- Clean and lubricate the bearings
and check that they turn smoothly,
with no flat spots or roughness.
- If any signs of damage are found,
replace the bearings in pairs.
- In order to remove any damaged
bearings use the special bearing
extractor tool, after first heating up
the crankcase to approximately
90ºC. Never reinstall any bearings
once they have been extracted,
because they will be damaged by
the operation of removing them
from their seating.
- In order to replace the bearings,
heat up the crankcase to approxi-
mately 90ºC and prepare the bea-
ring to be inserted by placing it in a
freezer; this will make insertion of
the bearing easy, almost without it
needing to be pushed. If it is neces-
sary to apply force, use the special
bearing punch tool, which acts only
on the outer ring of the bearing and
thus avoids causing any damage.
- Clean and degrease the gearbox
assembly and then proceed to
- Carry out a visual check on the gear
teeth in the gearbox. If there are
any signs of thermal fatigue (heat
discolouration), or loss of the surfa-
ce hardening, or any other irregular
wear on the teeth (filing), replace
the damaged components. If the
damage is on the primary shaft the
entire shaft must be replaced.