To ensure sat isfactory and econo mical operation, it is essential that
the refrigerator is installed as directed in the Electrolux Installation
Instruct ions, and is used in acc ordance with thes e instructions. Th e
ventilation openings for air circulati on over the cooling un it must
not be reduced in size or obstru cted in any way other wise the perform anc e of the
cooling unit may be impaired an d consumption
When the c aravan i s on tow, t he refri gerator sho uld be opera te d e l ec t ri ca l ly , i . e.
from the 12V battery in the towing vehicle,
and not by means of bottled gas.
Because o f the hazards associated with the use of cont inuously
operating bo ttled-g as appliance s with open-f lame burne rs in
difficult-to- ventilate confined sp aces, and other consid erations,
Electrolux do not recommend the installation of their bottled-gas
caravan refri gerator s on boats, and re frigerators so installe d will
not be covere d by the Company's guara ntee.
If, however, a boat installation is planned for the refrigera tor,
reference shoul d be made to Bri tish Standar d 5482, Part 3, 1979
and to the Thames Water Authority "Launch Digest" and "Launch
Specification". Also, current Gui de Lines published by local W ater
Authorities, or the Ship and Bo at Builders' National Fed eration.
It should be noted that special Marine Refrigerators are available
from Electrolux for use on boats.
When the refr igerator is oper ating, refr igerant trickles through the
cooling unit under the influence of gravity. To enable a s atisfactory
flow to take place, the unit must be level in both directions, other
wise refriger ant can acc umulate in poc kets and the co oling proc ess
A continuous rolling and pitc hing motion as occurs in a cara van
on tow will not normally affect operation, but when the caravan is
at rest for more than about half an hour it must be levelled, in both
directions, so t hat the ice-tr ay shelf inside the frozen foo d storage
compartment is level. (This can b e checked with a small spirit level
placed on the ice-tray shelf). If it is not convenient to le vel the
vehicle and it is to stand out of l evel for more than half a n hour, the
refrigerator should be temporarily turned off.
The combined g as control valve and flame failure de vice (5, fig.2),
and jet and burner (9 & 10, fig. 4), must be of the correct type or
size for the gas and gas pressure w hich you use. The gas p ressure
is determined by the type of regulator fitted to your gas bottle, and
this may vary according to the St andard adopted in the c ountry
concerned. In the United Kingdom, and most of Europe, the
standard pressures used for butane a nd propane are as shown in
section 1 of the table below. In G ermany and Austria, the higher
pressure shown in section 2 of the t able usually applies.
It is essential that a reliable pressure regulator, set to deliver no
more than the a ppropriate pr essure shown in the table, is fitted
directly to the g as bottle. Ne edle valve oper ated gas con trol taps
are NOT suitable for use with thi s refrigerator and must not be
used as a substi tute for a pressure reg ulator.
Before using the refrigerator, check from the label attached to it
that the gas equ ipment is co rrect for the ga s and gas pressur e to be
used. If it is no t, the burner, jet, and c ombined gas co ntrol valve
and flame failure device must be changed for the correct size or type
in accordance with the table below. For future reference, any
es made should b e recorded on or beside the data label.
Before using your refrigerator for the first time, it is advisable to wash
the interior and its accessories as described later under 'Cleaning'.
The bottl ed gas equipmen t includes a
which creates a spark over the burner when the button (4) is pushed
in fully. No batteries or flints are required to operate this lighter.
Before starting the refrigerator, al ways check that the alte rnative
method of operation is off as the r efrigerator should not be operated
by both means a t the same ti me. If the cara van is to be s tationary
for a period, check that the refrig erator is level.
Bottled Gas O
eration - Li
the burner
1. See that the voltage selector s witch (7) is set to '0', i.e. is in its
centre position. Ensure that gas is availab le from the bottle and
turn on any taps in the supply to the refrigerator.
2. Turn the gas control knob (5) so that '3' is opposite the indicator
3. Push in fully the gas control knob (5) for about 5 seconds to allow
air to clear from the pipe line. (When starting initially, or after
changing a ga s bottle, it may be nece ssary to push in the knob ap pre
ciably longer to clear all the air. D o not, however, allow t oo much gas
to accumulat e around the burner as an over -rich gas/ai r mixture ma y
be difficul t to ign ite).
4. Still pressing in the knob ( 5) , pus h in t he b utt on (4 ) wh ich oper at es
the Piezo igniter, several times in quick succession. (A click should be
heard each time the button i s pushed in). Continue to pre ss in the
gas control knob (5) for a further 15 seconds to allow time for the
thermocouple tip (over the burner) to heat up.
5. Relea se the g as contro l knob then check t hat the bur ner is al ight by
looking directly through the f lame viewer located inside the cabinet
at the rear left-hand low er corner. If the burner has not lit, repeat
the lighting procedure.
Note:- The refrigerator has a flame failure device which will automati
cally shut off the gas to the burner if the flame is blown out. While
the knob (5) is being pressed in, this device is temporarily inoperativ e.
Electric operation
The dual voltage electric equipme nt is for operation from the main
12 volt battery in the car when th e caravan is on tow, or f rom mains
voltage electricity when a 220 to 240V a.c. supply, with satisfactory
earthing, is a vailable on a site. Before usi ng the refri gerator on el ectricit y
make sure that t he electricity supp ly is suitable for th e refrigerator.
It is important to understand that 12 volt operation is only intended
to be used while the car engi ne is running an d is chargin g the battery,
otherwise the battery may be discharged to a point where it will not
restart the engine. (T he current drain at 12V is 8 amps minim um). When
at rest for more th an a short pe riod, the cara van should be le velled and
the refrigerato r switched over to m ains voltage, if avail able, or the 12V
supply switched off and the refr igerator started up on bottled gas.
Before connecting to a mains voltage supply, it is import ant to
make certain that the circuit to, and in, the caravan is properly and
effectively eart hed.
When opera ting on mains volt age, the t emperatu re in the refriger ator
is thermostatical ly controlled and can be adj usted by means of the
knob (6) of the thermostat. The 12V circuit is not thermostatically
controlled and t he cooling unit will operate all the time the refrigerator
is connected to 12V and switche d on. 12V operation is, t herefore,
only intended to be used fo r relatively short periods, i .e. when the
caravan is on tow. It is not intended for extended periods of use from
a continuous 12V supply, otherwise the fresh food compartment may
become too cold for the satis factory storag e of fresh f oods and drin ks.
For connection to the 12V supply, a two-way terminal block is
located behind th e right-hand end of the control panel (1, f ig 1) at the
top of the refrigerator.
For connection t o a 220-240V electri city supply, the refrige rator
is prov ided with a 3-co re mains lead whi ch is intende d for connection
to a properly earthed plug and socket outlet. In the United Kingdom,
the following plug connection inst ructions must be obser ved.
IMPORTANT: The wires in the mains lead of this appliance are
coloured in accordance with the following code.
As the colours of the wires ma y not correspond with the coloured
markings identifying the ter minals in your plug, proceed as follows :
The wire which is coloured GREEN-AND-YELLOW must be con
nected to the te rminal in the plug w hich is marked with the letter E
or by the earth symbol -=L- or col oured green or green-a nd-yellow.
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to t he terminal
which is marked with the letter N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured BRO WN must be connected to the
terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red.
In the United Kingdom, the plug o r circuit to the refrigerator must
be fitted with a fuse not gre ater than 5 amps. If a 13 amp. (B.S.1363)
fused-plug is us ed, it shou ld be fitted w ith a 3 amp f use. In other
countries, the f use rating will depend o n local practice.
During installati on, a suita ble socket outle t for the mains voltage
supply should have been fitted in th e caravan, near the refrigerator,
in a position readily accessible to the user. In the United Kingdom,
all mains voltage wiring in t he carava n must be i nstalled i n accor d
ance with I.E.E. regulation s, including t he use of an ou tlet and co upler
to BS 4343/CE E17.
Voltage Sele ctor Sw itch
The voltage selec tor switch (7) can be set to three differen t positions,
identified by the following sy mbols :
To start the refrigerator on electricity, see that the gas control knob (5)
is at '0' (off), set the voltage selector switch (7) to the voltage required ,
then connect th e refrigerat or to the ap propriate voltag e supply.
If on mains voltage (220-240), turn the thermostat knob (6) to
setting No. 3