Note: make sur e that the sensor cables ar e fir mly
connected to ensur e reliable signal tr ansmission.
3. Carefully insert the sensor cables into the hole
pro vided in t he base frame.
4. Fasten the computer to the base frame with
the previously r emoved scre ws (1a).
Note: make sure that the sensor cables do not
get caught on anything.
Folding up the product (Fig. F)
Fold the product up if y ou are not using it.
1. Slide the seat (3) for wards.
Note: make sure that the seat is completely
slid for ward, and that it cannot mo ve when the
product is being folded up.
2. Loosen the locking screw (1 4), the washer
(1 5) and the locking pin (9).
3. Fold the slide rail (2) v er tically upwards.
4. Secure the slide rail with the locking pin (9).
5. Fasten the locking screw (1 4) and the washer
(1 5).
Note: the product has wheels (1d) on the right
and lef t of the front foot of the base frame. Lift
the product from the back foot until the wheels
touch the floor , and slide t he product to the
desired spot.
6. P er form t his procedure in r everse to unfold the
product again.
Note: hold the slide rail firmly when you are
fastening or removing the locking pin!
Using the pr oduct
Filling the water tank
Before y ou s tar t training, fill the water tank with
mains water . Proceed as follo ws:
1. Remov e t he seal on top of the water tank.
2. Place a large buck et of mains water next to
the product and insert the s tif f end of the hand
pump into the bucket.
3. Insert t he flexible hose of the hand pump into
the water tank.
Note: make sure that the ventilation tube at the
upper end of the hand pump is closed before
you start filling t he tank.
4. Fill the water tank with max. 1 2l of mains
water b y pressing the hand pump toget her .
Note: pay attention to t he fill level indicator on
the water tank when filling the tank. The maxi-
mum fill level must not be e xceeded!
5. Once you hav e reached the desired fill level,
open the ventilation tube on the upper end
of the hand pump so that excess mains w ater
can flow out from the hand pump.
6. Place the seal back on top of the water tank.
Note: the more water you use, the greater the
resistance and the more strenuous the ex ercise
will be. Note that excessiv e resistance can lead
to adverse effects on your health.
Empt ying t he water tank
Remo ve the water tank if you will be stor ing or not
using the pr oduct for an extended per iod of time.
1. Remov e t he seal on top of the water tank.
2. Insert t he stif f end of the hand pump into the
water tank.
3. Place a large buck et next to the product and
inser t the flexible hose of the hand pump into
the bucket.
Note: make sure that the ventilation tube on the
upper end of the hand pump is closed before
you begin emptying the t ank.
4. Pump the mains water into the bucket b y press-
ing the hand pump together.
5. Open the ventilation tube on the upper end
of the hand pump so that excess mains w ater
can flow out from the hand pump.
Note: dispose of t he mains water that has been
pumped out!
6. Place the seal back on top of the water tank.
Adjusting t he footr ests (Fig. J)
Before y ou s tar t training, adjust the footrests
(1b), (1c) to the appropriate size for y our fee t.
1. Pull the movable part of the footrest upwards
to reduce the foot surface area. Pull the mov-
able par t of the footrest down wards to extend
the foot sur face area.
2. Tighten the strap tightly enough so that your
foot cannot slip.
Note: the s trap must be abov e the balls of your
feet to guarantee a secure footing.
Using the holder (Fig. I)
1. Pull the clip (5o) on t he computer (5) upwards
with one hand.
2. Use your other hand to place y our smar t-
phone or tablet into the holder.
3. Fasten y our smar tphone or t ablet with the clip.
Operating t he computer
The product meets accuracy gr ade C , i.e., there
is no claim to accuracy of the computer displays.
Note: remove the plastic film from the display
of the computer (5).
Setting the dat e and time (Fig. G)
Once the batteries have been inser ted into the
computer , a signal tone will sound and the com-
puter (5) will display the date and time as well
as the current temperature in the r oom.
Use the buttons (5j/5m) to set the date (year/
month/day) and the time, and press the button
(5l) to confirm the respective inputs.
T urning t he product on and of f
• When you start exer cising, or pull s trongly
on the pull rod, the computer switches on
automatically . The training display is shown
(all parameters are at 0).
• If the product is not used for appro x. 4 min-
utes, the temperature, date and time are dis-
played. The computer turns off automatically
af ter a shor t time. Press any button to display
the temperature, date and time again. Press
the button again to access the training display .
T r aining displa y (Fig. G)
The following information and respective functions
are sho wn on the display of the computer (5):
• settings (5a), which can be adjusted manually
• distance travelled (5b) from 0.00 to 99.00 in km
• pulse (5c) from 0 to max. 2 40 BPM
Note: the computer has a receiver for uncoded
5kHz chest straps to ensure accurate and
constant pulse measurement. The chest strap (not
included in the package contents) automatically
connects to the computer and transmits the hear t
frequency wirelessly .
• beats per minute (5d) from 0 to 99 BPM
• calor y consumption (5e) from 0 to 999.0cal
Note: the calculation is based on pre-pr ogrammed
standard v alues that ser ve as a guideline only .
• total beats (5f) from 0 to 9990
• average time (5g) r equired to travel 500m,
from 00:00 to 99:00/500m
• alternating display of the respective values
during training (5h)
Button functions (Fig. G)
• Press the button (5i), once your pulse is detect-
ed, to measure y our per formance.
Note: your perfor mance can only be measured
if you ar e using a c hest strap (not included in
the package contents). Press the button once
your pulse is detected. A one-minute countdown
star ts. Af ter the countdown, the display will show
a perfor mance grading.
• Press the button (5j) to increase the values
during input. Y ou can increase the values in
increments of 1 0.
• Press the button (5k) to reset a selected v alue.
• Press the button (5l) to confirm the input.
• Press the button (5m) to decrease the values
during input. Y ou can decrease the values in
increments of 1 0.
• Press the button (5n) to reset all settings.
The following performance levels appear on
the display af ter your perfor mance has been
• F1: outstanding
• F2: good
• F3: normal
• F4: moderate
• F5: poor
• F6: very poor
Selecting the tr aining mode
Choose between the individual training mode or
the goal-setting mode.
Individual training mode
Complete an individual training session by
star ting the workout dir ectly. Y ou do not have to
enter any v alue settings. The comput er continu-
ously records y our values during the exer cise.
Goal-setting mode
In goal-setting mode you can set the values for
total beats (5f), average time (5g), distance trav-
elled (5b), calorie consumption (5e) and pulse
(5c), in that order . Proceed as follow s to set t he
target values:
1. Press the button (5j) to move ar ound the
computer display .
2. Press the button (5j) to increase a v alue. Press
the button (5m) to decrease a value.
3. Confirm your selection with the button (5l).
4. Star t the workout.
Note: a set target value is counted down to 0.
V alues that are not set increase during the work-
out until they reach the upper limit.
General training ins tructions
• W ear comfor table spor tswear .
• W arm up before each training session and
end the session gradually .
• T ake sufficient break s between the exer cises
and keep y ourself sufficiently hydrated.
• If you ar e a beginner, ne ver train with too
much intensit y . Increase the intensit y of t he
training sessions slo w ly .
• Perform all ex ercises smoothly , not jerkily or fast.
• Be sure to breathe steadily . Exhale during
ex er tion and inhale upon release.
• Maintain correct body postur e while ex ercising.
• Make sur e that your feet are optimally placed
on the treads.