Press the TEXT/MIX button to switch to TELETEXT. The
initial page or last selected page appears on the screen. The
first page number indicates your selection, while the second
shows the current page displayed.
1. Press TEXT button once, displays the Teletext pages.
2. Press MIX button once more, displays the Teletext
pages superimposed on the TV picture.
3. Press the TEXT button to switch off Teletext once
more, Text mode is off, and TV mode appears.
TOP text
The user guide displays four fields-red, green, yellow and
blue at the bottom of the screen. The yellow field denotes
the next group and the blue field indicates the next block.
Group/block/page selection
1. With the BLUE button you can progress from block to
2. Use the YELLOW button to proceed to the next group
with automatic overflow to the next block.
3. With the GREEN button you can proceed to the next
existing page with automatic overflow to the next
group. Alternatively the PR
button can be used.
4. The RED button permits to return to previous
selection. Alternatively the PR
button can be used.
FLOF text
The Teletext pages are colour coded along the bottom of the
screen and are selected by pressing the corresponding
coloured button.
Page selection
1. Press the INDEX button to select the index page.
2. You can select the pages, which are colour coded
along the bottom line with the same coloured buttons.
3. The VOL
button can be used to select the
preceding or following page.