574 Crystal Reports User’s Guide
maps 300
centering 315
borders 316
geographic maps 314
layers 312
titles 311
type 311
on details fields with Advanced layout 304
on group fields with Group layout 307
on OLAP cube with OLAP layout 309
data mismatches 313
drilling down 304
editing with Map Expert 311
inserting on Cross-Tabs 308
panning 315
types of 301
using underlay feature 316
where to place 304
zooming in and out 314
displaying captions or names 379
menu commands, dynamic OLE 322
Microsoft Mail, exporting to 393
edit 222
move/resize 221
multi-pass reporting 528
multiple column reports 239
multiple sections 214
deleting blank lines 220
using in reports 218
natural break option, Ranged map 302
navigation 398
Another Report Object 403
data context formats 407
Report Part Drilldown 400
setting up 398
navigation, and accessibility 546
networks, client/server 511
non-text objects 541
not enforced 504
not equal to link 509
formatting 266
in record selection 161
numeric axis chart 285
numeric values, using accounting conventions 266
and guidelines 246
changing X position conditionally 273
copying and pasting OLE 320
embedded 325
formatting 58
linked bitmap image 326
linked vs. embedded (OLE) 325
merging related sections 216
OLAP grid 368
OLE 318
positioning with guidelines 249
quick reference 353
resizing with guidelines 249
snapping to guidelines 248
static OLE 323
text, inserting 101
variable length 219
changing view of grid 378
creating OLAP report 369
reporting 368
updating database location 373
OLAP cube
charting on 291
mapping on 309
OLAP data
filtering 382
sorting 380
OLAP grid
adding calculations 382
adding totals 378
filtering 382
formatting 375
pivoting 379
reordering fields 379
sorting 380