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It is important to comply with and understand the following:
1 At the end of a dive, the previously set mixture(s) oxygen
percentage FO2 will be stored in the memory
the first ten minutes of the surface interval. Should
another dive be carried out within this period of time, it will
be interpreted by the computer as a continuation of the
previous dive.
NOTE: It is not possible to go to program within the
first 10 minutes after having ended a dive.
NOTE: It is NOT possible to set any variation of the mixture(s)
FO2 within the first 10 minutes after having ended a dive.
Additionally, it is not possible to get to the (DIVE) parameters
setting menu and therefore to modify the previously set per-
centage, within the first 10 minutes of surface interval.
2 10 minutes after the completion of the dive, the computer
resets the FO2 percentage/s on a safety value of 99%, wai-
ting for the user to set the correct value relating to the new
mixture(s). The display will show "--" as in (picture 12b).
The diver must analyze the following dive’s mixture and set
the new FO2 value on the computer.
Should you neglect to set the new FO2 value on the compu-
ter, you would be warned by the PO2 alarm (picture 13), at a
depth of m 4 (ft. 13) (toxicity limit of a EAN 99 mixture, with
P02 value set on 1.4), the FO2 automatically resets the O2
limit value of 99%. This is done to warn the diver and correc-
tly reset his dive’s parameters, by surfacing at once. Should
the dive be continued, a second PO2 alarm at 1.6 bar (that is
at 20 ft.) would start.
3 Should the FO2 value be set and no dive carried out, the
computer will store the set value in the memory until the
current day’s midnight, when it will reset it on 99%
(picture 12b)
Related topics:
2.3.1. - parameters setting
3.3.1. - PO2 setting
3.3.4. - CNS toxicity display.
3.3.5. - PO2 alarms
4.1.1. - Surface interval.
3.3.3. - Mixture changing while diving.
Archimedes II computer can make computations relating to
the saturation and de-saturation of a dive carried out using up
to two nitrox mixtures. In the previous chapters, it has been
shown how to set the basic PO2 and FO2 parameters of the
primary mixture MIX1 and the (possible) second mixture
MIX2, before the dive.
NOTE: Archimedes II computer
starts the computa-
tions relating to the dive on the primary mixture MIX 1.
While diving, it is possible to change from the primary mixtu-
re MIX1 to the second mixture MIX2, by depressing button
B for more than 5 seconds, until the icon of the new mixtu-
re stops flashing. At this point, the mixture change will be
shown by the new value, shown by the MIX2 icon, on the
UFDS display (pictures 14a and 14b).
The same procedure may be used to carry out the opposi-
te change; this will change to the primary mixture MIX1,
when the computer is set on the second mixture MIX2.
Manuale ARCHIMEDE II 2008:Manuale 6 26-06-2008 8:26 Pagina 176

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