EN - Instruction on mounting and use
Closely follow th e instructions set out in this manual. All respon sibility,
for any eventual i nconveniences, d amages or fires cau sed by not complyin g
with the instruction s in this manual, is declined. The h ood is conceived f or
the sucti on of cooking fume s and steam an d is destined only for domestic
Note: the element s marked wi th the symbol “(*)” are opt ional accesso ries
supplied only with some models or elements to pu rchase, not sup plied.
WARNING! Do not connect t he appliance to t he mains unti l the install ation is
fully complete. Before any cleaning or m aintenance operation, disconnect
hood from the m ains by remo ving the plug o r disconnecti ng the main s
electrical sup ply. Always wear work glov es for all inst allation and
maintenance operat ions. The appli ance is not inten ded for use by chil dren or
persons with impaired physic al, sensoria l or mental facultie s, or if lac king in
experi ence or kn owledge, unle ss they ar e under supe rvision or ha ve been
trained in the use of t he appliance by a person responsibl e for their safety.
This appliance is design ed to be operate d by adult s, children should be
monitored to ensure t hat they do not pl ay with the applian ce. This appliance
is designed to be ope rated by adults. Chi ldren should not be allowed to
tamper with the cont rols or play with the appl iance. Neve r use the hood
without effectively mounted gr ating! The hood must NEVER be used as a
support surfa ce unless sp ecifically indi cated. The premises where t he
appliance is install ed must be sufficiently v entilated, when the kitchen hood
is used together with ot her gas combustion d evices or other f uels. The
ducting system for this appl iance must not be conn ected to any existing
ventilation system whic h is being used for a ny other purpos e such as
discharging exh aust fumes from ap pliances burnin g gas or other fu els. The
flaming of foods beneat h the hood itself is severely prohi bited. The use of
exposed flames is det rimental to the filt ers and may cause a f ire risk, and
must therefore be a voided in all circumstances. Any frying m ust be done
with care in order to ma ke sure that the oil does not overheat and ignite.
Accessible parts of the hood ma y became hot when used with cooking
appliance. With regards t o the technical and safet y measures to be adopted
for fume dischargi ng it is import ant to closely fol low the regulat ions provided
by the local authorit ies. The hood must be reg ularly cleaned o n both the
inside and outside (AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH). This must be completed in
accordance with th e maintenanc e instructions provided in t his manual).
Failure to follow t he instructi ons provided i n this use r guide rega rding the
cleaning of the hood and filters will lead to the risk of fires. Do not use or
leave the hood wit hout the lamp correctly mount ed due to t he possibl e risk of
electric s hocks. We will n ot accept any responsib ility for any faults , damage
or fires caused to t he applian ce as a result of the non-obse rvance of the
instructions incl uded in t his manual. This appliance is marked accor ding to
the European dire ctive 2002/ 96/EC on Waste Electrical an d Electronic
Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring t his product is dispose d of correctly, you
will help pr event poten tial negative con sequenc es for the envir onment and
human health, whi ch could ot herwise be c aused by inap propriate wast e
handling of this prod uct.
The symbol
on the produc t, or on the do cumen ts accompa nying the
product, indicates t hat this appliance may not be treated as househ old
waste. Instead it shoul d be taken to the appr opriate collecti on point for the
recycling of el ectrical an d electroni c equipment. Di sposal must be carried out
in accordance wit h local environm ental regulati ons for waste disposal. For
further detailed inf ormation reg arding the process, collection and r ecycling of
this product, pleas e contact the appr opriate depart ment of your local
authorities or th e local depa rtment for househ old waste or t he shop where
you purchased this pr oduct.
Additional Installation Specifi cations: Use only the f ixing screws suppl ied
with the pr oduct for installatio n. Use the correct lengt h screws w hich are
identified in the Instal lation Guide
WARNING! Failure t o install the screw s or fixing device in ac cordance with
these instructions ma y result in el ectrical hazards.
The hood is de signed to b e used either f or exhaust ing
or filter
The minimum dist ance between t he supporting surface fo r the cooki ng
equipment on the hob and t he lowest part of the range hood mu st be not
less than 50cm from ele ctric cookers and 65cm from gas or mixed coo kers.
If the instru ctions for inst allation for th e gas hob speci fy a greater di stance,
this must be adher ed to. The mai ns power suppl y must corresp ond to the
rating indicate d on the plate sit uated inside the h ood. If pro vided with a plug
connect the hoo d to a socket i n compliance with current regul ations and
positioned in an acc essible are a, after install ation. If it not fitted with a pl ug
(direct mains connection) or i f the plug i s not located i n an accessi ble area,
after installat ion, apply a double p ole switch in accorda nce with standa rds
which assures the com plete disc onnection of the mains under con ditions
relating to o ver-curren t category III, in accordance with installation
instructions. Warni ng! Before re-connecti ng the hood circui t to the mains
supply and ch ecking the eff icient functio n, always check t hat the mai ns cable
is correctly assembled. The h ood is provid ed with a special power ca ble ; if
the cable is damaged, re quest a new one from Te chnical Service. This type
of cooker hoo d must be fixed to the ceiling. Very heavy product; hood
handling and installation must be carried out by at lea st two persons.
The hood is fitt ed with a control pan el with aspiratio n speed selecti on control
and a light switch to cont rol cookin g area lights. Use the hi gh suction sp eed
in cases of concent rated kitche n vapours. It is re commended that th e
cooker ho od suctio n is switched on for 5 minutes pr ior to cooking an d to
leave in ope ration during cooking and f or another 15 minutes appro ximately
after terminati ng cooking.
ATTENTION! Bef ore performin g any mainten ance operation, isolate the
hood from the electric al supply by switching of f at the connect or and
removing the conn ector fuse. Or if the appl iance has bee n connected
through a plug and sock et, then the plug mu st be removed from the s ocket.
The cooker hood sho uld be clean ed regularly (at l east with the same
frequency with which you carry out maintenanc e of the fat filters) internally
and externally. Clean using the cloth damp ened with neut ral liquid
detergent. Do not use abrasive pro ducts. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL!
WARNING: Failu re to carry out the b asic cleaning rec ommendations of the
cooker hood and repl acement of the f ilters may cause fi re risks. Therefo re,
we recommend obse rving these i nstructions. T he manufactu rer declines al l
responsi bility for any damage to the motor or any fire damage linked to
inappropriat e maintenan ce or failure to observe the above s afety
Grease filter - Fig. 26-31
The grease filter must be cleaned once a mon th using non ag gressive
detergents, ei ther by han d or in the di shwasher, whi ch must be set to a low
temperature a nd a short cycle. W hen washed in a dishwashe r, the grease
filter may discolou r slightly, but t his does not affect i ts filtering ca pacity.
Charcoal filter (filt er version only ) - Fig. 28
Type 20 LONG LIFE - Washable activated charcoal filte r
The charcoal filter can b e washed once every two mont hs using hot water
and a suitable det ergent, or in a dishwasher at 65°C (i f the dishw asher is
used, select t he full cycle funct ion and le ave dishes out). El iminate exce ss
water without damaging t he filter, then rem ove the mattress locate d inside
the plastic fr ame and put i t in the oven f or 10 minutes at 100° C t o dry
completely. Repl ace the mattres s every 3 year s and when t he cloth is
Type 15 - NON-washable activated charcoal filter
The saturation of the charcoal fi lter occurs aft er more or le ss prolonged
use, dependi ng on the type of cooking and the regularity of cleaning of the
grease fil ter. In any case it is necessary to re place the cart ridge at lea st
every four mounths. The charcoal fil ter may NOT be washed or rege nerated.
Replacing lamps - Fig. 32
Disconnect the hood f rom the electricit y.
Warning! Prior to touching t he light bul bs ensure the y are cooled down.
Replace with a new 12 Volt, 20 Watt (Maximum) haloge n light made for a G-
directions and do not touch new light wit h bare hands.