Preparation time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: about 13-14 min.
4 serving
4 slices of fresh salmon ( 800 gr.)
4 leeks
100 gr. butter
20 gr. parsley
Worcester sauce
1. Put 80 gr. softened butter in a bowl, add
minced parsley and, a pinch of salt and pep-
per. Mix well with a wooden spoon. Make a
roll with this mixture, wrap it into a greased
sheet and store it in the refrigerator until rea-
dy to use it.
2. Meanwhile, put washed and sliced leeks
in a casserole, add 2 tablespoons water; put
casserole in the oven at maximum heat for 3-
4 minutes, let leeks cool in the same cassero-
3. Take a pan large enough to contain fish
slices in circle. Put into it remaining butter,
cover and set it in the oven until butter melts
(it will take about a minute) then set salmon
slices (washed and dried), sprinkle them with
4 tablespoon cognac and a few drops of Wor-
cester sauce.
4. Cover the pan and put it in the oven at
maximum heat for 8 minutes. Turn slices af-
ter the first 4 minutes
5. Slice hardened butter roll. Place salmon
on a plate. Put leeks in the sauce left in the
pan. Mix them and set them in the oven for 1
minute, display the leeks around salmon
slices, top them with butter slices and serve
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 7-8 minutes
4 serving
450 gr. sole fillets
4 tablespoons of white dry wine
4 tablespoons of fish stock
15 gr. butter
25 gr. parsley
1 bay leaf
4 tablespoons of cream
1.5 teaspoon of cornflour
100 gr. of seeded white grapes
black pepper
1. Put a piece of butter on the fillets, on the
side where they ve been skinned, add salt,
pepper and roll them starting from tail. Place
rolls into a greased pan.
2. Add wine and stock, parsley and bay.
Cover and put it in the oven at maximum heat
for 4 minutes, until fish looses their glossi-
ness, mixing once.
3. Drain and save the stock, remove the spi-
ces. Cover the fish and keep it warm. For the
sauce: pour the liquid in a saucepan and put it
in the oven at maximum heat for 1 1/2 minu-
tes, or until reduced by half.
4. Mix cream with cornflour, add it to the
stock, stir until creamy. Put sauce in the oven
at maximum heat for 1 minute, stirring twice.
5. Add salt, pepper. Pierce grapes with a
needle and add them to the sauce. Put it back
in the oven at maximum heat for 30 seconds.
Add the sole rolls and put all in the oven for
other 30 seconds to combine flavours. Serve
Preparation time: 11 minutes
Cooking time: 11minutes
3 serving
1,4 kg. fresh mussels
1 thinly minced small onion
6 tablespoons of white dry wine
25 gr. butter
1 teaspoon of flour
2 teaspoons of tomato paste
1 teaspoon of minced fresh parsley
1. Clean mussels, carefully washing and
rubbing them under running water. Get rid of
broken ones.
2. Put onion and wine in a large pan. Cover
it and put in the oven set on COMBI. func-
tion at maximum heat for 2,5 minutes, to sof-
ten them.
3. Add mussels, cover again and put in the
oven always set at maximum heat for 5-6 mi-
nutes or until all of them are open, stirring
two or three times.
4. Transfer mussels in a warm dish, cover
and let them stand for 3 minutes; then get rid
of the ones still close.
5. With a whisk mix together butter and
flour and little by little melt them to the coo-
king sauce. Add tomato paste and put in the
oven for 2 1/2 minutes more until it boils and
sets, stirring twice or more.
6. Pour all the sauce on mussels and garnish
with minced parsley. Serve immediately.
NOTE: This classical dish turns out very
well in the microwaves oven.