The object of this g ame is to attempt t o score 100 points, or
come as close as poss ible, after 3 roun ds (9 darts). Doubles
and triples count as 2x and 3x their v alue respectively . Going
over 100 points is c onsidered a “bus t” and causes you t o lose
unless all play ers go over. In that cas e, the player closest to
100 wins (play er that scored the l owest amount over 100.
GAME 27: GREEN VS. RED (2 play ers only)
This game is a race around the bo ard, where skill at hitting
doubles and tri ples pays off with v ictory. Player 1 is “ green”
and player 2 is “red.” Player 1 shoots for only dou bles and
triples that are g reen and works aroun d the board clockw ise.
Player 2 starts at 2 0 and works around t he board count er-
clockwise, shooting for red segments ( the temporary score
display will indicate which segme nt to throw for). Note: a
maximum of one double and o ne triple of th e same number
can be scored in a si ngle round. What’s more, hitting the
wrong number (o f your opponent’ s color) subtract s that
amount from y our score - so be c areful. The player with the
most points after co mpletion of t he game is the w inner.
The object of this game is to find “gold.” You collect gold for
each 50 points. G old is only coll ected only if your scor e is
exactly 50 or a multiple of 50 (100, 150, etc.) at a ny point
during a round. However, since “gold” can make a person
greedy, not only do you collect gold for every multipl e of 50,
you also steal 1 gol d from all other pl ayers. Therefor e, as you
collect a gold, y ou take 1 gold from all other play ers who
have gold. This is a real back-and- forth game, but the player
who reaches to sel ected total gold requi red first is the w inner.
This game, inspired by casino play, tests your nerve and skill
as you gamble p oints to defeat your opponent. The obj ect of
the game is to be the first play er to reach the desi gnated
point total. Not e: you can adjust the end-game point t otal.
The dartboard will indicate the number you must throw for.
The default “bet” is 10 points. H owever, each play er can
increase his bet at the start of each r ound to 20, 30, 40 … 90
points. Players usu ally wager hig h when a number ap pears
they are confident i n hitting. To chang e your bet (at star t of a
round), press the BOUNCE OUT button. Your new bet will be
indicated in the display (for ex ample,”b20“w ill appear to
indicate a bet of 20 points). T he bet will autom atically revert
to 10 points at the st art of each roun d.
To “cash in” on y our bet, you need to hit the indicated
number segment. H itting a single on the first throw is a “push”
and does not score points. However thr owing a double or
triple of the corr ect segment on the first throw counts as 1x
and 2x your bet respectively . Your next two dar ts in the round
count as 1x, 2x , and 3x your bet for a single, double, or triple.
The segment scoring display will light to in dicate the number
of successful hits y ou have register ed. Failing to hit the active
segment in a rou nd costs you the v alue of the bet you
selected at the start of the round. Th e first play er to reach the
designated point total is the winner.
This game, whi le similar to Casino A , has an added elem ent
of play. Again, the object o f the game is to be the first player
to reach the desi gnated point total. N ote: you can adjust the
end-game point tot al.
The dartboard will indicate the number you must throw for.
The default “bet” is 10 points. H owever, each play er can
increase his bet at the start of each r ound to 20, 30, 40 … 90
points. Players usu ally wager hig h when a number ap pears
they are confident i n hitting. To chang e your bet (at star t of a
round), press the BOUNCE OUT button. Your new bet will be
indicated in the display (for ex ample, “b20“w ill appear to
indicate a bet of 20 points). T he bet will autom atically revert
to 10 points at the st art of each roun d.
To “cash in” on y our bet, you need to hit the indicated
number segment. H itting a single on the first throw is a “push”
and does not score points. However thr owing a double or
triple of the corr ect segment on the first throw counts as 1x
and 2x your bet respectively . This is where the new
element comes into p lay. Instead of throw ing for the same
segment during e ach round, your seque nce is to span across
the target area. For example, i f the display indi cated to throw
for segment 1, y ou attempt to throw for segment 1, followed
by a bullseye, followed by segment 19. The temporar y score
display will indicate segment to aim for after each throw.
Your next tw o darts in the round cou nt as 1x, 2x, and 3x your
bet for a singl e, double, or triple (b ullseye segment h as no
triple area). The s egment scoring display will light to i ndicate
the number of successful hits you have registered. Failing to
hit the active segm ent in a round costs you the value of th e
bet you selected a t the start of the r ound. The first play er to
reach the desig nated point total is the winner.
This version of Casino is very difficult, as you need to score
at least 3 hits in the active segment d uring each round t o
score points. Agai n, the object of th e game is to be t he first
player to reac h the designated point total. Note: y ou can
adjust the end-g ame point total.
Only the segments 15 through 20 a nd bullseye are active in
this game. The segment scoring displa y will be lit at the start
of each round. The default “bet” i s 10 points. How ever, each
player can incre ase his bet at the star t of each round to 20,
30, 40, … 90 poi nts. Players usually wager high w hen a
number appears t hey are confident in hitting. To chang e your
bet (at start of a r ound), press the BOUNCE OUT button.
Your new bet will be indicated in the displa y (for example,
“b20“will appear to indicate a bet of 20 points). The bet will
automatically revert to 10 points at t he start of each round.
To “cash in” on y our bet, you need to hit an activ e segment
(15 - 20 and bul lseye) 3 times or sc ore a triple “opens’ the
segment for scori ng and that play er receives 3 times t he
value of his bet . Doubles and triples c ount as 2 and 3 hi ts
respectively. Failing to hit a segment 3 times forces tha t
player to lose the v alue of his bet. Also, hits w ithin segments
are not carried over to the next roun d. The first play er to
reach the desig nated point total is the winner.
The object of t he game is to “Eli minate” your oppo nents. The
rules are very simple. Each player must score higher to tal
points with 3 darts than the oppone nt before them. Each
player starts w ith 3 lives. If the player fails to sc ore higher
total points th an the previous opp onents score, they l ose one
life. Tie scores will also result in a lost life. The winner is the
last player w ith lives remaining. No te: you can adjust nu mber
of lives.
This 2 -player game uses only the 20 and 3 s egments to
represent the tw o horseshoe pits. Play er 1 will shoot at the
20 segment and Player 2 will shoot at the 3 segm ent. Scoring
is cumulated per round. First play er to score 15 points i s the
Scoring is as follows: