Crystal Reports User’s Guide 573
join types 500
full outer 503
inner 501
left outer 501
right outer 502
languages, SQL 514
chart 282
map 300
left outer join 501
less than link 507
less than or equal to link 508
line chart 284
zooming 295
line spacing 255
adding 264
adding blank conditional 220
modifying 264
link relationships 490
link types 500
equal 505
greater than 505
greater than or equal to 506
less than 507
less than or equal to 508
not equal to 509
bitmap image object 326
SQL tables 495
subreports and performance 140
vs. embedded objects 325
data files 493
from table 490
indexed tables 498
one-to-many 472, 490
one-to-one 490
SQL database considerations 495
subreport to primary report 475
subreports 472
tables 96, 489
tables for performance 142
to table 490
to/from calculated fields 479
to/from formula field 479
two or more database tables 96
unindexed tables 480
Visual Linking Expert 498
linking options 500
lists of values
adding from repository 127
command objects as data source 455
null handling 456
overview 442
separate values and descriptions 455
sharing common lists 453
types 443
working with 453
live data 136
live group headers 65
based on formula 200
creating 198
logos, inserting 67, 101
Lotus Domino
exporting to 392
Mailing Labels Report Wizard 47
Map Expert 301
editing maps with 311
map layouts
Advanced 300
Cross-Tab 300
Group 300
OLAP 300
Map Navigator
hiding 315
showing 315
map types 300
Bar Chart 303
Dot Density 302
Graduated 302
Pie Chart 303
Ranged 301