, and click the
Swap color styles button . The fill color style becomes the
object outline, and the outline color style becomes the object fill.
Select all color styles which are not used in the document
Click the Select unused button .
You can also apply a color style to a selected object by using any of the following methods:
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•On the Color styles palette or the Document palette, click a color style to apply a fill or right-click a color style to apply an
outline. To open the Color styles palette, click Window Color palettes Color styles palette.
•Drag a color style from a palette or the Color styles docker to the object.
•In the Outline or Fill section of the Object properties docker, click the source indicator next to the color picker, and choose
from the list of previously created color styles.
•You can also use the Object styles docker to apply a color style, if the object style that is assigned to an object contains a
color attribute, such as a fill or outline. In the style properties area of the Object styles docker, click the source indicator next
to a color picker, and choose from the list of previously saved color styles.
Editing color styles
You can edit an individual color style or a color style in a harmony.
When you edit a harmony, you can edit color styles simultaneously by preserving the relationship between them, or you can modify
individual color styles within the harmony.
When you change the hue of the master color style in a gradient, all its derivative shades are updated based on the new hue and the original
saturation and brightness value.
Harmony rules
You can apply a rule to a color harmony to shift all colors according to predetermined logic and create various color schemes (combinations).
The selected color in the color harmony is considered to be the base color and is used as reference to position the remaining colors on the
color wheel.
You can also use a harmony rule to create a color harmony from scratch. The resulting color harmony contains five colors that are created
randomly based on the chosen rule, and its base color is the selected color in the harmony swatch list.
The following harmony rules are available.
•Analogous — includes colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, creating clear and smooth color schemes
•Analogous - Accented — similar to the Analogous rule, but includes a complementary (contrasting) color in addition to the adjacent
•Complementary (also known as “contrast”) — balances the base color with the opposite color on the color wheel. Warm and cold
colors are created for vibrant and energetic color schemes.
•Monochromatic — includes variations of a single color, creating soothing color schemes
•Tetrad — based on a pair of colors and their complements on the color wheel. This rule usually creates bold color harmonies and
requires careful planning when used.
•Triad — balances the base color with colors that are situated close to the opposite end of the color wheel, forming a triangle. This
harmony rule usually creates color schemes of soft contrast.
Working with color styles | 493
Examples of color harmonies created from scratch by using harmony rules
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The icons on the harmony folders show that the color harmonies are based on different harmony rules.
From top to bottom: Analogous - Accented, Analogous, Complementary, Monochromatic, Tetrad, and Triad.
Editing color harmonies
You can edit color harmonies in various ways: by removing a previously applied harmony rule, by substituting the base color with the
opposite color on the color wheel, by moving colors to different arms on the color wheel, and by dragging the color harmony on the color
You can select colors from multiple color harmonies and edit them simultaneously. This feature lets you edit multiple rule-based color
harmonies at the same time without removing the rules.
In addition, you can convert a color style to the Grayscale color mode from within the Color styles docker.
To edit a color style
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
2In the Color styles docker, select an individual color style or a color style in a harmony.
3In the Color editor or Harmony editor, edit the color style by using any of the available controls: Eyedropper tool, color viewers, sliders,
and palettes.
For more information about choosing colors, see “Working with color” on page 281.
You can also
Rename a color styleSelect the color style in the Color styles docker, and type a new
name in the name box at the top of the docker.
Convert a color style to a different color mode
Click the Convert button , and choose a color mode from the
Convert a color style to a spot color
Click the Convert button , and choose Convert to Spot.
To edit a color harmony
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
2In the Color styles docker, click a harmony folder.
Working with color styles | 495
3Do any of the following:
•In the Harmony editor, click a selector ring and drag to edit the color styles in the harmony. To constrain the movement of the selector
ring, hold down Ctrl while dragging the selector ring to preserve the original saturation, or hold down Shift to preserve the original
•In the Color editor, choose a color by using any of the available controls: Eyedropper tool, color viewers, sliders, and palettes. For
more information about choosing colors, see “Working with color” on page 281.
4In the Harmony editor, move the Brightness slider to change the tint of the color.
If you want to specify the exact tint, type a value in the Brightness box.
To edit an individual color style in the harmony, select the style by clicking its swatch in the harmony folder, or by clicking its
respective selector ring or swatch in the Harmony editor.
You can resize the Color harmonies area so that you can view available color harmonies without scrolling by pointing to the grab
area, and when the cursor changes to a two-directional arrow, dragging the edge of the pane.
You can reorder color harmonies by dragging a color swatch.
To apply a rule to a color harmony
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
2In the Color styles docker, click a harmony folder.
3Choose a rule from the Harmony rule list box.
You can also
Create a rule-based color harmony from scratchMake sure that no color styles are selected, and choose a rule from
the Harmony rule list box.
Distribute colors evenly when changing a harmony rule
Make sure the Distribute colors button is enabled, and
choose a harmony rule from the Harmony rule list box.
Colors will be distributed evenly along the arms on the color wheel,
which can result in radical color changes.
When the Distributecolors button is disabled, color relationships in
the color harmony are maintained.
You can choose Custom from the Harmony rule list box to remove a previously applied rule or start a new harmony folder.
To edit a color harmony
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
2In the Color styles docker, click a color style in a color harmony.
3In the Harmony editor, perform any of the following tasks.
ToDo the following
Remove a rule from a color harmony
Click the Remove harmony rule button.
Working with color styles | 497
Two of the arms in this color harmony, based on the Tetrad harmony rule,
do not contain any colors, but are displayed to help with editing tasks.
To enable Page Sorter view
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
In the Color styles docker, click the View options button , and click Page sorter view.
3To change the size of the page thumbnails, click one of the following buttons on the property bar:
Small thumbnails
Medium thumbnails
Large thumbnails
To return to the default page view, click the Page sorter view button on the property bar.
To use Hint view
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
In the Color styles docker, click the View options button , and click Hint view.
3Point to a color style that was applied to an object.
A small indicator appears in the center of the object that uses the color style.
To show larger color swatches
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
In the Color styles docker, click the View options button , and click Use large swatches.
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To show empty arms in a color harmony
Click WindowDockersColor styles.
In the Color styles docker, click the View options button , and click Show empty arms.
Exporting and importing color styles
You can reuse color styles by adding them to custom palettes, saving them as the new document defaults, or exporting them to a style
sheet. You can also import color styles from other documents. For more information, see “Creating and editing custom color palettes ” on
page 293, “Managing default object properties ” on page 484, and “Exporting and importing style sheets ” on page 485.
Breaking the link between a color style and an object
When you break the link between a color style and an object, the object no longer derives its color properties from the color style; you can
update the color style without modifying the object.
To break the link between a color style and an object
Right-click an object by using the Pick tool , and choose Color styles Break link to color styles.
You can also break the link to a color style in the Object properties docker. Click the source indicator next to the color picker in the
Outline or Fill sections of the Object properties docker, and choose Break link to color style.
Pages and layout | 499
Pages and layout
Working with pages and layout tools..................................................................................................................................................501
Working with tables............................................................................................................................................................................519
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Working with pages and layout tools | 501
Working with pages and layout tools
CorelDRAW lets you specify the size, orientation, unit of scale, and background of the drawing page. You can customize and display page
grids and guidelines to help you organize objects and place them exactly where you want. For example, if you are designing a newsletter,
you can set the dimensions of the pages and create guidelines for positioning columns and heading text. When you are laying out an
advertisement, you can align graphics and text along guidelines and arrange graphic elements within a grid. Rulers can help you position
grids, guidelines, and objects along a scale that uses units of your choice. Also, you can add and delete pages.
Page layout settings and tools are fully customizable and can be used as defaults for other drawings.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Specifying the page layout” (page 501)
•“Choosing a page background” (page 504)
•“Adding, duplicating, renaming, and deleting pages” (page 505)
•“Inserting page numbers” (page 507)
•“Using the rulers” (page 509)
•“Calibrating the rulers” (page 510)
•“Setting up the document grid” (page 511)
•“Setting up the baseline grid” (page 512)
•“Setting up guidelines” (page 513)
•“Modifying guidelines” (page 516)
•“Setting the drawing scale” (page 517)
Specifying the page layout
You can begin working on a drawing by specifying settings for the size, orientation, and layout style of the page. The options you choose
when specifying the page layout can be used as a default for all new drawings you create. You can also adjust the page size and orientation
settings to match the standard paper settings for printing.
Page size
There are two options for specifying a page size: choosing a preset page size and creating your own. You can choose from many preset page
sizes, ranging from legal-size paper and envelopes to posters and webpages. If a preset page size does not meet your needs, you can create
a custom page size by specifying a drawing’s dimensions.
You can save custom page sizes as presets for later use, and you can delete any custom preset page sizes that you no longer need.
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Page orientation
The orientation of the page can be landscape or portrait. In landscape orientation, the drawing’s width is greater than its height, and in
portrait orientation, the drawing’s height is greater than its width. Any pages you add to a drawing have the current orientation; however,
you can change the orientation of individual pages at any time.
Layout styles
When you use the default layout style (Full Page), each page in a document is considered a single page and prints on one sheet. You can
choose layout styles for multipage publications, such as booklets and brochures. The multipage layout styles — Book, Booklet, Tent Card,
Side-fold Card, Top-fold Card, and Tri-fold Brochure — split the page size into two or more equal parts. Each part is considered a separate
page. The advantage of working with separate parts is that you can edit each page in upright orientation, and in sequential order in the
drawing window, regardless of the layout required to print your document. When you are ready to print, the application automatically
arranges the pages in the order required for printing and binding.
Label styles
You can choose from more than 800 preset label formats from different label manufacturers. You can preview the dimensions of labels and
see how they fit on a printed page. If CorelDRAW does not provide a label style that meets your requirements, you can modify an existing
style or create and save your own original style.
To set the page size and orientation
Click LayoutPage setup.
The Options dialog box appears with the Page size page displayed.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Choose a preset page sizeChoose a page size from the Size list box.
Match the page size and orientation to the printer settingsClick the Get page size from printer button.
Specify a custom page sizeType values in the Width and Height boxes.
Set the page orientationClick the Landscape or the Portrait button.
Set the page size and orientation for an individual page in a
multipage document
Make sure that the page you want to change is displayed in the
drawing window, choose a page size and orientation, and enable
the Apply size to current page only check box.
Display the page borderEnable the Show page border check box.
Add a frame around the pageClick Add page frame.
Choose a rendering resolution for the documentChoose a resolution from the Rendering resolution list box.
Set a bleed limitEnable the Show bleed area check box, and type a value in the
Bleed box.
Working with pages and layout tools | 503
You can also specify the page size and orientation by clicking ViewPage sorter view and adjusting the controls on the property bar.
You can also open the Options dialog box with the Page size page displayed by double-clicking the shadow of the drawing page.
To add or delete custom preset page sizes
Click LayoutPage setup.
The Options dialog box appears with the Page size page displayed.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Add a custom preset page sizeSpecify a custom page size in the Width and Height boxes, click
the Save button, and type a name for the custom page in the Save
custom page type as box.
The custom preset page size appears in the Size list box.
Delete a preset page sizeChoose a page size from the Size list box, and click the Delete
With the Pick tool active and no objects selected, you can also add or delete custom preset page sizes by clicking Edit this list at the
bottom of the Page size list box on the property bar.
To choose a layout style
Click LayoutPage layout.
2In the Options dialog box, choose a layout style from the Layout list box.
Each layout style is accompanied by a short description and illustration.
To use a label style
Click LayoutPage setup.
2In the Document list of categories, click Label, and enable the Labels option.
3Choose a manufacturer name from the list.
4Choose the label style you want from the list.
If you want to customize the label style, click Customize label, and adjust the label size, margins, gutters, and the number of labels
appearing on each sheet.
If you want to save the custom label style you created, click the Add button , and type a name for the new label style in the Save as
You cannot use label styles if a drawing contains multiple pages.
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For best results, choose Letter paper size and Portrait orientation before applying a label style.
To save the current page layout as the default
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, click Document.
3Enable the Save options as defaults for new documents check box.
4Enable the Page options check box.
Choosing a page background
You can choose the color and type of background for a drawing. For example, you can use a solid color if you want a uniform background.
If you want a more intricate or dynamic background, you can use a bitmap. Some examples of bitmaps include textured designs,
photographs, and clipart.
When you choose a bitmap as the background, it is embedded in the drawing by default. This option is recommended. However, you can
also link the bitmap to the drawing so that if you later edit the source image, the change is automatically reflected in the drawing. If you
send a drawing with a linked image to someone else, you must also send the linked image.
You can make a background bitmap printable and exportable, or you can save computer resources by exporting and printing a drawing
without the background bitmap.
If you no longer need a background, you can remove it.
To use a solid color as the background
Click LayoutPage background.
2Enable the Solid option.
3Open the color picker, and click a color.
When you export files to a bitmap format, the background color is used for anti-aliasing edges. If the bitmaps are of irregular shape
and will be placed against a background different from white, it is recommended that you select a matching page background color.
For example, if you are planning to place the exported bitmap against a blue background, you may want to choose a similar blue
color for the page background.
To use a bitmap as the background
Click LayoutPage background.
2Enable the Bitmap option.
3Click Browse.
4Locate the folder in which the file is stored.
5Double-click the filename.
6In the Options dialog box, enable one of the following options:
•Linked — links the bitmap to the drawing so that changes made to the source file are reflected in the bitmap background
•Embedded — embeds the bitmap in the drawing so that changes made to the source file are not reflected in the bitmap background
If you want the background to be printed and exported with the drawing, enable the Print and export background check box.
7Enable one of the following options:
Working with pages and layout tools | 505
•Default size— lets you use the bitmap’s current size
•Custom size — lets you specify the dimensions of the bitmap by typing values in the H and V boxes.
If you want to specify nonproportional height and width values, disable the Maintain aspect ratio check box.
If the bitmap is smaller than the drawing page, it is tiled across the drawing page. If it is larger than the drawing page, it is cropped
to fit the drawing page.
A background bitmap is not an object and cannot be edited.
To remove a background
Click LayoutPage background.
2Enable the No background option.
Adding, duplicating, renaming, and deleting pages
CorelDRAW lets you add pages to a drawing or duplicate existing pages. You can also rename pages and delete a single page or an entire
range of pages. You can move objects from one page to another.
When you duplicate a page, you can choose to copy only the layer structure of the page or to copy the layers and all the objects they
contain. For more information about layers, see “Working with layers” on page 255.
You can use the Page Sorter view to manage pages while viewing the page contents. The Page Sorter view lets you change the order of
pages as well as copy, add, rename, and delete pages.
Page sorter view
To add a page
Click LayoutInsert page.
2In the Pages area, type the number of pages you want to add in the Number of pages box.
3To place the new page before or after the current page, enable one of the following options:
If you want to insert a page before or after a page other than the current page, type the page number in the Existing page box.
506 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Specify the page sizeChoose a page size from the Size list box.
Specify a custom page sizeType values in the Width and Height boxes.
Set the page orientationClick the Landscape or the Portrait button.
You can also insert a page before or after the current page by clicking one of the Add page buttons in the document navigator.
You can also add a page by right-clicking a page tab in the document navigator and clicking Insert page after or Insert page before.
To duplicate a page
Click LayoutDuplicate page.
2In the Insert new page area of the Duplicate page dialog box, choose one of the following options:
•Before selected page
•After selected page
3At the bottom of the dialog box, choose one of the following options:
•Copy layer(s) only — lets you duplicate the layer structure without copying the contents of the layers
•Copy layer(s) and their contents — lets you duplicate the layers and all their contents
You can also duplicate a page by right-clicking a page name and choosing Duplicate page.
To rename a page
Click LayoutRename page.
2Type the name of the page in the Page name box.
You can also rename a page in the Object manager docker by clicking the page name twice and typing a new name. To access the
2In the Delete page dialog box, type the number of the page that you want to delete.
You can delete a range of pages by enabling the Through to page check box and typing the number of the last page to delete in the
Through to page box.
To change the order of pages
•Drag the page tabs in the document navigator.
Working with pages and layout tools | 507
To move an object to another page
1Drag the object over the appropriate page tab in the document navigator.
The destination page appears in the drawing window.
2Without releasing the mouse button, drag to position the object on the page.
You can also move an object to another page by dragging the object name in the Object manager docker over a layer name on the
destination page.
To manage pages while viewing their contents
Click ViewPage sorter view.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Change the order of pagesDrag a page to a new location.
Copy a pageWith the right mouse button, drag the page to a new location,
release the mouse button, and click Copy here.
Add a pageRight-click a page, and click Insert page before or Insert page
Rename a pageClick the page name below a selected page, and type a new name.
Delete a pageRight-click a page, and click Delete page.
Change the size of the page thumbnailsClick one of the following buttons on the property bar:
Small thumbnails
Medium thumbnails
Large thumbnails
Return to normal viewDouble-click a page.
You can also copy a page by right-clicking the page and choosing Duplicate page. For more information about duplicating pages,
see “To duplicate a page” on page 506.
Inserting page numbers
You can insert page numbers on the current page, all pages, all odd pages, or all even pages. When you insert page numbers on multiple
pages, a new master layer is automatically created, and the page number is placed on it. The master layer can be an all-page master layer, an
odd-page master layer, or an even-page master layer. For more information about master layers, see “Creating layers” on page 255.
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Page numbers are automatically updated when you add or delete pages in your document.
You can also insert a page number inside existing artistic or paragraph text. If the text is located on a local layer, the page number is inserted
on the current page only. If the text is located on a master layer, the page number becomes part of the master layer and appears on all pages
where the master layer is visible. For more information about artistic and paragraph text, see “Adding and manipulating text” on page 381.
If the page numbers are on a master layer, you can hide the page number on a specific page by hiding the master layer on that page.
You can change the default page number settings before or after you insert page numbers in your document. For example, you can start
the page count at a specific number other than 1. This is particularly useful if you want to create multiple CorelDRAW files that will be put
together as one publication.
You can also specify whether to start page numbering on the first page or on another page. For example, if you choose to start page
numbering on page 3, page 3 displays the number 1. If you insert a new page between 1 and 2, it becomes the new page 2, whereas the
old page 2 becomes page 3 — the page where the first page number is displayed.
You can also choose from a variety of commonly used page number styles.
When you save to CorelDRAW X5 or earlier version, page numbers are preserved as editable artistic text. However, if you add or delete a
page, the page count will not be updated.
Manipulating page numbers as objects
Page numbers are artistic text objects (unless you insert them in paragraph text) that can be modified and manipulated like any other artistic
text object. For example, you can resize, scale, or rotate a page number, change its color, or apply effects such as texture fill or a drop
When the page number is on a master layer, applying transformations to it affects all page numbers.
The following table lists various ways to manipulate page numbers as objects.
You canFor more information see
Resize and scale a page number“Transforming objects ” on page 203
Rotate a page number“Transforming objects ” on page 203
Mirror a page number“Transforming objects ” on page 203
Change the color of a page number“Choosing colors ” on page 284
Apply texture to a page number“Applying texture fills ” on page 309
Apply a drop shadow to a page number“Creating drop shadows ” on page 369
To insert a page number
Click LayoutInsert page number, and choose one of the following options:
•On active layer — lets you insert a page number on the layer that is currently selected in the Object manager docker. If the active
layer is a master layer, page numbers are inserted on all pages of the document where the master layer is visible. If the active layer is a
local layer, the page number is inserted on the current page only.
•On all pages — lets you insert page numbers on all pages. The page number is inserted on a new all-page master layer.
•On all odd pages — lets you insert page numbers on all odd pages. The page number is inserted on a new odd-page master layer.
Working with pages and layout tools | 509
•On all even pages — lets you insert page numbers on all even pages. The page number is inserted on a new even-page master layer.
By default, the page number is centered at the bottom of the page.
In the Object manager docker, the page number appears as an artistic text object with the name “Page number.”
You can insert page numbers on odd pages only if the current page is an odd page, and you can insert page numbers on even pages
only if the current page is an even page.
You can move the page number anywhere on the page by selecting it with the Pick tool and dragging it to a new location. If you
move a page number outside the drawing page, the page number turns into the generic number sign (‑). If you then place it on
another page, it displays the correct number of the page.
You can also insert a page number inside an existing text object. Using the Text tool, type artistic or paragraph text. With the cursor
inside the text object, click LayoutInsert page numberOn active layer. The page number is added as part of the existing text, and
it will not appear as a separate object in the Object manager docker.
To hide the page number on a single page
1Select the page in the Object manager docker.
If the Object manager docker is not open, click Object Object manager.
Click the Layer manager view button , and then click Current page, layers only.
Only layers on the current page are displayed. Changes you make to the layer visibility in this view affect only the current page.
Click the Show or hide icon beside the master layer where the page number object is located.
The application hides the page number of the current page, but the page is still included in the page count. All other pages continue to
display their page numbers.
To modify page number settings
Click LayoutPage number settings.
2In the Page number settings dialog box, choose any of the following options.
•Start at number — lets you start the page count at a specific number
•Start on page — lets you specify the page on which to start page numbering
•Style — lets you choose from commonly used page number styles
Using the rulers
You can display rulers in the drawing window to help you draw, size, and align objects precisely. You can hide the rulers or move them to
another position in the drawing window. You can also customize the ruler settings to suit your needs. For example, you can set the ruler
origin, choose a unit of measure, and specify how many marks or ticks appear within each full unit mark.
By default, CorelDRAW applies the units used for the rulers to the duplicate and nudge distances. You can change the default and specify
different units for these and other settings. For information about nudging, see “Positioning objects” on page 220.
To hide or display the rulers
Click ViewRulers.
A check mark beside the Rulers command indicates that the rulers are displayed.
510 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To move a ruler
•Hold down Shift, and drag a ruler to a new position in the drawing window.
To customize ruler settings
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Rulers.
3In the Units area, choose a unit of measure from the Horizontal list box.
If you want to use a different unit of measure for the vertical ruler, disable the Same units for horizontal and vertical rulers check box,
and choose a unit of measure from the Vertical list box.
4In the Origin area, type values in the following boxes:
5Type a value in the Tick divisions box.
If you change the unit of measure for rulers, the unit of measure for nudge distances automatically changes as well, unless you first
disable the Same units for duplicate distance, nudge and rulers check box in the Nudge area.
You can access ruler settings directly by double-clicking a ruler.
You can specify nudge settings by typing values in the Nudge, Super nudge, and Micro nudge boxes in the Nudge area.
Calibrating the rulers
You can have one inch on your screen equal one inch of “real” distance. This lets you work with real-world distances as opposed to relative
distances that depend on screen resolution. This tool is particularly useful when you work with signs or draw in 1:1 zoom mode.
Before you can perform this procedure, you must have a clear plastic ruler for comparing real-world and on-screen distances. This ruler
should use the same unit of measure that you set for the CorelDRAW rulers. For information about ruler settings, see “Using the rulers” on
page 509.
To calibrate the rulers to real-world distance
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, double-click Toolbox, and click Zoom, Pan tool.
3Click Calibrate rulers.
4Place a clear plastic ruler under the on-screen horizontal ruler.
5Click the up or down arrows on the Horizontal box to match one unit of measure on the on-screen ruler with one unit of measure on
the actual ruler.
6Place the ruler beside the on-screen vertical ruler.
7Click the up or down arrows on the Vertical box to match one unit of measure on the on-screen ruler with one unit of measure on the
actual ruler.
Working with pages and layout tools | 511
Setting up the document grid
The document grid is a series of non-printing intersecting lines that you can display in the drawing window. You can use the document grid
to precisely align and position objects.
You can customize the look of the document grid by changing the grid display and grid spacing. The grid display lets you view the
document grid as lines or as dots. The spacing lets you set the distance between the grid lines. The spacing options are based on the unit of
measure for the ruler. For example, if the ruler unit of measure is set to inches, the spacing options are based on inches.
If the ruler unit of measure is set to pixels, or if you enabled the Pixel preview, you can specify the color and opacity of the pixel grid. For
more information about the Pixel preview, see “Choosing viewing modes” on page 60.
You can also have objects snap to the document grid or the pixel grid, so that when you move the objects, they align with the grid lines.
The checkered effect in this graphic was created by using the document grid.
To display or hide the document grid
Click ViewGridDocument grid.
A check mark beside the Document grid command indicates that the document grid is displayed.
To set the grid display
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Grid.
3Enable the Show grid check box, and enable one of the following options:
•As lines
•As dots
To set the grid spacing
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Grid.
3In the Document grid area, type a value in the Horizontal box.
If you want to change the grid spacing intervals or the number of lines displayed per unit of measure, choose an option from the list
box. The options are based on the unit of measure used for the ruler.
4Type a value in the Vertical box.
512 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
The unit of measure used for grid spacing is the same as that used for rulers. For information about ruler settings, see “To customize
ruler settings” on page 510.
To change the color and opacity of the pixel grid
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Grid.
3In the Pixel grid area, open the Color picker, and click a color.
4Move the Opacity slider to the right to increase the opacity of the grid.
You can disable the Show grid (at 800% or higher zoom) check box if you do not want the pixel view to automatically display
zoomed in at 800% or higher.
To set objects to snap to the document grid
Click ViewSnap toDocument grid.
Move the objects with the Pick tool .
To set objects to snap to the pixel grid
Click ViewSnap toPixels.
Move the objects with the Pick tool .
This option is available only when pixel view is enabled. For more information, see “Choosing viewing modes” on page 60.
Setting up the baseline grid
The guides of the baseline grid run across the drawing page and follow the pattern of a ruled notebook. You can display or hide the baseline
grid, turn snapping on or off, change the grid color, and set the line spacing. By default, the line spacing is 14 pt. All objects can snap to the
baseline grid; only text frames can align to baseline grid. For more information, see “Aligning text by using the baseline grid” on page 391.
To display or hide the baseline grid
Click ViewGridBaseline grid.
A check mark beside the Baseline grid command indicates that the baseline grid is displayed.
To set baseline grid spacing and color
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Grid.
3Perform a task from the following table.
Working with pages and layout tools | 513
ToDo the following
Set spacingIn the Baseline grid area, type a value in the Spacing box.
Set distance from topType a value in the Start from top box.
Setting this value to 0 makes the first line of the baseline grid
overlap with the top edge of the drawing page.
Set colorOpen the Color picker, and choose a color.
To turn baseline grid snapping on or off
Click ViewSnap toBaseline grid.
A check mark beside the Baseline grid command indicates that snapping is turned on.
You can also click ToolsOptions, click Grid in the Document list of categories, and enable or disable the Snap to grid check box in
the Baseline grid area.
Setting up guidelines
Guidelines are lines that can be placed anywhere in the drawing window to aid in object placement. In some applications, guidelines are
known as guides.
There are three types of guidelines: horizontal, vertical, and angled. By default, the application displays guidelines that you add to the
drawing window, but you can hide them at any time. You can also use objects as guides.
You can set guidelines for individual pages or you can set guidelines for the entire document. For more information about local and master
guidelines, see “Local layers and master layers” on page 255.
You can add a guideline wherever you need one; however, you can also choose to add preset guidelines. There are two types of preset
guidelines: Corel presets and user-defined presets. Examples of Corel presets include guidelines that appear at 1-inch margins and guidelines
that appear at newsletter column borders. User-defined presets are guidelines whose location you specify. For example, you can add preset
guidelines that display margins at a distance you specify or that define a column layout or grid. You can remove guidelines at any time.
You can have objects snap to the guidelines, so that when an object is moved near a guideline, it can only be centered on the guideline or
lined up on either side of the guideline.
Guidelines use the unit of measure specified for rulers. For information about ruler settings, see “To customize ruler settings” on page 510.
514 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Guidelines can be placed in the drawing window to aid in object placement.
To display or hide the guidelines
Click ViewGuidelines.
A check mark beside the Guidelines command indicates that the guidelines are displayed.
You can also display or hide the guidelines by clicking WindowDockersGuidelines and clicking the Show or hide guidelines
button .
You can also access additional guideline options by clicking ToolsOptions, and then clicking Guidelines in the Document list of
To add a horizontal or vertical guideline
Click WindowDockersGuidelines.
2Choose one of the following options from the Guideline type list box:
3Specify the location of the guideline in the x or y box.
4Click Add.
You can also add a guideline by dragging from the horizontal or vertical ruler to the drawing window.
To add an angled guideline
Click WindowDockersGuidelines.
2Choose Angled from the Guideline type list box
3Specify the location of the guideline in the x and y boxes.
4Type a value in Angle of rotation box.
5Click Add.
Working with pages and layout tools | 515
You can also add an angled guideline by dragging from the horizontal or vertical ruler in the drawing window, and typing a value in
the Angle of rotation box on the property bar.
To use an object as a guide
1In the Object manager docker, click the Guides layer on the page you want.
If the Object manager docker is not open, click Object Object manager.
2Draw and position the object you want to use as a guide.
To set guidelines for the entire document
1In the Object manager docker, click Guides (all pages) on the Master page.
If the Object manager docker is not open, click Object Object manager.
2In the drawing window, add the guidelines you want.
The guidelines that you set on the Guides (all pages) layer of the Master page appear on all pages of the document. These
guidelines appear in addition to any guidelines that you set for individual pages.
To add preset guidelines
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document, Guidelines list of categories, click Presets.
3Enable one of the following options:
•Corel presets
•User-defined presets
4Specify guideline settings by enabling the corresponding check boxes.
If you enable the User-defined presetsoption, specify values in the Margins, Columns, or Grid area.
5Click Apply presets.
To remove a guideline
Click WindowDockersGuidelines.
2Choose a guideline from the list.
You can choose multiple guidelines by holding down Ctrl as you click.
Click the Delete guideline button .
You can also remove individual guidelines by dragging them off the document window, or clicking a guideline with the Pick tool and
pressing Delete.
To delete a preset guideline, click ToolsOptions. In the Document, Guidelines list of categories, click Presets. Disable the check box
beside the preset guideline that you want to delete.
516 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To have objects snap to the guidelines
Click ViewSnap toGuidelines.
2Drag the object to the guideline.
To snap the center of an object to a guideline, select the object, and drag it by its center over the guideline until the center snaps to the
You can also set objects and editable areas to snap to a guideline by clicking WindowDockersGuidelines and clicking the Snap to
guidelines button .
Modifying guidelines
After you add a guideline, you can select it, move it, rotate it, or lock it in place. You can also change the line style and color of guidelines.
To select a guideline
ToDo the following
Select a single guideline
Click the guideline with the Pick tool .
Select all guidelines on a page
Click EditSelect allGuidelines. The local guidelines and master
guidelines are selected.
To move or rotate a guideline
Click WindowDockersGuidelines.
2Select the guideline.
3Perform any of the following tasks.
ToDo the following
Move a guidelineSpecify the new location of the guideline in the x and y boxes, and
click Modify.
You can also drag a guideline to a new position in the drawing
Rotate a guidelineChoose Angled from the Guideline type list box, type a value in
the Angle of rotation box, and click Modify.
You can also use the Pick tool to click the guideline twice and
then rotate the guideline when skewing handles appear.
Working with pages and layout tools | 517
To lock or unlock a guideline
•Right-click the guideline, and click Lock object or Unlock object.
You can also click WindowDockersGuidelines and click the Lock guideline button .
To set the line style and color of a guideline
Click WindowDockersGuidelines.
2Open the Guideline color picker, and choose a guideline color.
3Open the Guideline style picker, and choose a line style.
Setting the drawing scale
You can choose a preset or custom drawing scale so that distances in a drawing are proportionate to real-world distances. For example, you
can specify that 1 inch in the drawing corresponds to 1 meter in the physical world. A preset drawing scale lets you set a typical scale, such
as 1:2 or 1:10. A custom drawing scale lets you set any distance on the page to correspond to a real-world distance. For example, you can
set a more precise scale that includes decimal numbers, such as 4.5 to 10.6.
Drawing scales are particularly useful if you are creating a technical or architectural drawing with dimension lines. For information about
dimension lines, see “Drawing connector and callout lines” on page 138.
To choose a preset drawing scale
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Rulers.
3Click Edit scale.
4Choose a drawing scale from the Typical scales list box.
To create a custom drawing scale
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Document list of categories, click Rulers.
3Click Edit scale.
4Choose Custom from the Typical scales list box.
5Specify the settings you want.
The Edit scale button does not appear if the ruler’s unit of measure is pixels.
If the drawing scale is set to anything other than 1:1, the units on the vertical ruler are the same as the units on the horizontal ruler.
Working with tables | 519
Working with tables
A table provides a structured layout that lets you present text or images within a drawing. You can draw a table, or you can create a table
from paragraph text. You can easily change the look of a table by modifying the table properties and formatting. In addition, because tables
are objects, you can manipulate them in various ways. You can also import existing tables from a text file or a spreadsheet.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Adding tables to drawings” (page 519)
•“Selecting, moving, and navigating table components” (page 521)
•“Inserting and deleting table rows and columns” (page 523)
•“Resizing table cells, rows, and columns” (page 524)
•“Formatting tables and cells” (page 525)
•“Working with text in tables” (page 528)
•“Converting tables to text” (page 529)
•“Merging and splitting tables and cells” (page 529)
•“Manipulating tables as objects” (page 531)
•“Adding images, graphics, and backgrounds to tables” (page 531)
•“Importing tables in a drawing” (page 532)
Adding tables to drawings
With CorelDRAW, you can add a table to a drawing to create a structured layout for text and images. You can draw a table, or you can
create a table from existing text.
520 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
In this example, a table was used to organize the content.
To add a table to a drawing
Click the Table tool .
2Type values in the Rows and columns boxes on the property bar.
The value that you type in the top portion specifies the number of rows; the value that you type in the bottom portion specifies the
number of columns.
3Drag diagonally to draw the table.
You can also create a table by clicking TableCreate new table, and then typing values in the Number of rows, Number of
columns, Height, and Width boxes.
To create a table from text
Click the Pick tool .
2Select the text that you want to convert to a table.
Click TableConvert text to table.
4In the Create columns based on the following separator area, choose one of the following options:
•Commas — creates a column where a comma appears and a row where a paragraph marker appears
•Tabs — creates a column where a tab appears and a row where a paragraph marker appears
•Paragraphs — creates a column where a paragraph marker appears
•User defined — creates a column where a specified marker appears and a row where a paragraph marker appears
If you enable the User defined option, you must type a character in the User defined box.
If you do not type a character in the User defined box, only one column is created, and each paragraph of text creates a table row.
You can also convert a table to text. For more information, see “To convert a table to text” on page 529.
522 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Select nonadjacent table cellsUsing the Table tool, click a table. Then, hold down Ctrl, and click
each table cell that you want to select.
You can also select a cell by inserting the Table tool pointer in an empty cell and pressing Ctrl + A.
You can also use the Shape tool to select a single cell by clicking it, or to select adjacent cells by dragging over them.
To move a table row or column
1Select the row or column that you want to move.
2Drag the row or column to another location in the table.
To move a table row to another table
1Select the table row that you want to move.
Click EditCut.
3Select a row in the other table.
Click EditPaste.
5Choose one of the following options:
•Replace selected row
•Insert above selected row
•Insert below selected row
To move a table column to another table
1Select the table column that you want to move.
Click EditCut.
3Select a column in the other table.
Click EditPaste.
5Choose one of the following options:
•Replace selected column
•Insert left of the selected column
•Insert right of the selected column
To move to the next table cell
•With the Table tool inserted in a cell, press Tab.
If you are pressing Tab in a table for the first time, you must choose a tab order option from the Tab order list box.
You can use the Tab key to move to the next cell only if the Move to the next cell option is enabled in the Tab key options dialog
To change the navigational direction of the Tab key
Click ToolsOptions.
Working with tables | 523
2In the Workspace, Toolbox list of categories, click Table tool.
3Enable the Move to the next cell option.
4From the Tab order list box, choose one of the following options:
•Left to right, top to bottom
•Right to left, top to bottom
You can program the Tab key to insert a tab character in the table text by enabling the Insert a tab character into the text option.
Inserting and deleting table rows and columns
You can insert and delete the rows and columns in a table.
To insert a table row
1Select a row in the table.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Insert a row above the selected row
Click TableInsertRow above.
Insert a row below the selected row
Click TableInsertRow below.
Insert multiple rows above the selected row
Click TableInsertInsert rows, type a value in the Number of
rows box, and enable the Above the selection option.
Insert multiple rows below the selected row
Click TableInsertInsert rows, type a value in the Number of
rows box, and enable the Below the selection option.
When you use either the Row above command or the Row below command from the TableInsert menu, the number of rows that
are inserted depends on how many rows you have selected. For example, if you have selected two rows, then two rows are inserted
in the table.
To insert a table column
1Select a column.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Insert a column to the left of the selected column
Click TableInsertColumn left.
Insert a column to the right of the selected column
Click TableInsertColumn right.
524 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Insert multiple columns to the left of the selected column
Click TableInsertInsert columns, type a value in the Number of
columns box, and enable the Left of the selection option.
Insert multiple columns to the right of the selected column
Click TableInsertInsert columns, type a value in the Number of
columns box, and enable the Right of the selection option.
When you use the Column left command or the Column right command from the TableInsert menu, the number of columns that
are inserted depends on how many columns you have selected. For example, if you have selected two columns, then two columns are
inserted in the table.
To delete a row or column from a table
1Select the row or column that you want to delete.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Delete a row
Click TableDeleteRow.
Delete a column
Click TableDeleteColumn.
If you select a row but choose the option to delete a column, or if you select a column but choose the option to delete a row, the
whole table is deleted.
Resizing table cells, rows, and columns
You can resize table cells, rows, and columns. In addition, if you previously changed the sizes of some rows or columns, you can redistribute
all rows or all columns so that they are the same size.
If table rows are different sizes (left), you can distribute them so that they are the same size (right).
Working with tables | 525
Table rows and columns of different sizes (left) are distributed evenly (right).
To resize a table cell, row, or column
Click the Table tool , and then click the table.
2Select the cell, row, or column that you want to resize.
3On the property bar, type values in the Table width and height boxes.
To distribute table rows and columns
1Select the table cells that you want to distribute.
2Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Make the height of all selected rows the same
Click TableDistributeRows evenly.
Make the width of all selected columns the same
Click TableDistributeColumns evenly.
Formatting tables and cells
You can change the look of a table by modifying both table and cell borders. For example, you can change the table border width or color.
526 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can modify both table and table cell borders.
Thin table and cell borders (left) are made thicker (right).
In addition, you can change the table cell margins and cell border spacing. The cell margins let you increase the space between the cell
borders and the text in the cell. By default, table cell borders overlap to form a grid. However, you can increase the cell border spacing to
move the borders away from each other. As a result, the cells do not form a grid, but appear as individual boxes (also known as “separated
You can modify an existing table (left) by applying separated borders (right).
Working with tables | 527
Separated borders applied to a table.
To modify table borders and cell borders
1Select the table or table area that you want to modify.
A table area can include a cell, a group of cells, rows, columns, or the entire table.
Click the Border selection button on the property bar, and choose the borders that you want to modify.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Modify the border thicknessChoose a border width from the Outline width list box on the
property bar.
Modify the border colorClick the Outline color picker on the property bar, and then click a
color on the color palette.
Modify the border line style and outline widthIn the Outline area of the Object properties docker, choose a line
style from the Line style picker, and type a value in the Outline
width box.
If the Object properties docker is not open, click
WindowDockersObject properties.
To modify cell margins in tables
Click the Table tool , and then click the table.
2Select the cells that you want to modify.
3Click Margins on the property bar.
4Type a value in the Top margin box.
By default, the value in the top margin box is applied to all margins, so that equal margins are created.
528 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
If you want to apply different values for the margins, click the Lock margins button to unlock the margin boxes, and type values in the
Top margin, Bottom margin, Left margin, and Right margin boxes.
5Press Enter.
To modify cell border spacing in tables
Click the Table tool , and then click the table.
2Click Options on the property bar.
3Enable the Separated cell borders check box.
4Type a value in the Horizontal cell spacing box.
By default, the vertical cell spacing is equal to the horizontal cell spacing.
If you do not want equal cell spacing, click the Lock cell spacing button to unlock the Vertical cellspacing box, and then type values in
both the Horizontal cell spacing and Vertical cell spacing boxes.
5Press Enter.
Working with text in tables
You can easily add text to table cells, and you can modify this text as you would any other paragraph text. For example, you can change
the font, add bullets, or add indents to table text. You can change the text properties of a single table cell, or of multiple table cells
simultaneously. In addition, you can add tab stops to table cells so that text is shifted away from the cell margins.
When you type text in a new table, you can choose to automatically adjust the size of table cells.
To type text in a table cell
Click the Table tool .
2Click a cell.
3Type text in the cell.
You can select text in a cell by pressing Ctrl + A.
To change the properties of text in table cells
Using the Table tool , click a table.
2Hold down Ctrl, and click the table cells that contain text to be formatted.
Click TextText properties, and specify the settings you want in the Text properties docker.
For more information about formatting text, see “Formatting text” on page 407.
To change the text properties for an entire row, column, or table simultaneously, you must first select the table component or table.
For more information, see “To select a table, row, or column” on page 521.
To insert a tab stop in a table cell
With the Table tool pointer inserted in a cell, click TextInsert formatting codeTab.
Working with tables | 529
Another way to insert a tab stop is by pressing the Tab key. To use this method, you must set the Tab key to insert tab stops. For
information about changing the Tab key options, see “To change the navigational direction of the Tab key” on page 522.
To automatically resize table cells when you type
Click the Pick tool , and then click the table.
2Click Options on the property bar, and enable the Automatically resize cells while typing check box.
This option can be applied to new tables that do not yet have text or other content.
If a table already contains text, only cells to which new text is added will be resized.
Converting tables to text
If you no longer want table text to appear in a table, you can convert the table text to paragraph text. For more information about
converting text to a table, see “To create a table from text” on page 520.
To convert a table to text
Click the Table tool , and then click the table.
Click TableConvert table to text.
3In the Separate cell text with area, choose one of the following options:
•Commas — replaces each column with a comma and replaces each row with a paragraph marker
•Tabs — replaces each column with a tab and replaces each row with a paragraph marker
•Paragraphs — replaces each column with a paragraph marker
•User defined — replaces each column with a specified character and replaces each row with a paragraph marker
If you enable the User defined option, you must type a character in the User defined box.
If you do not type a character in the User defined box, each of the table rows is converted into a paragraph, and the table columns
are ignored.
Merging and splitting tables and cells
You can change how a table is configured by merging adjacent cells, rows, and columns. If you merge table cells, the formatting of the
upper-left cell is applied to all merged cells. Alternatively, you can unmerge cells that were previously merged.
530 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can change the look of a table (left) by merging adjacent table cells (right).
The two cells at the bottom of the table (left) have been merged into a single cell (right).
You can also split table cells, rows, or columns. Splitting lets you create new cells, rows, or columns without changing the size of the table.
You can insert additional rows in a table (left) by splitting table cells (right).
To merge table cells
1Select the cells to be merged.
The selected cells must be contiguous.
Click TableMerge cells.
Working with tables | 531
To unmerge table cells
1Select the cell that you want to unmerge.
Click TableUnmerge cells.
To split table cells, rows, or columns
Click the Table tool .
2Select the cell, row, or column that you want to divide.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Split a selection horizontally
Click TableSplit into rows, and type a value in the Number of
rows box.
Split a selection vertically
Click TableSplit into columns, and type a value in the Number of
columns box.
Manipulating tables as objects
You can manipulate tables as you would other objects.
The following table lists the various ways to manipulate a table as an object.
You canFor more information see
Resize and scale a table“Transforming objects ” on page 203
Rotate a table“Transforming objects ” on page 203
Mirror a table“Transforming objects ” on page 203
Lock a table“Locking objects ” on page 246
Convert a table to a bitmap“Converting vector graphics to bitmaps ” on page 537
Break a table apart“To convert objects to curve objects ” on page 160
Adding images, graphics, and backgrounds to tables
If you want to arrange bitmap images or vector graphics in a structured layout, you can add them to tables. You can also change the look of
a table by adding a background color.
532 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To insert an image or a graphic in a table cell
1Copy an image or a graphic.
2Click the Table tool, and select the cell where you want to insert the image or graphic.
Click EditPaste.
You can also insert a graphic or an image by holding down the right mouse button over the image, dragging the image to a cell,
releasing the right mouse button, and then clicking Place inside cell.
To add a background color to a table
Click the Table tool , and then click the table.
2Click the Background color picker, and then click a color on the color palette.
You can also modify the background color of specific cells, rows, or columns by selecting the cells, clicking the Background color
picker on the property bar, and then clicking a color on the color palette.
Importing tables in a drawing
With CorelDRAW, you can create tables by importing content from Quattro Pro® (.qpw) and Microsoft Excel (.xls) spreadsheets. You can also
import tables created in a word-processing application, such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Word.
To import a table from Quattro Pro or Excel
Click FileImport.
2Choose the drive and folder where the spreadsheet is stored.
3Click the file to select it.
4Click Import.
The Import/Paste dialog box appears.
5From the Import tables as list box, choose Tables.
6Choose one of the following options:
•Maintain fonts and formatting — imports all fonts and formatting that are applied to the text
•Maintain formatting only — imports all formatting that is applied to the text
•Discard fonts and formatting — ignores all fonts and formatting that are applied to the text
To import a table from a word-processing document
Click FileImport.
2Choose the drive and folder where the text file is stored.
3Click the file.
4Click Import.
5From the Import tables as list box, choose Tables.
6Choose one of the following options:
•Maintain fonts and formatting — imports all fonts and formatting that are applied to the text
Working with tables | 533
•Maintain formatting only — imports all formatting that is applied to the text
•Discard fonts and formatting — ignores all fonts and formatting that are applied to the text
534 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Bitmaps | 535
Working with bitmaps.........................................................................................................................................................................537
Working with bitmap color modes......................................................................................................................................................563
Tracing bitmaps and editing traced results.......................................................................................................................................... 571
Working with RAW camera files..........................................................................................................................................................583
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Working with bitmaps | 537
Working with bitmaps
You can convert a vector graphic to a bitmap. You can also import and crop bitmaps in CorelDRAW.
You can also add color masks, watermarks, and special effects, and you can change the color and tone of the images.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Converting vector graphics to bitmaps” (page 537)
•“Importing bitmaps” (page 539)
•“Cropping bitmaps” (page 539)
•“Changing the dimensions and resolution of bitmaps” (page 539)
•“Straightening bitmaps” (page 541)
•Correcting perspective distortions
•“Using Digimarc watermarks to identify bitmaps” (page 545)
•“Removing dust and scratch marks from bitmaps” (page 546)
•“Applying special effects in bitmaps” (page 546)
•“Working with colors in bitmaps” (page 552)
•“Using the Image Adjustment Lab” (page 554)
•“Adjusting color and tone” (page 559)
•“Using the Tone Curve filter” (page 560)
•“Transforming color and tone” (page 561)
•“Editing bitmaps with Corel PHOTO-PAINT” (page 562)
Converting vector graphics to bitmaps
Converting a vector graphic or object to a bitmap lets you apply special effects to the object with CorelDRAW. The process of converting a
vector graphic to a bitmap is also known as “rasterizing.”
When you convert the vector graphic, you can select the color mode of the bitmap. A color mode determines the number and kind of
colors that make up the bitmap, so the file size is also affected. For more information about color modes, see “Changing the color mode of
bitmaps” on page 563.
You can also specify settings for such controls as dithering, anti-aliasing, overprinting black, and background transparency.
When you export a file to a bitmap file format, such as TIFF, JPEG, CPT, or PSD, the same bitmap conversion options are available. For more
information about exporting, see “Exporting files” on page 650.
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To convert a vector graphic to a bitmap
1Select an object.
Click BitmapsConvert to bitmap.
3Choose a resolution from the Resolution list box.
4Choose a color mode from the Color mode list box.
5Enable any of the following check boxes:
•Dithered — simulates a greater number of colors than those available. This option is available for images that use 256 or fewer colors.
•Always overprint black — overprints black when black is the top color. Enabling this option prevents gaps from appearing between
black objects and underlying objects when you print bitmaps.
•Anti-aliasing — smooths the edges of the bitmap
•Transparent background — makes the background of the bitmap transparent
You can change the black threshold for the Always overprint black option. For information about setting the black threshold, see
“To set the overprint black threshold” on page 618.
If you export a vector file to a bitmap format, such as GIF, you are prompted to set the bitmap conversion options described in the
procedure above before you export the file.
Making the background of a bitmap transparent lets you see images or a background otherwise obscured by the bitmap background.
To convert a vector graphic to a bitmap when exporting
Click FileExport.
2Choose the folder where you want to save the file.
3Choose a bitmap file format from the Save as type list box, and type a filename in the File name list box.
4Set the options you want, and click Export.
5In the Convert to bitmap dialog box, type values in one of the following pairs of boxes:
•Width and Height — let you specify the image dimensions
•Width % and Height % — let you resize the image to a percentage of its original size
6To specify the resolution, type a value in the Resolution box.
7Choose a color mode from the Color mode list box.
8Enable any of the following check boxes:
•Dithered — simulates a greater number of colors than those available. This option is available for images that use 256 or fewer colors.
•Always overprint black — overprints black when black is the top color. Enabling this option when you print bitmaps prevents gaps
from appearing between black objects and underlying objects.
9In the Options area, enable any of the following:
•Anti-aliasing — smooths the edges of the bitmap
•Maintain layers — preserves layers
•Transparent background — makes the background of the bitmap transparent
You can change the black threshold for the Always overprint black option. For information about setting the black threshold, see
“To set the overprint black threshold” on page 618.
Not all options in the Convert to bitmap dialog box are available for all bitmap file formats.
Working with bitmaps | 539
Making the background of a bitmap transparent lets you see images or a background otherwise obscured by the bitmap background.
Importing bitmaps
You can import a bitmap into a drawing either directly or by linking it to an external file. When you link to an external file, edits to the
original file are automatically updated in the imported file. After you import a bitmap, the status bar provides information about its color
mode, size, and resolution. For more information about importing bitmaps, see “Importing files” on page 647. For more information
about managing externally linked bitmaps, see “Adding bookmarks and hyperlinks to documents” on page 637.
You can also resample or crop a bitmap while importing. For more information, see “To resample a bitmap while importing ” on page 649
and “To crop a bitmap while importing” on page 650.
Cropping bitmaps
Cropping removes unwanted areas of a bitmap. To crop a bitmap into a rectangular shape, you can use the Crop tool. For more
information, see “To crop objects” on page 184. To crop a bitmap into an irregular shape, you can use the Shape tool and the Crop bitmap
To crop a bitmap
In the toolbox, click the Shape tool .
2Select a bitmap.
3Drag the corner nodes to reshape the bitmap.
If you want to add a node, double-click the node boundary (dotted line) by using the Shape tool where you want the node to appear.
Click BitmapsCrop bitmap.
You cannot crop a bitmap comprised of more than one object.
You can also quickly crop a bitmap into a rectangular shape by using the Crop tool . For information about the Crop tool, see
“To crop objects” on page 184.
You can also crop a selected bitmap after you drag the corner nodes by clicking the Pick tool , then clicking the Crop bitmap
button on the property bar.
Changing the dimensions and resolution of bitmaps
After you add a bitmap to a drawing, you can change its dimensions and resolution.
Changing dimensions
You can change the physical dimensions of bitmaps by increasing or decreasing their height and width. When you increase the dimensions,
the application inserts new pixels between existing pixels, and their colors are based on the colors of adjacent pixels. If you increase the
dimensions of bitmaps significantly, bitmaps may appear stretched and pixelated.
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The size of the bitmap on your screen depends on the pixel height and width of the bitmap, on the zoom level, and on your monitor
settings. As a result, the size of the bitmap may appear different on your screen and in print.
Changing bitmap resolution
You can change the resolution of a bitmap to increase or decrease its file size. Resolution is measured by the number of dots per inch (dpi)
when the bitmap is printed. The resolution you choose depends on how the bitmap is output. Typically, bitmaps created only for display
on computer monitors are 96 or 72 dpi and bitmaps created for the web are 72 dpi. Bitmaps created for printing on desktop printers are
generally 150 dpi, while professionally printed bitmaps are usually 300 dpi, or higher.
Higher-resolution bitmaps contain smaller and more densely packed pixels than lower- resolution bitmaps. Upsampling increases the
resolution of a bitmap by adding more pixels per unit of measure. Bitmap quality may be reduced because the new pixels are interpolated
based on the colors of neighboring pixels; the original pixel information is simply spread out. You cannot use upsampling to create detail
and subtle color gradations where none existed in the original image.
Downsampling decreases the resolution of a bitmap by removing a specific number of pixels per unit of measure. Best results are usually
achieved when downsampling is done after color and tone corrections but before sharpening.
Resizing an image
To change the dimensions of a bitmap
1Select a bitmap.
Click BitmapsResample.
3Choose a unit of measure from the list box next to the Width and Height boxes.
4Type values in any of the following boxes:
If you want to minimize the jagged appearance of curves, enable the Anti-alias check box.
If you want to maintain the file size, enable the Maintain original size check box. When this check box is enabled, the resolution of the
bitmap is automatically adjusted as you change the image dimensions.
You can maintain the proportions of the bitmap by enabling the Maintain aspect ratio check box and typing a value in either the
Width or Height box.
You can also resample the bitmap as a percentage of its original size by typing values in the Width % and Height % boxes.
To change the resolution of a bitmap
1Select a bitmap.
Working with bitmaps | 541
Click BitmapsResample.
3In the Resolution area, type values in any of the following boxes:
If you want to maintain the proportions of the bitmap, enable the Maintain aspect ratio check box.
If you want to maintain the file size, enable the Maintain original size check box. When this check box is enabled, the height and width
of the bitmap are automatically adjusted as you change the resolution.
You can also resample a selected bitmap by clicking the Resample button on the property bar.
Enable the Anti-alias check box to minimize the jagged appearance of curves.
Straightening bitmaps
The Straighten image dialog box lets you correct lens distortions and straighten bitmap images quickly. This feature is useful for
straightening photos that were taken or scanned at an angle or contain lens distortions.
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Straighten image dialog box
Correcting camera lens distortions
With photos that contain camera lens distortions, it is recommended that you start with correcting the lens distortion. You can correct two
types of lens distortions, which make straight lines in photos appear curved: barrel and pincushion. Barrel distortions make photos appear
pushed out at the center. Pincushion distortions make photos appear pushed in at the center.
Rotating and previewing
The Straighten image dialog box lets you rotate an image by moving a slider, typing a rotation angle, or using the arrow keys. You can
specify a custom rotation angle from -15 to 15 degrees.
You can use the preview window to dynamically preview the adjustments that you are making. If you want to change the orientation of the
image before straightening it, you can start by rotating the image 90 degrees clockwise and 90 degrees counterclockwise.
A grid is displayed in the preview window to help you straighten the image. You can make more precise adjustments by controlling the cell
size of the grid. To heighten the contrast of the grid against the colors of the image, you can change the grid’s color. You can also hide the
grid if you want to preview the final result without the gridlines. In addition, you can zoom in and out, and pan the image in the preview
window to evaluate the results.
Working with bitmaps | 543
By default, the straightened image is cropped to the cropping area that is displayed in the preview window. The final image has the same
aspect ratio as the original image, but it has smaller dimensions. However, you can preserve the original width and height of the image by
cropping and resampling the image.
You can also produce an image at an angle by disabling cropping and then using the Crop tool to crop the image in the drawing window.
To straighten an image
1Select an image.
Click BitmapsStraighten image.
If the image has a lens distortion, move the Correct lens distortion slider to the left to correct a barrel distortion or to the right to
correct a pincushion distortion.
3Move the Rotate image slider, or type a value between 15 and -15 in the Rotate image box.
4If necessary, move the Grid slider to adjust the size of the grid cells.
5To crop and straighten the image, enable the Crop image check box.
The image is cropped to preserve the aspect ratio of the original image, which means that the final image is smaller than the original
If you want to preserve the width and height of the original image, enable the Crop and resample to original size check box. The final
image is resampled.
You can also
Change the grid colorChoose a color from the Grid color picker.
Align an image area with a gridline
Using the Pan tool , drag the image until the area is aligned
with the gridline.
You can use the Pan tool only after you zoom in on the image.
Rotate the image 90 degrees in either direction
Click the Rotate counterclockwise button or the Rotate
clockwise button .
Hide or display the gridDisable or enable the Grid check box.
Adjust the rotation angle by 0.1-degree incrementsClick in the Rotate image box, and press the Up arrow or Down
arrow key.
Reset the image to its original orientationClick Reset.
Zoom in or out
Using the Zoom in or Zoom out tool, click in the
preview window.
Fit an image in the preview window
Click the Zoom to fit button.
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You can also
Display an image at its actual size
Click the 100% button.
Correcting perspective distortions
You can correct perspective distortions in photos that have straight lines and flat surfaces such as architectural photos and photos of
Perspective distortions usually occur when you take pictures of tall or wide objects, and the camera sensor is at an angle to the objects. As a
result, the photographed objects may appear to be leaning or to be at an angle. Adjusting the vertical perspective helps straighten leaning
objects; adjusting the horizontal perspective helps with angled objects. Often, you may need to adjust both the vertical and horizontal
perspectives for best results.
Correcting perspective distortions
To correct perspective distortions in photos
1Select an image.
Click BitmapsStraighten image.
3Perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Correct the vertical perspectiveMove the Vertical perspective slider. If the photo object appears to
be leaning backwards, move the slider to the left. Tall buildings in
photos usually appear to be leaning back when the picture is taken
from the ground.
Correct the horizontal perspectiveMove the Horizontal perspective slider. If the photo was taken
with the camera to the right of the object, move the slider to the
Working with bitmaps | 545
ToDo the following
Crop and resample the corrected image to its original sizeEnable the Crop check box, and then enable the Crop and
resample to original size check box.
Using Digimarc watermarks to identify bitmaps
A Digimarc watermark embeds copyright details, contact information, and image attributes in an image. A watermark makes subtle changes
to the brightness of pixels in an image. These changes cannot be readily seen; however, at high magnification, you might notice changes in
the brightness of some pixels. Digimarc watermarks aren’t affected by normal editing, printing, and scanning.
The detecting and embedding of Digimarc watermarks is not supported by the 64-bit version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
Detecting watermarks
When you open an image in CorelDRAW, you can check for a watermark. If a watermark is present, a copyright symbol appears on the title
bar. You can find information about the watermarked image by reading the embedded message and by linking to the contact profile in the
Digimarc database.
Embedding watermarks
In CorelDRAW, you can also embed Digimarc watermarks in images. First, you must obtain a unique Creator ID by subscribing to Digimarc’s
online service. The Creator ID includes contact details, such as name, phone number, address, email, and web addresses.
Once you have a Creator ID, you can embed a watermark in an image. You can specify the copyright year, image attributes, and the
durability of a watermark. You can also specify the target output method for an image, such as print or the web.
Digimarc watermarks do not prevent unauthorized image use or copyright infringement. But the watermarks do communicate copyright
claims. They also provide contact information for those who want to use or license an image.
For more information about Digimarc, see
To detect a watermark
Click BitmapsPlug-insDigimarcRead watermark.
2Click Web lookup to view the webpage with contact details, or call the Digimarc fax-back service at the listed fax number.
This feature is not supported by the 64-bit version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
To get a Creator ID
Click BitmapsPlug-insDigimarcEmbed watermark.
2Click Personalize.
3In the PersonalizeCreator ID dialog box, click Register, and follow the instructions on the Digimarc website.
4In the PersonalizeCreator ID dialog box, type your Creator ID in the Creator ID box.
To embed a watermark
Click BitmapsPlug-insDigimarcEmbed watermark.
2In the Copyright year(s) box, type a year or years.
3In the Image attributes area, enable the check boxes for the applicable attributes.
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4Choose an option from the Target output list box.
5Type a value in the Watermark durability box.
Higher values increase the persistence of the watermark under common image modifications such as dithering, cropping, compression,
and scaling.
If you want to confirm the information available to viewers when they detect the watermark, enable the Verify check box.
This feature is not supported by the 64-bit version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
In the Copyright year(s) box, you cannot type a year before 1922 or after the current year. Separate the years with commas.
In the Target output box, the Monitor and Web controls require a setting of less than 200 per inch (dpi), and the Printer control
requires a setting of 300 dpi or higher.
Combine all objects with the background before adding a watermark. For more information about combining objects with the
background, see “Combining objects” on page 243.
Removing dust and scratch marks from bitmaps
You can quickly improve the appearance of a bitmap by removing dust and scratch marks. The dust and scratch filter works by eliminating
the contrast between pixels that exceed the contrastthreshold you set. You can set a radius to determine how many pixels are affected by
the changes. The settings you choose depend on the size of the blemish and the area surrounding it. For example, to remove a white scratch
that is 1 or 2 pixels wide on a dark background, you can set a radius of 2 or 3 pixels and set the contrast threshold higher than you would
for a similar scratch on a light background.
To remove dust and scratch marks from a bitmap
Click EffectsCorrection Dust and scratch.
2Move the following sliders:
•Radius — sets the range of pixels used to produce the effect. To retain image detail, choose a setting as low as possible.
•Threshold — sets the amount of noise reduction. To retain image detail, choose a setting as high as possible.
Applying special effects in bitmaps
You can apply a wide range of special effects to bitmaps, such as three-dimensional (3D) and artistic effects.
Special effect categoryDescription
3D EffectsLets you create the illusion of depth. Effects include Emboss, Page
Curl, and Perspective.
Art StrokesLets you apply hand-painted techniques. Effects include Crayon,
Impressionist, Pastels, Watercolor, and Pen & Ink.
BlurLets you blur an image to simulate movement, speckling, or
gradual change. Effects include Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, Smart
Blur, and Zoom.
Working with bitmaps | 547
Special effect categoryDescription
CameraLets you simulate effects produced by various camera lenses. Effects
include Colorize, Photo Filter, Sepia Toning, and Time Machine,
which lets you walk your image back through history to recreate
some popular photographic styles from the past.
Color TransformLets you create photographic illusions by using color reduction and
replacements. Effects include Halftone, Psychedelic, and Solarize.
ContourLets you highlight and enhance the edges of an image. Effects
include Edge Detect and Trace Contour.
CreativeLets you apply various textures and shapes to an image. Effects
include Fabric, Glass Block, Crystalize, Vortex, and Stained Glass.
CustomLets you apply a wide range of effects to your image. For example,
you can transform your image into an artistic media painting by
applying brushstrokes (Alchemy effect) or add texture and patterns
to an image (Bump-map effect).
DistortLets you distort image surfaces. Effects include Ripple, Blocks, Swirl,
and Tile.
NoiseLets you modify the graininess of an image. Effects include Add
Noise, Remove Moiré, and Remove Noise.
SharpenLets you add a sharpening effect to focus and enhance edges.
Effects include Adaptive Unsharp, High Pass, and Unsharp Mask.
TextureLets you add texture to an image by simulating a variety of
surfaces, such as cobblestone, elephant skin, plastic, and relief
Plug-insLets you use a third-party filter to apply effects to bitmaps in
CorelDRAW.An installed plug-in appears at the bottom of the
Bitmaps menu.
Adding plug-in filters to CorelDRAW provides additional features and effects that you can use to edit images. You can add plug-in filters,
and you can remove them when you no longer need them.
CorelDRAW automatically inflates a bitmap so that a special effect covers the entire image. You can disable automatic inflation and manually
specify dimensions for the inflated bitmap.
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The Time machine effect recreates photographic styles from the past.
To apply a special effect
1Select a bitmap.
2Click Bitmaps, choose a special effect type, and click an effect.
3Adjust any special effect settings.
To add a plug-in filter
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Workspace, and click Plug-ins.
3Click Add.
4Choose a folder containing a plug-in.
5Restart the application.
The plug-in appears in the BitmapsPlug-ins menu.
To remove a plug-in filter, click a plug-in folder from the Plug-in folders list, and click Remove.
Preparing files for print service providers.............................................................................................................................................609
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Printing basics | 595
Printing basics
CorelDRAW provides extensive options for printing your work.
This section includes the following topics:
•“Printing your work” (page 595)
•“Laying out print jobs” (page 596)
•“Previewing print jobs” (page 597)
•“Applying print styles” (page 598)
•“Fine-tuning print jobs” (page 599)
•“Printing colors accurately” (page 600)
•“Printing to a PostScript printer” (page 602)
•“Using print merge” (page 604)
•“Viewing preflight summaries” (page 608)
Printing your work
Using CorelDRAW, you can print one or more copies of the same drawing. You can also specify the page type and the page range that you
want to print.
Before printing a drawing, you can specify printer properties, including paper size and device options. For example, you can specify printer
features such as duplexing stapling.
To set printer properties
Click FilePrint.
2Click the General tab.
3In the Destination area, choose a printer from the Printer list box.
4Click Preferences.
5Set any properties in the dialog box.
To print your work
Click FilePrint.
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2Click the General tab.
3In the Destination area, choose a printer from the Printer list box.
4In the Destination area, choose a page size and orientation option from the Page list box.
5In the Copies area, type a value in the Number of copies box.
If you want the copies collated, enable the Collate check box.
6In the Print range area, enable one of the following options:
•Current document — prints the active drawing
•Current page — prints the active page
•Pages — prints the pages that you specify
•Documents — prints the documents that you specify
•Selection — prints the objects that you have selected
If you enable the Pages option, you can choose to print a range of pages, only even pages, only odd pages, or both even and odd pages.
You can also
Automatically match the printer orientation to the document
In the Destination area, choose Match orientation from the Page
list box.
Apply the printer’s default page sizeIn the Destination area, choose Use printer default from the Page
list box.
You must select objects before printing a selection.
Certain printers support the automatic matching of page size and orientation. To enable this option, you need to modify the driver
compatibility settings for the printer by clicking ToolsOptions. In the list of categories, double-click Global, double-click Printing,
click Driver compatibility, and enable the Printer can match document page sizes check box. In the Print dialog box, you can then
choose Match orientation and size from the Page list box.
Laying out print jobs
You can lay out a print job by specifying the size, position, and scale. Tiling a print job prints portions of each page on separate sheets of
paper that you can assemble into one sheet. You would, for example, tile a print job that is larger than your printer paper.
To specify the size and position of a print job
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Layout tab.
3In the Image position and size area, enable one of the following options:
•As in document — maintains the image size as it is in the document
•Fit to page — sizes and positions the print job to fit to a printed page
•Reposition images to — lets you reposition the print job by choosing a position from the list box
Enabling the Reposition images to option lets you specify size, position, and scale in the corresponding boxes.
Printing basics | 597
You can also choose an imposition layout, such as 2 x 2 (4-up) or 2 x 3 (6-up), from the Imposition layout list box. For more
information, see “Working with imposition layouts” on page 610.
To tile a print job
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Layout tab.
3In the Image position and size area, enable the Print tiled pages check box.
4Type values in the following boxes:
•Tile overlap — lets you specify the amount by which to overlap tiles
•% of page width — lets you specify the percentage of the page width the tiles will occupy
You can include tiling alignment marks by enabling the Tiling marks check box.
Previewing print jobs
You can preview your work to show how the position and size of the print job will appear on paper. For a detailed view, you can zoom in on
an area. You can view how the individual color separations will appear when printed.
Before printing your work, you can view a summary of issues for a print job to find potential printing problems. For example, you can check
the current print job for print errors, possible print problems, and suggestions for resolving issues.
To preview a print job
Click FilePrint preview.
To close the print preview, click FileClose print preview.
You can quickly preview a print job in the Print dialog box by clicking FilePrint and clicking the Mini preview button .
To magnify the preview page
Click FilePrint preview.
Click ViewZoom.
3Enable the Percent option, and type a value in the box.
You can also magnify the preview page by choosing a preset zoom level.
You can also zoom in on a portion of the print preview by clicking the Zoom tool in the toolbox and marquee selecting an area.
To preview color separations
Click FilePrint preview.
On the property bar, click the Enable color separations button .
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You can preview the composite by clicking ViewPreview separationsComposite.
You can view individual color separations by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the application window.
To view a summary of issues for a print job
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Preflight tab.
If there are no print job issues, the tab name displays as No issues. If there are issues, the tab name displays the number of issues that
were found.
If you want to exclude certain issues from the preflight check, click Settings, double-click Printing, and disable any check boxes that
correspond to issues you want overlooked.
You can save settings by clicking the Add preflight settings button and typing a name in the Save preflight style box.
Applying print styles
A print style is a set of saved printing options. Each print style is a separate file. This lets you move a print style from one computer to
another, back up a print style, and keep document-specific styles in the same directory as the document file.
You can select an existing print style, create a new print style, or edit a print style and save the changes. You can also delete print styles.
To choose a print style
Click FilePrint.
2Click the General tab.
3Choose one of the following from the Print style list box:
•CorelDRAW defaults
To create a print style
Click FilePrint.
2Click the General tab.
3Set any printing options.
4Click Save as.
5Choose the folder where you want to save the print style.
6Type a name for the style in the File name box.
You can also save a print style by clicking FilePrint preview, and clicking the Save print style as button.
To edit a print style
Click FilePrint.
2Choose a print style from the Print style list box.
Printing basics | 599
3Modify any of the printing options.
4Click Save as.
5Choose the folder where the print style is stored.
6Click the filename.
7Click Save.
You should save the modified settings as a print style or apply the changes before canceling; otherwise, you’ll lose all the modified
To delete a print style
Click FilePrint preview.
2Select a print style.
Click the Delete print style button .
Fine-tuning print jobs
You can fine-tune print jobs to ensure print quality. Because problems sometimes occur when you are printing text to a non-PostScript
printing device (GDI printer), you can decrease printing time by specifying driver compatibility for non-PostScript printing devices. For more
information, see “Printing colors accurately” on page 600.
If a printing device has difficulty processing large bitmaps, you can divide a bitmap into smaller, more manageable chunks by setting an
output threshold. If any lines appear when the printing device prints the chunks, you can set an overlap value to produce a seamless image.
On occasion, you may experience difficulties with printing complex files. To print complex files, you may need to spend a considerable
amount of time fixing and correcting the files. Another option is to convert a page to a bitmap, also known as rasterizing, which can allow
you to print complex files more easily.
To reduce file size, you can downsample bitmaps. Because bitmaps are made up of pixels, when you downsample a bitmap, the number of
pixels per line decreases, which decreases the file size.
To specify driver compatibility settings
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, double-click Printing, and click Driver compatibility.
3Choose a non-PostScript printing device from the Printer list box.
4Enable any of the check boxes that correspond to the settings that you want to specify.
To choose a threshold and chunk overlap
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Printing.
3From the Special settings list, choose one of the following:
•Bitmap output threshold (K)
•Bitmap chunk overlap pixels
4Choose a value from the Setting list box.
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To print as a bitmap
Click FilePrint.
2On the General tab, enable the Print as bitmap check box, and type a number in the dpi box to set the resolution.
To downsample bitmaps
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the Bitmap downsampling area, enable any of the following check boxes and type a value in the corresponding box:
•Color and grayscale
Downsampling bitmaps affects them only when their resolution is higher than the resolution specified in the Bitmap downsampling
Printing colors accurately
CorelDRAW allows you to manage colors when printing to ensure accurate color reproduction. You can print the document with the
document colors settings applied or you can choose alternate color settings only for printing. You can also print a document using the color
proofing settings that you previously specified in the Color proof settings docker. For more information, see “Using color management” on
page 335.
In addition, you can choose a rendering intent to effectively interpret the out-of-gamut colors when printing. The rendering intent that you
choose depends on the graphic content of the document. For more information, see “Understanding color management” on page 335.
For more information about color management, see “Using color management” on page 335.
Notes for GDI printers
GDI printers support only two color spaces: RGB and Grayscale. If your document contains colors from multiple color spaces, for example
RGB, CMYK, and spot colors, you must convert all the colors to RGB or Grayscale before printing.
You can determine if a printer is a GDI printer by clicking FilePrint and choosing a printer from the Printer list box. If the PostScript
tab does not appear at the top of the dialog box, the selected printer is a GDI printer.
The following table describes different ways of managing color when printing to a GDI printer.
How toIn the Print dialog box
Print the document and preserve the RGB or Grayscale colorsClick the Color tab, and choose the appropriate color mode from
the Output colors as list box.
Print the document with original colorsClick the Color tab, and choose the document color profile from
the Document profile area of the Correct colors using color
profile list box.
Printing basics | 601
How toIn the Print dialog box
Print the document and convert the document colors to the printer
Choose the printer color profile from the Correct colors using
color profile list box.
Notes for PostScript printers
Most PostScript printers support the use of multiple color spaces in a document. For example, a document can contain colors from multiple
colors spaces, such as RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale.
The following table describes different ways of managing color when printing to a PostScript printer.
How toIn the Print dialog box
Print the document with the original colorsClick the Color tab, and choose Native from the Output colors as
list box.
Print a document that contains multiple color modes using one
color mode
Click the Color tab, and choose a color mode from the Output
colors as list box.
If the printer supports only one color mode, you can control the
color conversion within CorelDRAW.
Print a document that contains only one color modeClick the Color tab, and choose the color profilefrom the Output
color as list box and from the Correct colors using color profile
list box.
To specify color settings for printing
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Use document color settings option.
If you selected a PostScript printer, you can choose one of the following options from the Color conversion performed by list box:
•CorelDRAW — lets the application perform the color conversion
•(selected printer) — lets the selected printer perform the color conversion (This option is only available for PostScript printers.)
4Choose a color model from the Output colors as list box.
This allows you to merge all document colors into a specific color model when printing.
You can also
Convert spot colors to process colorsEnable the Convert spot colors to check box.
If you selected Native from the Output colors as list box, you need
to select a color mode from the list box.
Choose a color profile for correcting colors when printing to a
specific printer
Choose a color profile from the Correct colors using color profiles
list box.
This option is available only for certain color models.
602 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Retain the color values associated with the selected color modelEnable the Preserve (color model) numbers check box.
To print using color proofing settings
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Use color proof settings option to apply the color settings that are defined in the Color proof settings docker.
If you want to correct the proof colors, you can choose a color profile from the Correct colors using color profile list box.
4Click Print.
To specify a rendering intent for printing
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3From the Rendering intent list box, choose one of the following options:
•Relative colorimetric — for producing proofs on printers, without preserving the white point
•Absolute colorimetric — for preserving the white point and proofing
•Perceptual — for a variety of images, especially bitmaps and photographs
•Saturation — for vector graphics and for preserving highly saturated colors (lines, text, and solid-colored objects, such as charts)
Printing to a PostScript printer
PostScript is a page-description language that sends printing instructions to a PostScript device. All the elements in a print job (for
example, curves and text) are represented by lines of PostScript code that the printing device uses to produce the document. For improved
compatibility, you can choose a device-independent PostScript option. You can also select a PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file. A
PostScript Printer Description file describes the capabilities and features of your PostScript printer and is available from your printer’s
You can automatically increase the fountain steps in a fountain fill to decrease banding. Increasing the number of steps used to render
fountain fills produces smoother shading when printing. To ensure that your print jobs print properly, you can also reduce curve complexity
by increasing flatness. Curve flatness determines how smooth a curve appears when printed.
A print job that contains too many fonts may not print properly, and a print job that contains too many spot colors increases file size. You
can set the PostScript options to warn you when a print job contains more than a set number of fonts or spot colors.
By default, the printing device driver downloads Type 1 fonts to the printing device. You can disable the Download Type 1 Fonts option so
that fonts are printed as graphics (either curves or bitmaps). This may be useful when the file contains many fonts that would take a long
time to download or would fail to download because of their file size. Bitmap versions of TrueType fonts look better in small print and print
faster than regular fonts. You can choose the maximum number of bitmap fonts that a print job can contain.
To select a PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file
Click FilePrint.
2Click the General tab.
3In the Destination area, choose a PostScript printer from the Printer list box.
4Enable the Use PPD check box.
5Choose the folder where the file is stored.
6Double-click the filename.
Printing basics | 603
To print to a PostScript device
Click FilePrint.
2Click the General tab.
3In the Destination area, choose a PostScript printer from the Printer list box.
4Click the PostScript tab.
5From the list box in the Compatibility area, choose the PostScript level that corresponds to the printer.
If you want to compress bitmaps when printing, choose an option from the Compression type list box in the Bitmaps area. If you
choose JPEG compression, you can move the JPEG quality slider to adjust the compression.
Bitmap compression settings can be saved in PostScript Interpreted (PS or PRN) files when you print to a file using a PostScript driver.
For information about printing to a file, see “To print to a file” on page 610.
To test fountain fills for banding
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Preflight tab.
If there are no print job issues, the tab name displays as No issues.
3Click Settings.
4Double-click Printing.
5Enable the Banded fountain fills check box.
If you want to optimize fountain fills to reduce complexity, enable the Optimize fountain fills check box on the PostScript tab.
Testing fountain fills for banding applies only to linear fountain fills.
To automatically increase fountain steps
Click FilePrint.
2Click the PostScript tab.
3Enable the Auto increase fountain steps check box.
To reduce curve complexity
Click FilePrint.
2Click the PostScript tab.
3Enable the Auto increase flatness check box.
Reducing curve complexity can help alleviate printing problems caused by curves that have too many nodes on each curve, but it
results in increased printing time.
To set color separations and font warning options
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Printing.
3Choose Spot color separations warning from the Special settings list.
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4Choose one of the following from the Setting list box:
•If any spot colors are used
•If more than 1 spot color used
•If more than 2 spot colors used
•If more than 3 spot colors used
5Choose Many fonts (preflight) from the Special settings list, and choose a number from the Setting list box that appears.
To disable the downloading of Type 1 fonts
Click FilePrint.
2Click the PostScript tab.
3Disable the Download Type1 fonts check box.
Type 1 fonts can be downloaded only for PostScript devices.
When the Download Type1 fonts check box is enabled, the Convert TrueType to Type1 check box is enabled by default. This ensures
that TrueType fonts are converted to Type 1 fonts so that they can be downloaded. Disable the Convert TrueType to Type1 check box
only if the output device has difficulty interpreting Type 1 fonts.
To choose the maximum number of bitmap fonts
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Printing.
3Choose Bitmap font limit (PS) from the Special settings list.
4Choose a value from the Settings list box.
If you want to set a maximum bitmap font size, choose a font size from the Bitmap font size threshold (PS) list box.
Using print merge
CorelDRAW lets you combine text from a data source with a drawing. When you merge documents, you can produce several different
copies of a drawing. You can use merged documents to create personalized documents, such as mailing lists, questionnaires, and targeted
marketing documents, where each printed document contains specific information from a record in a data source, such as a text file or an
ODBC data source (a Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access file).
When you merge documents, you create a form document in CorelDRAWand combine it with a data source. A form document provides the
pattern and layout for a merged document. A data source supplies information for a drawing during the merge. CorelDRAW supports the
following data source files: Text (TXT) files, comma-separated values (CSV) files, Rich Text Format (RTF) files, and files that can be opened by
means of an ODBC data source.
Printing basics | 605
Data source document (1), form document (2), and merged documents (3)
Creating a data source file
Information in a data source file is organized into fields and records. A field can contain one or more characters. Fields can contain
alphanumeric data or only numeric data. For example, a record may include a first name, last name, address, and other contact information.
Each item within the record, such as first name, last name, or address, is recognized as a field. A record can contain one or more fields.
You can create a data source file or import an existing one. You can create a data text file by using CorelDRAW or a text editor. You can edit
the data in a data source file at any time.
Creating a form document
Creating form documents is similar to creating regular drawings. For form documents, however, you insert merge fields, which are replaced
by information from the data source during the merge.
Associating a form document with a data source file
When you use CorelDRAW to create a data file, or when you import an existing data file into CorelDRAW, the data file is associated with the
form document. The association is always stored with the document and cannot be changed.
Performing a merge
CorelDRAW provides different output options for merge documents. You can print a merge document or save it to a new document. When
you print a merge document, the form document is merged with the data source file during printing. When you save the merged document
to a new file, the application merges the form document with the data from the data source file in a new CorelDRAW file. You can use this
file to preview your final output and make minor adjustments before printing. For major changes, such as the addition or repositioning of
merge fields or the addition of new records, you must work in the form document.
To create a data source file by using CorelDRAW
Click FilePrint mergeCreate/Load merge fields to launch the Print merge wizard.
2Enable the Create new text option, and click Next.
3On the Add fields page, do one or both of the following:
•To create a text field, type a field name in the Text field box, click Add, and then click Next.
•To create a numeric field, type a field name in the Numeric field box, click Add, and then click Next.
4On the Add or edit records page of the Print merge wizard, do any of the following:
•To add a record, click New, and then click Next.
•To add data in a field, click in the field, type data, and click Next.
•To modify existing data in a field, click in the field, modify the data, and click Next.
5Enable the Save data settings as check box.
6Type a filename, choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file, and click Finish.
606 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Apply formatting to the data in a numeric fieldOn the Add fields page of the Print merge wizard, click a numeric
field in the list, and choose a format from the Numeric format list
Different numeric formats are available in CorelDRAW. For example,
the X.0 format represents the value 1 as 1.0; the 00X format
represents the value 1 as 001.
Automatically increment the value in a numeric fieldEnable the Continually increment the numeric field check box,
and specify starting and ending values in the corresponding boxes.
Change the order of merge fieldsSelect a field in the list and click Move up or Move down.
Delete a recordOn the Add or edit records page of the Print merge wizard, click
View recordsOn the Add or edit records page of the Print merge wizard,
choose one of the following options from the Current view list
•All records — lets you display all records in a source data file
•Single record — lets you display one record at a time
Browse recordsOn the Add or edit records page of the Print merge wizard, click
any of the following buttons:
First record
Next record
Previous record
Last record
Find text in a data fileOn the Add or edit records page of the Print merge wizard, type
a search term in the box, and press Enter.
You can edit the fields and records in an existing data source file by clicking FilePrint mergeEdit merge fields and following the
instructions in the Print merge wizard.
To create a data source by using a text editor
1Open a text editor, and create a new file.
2On the first line, type the number of merge fields that you want to insert in the drawing. For example:
3On the second line, type the names of the merge fields by separating them with a backslash. Each merge field must begin and end with
a backslash. For example:
Printing basics | 607
4On the next lines, type the data that you want to appear in the merged document. Each line constitutes a record. For example:
\Pixie Parsons\\6 September 2016\\Mr. Randy Harris\
\Shirley Wilkinson\\13 January 2016\\Ms. Corinne Pitts\
5Save the file as an ANSI text file (.txt extension) or as an RTF file.
Backslashes function as markers to indicate the beginning and end of merge fields; therefore, you cannot use them as data in fields.
Data in fields must end with a character. Blank spaces or lines before backslashes prevent the merge from being completed
To import a data source file
Click FilePrint mergeCreate/Load merge fields.
2In the Print merge wizard, enable the Import text from a file or an ODBC data source option, and click Next.
3Enable the File option, and navigate to the drive and folder where the data file is stored.
4Choose a file.
5Click Open.
6Click Next.
7Follow the instructions in the Print merge wizard.
To import an ODBC data source file
Click FilePrint mergeCreate/Load merge fields.
2In the Print merge wizard, enable the Import text from a file or an ODBC data source option, and click Next.
3Enable the ODBC data source option, and click Select ODBC data source.
4In the Select data source dialog box, click the Machine data source tab.
5Under Data source name, select Excel files, and click OK.
6In the Select workbook dialog box, choose the database that you want to import, and click OK.
To create a form document
1Open a drawing in which you want to insert merge fields.
Click FilePrint mergeCreate/Load merge fields.
3Follow the instructions in the Print merge wizard to associate the drawing with a data source file, and then exit the Print merge wizard.
The Print merge toolbarappears.
4On the Print merge toolbar, choose a field name from the Field list box, and click Insert.
CorelDRAW places the merge field in the center of the current view. If you want to reposition the merge field, drag it to a new location
on the drawing page.
5Repeat step 4 to insert additional fields.
To perform a merge and print the document
1Do one of the following:
Click FilePrint mergePerform merge.
Click FilePrint. In the Perform merge dialog box, enable the Perform print merge option, and click OK.
•On the Print merge toolbar, click Merge to new document, and click Print.
2Specify any printer settings.
608 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
3Click Print.
If you want to print all records and pages, enable the Current document option.
To perform a merge and save the document to a new file
Click FilePrint mergeMerge to new document.
You can also perform a merge and save the document to a new file by clicking Merge to new document on the Print merge toolbar.
Viewing preflight summaries
Preflight checks the status of your file before you decide to output it and provides a summary of issues and potential problems, and
suggestions for resolving them. You can specify which issues Preflight checks for. You can also save Preflight settings. For more information
about specific Preflight settings, see any of the following:
•To check for issues related to printing a file, see “To view a summary of issues for a print job” on page 598.
•To check for issues related to publishing a PDF file, see “To view the preflight summary for a PDF file” on page 663.
•To check for issues related to exporting to Adobe Illustrator (AI), see “To view the preflight summary for an AI file” on page 671.
•To check for issues related to exporting a SWF file, see “To view the issues summary for an Adobe Flash file” on page 701.
•To check for issues related to exporting an SVG file, see “Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)” on page 697.
Preparing files for print service providers | 609
Preparing files for print service providers
With CorelDRAW, you can prepare a print job for sending to a print service provider.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Preparing a print job for a print service provider” (page 609)
•“Working with imposition layouts” (page 610)
•“Printing printers’ marks” (page 612)
•“Maintaining OPI links” (page 615)
•“Printing color separations” (page 615)
•“Working with color trapping and overprinting” (page 616)
•“Specifying In-RIP trapping settings” (page 619)
•“Printing to film” (page 621)
•“Preparing banners for printing” (page 622)
•“Working with a print service provider” (page 624)
Preparing a print job for a print service provider
You can use the Collect for Output wizard to guide you through the process of sending a file to a print service provider. The wizard simplifies
processes such as creating PDF and CDR files; gathering different pieces required for outputting an image; and copying the original image,
embedded image files, and fonts.
You can print a drawing to a file, which lets the print service provider send the file directly to an output device. If you are unsure about
which settings to choose, consult the print service provider.
For more information about commercial printing, see “Working with a print service provider” on page 624.
To use the Collect for Output wizard
Click FileCollect for output.
2Enable one of the following options:
•Automatically gather all files associated with the document
•Choose a printing profile (.CSP) for gathering only specific files
3Follow the instructions in the Collect for output wizard.
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The PDF file settings for the print service provider and the Prepress settings are identical. For information about the PDF Prepress
style settings, see “Exporting documents as PDF files” on page 653.
To print to a file
Click FilePrint.
2Click the General tab.
3In the Destination area, enable the Print to file check box.
4Click the flyout arrow, and click one of the following commands:
•For Mac — saves the drawing to be readable on a Macintosh computer
•Single file — prints all pages in a document to a single file
•Pages to separate files — prints each page to a separate file
•Plates to separate files — prints each plate to a separate file
5Click Print.
6Choose one of the following from the Save as type list box:
•Print file — saves the file as a PRN file
•PostScript file — saves the file as a PS file
7Choose the folder where you want to save the file.
8Type a filename in the File name box.
9Click Save.
If you prefer not to prepare PostScript files, print service providers equipped with the application in which you created your work can
take the original files (for example, CorelDRAW files) and apply the required prepress settings.
Working with imposition layouts
Working with imposition layouts lets you print more than one page of a document on each sheet of paper. You can choose a preset
imposition layout to create documents such as magazines and books to print on a commercial printing press; produce documents that
involve cutting or folding, such as mailing labels, business cards, pamphlets, or greeting cards; or print multiple thumbnails of a document
on one page. You can also edit a preset imposition layout to create your own layout.
You can select a binding method by choosing from three preset binding methods, or you can customize a binding method. When you
choose a preset binding method, all but the first signature are automatically arranged.
You can arrange pages on a signature manually or automatically. When you arrange the pages automatically, you can choose the angle of
the image. If you have more than one page across or down, you can specify the size of gutters between pages; for example, you can choose
the automatic gutter spacing option, which sizes gutters so that the document’s pages fill the entire available space in the layout.
When printing on a desktop printer, you can adjust the margins to accommodate the non-printable area of a page. If the margin is smaller
than the non-printable area, the edges of some pages or some printers’ marks may be clipped by your printer.
To choose a preset imposition layout
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Layout tab.
3Choose an imposition layout from the Imposition layout list box.
Preparing files for print service providers | 611
The layout you choose does not affect the original document, only the way it is printed.
To edit an imposition layout
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Layout tab.
3Choose an imposition layout from the Imposition layout list box.
4Click Edit.
5Edit any imposition layout settings.
Click FileSave imposition layout.
7Type a name for the imposition layout in the Save as box.
When editing an imposition layout, you should save it with a new name; otherwise the settings for a preset imposition layout will be
To select a binding method
Click FilePrint preview.
Click the Imposition layout tool .
3Choose Edit basic settings from the What to edit list box on the property bar.
4Type values in the Pages across/down boxes.
If you want the page to be double-sided, click the Single/double sided button .
5Choose one of the following binding methods from the Binding mode list box:
•Perfect binding — cuts apart individual pages and glues them at the spine
•Saddle stitch — folds pages and inserts them into one another
•Collate and cut — collates and stacks all signatures together
•Custom binding — lets you arrange the pages that are printed in each signature
If you choose either Saddle stitch or Custom binding, type a value in the corresponding box.
When you click the Single/double sided button for double-sided printing, and you are printing on a non-duplex printing device,
a wizard automatically provides instructions on how to insert the paper into the printer, so that you can print on both sides of the
To arrange pages
Click FilePrint preview.
Click the Imposition layout tool .
3Choose Edit page placements from the What to edit list box on the property bar.
4Click one of the following buttons:
Intelligent auto-ordering — automatically arranges the pages on a signature
612 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Sequential auto-ordering — arranges the pages from left to right and top to bottom
Cloned auto-ordering — places the working page in each frame of the printable page
If you want to arrange the page numbering manually, click on the page and specify the page number in the Page sequence number
5Choose an angle from the Page rotation list box.
To edit gutters
Click FilePrint preview.
Click the Imposition layout tool .
3Choose Edit gutters and finishing from the What to edit list box on the property bar.
4Click one of the following buttons:
Auto gutter spacing — sizes gutters so that the document’s pages fill the entire available space in the layout
Equal gutters — lets you set equal horizontal and vertical gutters
5Click one of the following buttons:
Cut location — places cut marks between pages
Fold location — places fold marks between pages
If you click the Equal gutters button, you must specify a value in the Gutter size box.
You can edit the gutters only if you’ve selected an imposition layout with two or more pages across and down.
To adjust margins
Click FilePrint preview.
Click the Imposition layout tool .
3Choose Edit margins from the What to edit list box on the property bar.
4Click one of the following buttons:
Auto margins — sets the margins automatically
Equal margins — lets you make the right margin equal to the left one, and the bottom margin equal to the top one
If you click the Equal margins button, you must specify values in the Top/left margin boxes.
When preparing a job for a commercial press, the print service provider may request minimum margin sizes, such as for page
grippers and printers’ marks.
Printing printers’ marks
Printing printers’ marks lets you display information on a page about how a document should be printed. You can specify the position of the
printers’ marks on the page.
The available printers’ marks are as follows:
Preparing files for print service providers | 613
•Crop/fold marks — represent the size of the paper and print at the corners of the page. You can print crop/fold marks to use as guides
to trim the paper. If you print multiple pages per sheet (for example, two rows by two columns), you can choose to print the crop/fold
marks on the outside edge of the page so that all crop/fold marks are removed after the cropping process, or you can choose to add
crop marks around each row and column. Crop/fold marks ensure that marks appear on each plate of a separated CMYK file.
•Bleed limit — determines how far an image can extend beyond the crop marks. When you use a bleed to extend the print job to the
edge of the page, you must set a bleed limit. A bleed requires that the paper you are printing on is larger than the size of paper you
ultimately want, and the print job must extend beyond the edge of the final paper size.
•Registration marks — are required to line up film for proofing or printing plates on a color press. They print on each sheet of a color
•Color calibration bars — are color scales that print on each sheet of a color separation and ensure accurate color reproduction. To see
calibration bars, make sure that the page size of the print job is larger than the page size of the work you are printing.
•Densitometer scale — is a series of gray boxes ranging from light to dark. These boxes are required to test the density of halftone
images. You can position the densitometer scale anywhere on the page. You can also customize the levels of gray that appear in each of
the seven squares on the densitometer scale.
•Page numbers — helps you collate pages of an image that do not include any page numbers or do not contain page numbers that
correspond to the actual number of pages
•File information — prints file information, such as, the color profile; halftone settings; name, date, and time the image was created;
plate number; and job name
To print crop and fold marks
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the Crop/fold marks area, enable the Crop/fold marks check box.
If you want to print all crop/fold marks, disable the Exterior only check box.
To print crop and fold marks, ensure that the paper on which you print is 0.5 inches larger on all sides than the page size of the
image that you are printing.
To set crop and fold marks, see “To edit gutters” on page 612.
To print composite crop and fold marks
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Printing.
3Choose Composite crop marks (PS) from the Option list.
4Choose Output on all plates from the Setting list box.
To set a bleed limit
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Layout tab.
3Enable the Bleed limit check box.
4Type a value in the Bleed limit box.
Usually, a bleed limit of 0.125 to 0.25 inches is sufficient. Any object extending beyond that uses memory needlessly and may cause
problems when you print multiple pages with bleeds on a single sheet of paper.
614 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To print registration marks
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the Registration marks area, enable the Print registration marks check box.
4Choose a registration mark style from the Style picker.
To print registration marks, ensure that the paper on which you print is 0.5 inches larger on all sides than the page size of the image
that you are printing.
To print color calibration bars and densitometer scales
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the Calibration bars area, enable any of the following check boxes:
•Color calibration bar
•Densitometer scales
If you want to customize the levels of gray in one of the densitometer scale squares, choose a number from the Densities list (lower
values represent lighter squares), and type a new density for that square.
To print page numbers
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the File information area, enable the Print page numbers check box.
If you want to position the page number inside the page, enable the Position within page check box.
To print file information
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the File information area, enable the Print file information check box.
4Type a job name in the Print file information box.
If you want to position the file information inside the page, enable the Position within page check box.
To position printers’ marks
Click FilePrint preview.
Click the Marks placement tool .
Click the Auto-position marks rectangle button on the property bar.
4Type values in the Marks alignment rectangle boxes.
Preparing files for print service providers | 615
You can also change the position of printers’ marks by clicking a printers’ mark icon in the print preview window and dragging the
bounding box.
If you want to affix printers’ marks to the object’s bounding box instead of to the page bounding box, click FilePrint, click the
Prepress tab, and enable the Marks to objects check box.
Maintaining OPI links
Open Prepress Interface (OPI) lets you use low-resolution images as placeholders for the high-resolution images that appear in your
final work. When a print service provider receives your file, the OPI server substitutes the high-resolution images for the low-resolution
To maintain OPI links
Click FilePrint.
2Click the PostScript tab.
3Enable the Maintain OPI links check box.
The Maintain OPI links option is available for PostScript devices only.
You can reduce your work time by using OPI and print management server solutions, such as Creo Color Central. Low-resolution
samples are automatically created from the high-resolution originals and are placed in CorelDRAW. These files contain their own OPI
comments, which the Creo Color Central server recognizes when it receives the job and then substitutes the high-resolution version of
the file for the low-resolution version.
Low-resolution images must be flagged as OPI images (this must be done using third-party software) before you can import them
into a document.
Printing color separations
When you send color work to a print service provider or printing shop, either you or the print service provider must create color separations.
Color separations are necessary because a typical printing press applies only one color of ink at a time to a sheet of paper. You can specify
the color separations to print, including the order in which they print.
Printing presses produce color using either process color or spot color, or both. You can convert the spot colors to process colors at printing
time. For more information on spot and process colors, see “Choosing colors” on page 284.
When setting halftone screens to print color separations, we recommend that you use the default settings; otherwise, screens can be
improperly set and result in undesirable moiré patterns and poor color reproduction. However, if you are using an imagesetter, the screen
technology should be set to match the type of imagesetter the print service provider uses. Before customizing a halftone screen, consult the
print service provider to determine the correct setting.
If you have overprinted areas, you can choose how you want those areas to print. For more information about overprinting, see “Working
with color trapping and overprinting” on page 616.
To print color separations
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
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3Enable the Print separations option.
If you want to print specific color separations, click the Separations tab, and enable the corresponding check box in the list of color
You can change the order in which color separations print, by enabling the Use advanced settings check box in the Options area. In
the separations list at the bottom of the dialog box, click in the Order column next to the color separation that you want to change.
Chose a new order value from the list box.
If you want to print separations using a color profile that is different from the document color profile, you can click the Color tab and
choose a color profile from the Correct colors using color profile list box.
To convert spot colors to process colors
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print separations option.
4Enable the Convert spot colors to check box.
Changing the spot colors to process colors does not affect the original CorelDRAW file; it affects the way colors are sent to the
To customize a halftone screen
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print separations option.
4Click the Separations tab.
5In the Options area, enable the Use advanced settings check box.
6Click Advanced.
7Change any of the following settings:
•Screening technology
•Basic screen
•Halftone type
You can set the screen frequency, screen angle, and overprint options for spot colors as well as process colors. For example, if you
have a fountain fill made up of two spot colors, you can set one to print at 45 degrees and the other at 90 degrees.
Working with color trapping and overprinting
When colors are trapped, they are intentionally overlapped so that misalignments of print separations are not noticeable. In manual
trapping, one color must overprint the other. Overprinting is achieved by printing one color over another. Overprint trapping works best
when the top color is much darker than the underlying color; otherwise, an undesirable third color may result (for example, cyan over yellow
results in a green object). In some cases, you might actually want to create a third color; for example, you can overprint two spot colors to
create a third color.
Preparing files for print service providers | 617
How overprinted colors mix depends on the type of colors and ink you are mixing and the types of objects you are overprinting. For example,
an object that uses a CMYK color overprints differently from an object that uses a spot color. Bitmaps also overprint differently from vector
objects. You can preview a simulation of how overprinted colors will mix by enabling the Enhanced viewing mode and the Simulate
overprints viewing mode. For more information about choosing a viewing mode, see “Choosing viewing modes” on page 60. Some
variation between the preview and the printed version may occur, depending on the printer you use.
When you are ready to print, you can choose to preserve overprint settings if you want to trap objects in a document, or if you want to mix
the overlapping colors for effect. You can also choose to knock out the overprinted areas so that only the top color is visible. If you want to
print a proof version of the file, you can simulate overprints. Simulating overprints rasterizes the file, and it prints using process colors only.
You can set a group of objects to overprint. You can allow text to overprint overlying objects. You can also overprint bitmaps; or each vector
object’s fill, or outline, or both. In addition, you can overprint specific color separations and specify in which order they will print, as well as
whether you want to overprint graphics, or text, or both.
The two methods for automatic color trapping include always overprinting black and auto-spreading. Overprinting black creates a color trap
by causing any object that contains 95% black or more to overprint any underlying objects. This option is useful for artwork containing a lot
of black text, but it should be used with caution on artwork with a high graphics content. You can adjust the threshold, if the print service
provider recommends a black threshold value other than 95%.
Auto-spreading creates color trapping by assigning an outline to an object that is the same color as the object’s fill and having it overprint
underlying objects. Auto-spreading is created for all objects in the file that meet three conditions: they do not already have an outline, are
filled with a uniform fill, and have not already been designated to overprint.
For advanced trapping options, see “Specifying In-RIP trapping settings” on page 619.
To preserve or ignore overprints when printing
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Choose one of the following options:
•Print composite
•Print separations
4Click one of the following tabs:
5From the Document overprints list box, choose one of the following options:
•Ignore — does not overprint areas; color on top prints and underlying colors are knocked out
•Preserve — preserves overprinted areas
To print a simulated overprint
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print composite option.
4Click the Composite tab.
5From the Document overprints list box, choose Simulate.
The Simulate option rasterizes the file; the file is printed with process colors.
To overprint selected objects
1Select an object.
2Click Object, and choose any of the following:
•Overprint outline
618 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•Overprint fill
•Overprint bitmap
You can also set an object to overprint by right-clicking the object and choosing an overprint option from the context menu.
To print text over underlying objects
Using the Text tool , select the text.
2In the Character area of the Object properties docker, enable the Overprint fill check box.
To overprint selected color separations
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print separations option.
4Click the Separations tab.
5In the Options area, enable the Use advanced settings check box.
6Click Advanced.
7In the Advanced separations settings dialog box, choose a color separation from the Screening technology list box.
8In the Overprint column, click one or both of the following icons:
Overprint graphics
Overprint text
The icons appear darker when the separation is set to overprint.
You can change the order in which color separations print by selecting a color separation and choosing an order from the Order list
To trap by always overprinting black
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Choose one of the following options:
•Print composite
•Print separations
4Click one of the following tabs:
5In the Options area, enable the Always overprint black check box.
To set the overprint black threshold
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Printing.
Preparing files for print service providers | 619
3Choose Overprint black threshold (PS) from the Option list.
4Choose a number from the Setting list box.
The number you choose represents the percentage of black above which black objects overprint.
To trap by auto-spreading
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Choose one of the following options:
•Print composite
•Print separations
4Click one of the following tabs:
5In the PostScript trapping or Trapping area, do one of the following:
•Enable the Auto-spreading option, and type a value in the Maximum box.
•Enable the Fixed width option, and type a value in the Width box.
6Type a value in the Text above box.
The value that you type in the Text above box represents the minimum size to which auto-spreading is applied. If you set this value
too low, small text may be rendered illegible when auto-spreading is applied.
The amount of spread assigned to an object depends on the maximum trap value specified in the Maximum box and the object’s
color. The lighter the color, the greater the percentage of the maximum trap value. The darker the color, the smaller the percentage of
the maximum trap value.
Specifying In-RIP trapping settings
In-RIP trapping allows you to specify advanced trapping settings. Before selecting In-RIP trapping, ensure that your PostScript 3 printer
supports In-RIP trapping options.
You can select a trap width — the amount that one color spreads into another. You can also specify image trap placement, which
determines where the trap occurs. You can, for example, specify whether the trap is a choke or a spread, depending upon the neutral
densities of adjacent colors. Neutral density indicates the lightness or darkness of a color and helps determine how adjacent colors spread
into one another.
You can specify a threshold at which a trap is created by specifying a step trap limit. If trap colors are of similar neutral densities, the trap
placement adjusts accordingly. The step trap limit specifies a threshold at which a trap adjusts.
Before trapping, you can set the inks; for example, you can set an ink to opaque, as in the case of a metallic ink, so that nothing shows
through it. To reduce the visibility of a trap, you can decrease the amount of ink color in a trap. This is especially helpful in the case of pastel
colors, contrasting colors, and colors with similar neutral densities.
To select a trap width
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print composite option.
4Click the PostScript tab.
5Choose PostScript 3 from the Compatibility list box.
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6Click the Composite tab.
7Enable the PostScript level 3 In-RIP trapping check box.
8Click Settings.
9Type a value in the Trap width box.
If you are trapping to black, type a value in the Black trap width box.
To select In-RIP trapping options, you must have selected PostScript 3 from the Compatibility list box under the PostScript tab of the
Print dialog box.
To specify image trap placement
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print composite option.
4Click the PostScript tab.
5Choose PostScript 3 from the Compatibility list box.
6Click the Composite tab.
7Enable the PostScript Level 3 In-RIP trapping check box.
8Click Settings.
9From the Image trap placement list box, choose one of the following placements:
•Neutral density — used to determine the lighter object and thus the direction and placement of the trap
•Choke — used to trap a dark foreground object to a light background image
•Spread — used to trap a light foreground object to a dark background image
•Centerline — used when adjacent images and objects have similar neutral densities or when image density changes along an object’s
If you want to trap an object to an image, enable the Trap objects to images check box.
To specify a threshold
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print composite option.
4Click the PostScript tab.
5Choose PostScript 3 from the Compatibility list box.
6Click the Composite tab.
7Enable the PostScript 3 In-RIP trapping check box.
8Click Settings.
9Type a value in one or more of the following boxes:
•Step limit — specifies a threshold between color variations. The lower the threshold value, the more likely it is that a trap will be
•Black limit — specifies the threshold at which process black is considered pure black
•Black density limit — specifies a neutral density value for the black ink
•Sliding trap limit — specifies the difference between the neutral densities of adjacent colors at which a trap adjusts (slides) from the
darker side of a color edge toward the centerline. The lower the sliding trap limit, the more gradual the transition.
Preparing files for print service providers | 621
To choose In-RIP trapping options, you must have selected PostScript 3 from the Compatibility list box under the PostScript tab in
the Print dialog box.
To set inks for trapping
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print composite option.
4Click the Composite tab.
5Enable the PostScript Level 3 In-RIP trapping check box.
6Click Settings.
7In the Type column, select one of the following for each color separation:
•Transparent — the selected ink doesn’t get trapped, but anything beneath it does
•Neutral density — the neutral density of the selected ink determines how it is treated
•Opaque — the selected ink is treated as opaque
•Opaque ignore — the selected ink doesn’t get trapped nor does anything beneath it
To choose In-RIP trapping options, you must have selected PostScript 3 from the Compatibility list box under the PostScript tab in
the Print dialog box.
To select a trap color reduction
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Color tab.
3Enable the Print composite option.
4Click the Composite tab.
5Enable the PostScript 3 In-RIP trapping check box.
6Click Settings.
7Type a value in the Trap color reduction box.
A reduction value of 100% indicates no reduction, while a lower value reduces the neutral density.
Printing to film
You can set up a print job to produce negative images. An imagesetter produces images on film that may need to be produced as negatives
depending on which printing device you are using. Consult your print service provider to determine whether you can produce images on
You can specify to print with the emulsion down. Printing with the emulsion down produces a backward image on desktop printers.
To print a negative
Click FilePrint.
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2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the Paper/film settings area, enable the Invert check box.
Do not choose negative film if you are printing to a desktop printer.
To specify film with the emulsion down
Click FilePrint.
2Click the Prepress tab.
3In the Paper/film settings area, enable the Mirror check box.
Preparing banners for printing
You can add borders and grommet markers to prepare banners for printing. Grommets are rings or edge strips inserted into holes through
thin material such as textile fabric or composite of carbon fiber. Strings or ropes can be inserted through the grommets to stretch a banner
You can create a banner from the active page or from selected objects on the page.
Borders can be used in two ways. You can add a border to a design that has important graphic or text elements around the edges to prevent
cutoffs in the final banner. Alternatively, you can add a border that can be folded before placing the grommets to make the banner edges
CorelDRAW lets you add borders that have the page background color or a solid color of your choice. You can also stretch or mirror the
document edges to add a border. You can specify the border size, which is the height of the area added to the top and bottom of the
document and the width of the area placed to the right and left of the document.
You can specify the size and number of the grommet markers, and you can place them within the boundaries of the original page or in
the border areas. In addition, you can specify the margin — the distance from the grommet edge to the page edge. Grommet markers can
be placed in the corners or along the top, bottom, left and right edges of the design. With this placement method, you can specify the
number of grommet markers to be added vertically and horizontally. You can also add grommet markers by specifying the approximate
space between them.
CorelDRAW saves your changes to a new document, which can be sent for printing, leaving the original document unchanged.
The Border and Grommet dialog box
624 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
•Right — places the grommet markers along the right edge of the
Add grommet markers by specifying the space between themIn the Placement and Distribution area, enable the Spacing
option, and type values in the Vertical and Horizontal boxes.
Working with a print service provider
When you send a file to a print service provider, the provider takes your file and converts it directly to film or to plates.
When you prepare a print job for printing, you can send camera-ready paper output or the work on disk. If you send the work on disk, the
print service provider needs either a PostScript file or a native file from the application that you use. If you are creating a file to send to an
imagesetter or a plate-setter, speak with the print service provider about the best file format and printing device settings to use. Always
provide a final printout of the work to the print service provider, even if it is only a black-and-white representation. This helps the print
service provider to identify and assess any potential problems.
Before printing a drawing, you must choose and properly configure the appropriate printing device driver. Consult the printing device
manufacturer instructions, or the print service provider or printing shop that you use to print the work, to find out the best way to set up the
printing device driver.
Web graphics | 625
Web graphics
Creating objects for the web...............................................................................................................................................................627
Exporting to HTML..............................................................................................................................................................................641
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Creating objects for the web | 627
Creating objects for the web
CorelDRAW lets you export objects that are optimized for viewing in a web browser. You can also create interactive rollovers from
CorelDRAW objects. In addition, you can add hyperlinks and bookmarks to a drawing.
After creating the web-compatible object in CorelDRAW, you can add the object to a design using a web-authoring tool. You can also export
the object to HTML. For more information, see “Exporting to HTML” on page 641.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Exporting bitmaps for the web” (page 627)
•“Saving and applying web presets” (page 634)
•“Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds” (page 634)
•“Creating rollovers” (page 635)
•“Adding bookmarks and hyperlinks to documents” (page 637)
•“Adding hotspots and alternate text to objects” (page 638)
Exporting bitmaps for the web
CorelDRAW lets you export the following web-compatible file formats: GIF, PNG, and JPEG.
While specifying exporting options, you can preview an image with up to four different configurations of settings. You can compare file
formats, preset settings, download speeds, compression, file size, image quality, and color range. You can also examine previews by zooming
and panning within the preview windows.
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1. Preview windowDisplays a preview of the document.
2. Preview modesLets you preview the adjustments in a single or split frame.
Creating objects for the web | 629
3. Zooming and panning toolsLets you zoom in and out of a document displayed in the preview
window, pan an image displayed at zoom level higher than 100%,
and fit an image in the preview window.
4. Eyedropper tool and sampled color swatchLets you sample a color and display the sampled color.
5. Preset list boxLets you choose preset settings for a file format.
6. Export settingsLets you customize export setting, such as color, display options,
and size.
7. Format informationLets you view file-format information, which is available for each
preview frame.
8. Color informationDisplays the color values for a selected color.
9. Speed list boxLets you choose an Internet speed for saving the file.
You can export web-compatible files using preset settings. This allows you to optimize the file, without the need to modify individual
settings. You can also customize the settings to produce a specific result. For example, you can adjust its color, display quality, and file size.
Choosing a web-compatible file format
This table is a quick reference for choosing a web-compatible file format.
File formatIdeal for
GIFLine drawings, text, images with few colors, or images with sharp
edges, such as scanned black-and-white images or logos.
GIF offers several advanced graphic options, including transparent
backgrounds, interlaced images, and animation. It also lets you
create custom palettes for the image.
PNGVarious image types, including photos and line drawings.
The PNG file format (unlike the GIF and JPEG formats) supports the
alpha channel. This allows you to save transparent images with
superior results.
JPEGPhotos and scanned images.
JPEG files use file compression to store an approximation of an
image, which results in some loss of image data, but does not
compromise the quality of most photographs. You can choose the
image quality when you save an image — the higher the image
quality, the larger the file size.
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Exporting palette-based documents
Palette-based documents, such as paletted GIF and 8-bit PNG, allow individual pixels to retain their exact color value. This lets you control
the display of colors in the file when exporting. Palette-based documents also allow you to introduce transparency to a file by choosing a
color in the image and making it transparent. For information, see “Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds” on page
To adjust the object-export preview
Click FileExport for Web.
2Perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
View the bitmap in a single preview frame
Click the Full preview button on the View toolbar.
View two versions of the bitmap in side-by-side frames
Click the Two vertical previews button.
View the two versions of the bitmap with one frame placed above
the other
Click the Two horizontal previews button.
View four versions of the bitmap in separate frames
Click the Four previews button .
Fit a bitmap in the preview window
Click the Zoom to fit button .
Display each pixel in the image data to a single pixel on-screen
Click the Zoom 1:1 pixel button .
Display a bitmap at its actual size
Click the Zoom to actual size button .
Pan to another area of the bitmap
Using the Pan tool , drag the image until the area you want to
see is visible.
Zoom in and out
Using the Zoom in tool or Zoom out tool , click in the
preview window.
Change the display options for the object in a preview frameClick a frame, then choose different export settings from the export
settings area.
To export a web-compatible bitmap
Click FileExport for Web.
2In the Export for web dialog box, choose preset settings from the Preset list box in the upper-right corner of the dialog box.
If you want modify the preset settings, you can change the exporting options in the dialog box.
Creating objects for the web | 631
3Click Save as.
4Choose the drive and folder where you want to save the file.
5Type a name in the File name box.
6Click Save.
You can also
Choose a color modeIn the Settings area, choose a color mode from the Color mode
list box.
This option is unavailable for the GIF file format.
Embed the color profileIn the Advanced area, enable the Embed color profile check box.
You can also export to a web-compatible format by clicking FileExport, and choosing a file format from the Save as type list box.
You can choose an Internet connection speed from the Speed list box at the bottom of the dialog box.
To resize an object when exporting a web-compatible bitmap
•In the Export for web dialog box, perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Choose a unit of measurement for the bitmapIn the Transformation area, choose a unit of measurement from
the Units list box.
Specify the bitmap dimensionsIn the Transformation area, type values in the Width and Height
Resize the bitmap to a percentage of its original sizeIn the Transformation area, type values in the Width % and
Height % boxes.
Avoid distortion by maintaining the width-to-height ratio of the
In the Transformation area, enable the Maintain aspect ratio
check box.
Specify the bitmap resolutionIn the Transformation area, type a value in the Resolution box.
Maintain the size of the file on your hard disk when you change the
resolution of the bitmap
In the Transformation area, enable the Maintain size check box.
To customize options for exporting a JPEG bitmap
1In the Export for web dialog box, choose JPEG from the Format list box.
2Perform one or more tasks from the following table.
632 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Control document qualityIn the Settings area, choose a quality option from the Quality list
box, or type a percentage value.
Choose an encoding settingIn the Settings area, choose an option from the Sub-format list
Blur the transition between adjacent pixels of different colorsIn the Settings area, type a value in the Blur box.
Load the JPEG file gradually in certain web browsers to display only
portions of the image before it finishes loading
In the Advanced area, enable the Progressive check box.
Use the optimal encoding method to produce the smallest JPEG file
In the Advanced area, enable the Optimize check box.
You can also
Apply the document-color settingsIn the Advanced area, enable the Use document color settings
Apply the color-proof settings to the documentIn the Advanced area, enable the Use color proof settings option.
Enable the overprinting of black when exporting to CMYKIn the Settings area, enable the Overprint black check box.
Apply a matte color to the object’s background to help blend the
edges of anti-aliased objects
In the Settings area, open the Matte color picker, and click a color.
To specify display-quality options for exporting web-compatible bitmaps
•In the Export for web dialog box, perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Apply a matte color to the object’s background to help blend the
edges of anti-aliased objects
In the Settings area, open the Matte color picker, and click a color.
Smooth the edges of the objectIn the Advanced area, enable the Anti-aliased check box.
Load the file gradually in certain web browsers to display only
portions of the image before it finishes loading
In the Advanced area, enable the Interlaced check box.
This option is unavailable for the JPEG file format.
To specify color settings for exporting palette-based web-compatible bitmap
•In the Export for web dialog box, perform one or more tasks from the following table.
Creating objects for the web | 633
ToDo the following
Choose a color modeIn the Settings area, choose a color mode from the Color mode
list box.
This option is unavailable for the GIF file format.
Choose a color paletteIn the Settings area, choose a palette from the Color palette list
This option is only available for the PNG file format in the Paletted
(8-bit) color mode.
Specify a dithering setting and amountIn the Settings area, choose a dithering option from the Dithering
list box, and type a value in the box.
This option is only available for the PNG file format in the Paletted
(8-bit) color mode.
Embed the color profileIn the Advanced area, enable the Embed color profile check box.
You can also
Load a color paletteIn the Settings area, click the arrow next to Color palette list box,
and click Load palette.
This option is only available for the PNG file format in the Paletted
(8-bit) color mode.
Sample a color and add it to a color paletteClick the Eyedropper on the toolbar, and then click in the drawing
window to choose a color. In the Settings area, click the Add the
sampled color to palette button .
This option is only available for the PNG file format in the Paletted
(8-bit) color mode.
Add or modify colorsDouble-click a color swatch on the color palette.
This option is only available for the PNG file format in the Paletted
(8-bit) color mode.
Choose the number of colors that you want to displayIn the Settings area, choose a value from the Number of colors list
This option is only available for the PNG file format in the Paletted
(8-bit) color mode.
Delete a color from the color paletteIn the Settings area, click a color on the color palette, and then
click the Delete the selected color button.
634 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
This option is only available for the PNG file format in the Paletted
(8-bit) color mode.
You can also add transparency to a palette-based document by choosing a color in the image and making it transparent. For
information, see “Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds” on page 634.
Saving and applying web presets
Web presets allow you to save custom settings for exporting web-compatible file formats.
To save a preset for exporting web-compatible images
1In the Export for web dialog box, choose a file format from the Format list box.
2Choose the settings that you want to store as a preset.
3Click the arrow next to the Preset list box, and click Save preset.
4Type the name of the preset in the File name box.
5Click Save.
You can delete a saved preset by choosing a preset from the Preset list box, clicking the arrow next to the Preset list box, and clicking
Delete preset.
To apply a preset for exporting web-compatible images
1In the Export for web dialog box, click the arrow next to the Preset list box, and click Load preset.
2Click the name of the file.
3Click Open.
Exporting objects with transparent colors and backgrounds
CorelDRAW lets you export palette-based bitmaps, such as paletted GIF or 8-bit PNG, with transparent colors and backgrounds. These
bitmaps can contain objects, such as buttons and logos, which are commonly used on webpages with colored or patterned backgrounds.
If you place an object with an opaque background onto a webpage, the object background color appears as a rectangle on the page. By
making an object background transparent, the object background blends in with the page. Transparent object backgrounds also let you
change the color or pattern of a webpage background without having to change the backgrounds of the objects to match.
You can create a GIF with a transparent background to use on a webpage.
To save a bitmap with a transparent background
1In the Export for web dialog box, choose a paletted file format, such as GIF or Paletted8-bit PNG, from the Format list box.
Creating objects for the web | 635
2Perform one or more tasks from the following table.
ToDo the following
Make the background of the object transparentIn the Settings area, enable the Transparency check box.
Make a selected color transparentClick the Eyedropper on the toolbar, and then click the image to
choose a color. In the Settings area, click the Make the selected
color transparent button .
Apply a matte color to the object’s background to help blend the
edges of anti-aliased objects
In the Settings area, open the Matte color picker, and click a color.
For best results, choose None from the Dithering list box in the Settings area.
Creating rollovers
Rollovers are interactive objects that change in appearance when you click or point to them. You can create rollovers using objects.
To create a rollover, you add the following rollover states:
•Normal — the default state of a button when no mouse activity is associated with the button
•Over — the state of a button when the pointer passes over it
•Down — the state of a clicked button
You can apply different object properties to each of the rollover states. You can also preview the rollover states.
Rollovers showing Normal (left), Over (center), and Down (right) states
To add a rollover object to a web design, you must save the rollover to a the Macromedia Flash (SWF) format. For more information about
creating and editing objects such as rollovers, see “Working with objects” on page 199.
To create a rollover object
1Select an object.
Click EffectsRolloverCreate rollover.
636 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To modify an object’s rollover state
Click WindowToolbarsInternet.
The Internet toolbar appears.
2Click the rollover object to select it.
On the Internet toolbar, click the Edit rollover button .
4From the Active rollover state list box, choose a state:
5Modify the object properties, such as the color.
Click the Finish editing rollover button .
You can also
Delete a rollover stateOn the Internet toolbar, click the Delete rollover state button
Duplicate a rollover stateOn the Internet toolbar, click the Duplicate rollover state button
Undo a rolloverOn the Internet toolbar, click the Extract rollover objects button
Specify what frame appears when the rollover is clickedOn the Internet toolbar, choose a target frame from the Target
frame list box.
You cannot close a drawing in which you are editing a rollover. You must finish editing first.
To view rollover properties
Click WindowDockersObject manager.
2Click the page and layer where the rollover resides.
3Click the rollover name, and expand the Normal, Over, and Down states.
You can preview a rollover object’s states in the drawing page by clicking the Rollover live preview button on the Internet
toolbar. To quit previewing the rollover so that you can edit it, click the Rollover live preview button . You cannot undo while
previewing a rollover.
Creating objects for the web | 637
Adding bookmarks and hyperlinks to documents
CorelDRAW lets you add bookmarks and hyperlinks to your document. You can apply these to objects, including text objects, rollovers, and
bitmaps. For information, see “Including hyperlinks, bookmarks, and thumbnails in PDF files” on page 656.
To create an internal link within a file, you can assign a bookmark to text or to an object. You can then assign a link to an object so that,
when it’s clicked, it opens the bookmark.
You can also assign a hyperlink to an object. You can link to a web address, FTP server, email address, bookmark, or file. When the object is
clicked, it opens to the assigned location in a appropriate application. After you create hyperlinks, you can display and verify them. You can
also delete links and bookmarks. When working with text, you can assign a hyperlink to both artistic and paragraph text.
To assign a bookmark
Click WindowDockersLinks and bookmarks.
2In the workspace, click the object that you want to bookmark.
Click the New bookmark button .
4Type the name of the bookmark in the name box.
To assign a hyperlink to an object
Click WindowDockersLinks and bookmarks.
2In the workspace, click the object to which you want to apply a hyperlink.
Click the New link button .
4From the Link type list box, choose one of the following link types:
Link types
http:// or https://Type a web address, or URL, for a webpage that opens when you
click the link.
ftp://Type a web address, or URL, to the FTP server that opens when you
click the link.
mailto:Type an email address.
file://Click the browse button and navigate to the file that you want to
open when you click the link.
bookmarkChoose a previously created bookmark from the list.
You can also assign a bookmark from the Object properties docker by clicking WindowDockersObject properties to open the
docker, and then clicking the Internet button.
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To assign a hyperlink to text
Click WindowDockersLinks and bookmarks.
Using the Text tool , select the text characters to which you want to assign a hyperlink.
Click the New link button .
4From the Link type list box, choose one of the following link types:
Link types
http:// or https://Type a web address, or URL, for a webpage that opens when you
click the link.
ftp://Type a web address, or URL, to the FTP server that opens when you
click the link.
mailto:Type an email address.
file://Click the browse button and navigate to the file that you want to
open when you click the link.
bookmarkChoose a previously created bookmark from the list.
You can also assign a hyperlink from the Internet toolbar by clicking WindowToolbarsInternet to display the toolbar.
To verify a link
Click WindowDockersLinks and bookmarks.
2Choose the link that you want to open.
Click the Open link button .
To delete a bookmark or link
Click WindowDockersLinks and bookmarks.
2Choose the link or bookmark that you want to delete.
Click the Delete button .
Adding hotspots and alternate text to objects
You can also set a hotspot that follows the outline of the object, or fills the object’s bounding box. CorelDRAW applies a crosshatch pattern
to an object containing a link. You can change the color of the crosshatch pattern as well as its background fill. In addition, you can add
alternate text to objects for text-only browsers or screen readers.
Creating objects for the web | 639
To set a hotspot
Click WindowDockersInternet.
2In the workspace, click the object to which you want to add a hotspot.
3In the Internet docker, choose Link from the Behavior list box, and type a web address in the URL box.
4In the Define hotspot using area, click one of the following buttons:
•Shape — defines the hotspot using the object’s shape
•Bounds — defines the hotspot using the object’s bounding box
Open the Background color picker , and click a color.
Open the Cross-hatch color picker , and click a color.
If you choose a hyperlinked object first and then change the crosshatch and background hotspot colors, the change applies to the
selected object only.
To add alternate text to an object
Click WindowDockersInternet.
2In the workspace, click the linked object to which you want to add alternate text.
3In the Internet docker, type the alternate text in the Alt comments text box.
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Exporting to HTML | 641
Exporting to HTML
You can ensure that your CorelDRAW files and objects publish to HTML successfully by setting document elements to be HTML-compatible,
selecting the settings you want, and checking Preflight issues. You can then publish to HTML. The resulting HTML code and images can be
used in HTML authoring software for creating a website or webpage.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Setting preferences for exporting images to HTML” (page 641)
•“Creating web-compatible text” (page 642)
•“Previewing and verifying files before exporting to HTML” (page 642)
•“Exporting to HTML” (page 643)
Setting preferences for exporting images to HTML
You can set preferences for exporting images that are destined to be viewed on the web. For example, you can determine layout options,
such as size and position of the image white space.
You can also publish your document as a single image, from which the application creates an image map. An image map is a hypergraphic
whose hotspots link to different URLs — including pages, locations, and images — when you view the HTML document with a browser.
Note that large image maps might cause slow downloads for those with a slow Internet connection.
To set preferences for exporting images to HTML
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Document, and click Export HTML.
3Set any bitmap options.
You can also
Specify the number of pixels text can be automatically nudged to
avoid introducing rows or columns that are only a few pixels in size
Type a value in the Position tolerance box.
Specify the number of pixels that can occur in an empty cell before
it’s merged with an adjacent cell
Type a value in the Image white space box.
642 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
This lets you avoid splitting a single graphic that spans adjacent
Specify the amount of white space allowed in an imageType a value in the Position white space box.
Create a Server-side image mapIn the Image map type area, enable the Server check box, and
choose a format.
Creating web-compatible text
When you convert paragraph text to web-compatible text, you can edit the text of the published document in an HTML editor. If you
are exporting text to HTML, you can change text font characteristics, including the font type, size, and style. The web-compatible text
sizes, numbered 1 through 7, correspond to particular point sizes between the 10-point and 48-point range. For more information about
formatting text, see “Formatting text” on page 407.
The default web font style is used automatically unless you override it with another font. If you choose to override it, the default font is
used when visitors to your website don’t have the same font installed on their computers. The bold, italic, and underline text styles are also
available. You can apply uniform fills, but not outlines, to web-compatible text.
Any non-web-compatible text in your drawing is converted to bitmaps when you publish your drawing to the World Wide Web as HTML.
To make text web-compatible
ToDo the following
Change paragraph text to web-compatible text
Using the Pick tool , select the paragraph text frame. Click
TextMake text web compatible.
Make new text web-compatible
Click ToolsOptions. In the list of categories, double-click
Workspace, Text, and click Paragraph. Enable the Make all new
paragraph text frames web compatible check box.
Ensure that the web-compatible text does not intersect or overlap other objects or extend beyond the boundaries of the drawing
page; otherwise the text will be converted to a bitmap, and it will lose its Internet properties.
Artistic text cannot be converted to web-compatible text and is always treated as a bitmap. However, you can convert it to paragraph
text and then make it web compatible. For information on converting text, see “Finding, editing, and converting text” on page 392.
Previewing and verifying files before exporting to HTML
You can preview your files and objects in a browser before exporting them to HTML. You can also identify any potential exporting problems
by checking for Preflight issues.
Exporting to HTML | 643
To preview a webpage
Click FileExport forHTML.
2Click Browser preview.
To set HTML preflight options
Click FileExport forHTML.
2Click the Issues tab.
3Click Settings.
4In the Issues to check for list, expand the Publishing to web tree.
5Deselect the issues you do not want to check for.
Exporting to HTML
When publishing a document or selection to the World Wide Web, you can choose several options, such as image format, HTML layout,
export range, and file transfer protocol (FTP) site parameters.
To export to HTML
Click FileExport forHTML.
2Set the following options in the Export HTML dialog box:
•General — contains options for HTML layout, folders for HTML file and images, and FTP site and export range. You can also select,
add, and remove presets.
•Details — contains details of HTML files produced, and allows you to change the page name and file name
•Images — lists all images for the current HTML export. You can set individual objects to JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats. Click Options to
select presets for each image type.
•Advanced — provides options for generating JavaScript for rollovers and cascading style sheets, and maintaining links to external files
•Summary — shows statistics for files according to various download speeds
•Issues — displays a list of potential issues, including explanations, suggestions, and tips
CorelDRAW assigns the extension .htm to documents you publish in the HTML format. By default, HTML files share the same name as
the CorelDRAW (CDR) source file and are saved in the last folder you used to store exported web documents.
644 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
File formats | 645
File formats
Importing and exporting files..............................................................................................................................................................647
Exporting to PDF................................................................................................................................................................................. 653
Working with office productivity applications......................................................................................................................................667
Using macros to automate tasks.........................................................................................................................................................729
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Setting basic preferences | 711
Setting basic preferences
This section includes the following topics:
•“Disabling warning messages” (page 711)
•“Viewing system information” (page 711)
Disabling warning messages
You may encounter warning messages while working in the application. Warning messages explain the consequences of an action you are
about to perform, and inform you of permanent changes that might result from that action. Although the warnings are helpful, you can
disable them so you don’t have to view them after you become familiar with the software. Avoid disabling warning messages until you are
comfortable with the application and familiar with the results of the commands you use.
To disable warning messages
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Warnings.
3Disable one or more of the check boxes.
Viewing system information
You can view information about your computer as well as information about the application itself. For example, you can view details about
your computer’s setup. You can view detailed information about your system, display and printing properties, Corel applications and DLL
files, and system DLL files. You can use this feature, for instance, to find out how much space you have on the drive to which you want to
save a file.
To view system information
Click HelpAbout CorelDRAW.
2Click System info.
3Choose a category from the Choose a category list box.
712 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Click the Save button to store system information for printing.
Customizing CorelDRAW | 713
Customizing CorelDRAW
You can customize your application by arranging command bars and commands to suit your needs and changing the color of window
borders. Command bars include menus, toolbars, the property bar, and the status bar.
Help topics are based on the application’s default settings. When you customize command bars, commands, and buttons, the Help topics
associated with them do not reflect your changes.
This section contains the following topics:
•“Saving defaults” (page 713)
•“Creating workspaces” (page 714)
•“Customizing workspace appearance” (page 715)
•“Customizing keyboard shortcuts” (page 717)
•“Customizing menus” (page 719)
•“Customizing toolbars” (page 720)
•“Customizing the toolbox” (page 723)
•“Customizing the property bar” (page 724)
•“Customizing the status bar” (page 725)
•“Customizing filters” (page 726)
Saving defaults
Many application settings apply to the active drawing only. These include page layout options, grid and ruler settings, guideline settings,
style options, save options, some tool settings, and web publishing options. Saving the current settings as defaults lets you use the settings
of the active drawing for all new drawings you create. You can also choose to save only specific settings as defaults.
To save current settings as defaults
Click ToolsSave settings as default.
Only the settings enabled on the Document page of the Options dialog box (ToolsOptions) are saved.
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To save specific settings as defaults
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, click Document.
3Enable the Save options as defaults for new documents check box.
4Enable the check boxes that correspond to the options you want to save.
Creating workspaces
You can create workspaces to make more accessible the tools that you use most often. For example, you can open dockers or add tools to
toolbars. You can also delete the custom workspaces that you create. If you modify the default workspace, you can reset the default settings.
In addition, you can export and import custom workspaces to and from other computers that use the same application. For example, you
can customize a workspace and share it with a group of users.
Before creating a workspace, you can try the workspaces that are included with the application. These workspaces are optimized for a
number of common workflows. For more information, see “Choosing a workspace” on page 93.
To create a workspace
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, click Workspace.
3Click New.
4Type the name of the workspace in the Name of new workspace box.
5From the Base new workspace on list box, choose an existing workspace on which to base the new workspace.
If you want to include a description of the workspace, type a description in the Description of new workspace box.
To delete a workspace
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, click Workspace.
3Choose a workspace from the Workspace list.
4Click Delete.
You cannot delete the Default workspace.
To import a workspace
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, click Workspace.
3Click Import.
4In the Import workspace dialog box, click Browse.
5Choose the folder where the file is stored.
6Double-click the file.
7Follow the instructions on screen.
Customizing CorelDRAW | 715
To export a workspace
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, click Workspace.
3Click Export.
4Enable the check boxes beside the workspace items you want to export.
5Click Save.
6Choose the folder where you want to save the file.
7Type a filename in the File name box.
8Click Save.
9Click Close.
The workspace items available for export are dockers, toolbars (including the property bar and toolbox), menus, and shortcut keys.
A workspace is exported as a .cdws file.
To reset the current workspace
1Exit the application.
2Restart the application while holding down F8.
Customizing workspace appearance
You can customize the size of user interface items, choose a theme, and change the color of window borders and the desktop.
You can change the size of user interface (UI) items by changing the scaling level. The scaling level is relative to the scaling level of the
operating system. The default setting is 100%, which means that UI items in the application appear the same size as similar UI items in the
operating system. Scaling by 200% makes the application UI items appear twice as large as the UI items of the operating system.
To make the workspace lighter or darker, you can choose one of the following themes: Light, Medium, or Dark.
Window border color
You can customize the application window and dialog boxes by changing the color of their borders.
Desktop color
You can change the color of the desktop, the area surrounding the drawing page, to suit your documents. For example, if the document
contains dark colors, you can change the desktop color from white to gray for lower contrast.
716 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Custom desktop color
Choosing colors
To choose the color you want for the desktop and window borders, you can quickly sample any onscreen color; or you can use color sliders,
color viewers, or color palettes.
Various tools are available to help you change the desktop or window border color.
To set the scaling level for UI items
Click Tools Options.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Appearance.
3In the Size area, move the slider to the right for larger UI items, and to the left for smaller UI items.
To choose a theme
Click Tools Options.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Appearance.
3In the Color area, choose a theme from the Theme list box.
Customizing CorelDRAW | 717
To change the color of window borders
Click Tools Options.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Appearance.
3In the Color area, open the Window border color picker, and choose a color.
To change the desktop color
Click Tools Options.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click Appearance.
3In the Color area, open the Desktop color picker, and choose a color.
To specify a color by using various color tools
•In the Color area, open the Desktop or Window border color picker, and perform a task from the following table.
ToDo the following
Sample a color
Click the Color eyedropper tool , and click an onscreen color.
Use color sliders
Click the Show color sliders button , choose a color mode
from the list box, and move the sliders.
Use a color viewer
Click the Show color viewers button , choose a color mode
from the list box, and click a color on the color viewer.
Choose a color from a color palette
Click the Show color palettes button , choose a color palette
from the Palette Libraries, and click a color. To adjust the tint, move
the Tint slider.
Access additional color options
Click the More color options button , and choose an option.
The options are dependent on the selected method such as
sampling or using a color viewer, color sliders or a color palette.
Customizing keyboard shortcuts
Although your application has preset keyboard shortcuts, you can change them, or add your own shortcuts, to suit your working style.You
can assign keyboard shortcuts to the commands that you use the most, and you can delete keyboard shortcuts.
You can print a list of keyboard shortcuts. You can also export a list of keyboard shortcuts to the CSV file format — a comma delimited
format that is easily opened by word processors and spreadsheet applications.
When you change keyboard shortcuts, the changes are saved in a file called an accelerator table. Your application comes with the following
accelerator tables which can be customized to suit your work habits:
•Anchor editing table — contains shortcut keys for anchor editing
•Curve editing table — contains shortcut keys for editing curves
•Main table — contains all non-text-related shortcut keys
718 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•Print preview — contains shortcut keys for print preview options
•Table text editing table — contains shortcut keys for editing text in tables
•Text editing table — contains all text-related shortcut keys
To assign a keyboard shortcut to a command
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Click the Shortcut keys tab.
4Choose a shortcut key table from the Shortcut key table list box.
5Choose a command category from the top list box.
6Click a command in the Commands list.
The shortcut keys currently assigned to the selected command are displayed in the Current shortcut keys box.
7Click the New shortcut key box, and press a key combination.
If the key combination is already assigned to another command, that command is listed in the Currently assigned to box.
8Click Assign.
If the same keyboard shortcut is already assigned to another command, the second assignment overwrites the first. By enabling
the Navigate to conflict on assign check box, you can automatically navigate to the command whose shortcut you reassigned,
prompting you to assign a new shortcut.
You can view all of the existing keyboard shortcuts by clicking View all.
To delete a keyboard shortcut
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Click the Shortcut keys tab.
4Choose a shortcut key table from the Shortcut key table list box.
5Choose a command category from the top list box.
6Click a command in the Commands list.
7Click a shortcut key in the Current shortcut keys box.
8Click Delete.
To print keyboard shortcuts
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Click the Shortcut keys tab.
4Click View all.
5Click Print.
To export a list of keyboard shortcuts
Click ToolsCustomization.
Customizing CorelDRAW | 719
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Click the Shortcut keys tab.
4Click View all.
5Click Export to CSV.
6Choose the folder where you want to save the file.
7Type a filename in the File name box.
8Click Save.
Customizing menus
Corel customization features let you modify the menu bar and the menus it contains. You can change the order of menus and menu
commands; add, remove, and rename menus and menu commands. You can search for a menu command if you do not remember the
menu in which it belongs. You can also reset menus to the default setting.
The customization options apply to the menu bar menus as well as to shortcut menus that you access by right-clicking.
Help topics are based on the application’s default settings. When you customize menus and menu commands, the Help topics associated
with them do not reflect your changes.
To change the order of menus and menu commands
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3In the application window, drag a menu on the menu bar to the left or right.
If you want to change the order of menu commands, click a menu on the menu bar, click a menu command, and drag it up or down.
If you want to change the order of context menu commands, right-click in the application window to display the context menu, and
drag a menu command to a new position.
To rename a menu or menu command
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Choose a command category from the top list box.
4Click a menu or command in the list.
5Click the Appearance tab.
6Type a name in the Caption box.
An ampersand (&) before a letter in the Caption box indicates a shortcut, also known as a mneumonic accelerator key. Menus are
displayed by pressing Alt + the letter. Commands are invoked by pressing the letter that is underlined when the menu is displayed.
You can reset the name to the default by clicking Restore defaults.
To add or remove an item on the menu bar
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
If you want to remove an item, drag it off the menu bar.
720 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
3Choose a command category from the top list box.
4Drag an item to the menu bar.
To add or remove a command on a menu
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
If you want to remove a command from a menu, click the menu name, and when the menu displays, drag the command off the menu.
3Choose a command category from the top list box.
4Drag a command to a menu in the application window.
To find a menu command quickly
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
Click the Search button .
4In the Find text dialog box, type the menu command in the Find what box.
5Click Find next.
To reset menus to the default setting
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Command bars.
3Choose Menu bar from the list.
4Click Reset.
Customizing toolbars
You can customize toolbar position and display. For example, you can move or resize a toolbar, and you can choose to hide or display a
Toolbars can be either docked or floating. Docking a toolbar attaches it to the edge of the application window. Undocking a toolbar pulls it
away from the edge of the application window, so it floats and can be easily moved around.
You can create, delete, and rename custom toolbars. You can customize toolbars by adding, removing, and arranging toolbar items. You can
adjust toolbar appearance by resizing buttons; and displaying images, captions, or both. You can also edit toolbar button images.
When moving, docking, and undocking toolbars, you use the grab area of the toolbar.
For aThe grab area is
Docked and unlocked toolbarIdentified by a dotted line at the top or left
edge of the toolbar
Customizing CorelDRAW | 721
For aThe grab area is
Floating toolbarThe title bar. If the title is not displayed, the
grab area is identified by a dotted line at
the top or left edge of the toolbar.
If you do not want to move docked toolbars by mistake, you can lock them. Locked toolbars do not have a dotted line along their left edge.
A locked toolbar
To customize toolbar position and display
ToDo the following
Move a toolbarUnlock the toolbar, click the toolbar’s grab area, and drag the
toolbar to a new position.
Dock a toolbarClick the toolbar’s grab area, and drag the toolbar to any edge of
the application window.
Undock a toolbarUnlock the toolbar, click the toolbar’s grab area, and drag the
toolbar away from the edge of the application window.
Resize a floating toolbarPoint to the edge of the toolbar and, using the two-directional
arrow, drag the edge of the toolbar.
Hide or display a toolbar
Click ToolsCustomization. In the Customization list of categories,
click Commandbars, and disable or enable the check box next to
the toolbar name.
Reset a toolbar to its default setting
Click ToolsCustomization. In the Customization list of categories,
click Command bars, click a toolbar, and click Reset.
Docked toolbars cannot be moved when they are locked. For information about unlocking toolbars, see “To lock or unlock toolbars”
on page 723.
To add, delete, or rename a custom toolbar
722 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
ToDo the following
Add a custom toolbar
Click ToolsCustomization. In the Customization list of categories,
click Command bars, click New, and type a name in the
Command bars list. Holding down Alt + Ctrl, drag a tool or
button in the application window to the new toolbar. You can also
drag commands from the Commands list (ToolsCustomization
Delete a custom toolbar
Click ToolsCustomization. In the Customization list of categories,
click Command bars, click a toolbar, and click Delete.
Rename a custom toolbar
Click ToolsCustomization. In the Customization list of categories,
click Command bars, click a toolbar name twice, and type a new
To add or remove an item on a toolbar
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Choose a command category from the top list box.
4Drag a toolbar item from the list to a toolbar in the application window.
If you want to remove an item from a toolbar, drag the toolbar item off the toolbar.
To arrange toolbar items
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3On the toolbar in the application window, drag the toolbar item to a new position.
If you want to move a toolbar item to another toolbar, drag the toolbar item icon from one toolbar to the other.
You can copy a toolbar item to another toolbar by holding down Ctrl while dragging a toolbar item. If the Options dialog box is not
open, you must hold down Alt+Ctrl.
To modify toolbar appearance
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Command bars.
3Click a toolbar name in the list.
If you want to choose multiple toolbars, hold down Ctrl, and click the other toolbar names.
4Choose a size from the Button list box.
5From the Default button appearance list box, choose one of the following:
•Caption only
•Caption to right of image
Customizing CorelDRAW | 723
•Image only
If you want to hide the title when the toolbar is floating, disable the Show title when toolbar is floatingcheck box.
You can reset a built-in toolbar to its default settings by clicking Reset.
To edit a toolbar button image
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Choose a command category from the top list box.
4Click a toolbar command.
5Click the Appearance tab.
6Edit the button image using the options in the Imagearea.
When you choose either Small or Medium in the Size list box, you edit the small or medium versions of a particular button image.
You cannot edit the large version of a button image. For information about how to display all buttons as small, medium, or large, see
“To modify toolbar appearance” on page 722.
You can reset toolbar button images to the default settings by clicking Restore defaults.
To lock or unlock toolbars
Click WindowsToolbarsLocktoolbars.
The Lock toolbars command is enabled when a check mark appears beside it. When you launch the application for the first time, the
toolbars are locked by default.
Floating toolbars cannot be locked.
You can also lock or unlock toolbars by right-clicking a toolbar and clicking Lock toolbars.
Customizing the toolbox
You can add or remove tools from the toolbox. If you modify the toolbox, you can reset the default settings at any time.
To customize the toolbox
On the toolbox, click the Quick customize button .
2Enable or disable any of the check boxes.
724 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Reset the toolboxClick the Reset toolbar button.
Customize the toolboxClick the Customize button.
Customizing the property bar
You have control over the placement and content of the property bar. You can move the property bar anywhere on screen. Placing it inside
the application window creates a floating property bar. Placing it on any of the four sides of the application window docks it, making it part
of the window border.
When moving, docking, or undocking the property bar, you use the grab area of the property bar, which is the same as the grab area of a
toolbar. For more information about the grab area, see “Customizing toolbars” on page 720.
You can also customize the property bar by adding or removing tools. This lets you customize what appears on the property bar when you
choose various tools. For example, when the Text tool is active, you can have the property bar display additional commands for text-related
tasks such as increasing or decreasing font size, or changing case. You can also reset the property bar to its default settings.
To position the property bar
ToDo the following
Move the property barUnlock the property bar, click the property bar’s grab area, and
drag the property bar to a new position.
Undock the property barClick the property bar’s grab area, and drag the property bar away
from the edge of the application window.
Dock the property barClick the property bar’s grab area, and drag the property bar to any
edge of the application window.
To add or remove a toolbar item on the property bar
On the property bar, click the Quick customize button .
2Enable or disable the check boxes next to the items that you want to add or remove.
You can also
Reset the toolboxClick the Reset toolbar button.
Customize the toolboxClick the Customize button.
The new item is displayed on the property bar for the active tool or task. When the property bar content changes, the item is not
displayed. The new item is displayed again when the related tool or task is activated.
Customizing CorelDRAW | 725
You can also customize the property bar by clicking ToolsCustomization. In the Customization list of categories, click Commands,
choose a command category from the top list box, and then drag a toolbar item from the list to the property bar. If you want to
remove an item from the property bar, drag the toolbar item icon off the property bar.
To rearrange toolbar items on the property bar
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Drag the toolbar item icon to a new position on the property bar.
Customizing the status bar
The status bar displays information about selected objects, such as color, fill type, and outline. The status bar also shows the current cursor
position and relevant commands. In addition, it displays document color information, such as the document color profile and color proofing
status. You can customize the status bar by changing the information that is displayed and by resizing it. You can also customize the status
bar by adding, removing, and resizing toolbar items. In addition, you can restore the status bar to its default settings. You can also place the
status bar at the top of the application window to see the displayed information more easily.
To change the information the status bar displays
Click the flyout button next to the displayed information and choose one of the following options:
•Cursor position
•Object details
•Color information
•Information about selected tool
To resize the status bar
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Command bars.
3Click Status bar, and enable the check box.
4Type 1 or 2 in the Number of lines when docked box.
To add or remove a toolbar item on the status bar
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Commands.
3Choose a command category from the top list box.
4Drag a toolbar item from the list to the status bar.
If you want to remove a toolbar item from the status bar, drag the item off the status bar.
To resize toolbar items on the status bar
Click ToolsCustomization.
2In the Customization list of categories, click Command bars.
3Click Status bar, and enable the check box.
4Choose one of the following options from the Button list box:
726 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Only toolbar items you have added to the status bar are affected by resizing. The size of the default icons remains unchanged.
To change the position of the status bar
Right-click the status bar, click CustomizeStatus barPosition, and click Top or Bottom.
To restore the status bar default settings
Right-click the status bar, and click CustomizeStatus barReset to default.
Customizing filters
Filters are used to convert files from one format to another. They are organized into four types: raster, vector, animation, and text. You can
customize filter settings by adding or removing filters so that only the filters you need are loaded. You can also change the order of the list
of filters and reset filters to the default setting.
To add a filter
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and double-click Filters.
3Double-click a type of filter in the Available file types list.
4Click a filter.
5Click Add.
To remove a filter
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Filters.
3Click a filter in the List of active filters.
4Click Remove.
To change the order of the list of filters
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Filters.
3Click a filter in the List of active filters.
4Click one of the following:
•Move up — moves the filter up the list
•Move down — moves the filter down the list
You can reset the List of active filters to the default setting by clicking Reset.
Customizing CorelDRAW | 727
Customizing file associations
You can associate a number of different file types with Corel applications. When you double-click a file you have associated with an
application, the application starts and the file opens. When you no longer need a file type association, you can break it.
To associate a file type with CorelDRAW
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Filters.
3Click Associate.
4In the Associated file extensions with CorelDRAW list, enable the check box of the file type you want to associate.
Associating a file type with an application adds the application to the list of recommended programs for opening this file type. To
open a file of an associated file type in CorelDRAW while browsing in Windows, you also need to make CorelDRAW the default
program. To do this, click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, and then click Default programs. Next, click Associate a
file type or protocol with a program. For detailed instructions about how to change the default program for a file type, see the
Windows Help.
You can reset file associations by clicking Reset.
To break a CorelDRAW file type association
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the list of categories, double-click Global, and click Filters.
3Click Associate.
4In the Associated file extensions with CorelDRAW list, disable the check box of the file type association you want to break.
You can reset file associations by clicking Reset.
728 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
Using macros to automate tasks | 729
Using macros to automate tasks
You can use macros to speed up repetitive tasks, combine multiple or complex actions, or make an option more easily accessible. You create
macros by using the built-in features for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) or Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA).
Using a macro is similar to using the speed-dialing feature on a phone. On many phones, you can set a frequently dialed number to a speed-
dial button; then, the next time you need to dial that number, you can save time by pressing its speed-dial button. Similarly, a macro lets you
set the actions that you want to repeat; then, the next time that you need to repeat those actions, you can save time by playing that macro.
This section contains the following topic:
•“Working with macros” (page 729)
Working with macros
You can save time by using a macro to automate a series of repetitive tasks. A macro lets you specify a sequence of actions so that you can
quickly repeat those actions later.
You don’t need any programming experience to use macros — in fact, the basic tools for working with macros are available within the
main application window. However, if you want to have more control over your macros, you can use the following built-in programming
•Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) — the successor to VBA, and an excellent choice for developers and other
programming experts. VSTA provides the tools and features that you need to create the most advanced macro projects.
•Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) — a subset of the Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) programming environment, and an excellent
choice for beginners. You can use VBA to create basic macros for personal use, but you can also use it to create more advanced macro
For detailed information on the differences between VBA and VSTA, please see the programming guide on the Developer area on the
CorelDRAW community website.
Getting started with macros
The macro features for VBA and VSTA are installed with the software by default, but you can manually install these features if necessary. You
can specify options for the VBA feature.
730 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
To use VSTA macro features with CorelDRAW, you must have Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 or later installed. To use the VSTA Editor,
you must first install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, 2013 or 2015, Community, Professional, Premium, Ultimate or Enterprise Edition;
and then reinstall Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2015 from
If you install Microsoft Visual Studio after installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, you must re-install the VSTA macro features by
modifying your CorelDRAW Graphics Suite installation. For more information, see “To manually install the macro features” on page
The macro features provide several tools for working with macros in the main application window:
•Macros toolbar — provides easy access to common macro functions
•Macro Manager docker — provides easy access to all available macro projects for VBA, and to basic functions for working with those
•Macro Editor (formerly the Visual Basic Editor) — provides advanced functions for creating VBA-based macro projects
•VSTA Editor — provides advanced functions for creating VSTA-based macro projects. The VSTA Editor is accessible only if you have
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, 2013 or 2015 installed.
Creating macros
Macros are stored in modules (also called “code modules”), which are stored in macro projects. The Macro Manager docker lets you view
and manage all of the macro projects, modules, and macros that are available to you.
You can use the Macro Manager docker to create macro projects in the form of Global Macro Storage (GMS) files or Corel VSTA Projects
(CGSaddon). Using such files is an excellent way to bundle the components of your macro project for sharing with others. You can use the
Macro Manager docker to open (or “load”) the macro projects that you create, as well as the macro projects that install with the software
or that are otherwise made available to you. You can also use the Macro Manager docker to rename macro projects, as well as to copy and
close (or “unload”) GMS-based and VSTA macro projects.
Some macro projects are locked and cannot be modified.
When you create a document, a macro project for that document is automatically added to the Macro Manager docker. Although
you can store macros within the macro project for a document — for example, to create an all-in-one template — it is recommended
that you instead use GMS files to store your macro projects.
Each macro project contains at least one module. You can use the Macro Manager docker to add a module to a VBA-based macro project,
or to open existing modules for editing. You can also use the Macro Manager docker to rename or delete VBA modules.
The editing feature is disabled for some modules.
Finally, you can use the Macro Manager docker to create macros within the available modules. You don’t need any programming experience
to create macros; however, if you have programming experience and want to edit VBA macros, you can do so by using the Macro Editor. You
can also use the Macro Manager docker to rename and delete VBA macros.
Recording macros
You can record macros and save them for later use.
You can also record temporary macros for actions that you need to repeat only a few times. A temporary macro is accessible until a new
temporary macro is recorded.
Using macros to automate tasks | 731
The recording feature is disabled for some macro projects.
Before recording a macro, make sure that you know exactly which actions you want to record and the order in which you want
to record them. When you start recording, the macro recorder captures every change that you make in a drawing. For example, if
you create a shape, resize the shape, and then change its color, the macro records all the changes. When you are done making the
changes, you must stop recording the macro.
Playing macros
You can perform the actions that are associated with a macro by playing that macro.
You can also play a temporary macro.
Learning more about macros
The Developer area on the CorelDRAW community website can help you with its wealth of useful resources: a programming guide, detailed
Object Model reference documentation with code samples, object model diagrams, and in-depth programming articles and tutorials.
The Object Model reference documentation, also referred to as API documentation, includes help on every feature and function that can
be automated in the applications. (Collectively, these features and functions are called an “object model.”) You can easily access relevant
documentation from within the Macro Editor.
The Object Model diagrams provide a hierarchical representation of the features and functions that can be automated in CorelDRAW, Corel
For more detailed information about VBA and its programming environment, please consult the Microsoft Visual Basic Help from the
Help menu in the Macro Editor.
For more detailed information about VSTA and its programming environment, please consult the Help menu in the VSTA Editor.
To manually install the macro features
1On the Windows Control Panel, click Uninstall a program.
2Double-click CorelDRAW Graphics Suite on the Uninstall or change a program page.
3Enable the Modify option in the wizard that appears, and follow the instructions.
4On the Features page of the installation wizard, enable the following check boxes in the Utilities list box:
•Visual Basic for Applications
•Visual Studio Tools for Applications
The macro features for VBA and VSTA are installed with the software by default.
To specify VBA options
Click ToolsOptions.
2In the Workspace list of categories, click VBA.
3In the Security area, specify how to control the risk of running malicious macros by clicking Security options.
If you want to bypass this security feature, enable the Trust all installed GMS modules check box, and then proceed to step 6.
4On the Security level page of the Security dialog box, enable one of the following options:
732 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
•Very high — allows only macros installed in trusted locations to run. All other signed and unsigned macros are disabled.
•High — allows only signed macros from trusted sources to run. Unsigned macros are automatically disabled.
•Medium — lets you choose which macros run, even if they are potentially harmful
•Low (not recommended) — allows all potentially unsafe macros to run. Enable this setting if you have virus-scanning software
installed, or if you check the safety of all documents that you open.
5On the Trusted publishers page of the Security dialog box, review which macro publishers are trusted. Click View to display details on
the selected macro publisher, or click Remove to delete the selected macro publisher from the list.
If desired, you can enable or disable the Trust access to Visual Basic project check box for the selected macro publisher.
6Disable the Delay load VBA check box if you want to load the VBA feature at start-up.
To access the macro tools
ToDo the following
Display the Macros toolbar
Click WindowToolbarsMacros.
A check mark next to the command indicates that the toolbar is
Display the Macro Manager dockerDo one of the following:
Click ToolsMacrosMacro Manager.
Click the Macro Manager button on the Macros toolbar.
Display the Macro EditorDo one of the following:
Click ToolsMacrosMacro Editor.
Click the Macro Editor button on the Macros toolbar.
•Right-click Visual Basic for Applications in the Macro Manager
docker, and then click Show IDE.
Display the VSTA Editor
Click ToolsMacrosVSTA Editor. (VSTA must be installed on your
To create a macro project
•In the Macro Manager docker, do one of the following:
•Click Visual Studio Tools for Applications in the list, click New, and then click New macro project.
•Click Visual Basic for Applications in the list, click New, and then click New macro project.
You can also
Open (or “load”) a macro projectDo one of the following:
•Click Visual Studio Tools for Applications in the list, click Load,
and then choose the project.
•Click Visual Basic for Applications in the list, click Load, and
then choose the project.
Rename a macro projectRight-click the project in the list, and then click Rename.
734 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also
Delete a macroDo one of the following:
Click the macro in the list, and then click the Delete button .
•Right-click the macro in the list, and then click Delete.
Some macro projects are locked and cannot be modified.
To record a macro
Click ToolsMacrosStart recording.
The Record macro dialog box appears.
2In the Macro name box, type a name for the macro.
Macro names can contain numerals, but they must begin with a letter. Macro names cannot contain spaces or non-alphanumeric
characters other than underscores ( _ ).
3Type a description of the macro in the Description box, and then click OK.
4Perform the actions that you want to record.
The application begins recording your actions. If you want to pause recording, click ToolsMacrosPause recording. Repeat this step to
resume recording.
To stop recording, click ToolsMacrosStop recording.
You cannot record a macro if all available macro projects are locked.
Not all actions can be recorded — some because of their complexity (although many such actions can be manually coded in the
Macro Editor). When an action cannot be recorded, a comment is placed in the macro code (“The recording of this
command is not supported.”), but the recording process continues until you stop it. You can view any comments in the code
by opening the macro in the Macro Editor.
By default, macros are recorded in the GlobalMacros project so that they can be accessed from other documents. However, you can
change the default macro project for recordings by right-clicking another project in the Macro Manager docker, and then clicking
Set as recording project. You cannot specify a locked macro project.
You can cancel recording a macro, and discard any commands recorded thus far, by clicking ToolsMacrosCancel recording.
You can also record, pause, and stop recording a macro by using the Macros toolbar or the Macro Manager docker
(ToolsMacrosMacro Manager).
You can also
Save the actions in the Undo list as a VBA macro
Click EditUndo manager, perform the actions that you want to
record, and then click the Save list to a VBA macro button in
the Undo manager docker.
To record a temporary macro
Click ToolsMacrosRecord temporary macro.
2Perform the actions that you want to record.
Using macros to automate tasks | 735
The application begins recording your actions. If you want to pause recording, click ToolsMacrosPause recording. Repeat this step to
resume recording.
To stop recording, click ToolsMacrosStop recording.
The macro is temporarily saved to the default recording project. When the current session is ended, the macro is deleted from that
You cannot record a temporary macro if all available macro projects are locked.
Not all actions can be recorded.
By default, macros are recorded in the GlobalMacros project so that they can be accessed from other documents. However, you
can change the default recording project by right-clicking another project in the Macro Manager docker, and then clicking Set
as recording project. (You cannot specify a locked macro project.) If you want, you can create multiple temporary recordings by
assigning each one to its own macro project.
You can cancel recording a macro, and discard any commands recorded thus far, by clicking ToolsMacrosCancel recording.
You can also pause and stop recording a temporary macro by using the Macros toolbar or the Macro Manager docker
(ToolsMacrosMacro Manager).
To play a macro
•Do any of the following:
Click ToolsMacrosRun macro, or click the Run macro button on the Macros toolbar. From the Macros in list box, choose the
project or file in which the macro is stored. From the Macro name list, choose the macro. Click Run.
•In the Macro Manager docker, double-click the macro in the list.
In the Macro Manager docker, click the macro in the list, and then click the Run button .
•In the Macro Manager docker, right-click the macro in the list, and then click Run.
To play a temporary macro
Click ToolsMacrosRun temporary macro.
This option is enabled only after you record a temporary macro.
If you have created multiple temporary macros, you must specify which macro project contains the one that you want to run. Right-
click the project in the Macro Manager docker, and then click Set as recording project.
To access Object Model reference documentation from within the Macro Editor
1While in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications, press F2 to display the Object Browser.
The Object Browser displays all the features and functions that can be automated in the Macro Editor.
2Choose VGCore from the Library list box.
The Object Browser is updated to display only the features and functions of CorelDRAW that can be automated in the Macro Editor.
Collectively, these features and functions are called an “object model.”
3Click an item in the Object Browser, and press F1.
736 | CorelDRAW X8 User Guide
You can also display information for any item in the Code window of the Macro Editor by clicking that item and pressing F1.
Reference | 737
CorelDRAW for Adobe Illustrator users................................................................................................................................................739
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