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the following order, the dive parameters relating to:
PO2 Mix 1 -> FO2 Mix 1 -> PO2 Mix 2 -> FO2 Mix 2
-> Safety Factor -> Max Depth -> OFF/ON
where PO2 Mix 1 is the oxygen’s partial pressure of the primary
mixture (MIX1), which the diver may set, as already shown, on
values between 1.0 bar and 1.6 bar, by variations of 0.1 bar. The
same may be done for the second mixture’s (Mix 2) PO2. By
depressing button A ( ) the chosen setting is confirmed.
To return to the normal display depress button B (Mode) for
several seconds (picture 1).
WARNING: The computer keeps the PO2 setting on, until
the diver manually resets it to different values.
Related topics:
2.3.1. - Dive parameters setting
3.3.3. - Mixture changing by diving.
3.3.4. - CNS toxicity display.
3.3.5. - PO2 alarm
3.3.2. - Nitrox mixture(s) oxygen fraction FO2 setting.
WARNING: Check the FO2 value set on the computer prior
to diving!
In order to set the correct oxygen percentage contained in the
Nitrox mixture(s), depress the central button B (Mode) to the
(DIVE) menu, as shown in picture 3, where the parameters may be
modified according to the following scheme: by depressing button
A ( ) it is possible to select the dive parameters relating to:
PO2 Mix 1 -> FO2 Mix 1 -> PO2 Mix 2 -> FO2 Mix 2
-> Safety Factor -> Max Depth -> OFF/ON
where FO2 Mix 1 is the oxygen percentage of Nitrox primary
mixture (MIX1), which can be set on values between 21% and
50%, by O2 variations of 1%. The second mixture’s FO2 (FO2
Mix2) can be set to values between 21% and 99%, by O2 varia-
tions of 1%. This is done by depressing and keeping button C
( ) depressed.
NOTE: By keeping button C ( ) depressed, the computer
automatically stops on the value of the first of the two standard
Nitrox mixtures (EAN 32), corresponding to 32% oxygen.
NOTE: By varying the oxygen mixture percentage, the
computer will display the maximum depth (MAX) that may
be reached with that mixture.
This depth varies according to the set PO2.
Depress button C ( ) to manually set percentages of other
mixtures different from the standard ones.
Depress button A ( ) in order to confirm the desired percen-
tage, which will appear on the display.
Depress button B (Mode) for several seconds to return to
the normal display (picture 1).
NOTE: It is possible to modify the Nitrox mixture(s) setting
even during the surface interval (
with de-saturation in pro-
) (Picture 12a).
This feature is important, especially for divers who carry out a
series of subsequent dives; it allows the modification of one
mixture after having carried out a first air dive without having
to wait until full de-saturation.
Manuale ARCHIMEDE II 2008:Manuale 6 26-06-2008 8:26 Pagina 175

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